Number of found documents: 169
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Culture Collection of Soil Actinomycetes in the Institute of Soil Biology BC ASCR, v.v.i. České Budějovice
Krištůfek, Václav; Chroňáková, Alica; Elhottová, Dana; Petrásek, Jiří; Němec, Jan
2009 - Czech
The Culture Collection of Actinomycetes in České Budějovice (CCACB) was established in 2006 that serves as a depository for cultures of soil actinomycetes. The cultures can be used for research, industrial applications, education and general scientific interest. Cultures are preserved mainly in glycerol or freeze-dried conserves. CCACB will offer strains of actinomycetes, namely streptomycetes (more than 900 cultures at the present moment), in catalogue of cultures, Sbírka kultur aktinomycetů v Č. Budějovicích (CCACB) byla založena v roce 2006 a slouží jako úschovna kultur půdních aktinomycetů. Kultury mohou být použity pro výzkum, průmyslovou aplikaci, vzdělávání a další vědecké zájmy. Kultury jsou uchovávány hlavně jako glycerolové nebo lyofylizované konzervy. CCACB bude nabízet kmeny aktinomycetů, hlavně streptomycetů (více než 900 kultur) v Katalogu kultur, Keywords: .i.Actinobacteria./i.; culture collection; microorganisms Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Culture Collection of Soil Actinomycetes in the Institute of Soil Biology BC ASCR, v.v.i. České Budějovice

The Culture Collection of Actinomycetes in České Budějovice (CCACB) was established in 2006 that serves as a depository for cultures of soil actinomycetes. The cultures can be used for research, ...

Krištůfek, Václav; Chroňáková, Alica; Elhottová, Dana; Petrásek, Jiří; Němec, Jan
Biologické centrum, 2009

Note to the effects of environmental conditions on the occurrence of benthic water bug Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae
Papáček, M.; Ditrich, T.; Soldán, Tomáš; Zahrádková, S.
2009 - English
The aim of this study was to find out what abiotic environmental variables are related to the occurrence of benthic water bug Aphelocheirus aestivalis. Samples and abiotic environmental data sets obtained by extensive monitoring of Labe, Vltava and Danube river basin in the Czech Republic were sorted and analysed by Redundancy analysis (RDA). Results of RDA did not offer transparent response on our question. The reason is probably too rough scaling of environmental variables used commonly by hydrobiologist for monitoring of benthos in running waters. More detailed design of fieldwork is probably necessary for a better solution of question mentioned above. Keywords: Aphelocheirus aestivalis; habitats; abiotic environmental variables Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Note to the effects of environmental conditions on the occurrence of benthic water bug Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae

The aim of this study was to find out what abiotic environmental variables are related to the occurrence of benthic water bug Aphelocheirus aestivalis. Samples and abiotic environmental data sets ...

Papáček, M.; Ditrich, T.; Soldán, Tomáš; Zahrádková, S.
Biologické centrum, 2009

Palingenia longicauda (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera, Palingeniidae): Do refugia in the Danube basin still work?
Soldán, Tomáš; Godunko, Roman J.; Zahrádková, S.; Sroka, Pavel
2009 - English
Palingenia longicauda (OLIVIER, 1791), a well-known species of mayfly belongsto the most critically endangered species of the Ephemeroptera in Europe. It represents the Pontic faunistic element of the expansive type originally distributed in almost all great and numerous middle-sized European rivers in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Rumania, Slovakia, Ukraine and Yugoslavia. At present, the species is extinct or at least missing at most of its original area except for relatively small refugia in the Tisza basin in Hungary and probably also Slovakia and Ukraine. Distribution of P. longicauda is discussed and a new subarea in the Danube delta in Rumania (locality near Murighiol, stretch of the Bratul Sfintu Gheoghe) is documented for the first time. The nature of a new occurrence is discussed – it might represent either a new, still unknown refuge and/or recovery of the original population(s) caused by downstream drift. Keywords: Ephemeroptera; Palingenia; Europe Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Palingenia longicauda (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera, Palingeniidae): Do refugia in the Danube basin still work?

Palingenia longicauda (OLIVIER, 1791), a well-known species of mayfly belongsto the most critically endangered species of the Ephemeroptera in Europe. It represents the Pontic faunistic element of the ...

Soldán, Tomáš; Godunko, Roman J.; Zahrádková, S.; Sroka, Pavel
Biologické centrum, 2009

Impact of ungulate browsing on leaf litter palatability for millipedes (Diplopoda)
Ashili, P.; Tajovský, Karel; Tuf, I.H.; Tufová, J.
2009 - English
Mnohonožky byly použity jako modelová skupina dekompozitorů pro experimentální studium zaměřené na vztahy mezi spárkatou zvěří, rostlinami a půdními bezobratlými. Listový opad a mnohonožky (.i.Glomeris klugii, Glomeris hexasticha, Glomeris connexa, Julus scandinavius, Leptoiulus proximus, Megaphyllum projectum, Unciger foetidus./i.) byly sbírány v lesních porostech CHKO Křivoklátsko. Byla porovnávána chutnost listového opadu z oplocených a otevřených lesních ploch. Listový opad buku (.i.Fagus silvatica./i.) a habru (.i.Carpinus betulus./i.) sbíraný na podzim a na jaře na obou typech ploch byl použit v laboratorních testech s mnohonožkami. Konzumace opadu se signifikantně lišila v rámci jednotlivých variant pokusu. Mnohonožky preferovaly habrový opad před bukovým, opad z oplocených ploch před opadem z otevřených ploch a čerstvý opad před starým opadem po přezimování. Millipedes were used as a model group of decomposers for experimental study focusing on this aspect of ungulate - plant - soil invertebrate relationship. Leaf litter and millipedes (.i.Glomeris klugii, Glomeris hexasticha, Glomeris connexa, Julus scandinavius, Leptoiulus proximus, Megaphyllum projectum, Unciger foetidus./i.) were collected at forest localities in the Křivoklátsko PLA and BR, Czech Republic. Palatability of leaves from two different plots was compared. Leaf litter of beech (.i.Fagus silvatica./i.) and hornbeam (.i.Carpinus betulus./i.) was collected in autumn and spring in both plots and used in laboratory tests with millipedes. Consumption differed significantly between the individual experiments. Millipedes preferred hornbeam leaf litter over beech leaves, leaf litter from the fenced plot over that from the grazed plot, and fresh litter over old, overwintered leaves. Keywords: food preference; millipedes; leaf litter Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Impact of ungulate browsing on leaf litter palatability for millipedes (Diplopoda)

Mnohonožky byly použity jako modelová skupina dekompozitorů pro experimentální studium zaměřené na vztahy mezi spárkatou zvěří, rostlinami a půdními bezobratlými. Listový opad a mnohonožky ...

Ashili, P.; Tajovský, Karel; Tuf, I.H.; Tufová, J.
Biologické centrum, 2009

Interactions between the soil micro-flora and invertebrates in Slovak and Moravian caves
Lukešová, Alena; Nováková, Alena
2009 - English
The role of microflora as food for soil invertebrates is well documented. However, data on interactions between communities of organisms living in caves are very limited. Three caves of the Slovak Karst NP (Domica Cave, Dlhá Chodba Cave, Ardovská Cave) and the Amatérská Cave (Moravian Karst) were selected for this study because from visual observations, it was clear that there was some invertebrate activity. The aim of the study was to compare the communities of algae, cyanobacteria and microscopic fungi developing in excrements of cave invertebrates and in the surrounding cave sediment. The richest communities of both algae and microfungi were found in earthworm casts, containing up to two fold more species than in the surrounding sediment (73 species of microscopic fungi in the casts compared to 37 in surrounding cave sediment in the Domica Cave, and 45 vs. 27 species of algae in the Dlhá Chodba Cave). Keywords: microfungi; cyanobacteria; algae Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Interactions between the soil micro-flora and invertebrates in Slovak and Moravian caves

The role of microflora as food for soil invertebrates is well documented. However, data on interactions between communities of organisms living in caves are very limited. Three caves of the Slovak ...

Lukešová, Alena; Nováková, Alena
Biologické centrum, 2009

Soil nematodes in ungulate grazed and ungrazed forests of the Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve -- first results of an ongoing project
Háněl, Ladislav
2009 - English
The effect of ungulate grazing on various woodland ecosystems was studied in oak-hornbeam forest, subxerothermic oak forest, and herb-rich beech forest of the Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve. Samples of soil nematodes were taken in May 2006 from plots within enclosures established in 1993 and from plots outside the enclosures. The total abundance of nematodes varied from 248.7 to 790.0 x 10.sup.4./sup. ind.m.sup.-2./sup. and was always greater outside the enclosures. In two cases out of four the difference was statistically significant. Bacterivores were the most numerous nematodes. Their abundance was greater only in one plot outside the enclosure in the oak-hornbeam forest and about one half of the bacterivores were short-living .i.Rhabditis./i.. The abundance of root-fungal feeders (mainly .i.Filenchus./i.) was always greater outside the enclosures than within enclosures. Keywords: Nematoda; community structure; trophic groups Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Soil nematodes in ungulate grazed and ungrazed forests of the Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve -- first results of an ongoing project

The effect of ungulate grazing on various woodland ecosystems was studied in oak-hornbeam forest, subxerothermic oak forest, and herb-rich beech forest of the Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve. Samples ...

Háněl, Ladislav
Biologické centrum, 2009

Microarthropods and microbial participation in oak and beech litter decomposition
Farská, Jitka; Jínová, Kristýna; Jirout, Jiří; Petrásek, Jiří; Čápová, Lenka; Rusek, Josef; Krištůfek, Václav; Elhottová, Dana; Starý, Josef
2009 - English
The aim of our work was to describe the impact of a simulated vegetation zone shift to higher altitudes (i) on the quantity and quality of microarthropods and microbial communities, and (ii) on the decomposition rate of allochthonous leaf litter. In November 2002, 480 litterbags filled with oak or beech leaf litter were placed into spruce and beech forests (950 m a. s. l.) on Kleť Mt. (1083 m; Blanský les Protected Landscape Area, South Bohemia). Three different mesh sizes were used for certain soil biota exclusion: > 2 mm, 0.5 mm and 42 μm. Litterbags were sampled after 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months of exposure in the field. Litter pH and moisture were determined in the laboratory immediately after retrieval. Soil microarthropods (Oribatida, Gamasida and Collembola) were extracted using Tullgren funnels. Soil bacteria and micromycetes were isolated using the dilution plate method and specific growth media. Keywords: decomposition; litterbag; microarthropods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Microarthropods and microbial participation in oak and beech litter decomposition

The aim of our work was to describe the impact of a simulated vegetation zone shift to higher altitudes (i) on the quantity and quality of microarthropods and microbial communities, and (ii) on the ...

Farská, Jitka; Jínová, Kristýna; Jirout, Jiří; Petrásek, Jiří; Čápová, Lenka; Rusek, Josef; Krištůfek, Václav; Elhottová, Dana; Starý, Josef
Biologické centrum, 2009

Microscopic fungi as food of cave invertebrate animals - a laboratory food preference experiment
Nováková, Alena; Luptáčik, P.; Kováč, L.; Lukešová, Alena; Šustr, Vladimír
2008 - Czech
The aim was to improve the methodology of the multi-choice food preference tests as a tool for investigation of feeding preference of cave invertebrates. Fungi and algae isolated from cave sediments of the Domica Cave system (NP Slovak Karst) were offered in cafeteria tests as a food to springtail .i.Folsomia candida./i., mites .i.Pantelozetes cavatica, Scheloribates pallidulus./i., and isopod .i.Mesoniscus graniger. M. graniger./i. preferred some species of algae, all offered fungi were rejected. Mainly algae and .i.Mucor./i. spp. from microscopic fungi are preferred by .i.S. pallidulus./i.. Preference of .i.Mucor./i. spp. was observed by cave mite .i.P. cavatica./i. and cave population of .i.F. candida./i. too. All cave animals showed low preference for offered food and have tendency to stay rather on clay cave sediment then on the food. Cílem práce je metodika potravně preferenčních testů při studiu interakcí mikromycetů a různých zástupců jeskynních bezobratlých a prezentace prvních výsledků. Keywords: microscopic fungi; cave; algae Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Microscopic fungi as food of cave invertebrate animals - a laboratory food preference experiment

The aim was to improve the methodology of the multi-choice food preference tests as a tool for investigation of feeding preference of cave invertebrates. Fungi and algae isolated from cave sediments ...

Nováková, Alena; Luptáčik, P.; Kováč, L.; Lukešová, Alena; Šustr, Vladimír
Biologické centrum, 2008

The impact of fishery management at fish ponds on water quality in the water supply reservoir of Mostiště
Hejzlar, Josef; Žaloudík, Jiří; Duras, J.; Staňková, B.; Mivalt, R.
2008 - Czech
A balance evaluation of nutrient sources and nutrient utilisation in fish ponds in the catchment of Mostiště Reservoir that was based on an analysis of hydraulic regimes of fish ponds, composition of water inputs and outputs, and nutrient balance of fishery, i.e. inputs by fish stocking and feeding and outputs by produced fish, showed a significant conflict in the legislation of the Czech Republic that determine the permissible pollution of surface waters on one hand and that allow feeding doses in fish ponds on the other hand. Bilanční hodnocení zdrojů a využití živin v rybnících v povodí vodárenské nádrže Mostiště, které zahrnovalo rozbor hydrologického režimu rybníků, složení vstupující a vystupující vody a dílčích toků živin v rámci rybářského obhospodařování, tj. vstup násadou a krmením ryb a výstup výlovem tržních ryb, ukázalo významný rozpor v legislativou ČR stanovující na jedné straně přípustné znečištění povrchových vod a na druhé straně povolující krmné dávky v rybnících. Keywords: determination of nutrient sources in catchment; fish ponds; phosphorus; water quality; legislation; eutrophication Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The impact of fishery management at fish ponds on water quality in the water supply reservoir of Mostiště

A balance evaluation of nutrient sources and nutrient utilisation in fish ponds in the catchment of Mostiště Reservoir that was based on an analysis of hydraulic regimes of fish ponds, composition of ...

Hejzlar, Josef; Žaloudík, Jiří; Duras, J.; Staňková, B.; Mivalt, R.
Biologické centrum, 2008

Dating of sediments in the drinking water reservoir Římov with cesium-137
Hejzlar, Josef; Borovec, Jakub; Perglová, V.; Hanslík, E.; Nedvěd, L.
2008 - Czech
Keywords: spatial distribution of sediment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dating of sediments in the drinking water reservoir Římov with cesium-137

Hejzlar, Josef; Borovec, Jakub; Perglová, V.; Hanslík, E.; Nedvěd, L.
Biologické centrum, 2008

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