Počet nalezených dokumentů: 16490
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Implementation of a plasticity model with advanced kinematic hardening rule for additively manufactured materials
Marek, René; Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan; Džugan, J.
2023 - anglický
This technical report summarizes particularly the modeling part of the project DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” including development of models to describe multi-material 3D printed structures. The work is done in cooperation between COMTES FHT, a.s., the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. and PROINNO, a.s. The goal of the project is the development of material models describing the behavior of multi-material components deposited by the direct deposition method (DED) under multiaxial cyclic loading.\nIn the report, a plasticity model suitable for materials prepared by the additive manufacturing method is compiled and used. The model uses Hill's plasticity condition, an advanced multi-component kinematic hardening rule, and an isotropic hardening rule. The associated flow rule is chosen and the implementation assumes the theory of small deformations. All constitutive relationships are presented and discussed for the selected model, and the model is thus fully and unambiguously formulated. The model is analytically integrated for a special case of loading and a special choice of parameters of the plasticity condition, namely transverse isotropy. A discretization scheme for numerical integration and procedures for FE implementation of the model are presented. For the FE implementation, a formulation in the displacement field is assumed, specifically the FE solver Abaqus and the implementation of the model using the UMAT interface are targeted. Several examples of the model's response to monotonic, uniaxial and biaxial cyclic loading trajectories are presented. \n Tato zpráva shrnuje postup prací na dílčím projektu DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” zahrnující vývoj modelů pro popis chování multi-materiálových 3D tištěných struktur řešený v konsorciu COMTES FHT, a.s., Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i. a PROINNO, a.s. Cílem projektu je vývoj materiálových modelů popisujících chování multi-materiálových komponent deponovaných metodou přímé depozice (DED) pří víceosém cyklickém zatěžování. \nVe zprávě je sestaven a použit model plasticity vhodný pro materiály připravené metodou aditivní výroby. Model využívá Hillovu podmínku plasticity, pokročilý vícesložkový model kinematického zpevnění a model isotropního zpevnění. Je zvolen asociovaný zákon tečení a implementace předpokládá teorii malých deformací. Pro zvolený model jsou uvedeny a diskutovány všechny konstitutivní vztahy a model je tak plně a jednoznačně formulován. Model je analyticky integrován pro speciální případ zatěžování a speciální volbu parametrů podmínky plasticity, konkrétně příčnou isotropii. Je prezentováno diskretizační schema pro numerickou integraci a procedury pro MKP implementaci modelu. U MKP implementace se předpokládá formulace v poli posunutí, konkrétně je pak cíleno na MKP řešič Abaqus a implementaci modelu pomocí rozhraní UMAT. Je prezentováno několik příkladů odezvy modelu na monotónní, jednoosé a víceosé cycklické zatěžovací trajektorie.\n Klíčová slova: plasticity; anisotropy; additive manufacturing Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Implementation of a plasticity model with advanced kinematic hardening rule for additively manufactured materials

This technical report summarizes particularly the modeling part of the project DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” including development of models to ...

Marek, René; Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan; Džugan, J.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Astrophysical black holes embedded in organized magnetic fields
Karas, Vladimír
2023 - anglický
Large-scale magnetic fields pervade the cosmic environment where the astrophysical black holes are often embedded and influenced by mutual interaction. In thiscontribution, we outline the appropriate mathematical framework to describe magnetized black holes within General Relativity, and we show several examples of how these can be employed in the astrophysical context. In particular, we examine the magnetized black hole metric in terms of an exact solution of electro-vacuum Einstein-Maxwell equations under the influence of a non-vanishing electric charge. New effects emerge: the expulsion of the magnetic flux out of the black-hole horizon depends on the intensity of the imposed magnetic field. Klíčová slova: black holes; electromagnetic fields; general relativity Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Astrophysical black holes embedded in organized magnetic fields

Large-scale magnetic fields pervade the cosmic environment where the astrophysical black holes are often embedded and influenced by mutual interaction. In thiscontribution, we outline the appropriate ...

Karas, Vladimír
Astronomický ústav, 2023

Posouzení výpočtové dokumentace zaměřené na hodnocení analýzy dopradu zvýšení výkonu bloků EDU II na vibrace potrubí NV a posouzení vlivu zvýšení průtoku média na vibrace parovodů a uložení potrubí
Šulc, Petr; Pešek, Luděk; Gabriel, Dušan
2023 - český
Tato technická zpráva byla vypracována pro Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost v rámci zakázky 772201-Expertní podpora SÚJB v oblasti hodnocení pevnosti a životnosti strojních komponent. Zpráva byla vypracována jako posudek k technické zprávě ÚJV DITI 2301/1350: 6729 - Využití projektových rezerv EDU II - 6.3 - analýzy vibrací POTRUBÍ nV a 6.03 Posouzení vlivu zvýšení průtoku média na vibrace parovodů a uložení potrubí vypracované pracovníky oddělení Hodnocení pevnosti a životnosti ÚJV Řež, a. s. a pracovníky Ústavu aplikované mechaniky Brno, s.r.o.. Účelem zprávy [T574/23] bylo podat SÚJB vlastní odborné stanovisko / nezávislé vyjádření k výrokům autorů zprávy ÚJV Řež. V souladu s požadavkem SÚJB byl při zpracování posudku kladen důraz zejména na dynamické aspekty dané problematiky. Posuzovatel zaujal k předložené zprávě ÚJV souhlasné stanovisko s několika drobnými připomínkami vesměs formální povahy. This technical report has been prepared for the State Office for Nuclear Safety within the framework of the contract 772201-Expert support to SÚJB in the field of strength and durability assessment of machine components. The report was prepared as an opinion to the technical report UJV DITI 2301/1350: 6729 - Utilisation of EDU II design reserves - 6.3 - Vibration analysis of the PIPELINE nV and 6.03 Assessment of the effect of increased media flow rate on the vibration of steam pipelines and pipeline embedment prepared by the staff of the Strength and Durability Assessment Department of UJV Rez, a. The purpose of the report [T574/23] was to provide the SAJB with its own expert opinion / independent opinion on the statements of the authors of the ÚJV Řež report. In accordance with the requirement of the SNCB, the emphasis in the preparation of the report was placed on the dynamic aspects of the issue. The assessor took a favourable opinion on the submitted UJV report with a few minor comments, mostly of a formal nature.\n\n Klíčová slova: vibration; steam pipe; feed water pipe; steam generator Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Posouzení výpočtové dokumentace zaměřené na hodnocení analýzy dopradu zvýšení výkonu bloků EDU II na vibrace potrubí NV a posouzení vlivu zvýšení průtoku média na vibrace parovodů a uložení potrubí

Tato technická zpráva byla vypracována pro Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost v rámci zakázky 772201-Expertní podpora SÚJB v oblasti hodnocení pevnosti a životnosti strojních komponent. Zpráva byla ...

Šulc, Petr; Pešek, Luděk; Gabriel, Dušan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Studie rozptylu nebezpečného polutantu v podzemní místnosti
Nosek, Štěpán
2023 - český
Tato studie zkoumala proudění vzduchu a šíření polutantů v podzemní místnosti s využitím dvou různých metod ventilace: přirozeného a nuceného větrání. Experiment byl prováděn na zmenšeném modelu místnosti v aerodynamickém tunelu pomocí fyzikálního modelování. Základními cíli bylo porozumět chování proudění vzduchu a rozptylu pasivních polutantů v reálném prostředí za izotermních podmínek. This study investigated airflow and pollutant dispersion in an underground room using two different ventilation methods: natural and forced ventilation. The experiment was conducted on a scale model of the room in a wind tunnel using physical modelling. The main objectives were to understand the airflow behaviour and dispersion of passive pollutants in a real environment under isothermal conditions. Klíčová slova: air pollution; atmospheric boundary layer; indoor; natural ventilation; wind tunnel Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Studie rozptylu nebezpečného polutantu v podzemní místnosti

Tato studie zkoumala proudění vzduchu a šíření polutantů v podzemní místnosti s využitím dvou různých metod ventilace: přirozeného a nuceného větrání. Experiment byl prováděn na zmenšeném modelu ...

Nosek, Štěpán
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Implementation of wall functions into a hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method
Kubíčková, Lucie; Isoz, Martin
2023 - anglický
Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method (HFDIB) is a simulation approach used in computational fluid dynamics. The approach avoids usage of complex geometry-conforming computational domains. Instead, a simple domain is used and the geometry is projected onto it by a scalar field and adjustment of governing equations. Hence, the time spent on mesh generation is substantially reduced. It is advantageous to use the HFDIB in geometry optimizations where it allows for a massive optimization speed-up. Nevertheless, there is a problem with simulation of the fluid behavior in the boundary layer in the vicinity of the immersed walls. Especially, in simulation of highly turbulent flows, where the boundary layer is very thin and the usage of finer mesh is unaffordable. In this work, we aim to solve this problem by implementation of Reynolds averaged turbulence models in our custom HFDIB variant. In particular, we implemented the k-ω turbulence model and blended wall functions for closure variables and velocity. Klíčová slova: wall functions; immersed boundary method; CFD; RAS Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Implementation of wall functions into a hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method

Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method (HFDIB) is a simulation approach used in computational fluid dynamics. The approach avoids usage of complex geometry-conforming computational domains. ...

Kubíčková, Lucie; Isoz, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Model order reduction of transport-dominated systems with rotations using shifted proper orthogonal decomposition and artificial neural networks
Kovárnová, A.; Isoz, Martin
2023 - anglický
In the present work, we concentrate on particle-laden flows as an example of industry-relevant transport-dominated systems. Our previously-developed framework for data-driven model order reduction (MOR) of such systems, the shifted proper orthogonal decomposition with interpolation via artificial neural networks, is further extended by improving the handling of general transport operators. First, even with intrusive MOR approaches, the underlying numerical solvers can provide only discrete realizations of transports linked to the movement of individual particles in the system. On the other hand, our MOR methodology requires continuous transport operators. Thus, the original framework was extended by the possibility to reconstruct continuous approximations of known discrete transports via another artificial neural network. Second, the treatment of rotation-comprising transports was significantly improved. Klíčová slova: model order reduction; CFD; shifted POD Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Model order reduction of transport-dominated systems with rotations using shifted proper orthogonal decomposition and artificial neural networks

In the present work, we concentrate on particle-laden flows as an example of industry-relevant transport-dominated systems. Our previously-developed framework for data-driven model order reduction ...

Kovárnová, A.; Isoz, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Development, validation, and application of a solver for non-isothermal non-adiabatic packed bed reactors
Hlavatý, Tomáš; Isoz, Martin; Khýr, M.
2023 - anglický
Packed bed reactors are the most frequently used devices to perform heterogeneously catalyzed reactions on industrial scales. The main contribution of our work is the development of a numerical model applicable to simulations of such reactors. The developed model is based on the finite volume method, couples the momentum, mass and energy balances, and is free of any empirical closures. As such, the solver falls into the domain of the direct numerical simulation. In the talk, we will (i) present the new solver fundamental working principles, (ii) report on the verication of each of the solver components against existing literature data and (iii) demonstrate an application of the solver on an industrially relevant case of ethylene oxichlorination performed in a tubular reactor packed with Raschig rings coated by CuCl2 catalyst. Klíčová slova: CFD; oxichlorination; heterogenous catalysis Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Development, validation, and application of a solver for non-isothermal non-adiabatic packed bed reactors

Packed bed reactors are the most frequently used devices to perform heterogeneously catalyzed reactions on industrial scales. The main contribution of our work is the development of a numerical model ...

Hlavatý, Tomáš; Isoz, Martin; Khýr, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Beyond the Erdős–Sós conjecture
Davoodi, Akbar; Piguet, Diana; Řada, Hanka; Sanhueza-Matamala, N.
2023 - anglický
We prove an asymptotic version of a tree-containment conjecture of Klimošová, Piguet and Rozhoň [European J. Combin. 88 (2020), 103106] for graphs with quadratically many edges. The result implies that the asymptotic version of the Erdős-Sós conjecture in the setting of dense graphs is correct. Klíčová slova: conjecture; Erdős-Sós conjecture Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Beyond the Erdős–Sós conjecture

We prove an asymptotic version of a tree-containment conjecture of Klimošová, Piguet and Rozhoň [European J. Combin. 88 (2020), 103106] for graphs with quadratically many edges. The result implies ...

Davoodi, Akbar; Piguet, Diana; Řada, Hanka; Sanhueza-Matamala, N.
Ústav informatiky, 2023

Dynamics of surface water quality changes in model headwater areas of the Czech Republic
Fraindová, K.; Matoušková, M.; Kliment, Z.; Vlček, Lukáš; Vlach, V.; Šajnarová, L.
2023 - anglický
River headwaters have a high environmental value. Unfortunately, the biogeochemical processes in headwaters in context of different rainfall-runoff conditions and specific land cover have not been fully examined. This study focuses on changes in correlations of 16 biogeochemical parameters related to different types of rainfall-runoff events and land cover condition for eight headwater catchments in Central Europe. Multiple methods as linear regression, Spearman rank correlation, Principal Components Analysis and C/Q hysteresis loops revealed main relationships. Presence of peatlands and waterlogged spruce forests had decisive influence on the biogeochemistry (mainly for CODMn, humins, Fe, P-PO43− TP, and N-NO3−). The strongest positive correlation of organic matter (CODMn) and Fe is represented in a catchment with the largest area of damaged forest (70%), but with a smaller proportion of wetlands (8%). High flow rates influence the release of greater amounts of organic matter and N-NO3−. Klíčová slova: headwater areas; organic matter; waterlogged areas; peatbogs; raifall-runoff events; water quality; electric conductivity Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Dynamics of surface water quality changes in model headwater areas of the Czech Republic

River headwaters have a high environmental value. Unfortunately, the biogeochemical processes in headwaters in context of different rainfall-runoff conditions and specific land cover have not been ...

Fraindová, K.; Matoušková, M.; Kliment, Z.; Vlček, Lukáš; Vlach, V.; Šajnarová, L.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2023

Spherical basis function approximation with particular trend functions
Segeth, Karel
2023 - anglický
The paper is concerned with the measurement of scalar physical quantities at nodes on the $(d-1)$-dimensional unit sphere surface in the hbox{$d$-dimensional} Euclidean space and the spherical RBF interpolation of the data obtained. In particular, we consider $d=3$. We employ an inverse multiquadric as the radial basis function and the corresponding trend is a polynomial of degree 2 defined in Cartesian coordinates. We prove the existence of the interpolation formula of the type considered. The formula can be useful in the interpretation of many physical measurements. We show an example concerned with the measurement of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility having extensive applications in geosciences and present numerical difficulties connected with the high condition number of the matrix of the system defining the interpolation. Klíčová slova: spherical interpolation; spherical radial basis function; inverse multiquadric Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Spherical basis function approximation with particular trend functions

The paper is concerned with the measurement of scalar physical quantities at nodes on the $(d-1)$-dimensional unit sphere surface in the hbox{$d$-dimensional} Euclidean space and the spherical RBF ...

Segeth, Karel
Matematický ústav, 2023

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