Počet nalezených dokumentů: 2872
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Teaching the skill of making finger puppets the children with mental deficiency
Snanchurova, E.
2016 - anglický
The topic of this article - training fabrication finger puppet children with intellectual disabilities.The main aim of the work consists in teaching children with intellectual disabilities crochet techniques. Tema dannoj stat´i - obučenie izgotovleniju pal´čikovych kukol detej s narušeniem intellekta. Osnovnaja cel´ raboty zaključaetsja v obučenii detej s narušenniem intellekta priemam vjazanija krjučkom. Klíčová slova: mentálně postižení; loutka; dovednosti; mentally retarded; puppet; skills Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Teaching the skill of making finger puppets the children with mental deficiency

The topic of this article - training fabrication finger puppet children with intellectual disabilities.The main aim of the work consists in teaching children with intellectual disabilities crochet ...

Snanchurova, E.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

Method of projects as an effective development of creative abilities of pupils in the process of professional training
Zinyakov, Vasily
2016 - anglický
This article reflects the use of method of project in the process of professional training of high school students in the interschool city training centre No. 2 in Vladimir (Russia). The proposed material reveals the stages of the work of students in project activities. Klíčová slova: projekt; odborné vzdělávání; tvořivost; project; professional education; creativity Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Method of projects as an effective development of creative abilities of pupils in the process of professional training

This article reflects the use of method of project in the process of professional training of high school students in the interschool city training centre No. 2 in Vladimir (Russia). The proposed ...

Zinyakov, Vasily
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

The “Child ↔ Adult” Relationship Terminology in the Tale of “The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattino” by Alexei Tolstoy in French and Vietnamese
Lo-Cicero, Minh Ha
2016 - anglický
The fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” (1883) by Italian author Carlo Collodi is well known all over the world. However, there is another story for young readers adapted from “The Adventures of Pinocchio” published in 1936, and that is “The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattino” by Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy. In Tolstoyʼs book, the name of Pinocchio is changed to “Burattino”, literally “wooden puppet” in Italian. As Alexei Tolstoy emphasized in “Preface” (1936), his tale was inspired by the story of Pinocchio, but “as the book (“The Adventures of Pinocchio”) got lost”, he told “each time a different story, inventing such adventures that did not exist in the original text.” “The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattino” by Alexei Tolstoy, serves as the main corpus for our study on “child ↔ adult” relationship terminology expressing different positions of “partners”, such as the “inferior ↔ superior” relationship in French and Vietnamese – two entirely opposite language categories. Kinship and social relations are very hierarchical in the Asian peoplesʼ culture and traditions, such as the Vietnamese. Translating relationship expressions or terminology from French, a language which is very limited regarding personal pronouns or substitute pronouns, into Vietnamese is therefore a big challenge for translators. Klíčová slova: child (inferior) & adult (superior) relationship terminology; French / Vietnamese; The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattino (Tolstoy); translation; linguistics and interculture; hierarchy; substitute pronouns Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři UPCE.
The “Child ↔ Adult” Relationship Terminology in the Tale of “The Little Gold Key or the Adventures of Burattino” by Alexei Tolstoy in French and Vietnamese

The fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” (1883) by Italian author Carlo Collodi is well known all over the world. However, there is another story for young readers adapted from “The Adventures of ...

Lo-Cicero, Minh Ha
Univerzita Pardubice, 2016

The application of projects methods in training students in secondary vocational education
Artemieva, Elena
2016 - anglický
This article deals with the experience of the application of the project method in training students in the secondary vocational education. Klíčová slova: vzdělávání; studenti; projektové metody; education; students; project methods Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
The application of projects methods in training students in secondary vocational education

This article deals with the experience of the application of the project method in training students in the secondary vocational education.

Artemieva, Elena
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

Mastering technology of production of toys from felt pupils with mental deficiency
Ivanovna, K.
2016 - anglický
The topic of this article - to master the technique of manufacture of felt toys by students with intellectual disabilities. The main objective of the study is to examine the development of creative abilities of children with intellectual disabilities. Tema dannoj stat´i ovladanie technikoj izgotovlenija igrušek iz fetra učaščitisja s narušenijatu intellekta. Osnovnaja jel´ issledovanija zaključaetsja v izučanii razvitija tvorčeskich sposobnostej detej s narušenijatu intellekta. Klíčová slova: hračka; mentální retardace; toy; mental retardation Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Mastering technology of production of toys from felt pupils with mental deficiency

The topic of this article - to master the technique of manufacture of felt toys by students with intellectual disabilities. The main objective of the study is to examine the development of creative ...

Ivanovna, K.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

The possibilities of the lesson of technology in formation of universal educational actions through
Ulyanova, Ksenia
2016 - anglický
The performance of final qualification work in formation of universal educational actions of the pupils in the course of training in the subject "Technology" is reflected in this article. The offered method of projects is considered as an opportunity and the manual for the teacher in the course of training in the subject "Technology" to form universal educational actions of the pupils. Klíčová slova: vzdělávání; technologie; education; technology Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
The possibilities of the lesson of technology in formation of universal educational actions through

The performance of final qualification work in formation of universal educational actions of the pupils in the course of training in the subject "Technology" is reflected in this article. The offered ...

Ulyanova, Ksenia
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

Embroidery technique at the lessons of manual labor as a corrective method for emotional sphere adolescent girls
Barsukova, O.
2016 - anglický
The theme of this article is embroidery technique at the lessons of manual labor as a corrective method for emotional sphere adolescent. The main goal of the research is to describe correlation between manual labor and emotional sphere of adolescent girls. Tema dannoy smam'ts memoduka yeyshtseantsya na urokakh ruchnogo mrua kak memod korrektsuu emotsuonal'noy sfery. osnoyenaya tsel' tsssledoyeanuya eaklyuchayemsya ye oiusanuu yezaumoseyazu mrudomeraiuu u zmochuonal'nobo sosmoyanuya devochek iodrosmkoyeogo yeozrasma. Klíčová slova: výšivka; dospívání; emocionální sféra; embroidery; adolescence; emotional sphere Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Embroidery technique at the lessons of manual labor as a corrective method for emotional sphere adolescent girls

The theme of this article is embroidery technique at the lessons of manual labor as a corrective method for emotional sphere adolescent. The main goal of the research is to describe correlation ...

Barsukova, O.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

Using situational problems in the study of economic organization in the technological training of high school students
Kloptsova, Olga
2016 - anglický
Using situational problems in the study of economic organization in the technological training of the students for the profession "Commercial Agent" in the Municipal autonomous educational institution "Interschool city training centre No. 2" Vladimir (Russia) is reflected in the given article. The integration of the Russian state into the global economic community has led to a number of specific and urgent problems. One of them is the need to increase its competitiveness through innovation, training and skills of the population. The ongoing changes in socio-cultural and economic life of the Russian society require fundamental transformations in education. New information and telecommunication technologies penetrating into all spheres of human life greatly influence the production and the very existence of a man, especially its habitat and qualitatively change and transform social and economic relations, historically established in the society. Currently, when the economy of the country in implementing market relations needs workers with skills of economic culture, competent in the field of economy, able to foresee the crises and advance the state's economy to new frontiers. Today it is not enough for the specialist to have a lot of knowledge, he should be able to apply the received knowledge in practice, demonstrating his competence. Modern requirements to the professional education are in real contrast to the crisis situation in which the young generation of Russia turned out to be and the inability of a significant number of graduates to adapt to the life and work conditions in an unstable society. Therefore, technological training of pupils in the secondary educational institutions as well as the whole educational system should be aimed at solving problems of adaptation and socialization of the younger generation and be closely associated with the processes of socio-economic changes in society. Klíčová slova: ekonomie; technologie; střední škola; economy; technology; high school Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Using situational problems in the study of economic organization in the technological training of high school students

Using situational problems in the study of economic organization in the technological training of the students for the profession "Commercial Agent" in the Municipal autonomous educational institution ...

Kloptsova, Olga
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

The scrapbooking technique usage at the manual skills lessons for the children with severe speech disorders
Lagaeva, A.
2016 - anglický
The article deals with the scrapbooking techniques usage at the manual skills lessons for the children with severe speech disorders. The aim is to describe the methods and techniques of scrapbooking, which can be used at the lessons of manual skills for children with speech-language pathology. Tema dannoj stat´i - ispol´zovanie techniki skranbukinga na urokach ručnogo truda dlja demej s tjaželymy narušenijmi reči. Osnovnaja čel´ zaključaemsja v opisanii metodov i technik skranbukinga, kotorye mogut byt´ isnol´zovany na urokach truda dlja detej s nazvannymu narušenijmu. Klíčová slova: manuální zručnost; speech disorders; scrapbooking; manual skills; poruchy řeči; scrapbooking Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
The scrapbooking technique usage at the manual skills lessons for the children with severe speech disorders

The article deals with the scrapbooking techniques usage at the manual skills lessons for the children with severe speech disorders. The aim is to describe the methods and techniques of scrapbooking, ...

Lagaeva, A.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

The development of creative capabilities by the technique of manufacturing the dolls Tilda on manual labor lessons at 5th grade
Lyakhova, A.
2016 - anglický
The theme of this article is the development of creativity abilities by the technique of manufacturing the dolls Tilda on manual labor lessons at 5th grade. The main goal of the research is to describe the structure of the craft lessons, creating Tilda dolls. Tema dannoj stat´i - razvitie teorčeskich sposobnostej na urokach ručnogo truda v 5 klasse pri izgotovlenii kukly Til´dy. Osnovnaja cel´ issledovanija zaključaetsja v opisanii struktury uroka ručnogo truda pri rabote s zagotovkami kukly Til´dy. Klíčová slova: manuální zručnost; praktické činnosti; základní škola; manual skills; practical activities; primary school Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
The development of creative capabilities by the technique of manufacturing the dolls Tilda on manual labor lessons at 5th grade

The theme of this article is the development of creativity abilities by the technique of manufacturing the dolls Tilda on manual labor lessons at 5th grade. The main goal of the research is to ...

Lyakhova, A.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016

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