Number of found documents: 1206
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Refinement of the snow cover distribution
Procházka, J.; Šustková, V.; Tesař, Miroslav
2023 - Czech
The study evaluates the importance of automatic snow monitoring stations (ASMS) operated by different subjects in the chosen sub-catchments in the Šumava Mts. in the framework of water reservoir Orlík basin. The attention is paid to the snow cover monitoring as an important water balance component of a basin especially in the mountainous regions. Sub-catchments of the Vltava and Otava rivers represent head water regions of the rainfall windward part of the boarder mountains while Volyňka and Blanice sub-catchments represent leeward inland part of mountains. The importance of ASMS was proved especially in the highest and remote localities of the Šumava Mts. where the basic meteorological stations used for common climatological and hydrological evaluations are missing. The description of the snow cover and its characteristics is possible to improve significantly owing to recent sources and methods. The continual record of the snow cover depth gives for the higher regions of the Šumava Mts. new findings and operational data both for standard climatological evaluations and for further applications used in the framework various institutions, e.g. Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, State Enterprises, etc. Studie hodnotí význam automatických sněhoměrných stanic (ASNS) provozovaných různými subjekty v oblasti vybraných subpovodí Šumavy spadajících do povodí přehradní nádrže Orlík. Je zde zdůrazněna potřeba monitoringu sněhové pokrývky jako významné složky hydrologické bilance povodí zejména v horských oblastech. Subpovodí Vltavy a Otavy reprezentují území pramenných oblastí v srážkově návětrné příhraniční části pohoří, kdežto subpovodí Volyňky a Blanice pramennou oblast závětrné vnitrozemské části pohoří. Význam ASNS je prokázán především v nejvyšších a odlehlých polohách Šumavy, kde chybí základní meteorologické stanice používané do běžných klimatologických a hydrologických hodnocení. Díky moderním podkladům a metodám je možné významně zpřesnit distribuci sněhové pokrývky a jejích vlastností. Kontinuální záznam výšky sněhu prostřednictvím ASNS takto poskytuje pro území vyšších poloh Šumavy nové poznatky a operativní údaje pro standardní klimatologická hodnocení i pro další aplikace využívané v rámci činnosti ČHMÚ, Povodí Vltavy, s. p. a dalšími institucemi např. pro správní a vědeckovýzkumné potřeby. Keywords: Upper Vltava catchment; CHMI; climate map; snow data interpolation; amount of precipitation Fulltext is available at external website.
Refinement of the snow cover distribution

The study evaluates the importance of automatic snow monitoring stations (ASMS) operated by different subjects in the chosen sub-catchments in the Šumava Mts. in the framework of water reservoir Orlík ...

Procházka, J.; Šustková, V.; Tesař, Miroslav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2023

Modeling the spread of loanwords in South-East Asia using sailing navigation software and Bayesian networks
Kratochvíl, F.; Kratochvíl, Václav; Saad, G.; Vomlel, Jiří
2022 - English
A loanword is a word permanently adopted from one language and incorporated into another language without translation. In this paper, we study loanwords in the South-East Asia Archipelago, home to a large number of languages. Our paper is inspired by the works of Hoffmann et al. (2021) Bayesian methods are applied to probabilistic modeling of family trees representing the history of language families and by Haynie et al. (2014) modeling the diffusion of a special class of loanwords, so-called Wanderw ̈orter in languages of Australia, North America, and South America. We assume that in the South-East Asia Archipelago Wanderwörter spread along specific maritime trade routes whose geographical characteristics can help unravel the history of Wanderwörter diffusion in the area. For millennia trade was conducted using sailing ships which were constrained by the monsoon system and in certain areas also by strong sea currents. Therefore rather than the geographical distances, the travel times of sailing ships should be considered as a major factor determining the intensity of contact among cultures. We use sailing navigation software to estimate travel times between different ports and show that the estimated travel times correspond well to the travel times of a Chinese map of the sea trade routes from the early seventeenth century. We model the spread of loanwords using a probabilistic graphical model - a Bayesian network. We design a novel heuristic Bayesian network structure learning algorithm that learns the structure as a union of spanning trees for graphs of all loanwords in the training dataset. We compare this algorithm with BIC optimal Bayesian networks by measuring how well these models predict the true presence/absence of a loanword. Interestingly, Bayesian networks learned by our heuristic spanning tree-based algorithm provide better results than the BIC optimal Bayesian networks. Keywords: loanwords; Bayesian methods; probabilistic graphical model Fulltext is available at external website.
Modeling the spread of loanwords in South-East Asia using sailing navigation software and Bayesian networks

A loanword is a word permanently adopted from one language and incorporated into another language without translation. In this paper, we study loanwords in the South-East Asia Archipelago, home to a ...

Kratochvíl, F.; Kratochvíl, Václav; Saad, G.; Vomlel, Jiří
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

PERUN/Reanalysis - the new Central Europe regional reanalysis
Pokorná, Lucie; Belda, M.; Beranová, Romana
2022 - Czech
The contribution describes atmospheric reanalyses in general, their concept and role in atmospheric and climate research. The novel PERUN/Reanalysis regional reanalysis based on the ALADIN numerical model opreating at the Czech National Institute of Hydrometeorology is presented. Tento příspěvek se věnuje obecnému popisu atmosférických reanalýz, jejich koncepci a roli při výzkumu atmosféry a klimatu. Představuje regionální reanalýzu PERUN/Reanalysis, která vznikla s využitím numerického modelu ALADIN v ČHMÚ v letech 2021-2022. Keywords: assimilation; model Fulltext is available at external website.
PERUN/Reanalysis - the new Central Europe regional reanalysis

The contribution describes atmospheric reanalyses in general, their concept and role in atmospheric and climate research. The novel PERUN/Reanalysis regional reanalysis based on the ALADIN numerical ...

Pokorná, Lucie; Belda, M.; Beranová, Romana
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2022

Automation of metallographic sample cleaning process
Čermák, Jan; Ambrož, Ondřej; Jozefovič, Patrik; Mikmeková, Šárka
2022 - English
Specimen cleaning and drying are critical processes following any metallographic preparation steps. The paper focuses on automation by reason of absence of the process repeatability during manual sample handling. An etchant or electrolyte results in inhomogeneous surface quality because the solution runs off the specimen surface during its removal from the beaker. High-quality specimen cleaning is absolutely crucial for the acquisition of the specimen suitable for characterization by a scanning electron microscope operated at very low landing energies of the primary electrons (SLEEM). The SLEEM technique is a powerful tool for the characterization of advanced steels, as described by many scientific papers. The SLEEM requires the specimen absolutely free of water and any organic residues on the surface. This work presents a novel unique apparatus enabling automatic specimen cleaning and drying after the etching or electropolishing processes. Automation reduces the influence of dependent variables that would be introduced into the process by the metallographer. These variables include cleaning time, kinematics, and motion dynamics, but the process can also be affected by variables that are not obvious. Performed experiments clearly demonstrate our in-house designed apparatus as a useful tool improving efficiency and consistency of the sample cleaning process. The high quality of the specimen surface is verified using a light optical microscope, an electron scanning microscope, and above mentioned SLEEM technique. Keywords: metallography; sample cleaning; process automation; repeatability Fulltext is available at external website.
Automation of metallographic sample cleaning process

Specimen cleaning and drying are critical processes following any metallographic preparation steps. The paper focuses on automation by reason of absence of the process repeatability during manual ...

Čermák, Jan; Ambrož, Ondřej; Jozefovič, Patrik; Mikmeková, Šárka
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2022

Innovative device for the simulation of environmental conditions and testing of building materials
Cacciotti, Riccardo; Wolf, Benjamin; Macháček, Michael; Frankl, Jiří
2022 - English
Excessive humidity influences the performance of building envelopes and the safety of their occupants. Moisture related problems can indeed impose significant health risks for buildings’ users and even lead, under extreme scenarios, to structural failures. This paper investigates an innovative experimental setup for evaluating the influence of changing environmental conditions on the performance of building materials. It stems out from a broader ongoing research aimed at studying the trends of mould growth on wooden building components. The presented results include the design, construction and numerical validation of a small-scale climatic wind tunnel (2m x 1.8m ca.) to be used for the simulation of natural ventilation and daily humidity and temperature fluctuations. Key findings include the final design of a low cost, modular construction which allows gathering reliable data on the response of building materials exposed to changing boundary conditions, intended for improving current mould growth models. Future work is also suggested. Keywords: building envelope; moisture; building material; wind tunnel; performance Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Innovative device for the simulation of environmental conditions and testing of building materials

Excessive humidity influences the performance of building envelopes and the safety of their occupants. Moisture related problems can indeed impose significant health risks for buildings’ users and ...

Cacciotti, Riccardo; Wolf, Benjamin; Macháček, Michael; Frankl, Jiří
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Application of first integrals in the construction of the Lyapunov function for the random response stability testing
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2022 - English
The paper deals with a possibility of using the properties of first integrals for the construction of Lyapunov function for the analysis of a dynamic system stability in the stochastic domain. It points out certain characteristics of first integrals resulting in the necessity to introduce additional constraints to assure the principal properties of the Lyapunov function. A number of these constraints has their physical interpretation with reference to system stability. The advantage of this method constructing the Lyapunov function consists in the fact that the Lyapunov function itself contains information on the examined system and, consequently, it is not merely a positive definite function without any relation to the actual case concerned. The presented theory finds application in many dynamical systems. The procedure is illustrated by a nonlinear SDOF example. Keywords: stochastic stability; Lyapunov function; first integrals; cyclic coordinates Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Application of first integrals in the construction of the Lyapunov function for the random response stability testing

The paper deals with a possibility of using the properties of first integrals for the construction of Lyapunov function for the analysis of a dynamic system stability in the stochastic domain. It ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

100 years of the Friedmann equation
Křížek, Michal
2022 - English
In 1922, Alexander Friedmann applied Einstein’s equations to a three-dimensional sphere to describe the evolution of our universe. In this way he obtained a nonlinear ordinary differential equation (called after him) for the expansion function representing the radius of that sphere. At present, the standard cosmological ΛCDM model of the universe is based just on the Friedmann equation. It needs a significant amount of dark matter, about six times that of the usual baryonic matter, besides an even larger amount of dark energy to be consistent with the real universe. But to date, both dark matter and dark energy have remained without concrete evidence based on direct physical measurements. We present several arguments showing that such a claimed amount of dark matter and dark energy can only be the result of vast overestimation, incorrect extrapolations, and that it does not correspond to the real universe. The spatial part of our universe seems to be locally flat and thus it can be locally modeled by the Euclidean space. However, Friedmann did not consider the flat space with zero curvature. Therefore, in the second part of this paper we will derive a general form of the corresponding metric tensor satisfying Einstein’s equations with zero right-hand side. Keywords: Einstein's equations; modeling error; incorrect extrapolations; dark matter Fulltext is available at external website.
100 years of the Friedmann equation

In 1922, Alexander Friedmann applied Einstein’s equations to a three-dimensional sphere to describe the evolution of our universe. In this way he obtained a nonlinear ordinary differential equation ...

Křížek, Michal
Matematický ústav, 2022

The characterization of the collimated beams of fast neutrons with the CLID detecion system
Ansorge, Martin; Novák, Jan; Majerle, Mitja; Kozic, Ján
2022 - English
A new detection device for the measurements of light ions (p, d, t, α) emitted as the products of the nuclear reactions induced by fast neutrons (5-33 MeV) was recently developed at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The main objective of the Chamber-for-Light-Ion-Detection (CLID) is to produce new differential nuclear data of high interest for the material applications related to fusion and aerospace technologies and to potentially test and validate models of nuclear reactions. Hereby the experimental set-up for the measurements with the CLID is described in detail. The experimental characterization of the collimated fast neutron beams produced by the cyclotron-driven converter (p(35 MeV)+Be(2.5 mm)) is presented. In particular, the implementation of the Proton-Recoil-Telescope technique used for neutron energy spectra determination with the CLID is described. Keywords: CLID; collimated fast neutron beams; cyclotron U-120M; NPI; Proton-Recoil-Telescope Available in digital repository of the ASCR
The characterization of the collimated beams of fast neutrons with the CLID detecion system

A new detection device for the measurements of light ions (p, d, t, α) emitted as the products of the nuclear reactions induced by fast neutrons (5-33 MeV) was recently developed at the Nuclear ...

Ansorge, Martin; Novák, Jan; Majerle, Mitja; Kozic, Ján
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2022

Damping of human vocal folds vibration
Radolf, Vojtěch; Horáček, Jaromír; Bula, Vítězslav; Geneid, A.; Laukkanen, A. M.
2022 - English
This study investigates the biomechanics of the end-part of phonation, i.e. the so-called phonation offset, experimentally. This information of vocal fold damping is important for testing and further development of mathematical modelling of phonation. The measurements of the damping ratio, based on high-speed videolaryngoscopic registrations, were realized on a male subject phonating on the vowel [o:]. The results show during the phonation offset a remarkable decrease of vibration frequency of the vocal folds and an increased damping ratio limiting to the value D≈ 0.2. The results for vocal folds’ damping are in agreement with previous measurements performed on humans using different methods. Keywords: damping ratio measurement; phonation offset; high-speed videolaryngoscopy Fulltext is available at external website.
Damping of human vocal folds vibration

This study investigates the biomechanics of the end-part of phonation, i.e. the so-called phonation offset, experimentally. This information of vocal fold damping is important for testing and further ...

Radolf, Vojtěch; Horáček, Jaromír; Bula, Vítězslav; Geneid, A.; Laukkanen, A. M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

Design of the magnetically sensitive hydrodynamic bearing for the experimental rotor rig
Ferfecki, P.; Zapoměl, Jaroslav; Molčan, M.
2022 - English
In a hydrodynamic bearing, the relative motion between the rotating shaft and stationary housing is separated by a thin film of a lubricant. The magnetically sensitive lubricants with the promise of a semiactive control are able to improve the vibration response of the rotor system supported by the hydrodynamic bearings. A design of the magnetically sensitive hydrodynamic bearing is briefly introduced in this paper. The presented experimental rotor rig is proposed to analyse the large range of load conditions and rotational speeds of the bearing. The designed hydrodynamic bearing is intended to test the ferrofluids, magnetorheological oils, and nano-micro composite magnetic fluids. The apparent viscosity of the magnetically sensitive lubricant is altered by the magnetic field generated by the electric coil and thus the position of the bearing journal is shifted. The experimental measurement results show that the rheological behaviour of the lubrication layer with a magnetorheological fluid is significantly influenced by a magnetic field. The raising magnitude of the current in the electric coil leads to an increase in the bearing's load performance. Keywords: magnetically sentivive fluid; hydrodynamic lubrication; sommerfeld number; experimental measurement; load bearing capacity Fulltext is available at external website.
Design of the magnetically sensitive hydrodynamic bearing for the experimental rotor rig

In a hydrodynamic bearing, the relative motion between the rotating shaft and stationary housing is separated by a thin film of a lubricant. The magnetically sensitive lubricants with the promise of a ...

Ferfecki, P.; Zapoměl, Jaroslav; Molčan, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

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