Number of found documents: 2102
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Hybrid evaluation of the industrial global impact on Mexican aquifers under uncertain criteria evaluations
Flores Casamayor, H.; Carpitella, Silvia; Izquierdo, J.; Mora-Rodríguez, J.; Delgado-Galván, X.
2022 - English
The present paper proposes an integrated methodological approach to address the problem of managing five aquifers of Guanajuato state, Mexico, according to such relevant criteria as environmental, social, economic and hydrological aspects. The goal of this research consists in formalizing a structured framework to first evaluate the various degrees of importance of criteria and to secondly get a classification of aquifers by minimizing uncertainty of evaluations. To such an aim, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used for calculating the vector of criteria weights, while the Fuzzy Logic (FL) theory supports in deriving quantitative evaluations of aquifers under each selected criterion. The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is then proposed to formalize the final ranking of aquifers, something that will be helpful to understand which alternative matches all the differently weighted criteria in the most suitable way at a practical level. In such a way, getting a comprehensive and strategic overview about the problem of interest will be possible. Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP); Fuzzy Logic (FL) theory; Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) Fulltext is available at external website.
Hybrid evaluation of the industrial global impact on Mexican aquifers under uncertain criteria evaluations

The present paper proposes an integrated methodological approach to address the problem of managing five aquifers of Guanajuato state, Mexico, according to such relevant criteria as environmental, ...

Flores Casamayor, H.; Carpitella, Silvia; Izquierdo, J.; Mora-Rodríguez, J.; Delgado-Galván, X.
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

Wake Behind a Cylinder: An Overview of Spatio-Temporal Aspects
Uruba, Václav
2022 - English
A circular cylinder in crossflow is subjected to the overview study from the point of view spatial and temporal characteristics. It represents itself a typical engineering problem, appearing in practice frequently in various forms. In fluid mechanics, this case is considered to be a typical canonical case, with relatively simple and straightforward definition, but complex and dynamical flow topology. The typical dynamics is characterized by quasi-periodic behavior called von Kármán – Bénard vortex street with a typical frequency expressed in dimensionless number called Strouhal number. The wake flow structure is considered to be characterized by a single frequency and 2D topology, homogeneous along the cylinder axis, very often. The presented paper concentrates on differences between this commonly accepted model and physical reality. Both temporal and spatial aspects of the flow in the wake behind a cylinder are to be addressed. The turbulent subcritical wake characterized by Reynolds number about 5 thousand will be considered, as this situation is a typical case in mechanical engineering applications. Keywords: circular cylinder; wake; vortex; dynamics; 3D structure Fulltext is available at external website.
Wake Behind a Cylinder: An Overview of Spatio-Temporal Aspects

A circular cylinder in crossflow is subjected to the overview study from the point of view spatial and temporal characteristics. It represents itself a typical engineering problem, appearing in ...

Uruba, Václav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

How to find it in the data?
Zitová, Barbara; Šorel, Michal
2022 - Czech
The lecture aims to introduce the activities of the Image Processing Department of the Institute of Image Information of the CAS in the field of Copernicus data analysis to the professional public. The department has long been involved in the development of digital image processing and deep learning methods. During the last two years, in cooperation with the MFF UK and FJFI CTU, several student demonstration projects using data from Sentinel satellites have been finished, such as crop type recognition from Sentinel-2 time-series images, automatic segmentation of areas by land use or surface type using machine learning methods learning, more accurate cloud detection in Sentinel-2 data, in collaboration with the Institute of Hydrodynamics of the CAS Czech Republic, procedures for estimating landscape surface moisture from Sentinel-2 data and increasing the resolution of Sentinel-3 thermal data using deep learning methods. The second part will present the application of developed methods for other areas in remote sensing. Přednáška si klade za cíl seznámit odbornou veřejnost s aktivitami oddělení Zpracování obrazové informace ÚTIA AV ČR v.v.i. v oblasti analýz dat projektu Copernicus. Oddělení se dlouhodobě zabývá vývojem metod digitálního zpracování obrazu a hlubokého učení. Během posledních dvou let vzniklo několik demonstračních studentských prací ve spolupráci s MFF UK a FJFI ČVUT využívajících data z družic Sentinel, jako například rozpoznávání typů plodin z časových řad snímků ze satelitu Sentinel-2, automatická segmentace oblastí podle způsobu využití či typu povrchu pomocí metod strojového učení, přesnější detekce mraků v datech ze Sentinel-2, ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR postupy pro odhad vlhkosti povrchové vrstvy krajiny z dat družice Sentinel-2 a zvyšování rozlišení tepelných dat Sentinel-3 pomocí metod hlubokého učení. V druhé části budou přiblíženy možnosti aplikace metod vyvinutých pro jiné oblasti (separace zdrojů \ninformace) v DPZ. Keywords: remote sensing; satellite imaging; machine learning Fulltext is available at external website.
How to find it in the data?

The lecture aims to introduce the activities of the Image Processing Department of the Institute of Image Information of the CAS in the field of Copernicus data analysis to the professional public. ...

Zitová, Barbara; Šorel, Michal
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

Measurements of atmospheric aerosol on the top of Milešovka during the presence of fog versus during the absence of fog
Sedlák, Pavel; Ziková, Naděžda
2022 - Czech
The paper describes the measurement of the aerosol particle size distribution during both the occurrence and absence of fog at the top of Milešovka. V příspěvku jsou popsány metody a výsledky měření spektra velikosti částic aerosolu při výskytu i absenci mlhy na vrcholu Milešovky. Keywords: atmospheric aerosol Fulltext is available at external website.
Measurements of atmospheric aerosol on the top of Milešovka during the presence of fog versus during the absence of fog

The paper describes the measurement of the aerosol particle size distribution during both the occurrence and absence of fog at the top of Milešovka.

Sedlák, Pavel; Ziková, Naděžda
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2022

On a class of biped underactuated robot models with upper body: Sensitivity analysis of the walking performance
Papáček, Štěpán; Polach, P.; Prokýšek, R.; Anderle, Milan
2022 - English
Biped underactuated robots with an upper body (being a torso) form a subclass of legged robots. This study deals with the walking performance of such class of legged robot models and has been motivated by the need to implement of the previously developed sensor and control algorithms for the real-time movement of the laboratory walking robot, designed and built at the Department of Control Theory of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) of the Czech Academy of Sciences, see Fig. 1 (left). A detailed description of this underactuated walking-like mechanical system (called further UTIA Walking Robot – UWR) is provided in [2] and [5]. The simplest underactuated walking robot hypothetically able to walk is the so-called Compass gait biped walker, alternatively called the Acrobot, see Fig. 1 (right). For a review of underactuated mechanical systems, i.e. systems with fewer actuators than degrees of freedom, which encounter many applications in different fields (e.g., in robotics, in aeronautical and spatial systems, in marine and underwater systems, and in-flexible and mobile systems), see [3]. As follows, we examine the walking performance of parametrized models for different walking regimes and different values of model parameters. More specifically, the sensitivity analysis (i.e., parameter study) of the walking performance with respect to certain design variables (model parameters) is carried out using the software package alaska/MultibodyDynamics. The main attention is attracted to the role of the upper body mass m3 and position lc3, see Fig. 1 (right). Last but not least, having surveyed the mechanics of planar biped robots, our subsequent goal is the analysis of a 3D biped model where lateral balance is either controlled, suppressed or compensated. Keywords: Walking robot; ALASCA; Simulation Fulltext is available at external website.
On a class of biped underactuated robot models with upper body: Sensitivity analysis of the walking performance

Biped underactuated robots with an upper body (being a torso) form a subclass of legged robots. This study deals with the walking performance of such class of legged robot models and has been ...

Papáček, Štěpán; Polach, P.; Prokýšek, R.; Anderle, Milan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

Development and measurement of gas sensors for room temperature applications
Kočí, Michal
2022 - English
Gas sensing properties of a nanocrystalline diamond with a hydrogen-terminated surface (H-terminated NCD) and a molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) are investigated as conductivity sensors with built-in interdigital metal electrode structures. The H-terminated NCD was prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD), and the MoS2 by a carbide-free one-zone sulfurization method. The sensor's responses were measured for oxidizing (NO2) and reducing (NH3) gases by the same equipment and setup. The parameters of the tested sensors are compared and critically evaluated. Advantageously, the MoS2/H-terminated NCD heterostructure enhances the gas sensing response at room temperature compared to the H-terminated NCD and MoS2 layers. Keywords: gas sensor; nanocrystalline diamond (NCD); transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) Fulltext is available at external website.
Development and measurement of gas sensors for room temperature applications

Gas sensing properties of a nanocrystalline diamond with a hydrogen-terminated surface (H-terminated NCD) and a molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) are investigated as conductivity sensors with built-in ...

Kočí, Michal
Fyzikální ústav, 2022

Spectrometry of neutron field based on p(20)+Be source reaction
Kozic, Ján; Štefánik, Milan
2022 - English
The research deals with a spectrometry of neutron field based on the p(20)+Be source reaction. The p(20)+Be interaction stands for a nuclear reaction where protons accelerated to energy of 20 MeV bombard Be target. Produced neutron field has broad energy distribution up to 18 MeV. The research was carried out at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and was motivated by extension of experimental possibilities of the NG-2 target station. To determine the neutron spectrum, the activation foil technique was used. During the experiment, ten activation foils were irradiated. Activated foils were measured using the HPGe detector to determine the reaction rates of observed reactions. The neutron field was simulated in the MCNPX code, and the simulation served as a priori information for the unfolding of the neutron spectrum in the SAND-II code. A determined neutron spectrum is essential for various experiments, e.g., material research, measurements of nuclear data, etc. Keywords: Accelerator-driven neutron source; activation foil technique; beryllium target station NG-2; neutron energy spectrum; SAND-II Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Spectrometry of neutron field based on p(20)+Be source reaction

The research deals with a spectrometry of neutron field based on the p(20)+Be source reaction. The p(20)+Be interaction stands for a nuclear reaction where protons accelerated to energy of 20 MeV ...

Kozic, Ján; Štefánik, Milan
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2022

Aerodynamic interference forces acting on two square prisms in a model atmospheric boundary layer
Macháček, Michael; Lo, Y. L.; Máca, J.
2022 - English
The presented experimental analysis focuses on the definition of interference factors for aerodynamic forces acting on two square prisms depending on their relative position. Both prisms used had the same dimensions and a height to width ratio of 6 - this ratio is relatively common in high-rise buildings. The experiment was performed in a wind tunnel with a model atmospheric boundary layer, which represented a dense urban area. The forces acting at the base of one of the buildings were measured, and by moving the other building it was possible to measure 204 mutual configurations, i.e., 204 interference positions. In all positions, the windward facades of the small-area model were placed perpendicular to the direction of the incoming flow. This created a detailed map of the interference effect on a wind-loaded pair of buildings. The results show a significant effect of the relative position of buildings on wind loads. A significant increase in\nload occurred due to the proximity of buildings. Due to the interference effect, wind load fluctuations can increase by up to 28% and average values by up to 36%. Keywords: interference effect; two square prisms; wind tunnel experiments; turbulent boundary layer Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Aerodynamic interference forces acting on two square prisms in a model atmospheric boundary layer

The presented experimental analysis focuses on the definition of interference factors for aerodynamic forces acting on two square prisms depending on their relative position. Both prisms used had the ...

Macháček, Michael; Lo, Y. L.; Máca, J.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Tomographic investigation of the sandstone fracture toughness
Vavřík, Daniel; Beneš, Pavel; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka_ml., Petr; Kumpová, Ivana; Vavro, Martin
2022 - English
It is well known that the measured values of the fracture toughness of quasi brittle materials are influenced by material heterogeneity, dimensions, boundary conditions, and unequal tension and compression properties. Standard testing methods supposing isotropic material, in contrary the quasi-brittle materials differ from this theoretical expectation, therefore this approach may fail. The authors present Local Fracture Toughness Testing (LFTT) method to overcome this obstacle. LFFT based on a complex methodology using a series of tomographic reconstructions recorded during specimen loading is calculated independently of the outside boundary conditions. Keywords: fracture process zone; crack path; quasi-brittle material; X-Ray computed tomography; four-point bending test Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Tomographic investigation of the sandstone fracture toughness

It is well known that the measured values of the fracture toughness of quasi brittle materials are influenced by material heterogeneity, dimensions, boundary conditions, and unequal tension and ...

Vavřík, Daniel; Beneš, Pavel; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka_ml., Petr; Kumpová, Ivana; Vavro, Martin
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Recursive mixture estimation with univariate multimodal Poisson variable
Uglickich, Evženie; Nagy, Ivan
2022 - English
Analysis of count variables described by the Poisson distribution is required in many application fields. Examples of the count variables observed per a time unit can be, e.g., number of customers, passengers, road accidents, Internet traffic packet arrivals, bankruptcies, virus attacks, etc. If the behavior of such a variable exhibits a multimodal character, the problem of clustering and classification of incoming count data arises. This issue can touch, for instance, detecting clusters of the different behavior of drivers in traffic flow analysis as well as cyclists or pedestrians. This work focuses on the model-based clustering of Poisson-distributed count data with the help of the recursive Bayesian estimation of the mixture of Poisson components. The aim of the work is to explain the methodology in details with an illustrative simple example, so that the work is limited to the univariate case and static pointer. Keywords: recursive mixture estimation; mixture of Poisson distributions; clustering and classification Fulltext is available at external website.
Recursive mixture estimation with univariate multimodal Poisson variable

Analysis of count variables described by the Poisson distribution is required in many application fields. Examples of the count variables observed per a time unit can be, e.g., number of customers, ...

Uglickich, Evženie; Nagy, Ivan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

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