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IPC-IOPC 2024: Abstract book
Bek, Jiří; Votočková Frojdová, Jana
2024 - anglický
Klíčová slova: Palaeobotany; palynology; plants; spores Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
IPC-IOPC 2024: Abstract book

Bek, Jiří; Votočková Frojdová, Jana
Geologický ústav, 2024

2TDK Railway, profile P18. Datings. Final Report.
Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.; Hercman, H.; Horáček, I.; Kdýr, Šimon; Kogovšek, B.
2023 - anglický
Samples for datings were taken in the railway construction (2TDK) near village of Divača, Classical Karst on October 12, 2021: (1) vertebrate bones in cave 2TDK – 002 at the profile P18, cave entrance appeared during the construction operations on cleaned karst surface in a wall of karst depression. Samples of mammal bones and gastropods were collected in situ on cave bottom, and (2) pieces of speleothems occurring in non in situ position on artificially planated surface near the cave opening were collected. U-series: no numerical date was obtained as geochemistry of sample indicate open system, probably due to recrystallization of sample in soil cover. Paleomagnetism: The transition of N- and R-polarized samples cannot be identified more precisely as U-series radiometric dating yielded no numerical results. The transition easily can represent Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (at 773 ka) as well as any of older such transitions (e. g., base of Jaramillo, base of Olduvai). In any case the speleothem grew in a closed cave space with roof, probably as flowstone (inclusion of red soils above the base) and later as baldachin on eroded allogenic fill of the paleocave. Vertebrate paleontology: bone remains of small and larger vertebrates represent subrecent to Holocene species. Sorex alpinus represents the species quite rare in fossil record, but recetly limited to variegated woodland habitats with high surface humidity. A chamois Rupicapra rupicapra represents a resident species present in Slovenia throughout all stages of a glacial cycle, recently restricted to mountain habitats. Klíčová slova: Divača Karst; unroofed cave; speleothem; U-Th dating; paleomagnetism; zoopaleontology Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
2TDK Railway, profile P18. Datings. Final Report.

Samples for datings were taken in the railway construction (2TDK) near village of Divača, Classical Karst on October 12, 2021: (1) vertebrate bones in cave 2TDK – 002 at the profile P18, cave entrance ...

Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.; Hercman, H.; Horáček, I.; Kdýr, Šimon; Kogovšek, B.
Geologický ústav, 2023

Kráľova Lehota. Paleomagnetic research. Report
Elbra, Tiiu; Schnabl, Petr; Aidona, E.; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Benediková, L.
2023 - anglický
Klíčová slova: Archeological artefact; paleomagnetic dating; rock magnetism Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Kráľova Lehota. Paleomagnetic research. Report

Elbra, Tiiu; Schnabl, Petr; Aidona, E.; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Benediková, L.
Geologický ústav, 2023

Jánovce. Paleomagnetic research. Report
Elbra, Tiiu; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr
2023 - anglický
Klíčová slova: Jánovce archeological site; Paleomagnetism; Rock magnetism Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Jánovce. Paleomagnetic research. Report

Elbra, Tiiu; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr
Geologický ústav, 2023

Paleomagnetic research of fill at T1 north portal (Rhinoceros site) – 2TDK Slovenia. Final Report
Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.; Kdýr, Šimon; Pruner, Petr; Švara, A.
2020 - anglický
Klíčová slova: karst sediments; paleomagnetism; magnetostratigraphy; railway construction; Classical Karst; Slovenia Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Paleomagnetic research of fill at T1 north portal (Rhinoceros site) – 2TDK Slovenia. Final Report

Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.; Kdýr, Šimon; Pruner, Petr; Švara, A.
Geologický ústav, 2020

Mineralogic analyses of samples from karst sediments in Slovenia, 6. Final Report
Šťastný, Martin; Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.
2018 - anglický
Klíčová slova: karst sediments; mineralogy; mineralogic analyses Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Mineralogic analyses of samples from karst sediments in Slovenia, 6. Final Report

Šťastný, Martin; Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.
Geologický ústav, 2018

Paleomagnetic research of the fill in the Kalacka Cave, Poland. Final report. Catalogue of primary paleomagnetic data.
Pruner, Petr; Čížková, Kristýna; Kdýr, Šimon
2017 - anglický
Klíčová slova: palaeomagnetism; caves; Kalacka Cave, Poland Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Paleomagnetic research of the fill in the Kalacka Cave, Poland. Final report. Catalogue of primary paleomagnetic data.

Pruner, Petr; Čížková, Kristýna; Kdýr, Šimon
Geologický ústav, 2017

New data on the origin of the Fe-Cu-As skarn deposit at Obří důl, West Sudetes, Bohemian Massif
Pašava, J.; Veselovský, F.; Dobeš, P.; Erban, V.; Pour, O.; Žák, Karel; Ackerman, Lukáš; Haluzová, Eva; Creaser, R.; Tásler, R.
2017 - anglický
The Obří důl Fe-Cu-As sulfide deposit is hosted in metamorphosed lenses of marble, calc-silicate rocks and skarns. The deposit is located up to a few hundred meters away from the contact of the large, late-orogenic Variscan Krkonoše-Jizera Plutonic Complex (KJPC). Mineralogical and fluid inclusion studies of the Gustavská ore lens show that the main sulfide stage, dominated by pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite, originated from water-rich hydrothermal fluids with salinities up to 8 wt.% NaCl eq. at temperatures ranging from 324 to 358°C.These fluids replaced mainly the carbonate-rich lithologies. The 34S values indicate a magmatic source of sulfur and Re/Os dating of molybdenite are consistent with simultaneous formation of the main sulfide stage ore and the KJPC. Klíčová slova: Obří důl; Bohemian Massif; West Sudetes Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
New data on the origin of the Fe-Cu-As skarn deposit at Obří důl, West Sudetes, Bohemian Massif

The Obří důl Fe-Cu-As sulfide deposit is hosted in metamorphosed lenses of marble, calc-silicate rocks and skarns. The deposit is located up to a few hundred meters away from the contact of the ...

Pašava, J.; Veselovský, F.; Dobeš, P.; Erban, V.; Pour, O.; Žák, Karel; Ackerman, Lukáš; Haluzová, Eva; Creaser, R.; Tásler, R.
Geologický ústav, 2017

Na Javorce Cave - a new discovery in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic): unique example of relationships between hydrothermal and common karstification.
Dragoun, J.; Žák, Karel; Vejlupek, J.; Filippi, Michal; Novotný, J.; Dobeš, J.
2013 - anglický
The Na Javorce Cave is located in the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic, about 25 km SW of Prague. The cave was formed in vertically dipping layers of Lower Devonian limestone; it is 1,723 m long and 129 m deep, of which 9 m is permanently flooded. The cave is polygenetic, with several clearly separable evolutionary stages. Cavities discovered to date were mostly formed along the tectonic structures of two main systems. One of these systems is represented by vertical faults of generally N-S strike, which are frequently accompanied by vein hydrothermal calcite with crystal cavities. The second fault system is represented by moderately inclined west-dipping faults. Smaller tube-like passages of phreatic morphology connect the larger cavities. The fluid inclusion data obtained for calcite developed along both fault systems in combination with C and O stable isotope studies indicate that the hydrothermal calcite was deposited from moderately NaCl-type basinal fluids (0.5 to 8.7 wt. % NaCl equ Klíčová slova: caves; karstification; karst; Bohemian Karst Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Na Javorce Cave - a new discovery in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic): unique example of relationships between hydrothermal and common karstification.

The Na Javorce Cave is located in the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic, about 25 km SW of Prague. The cave was formed in vertically dipping layers of Lower Devonian limestone; it is 1,723 m long and 129 ...

Dragoun, J.; Žák, Karel; Vejlupek, J.; Filippi, Michal; Novotný, J.; Dobeš, J.
Geologický ústav, 2013

New localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates in Slovakia
Orvošová, M.; Vlček, L.; Žák, Karel
2013 - anglický
Three new localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates (CCCcoarse) have been recently discovered in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. CCCcoarse are secondary mineral formations in the cave and belong to speleothems. They occur in the form of loose accumulations of calcite crystals and crystal aggregates freely deposited on the bottom of the cavities. Their genesis is interpreted as related to slow karst-water freezing in pools inside the caves, in relation to the existence of a permafrost zone during Quaternary glacials. The newly discovered CCCcoarse localities in Četníkova svadba Cave, Demänovská j. mieru Cave and Zlomísk Cave are characterized by description and photodocumentation of the present crystal forms, by preliminary C and O isotope data, and by their U-series ages. The ages of the cryogenic crystals are in the range between 47 and 12 ka BP, corresponding to the latter half of the Last Glacial. Any new locality of CCCcoarse formed during the Last Glacial represents an important source of information about paleoclimatic conditions of adjacent areas. The U-series ages of the new localities support the earlier conclusion that the formation of CCCcoarse is related to transitions from cold to warm climate periods within the Last Glacial. Klíčová slova: caves; carbonates; cryogenic carbonates Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
New localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates in Slovakia

Three new localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates (CCCcoarse) have been recently discovered in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. CCCcoarse are secondary mineral formations in ...

Orvošová, M.; Vlček, L.; Žák, Karel
Geologický ústav, 2013

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