Number of found documents: 198
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Comparison of ecotoxicity and persistent organic pollutant bioavailability in real contaminated soil, using selective supercritical fluid extraction (SFE)
Čvančarová, Monika; Křesinová, Zdena; Cajthaml, Tomáš
2009 - Czech
The amount of bioavailable polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in contaminated soil was estimated using Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The toxicity of contaminated soil was determinated using different organisms: earthworms Eisenia fetida, duckweed Lemna minor, crustacean Heterocypris incongruens, bioluminiscent bacterium Vibrio fischeri and worms Enchytraeus crypticus. There was a different amount of bioavailable fraction in each soil. There was close relationship between ecotoxicity and bioavailability in PAHs contaminated soil Metoda sekvenční nadkritické fluidní extrakce (SFE) je vhodným nástrojem pro odhad biodostupnosti organopolutantů v půdě. Byly stanoveny biodostupné frakce organopolutantů v několika půdách kontaminovaných PCB a PAU Keywords: soil; bioavailability; sfe Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparison of ecotoxicity and persistent organic pollutant bioavailability in real contaminated soil, using selective supercritical fluid extraction (SFE)

The amount of bioavailable polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in contaminated soil was estimated using Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The toxicity of ...

Čvančarová, Monika; Křesinová, Zdena; Cajthaml, Tomáš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2009

Spatial and temporal dynamics of enzyme activity distribution in soils with respect to soil fungi
Baldrian, Petr; Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Valášková, Vendula; Cajthaml, Tomáš; Merhautová, Věra
2007 - Czech
Activity of laccase, Mn-peroxidase, endo-1,4-β-glucanase, endo-1,4-β-xylanase, cellobiohydrolase, β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase in forest soil (with dominant Quercus sp.) exhibited high but inconsistent variation. Enzyme activity decreased with soil depth as well as fungal biomass and the fungal/bacterial biomass ratio Aktivita lakázy, Mn-peroxidázy, endo-1,4-β-glukanázy, endo-1,4-β-xylanázy, cellobiohydrolázy, β-glukosidázy a β-xylosidázy v lesní půdě (s dominantním Quercus sp.) byla v průběhu roku silně, ale nikoli konsistentně variabilní. Aktivita enzymů klesala s hloubkou půdy, podobně jako biomasa hub a poměr biomasy hub a bakterií Keywords: laccase Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Spatial and temporal dynamics of enzyme activity distribution in soils with respect to soil fungi

Activity of laccase, Mn-peroxidase, endo-1,4-β-glucanase, endo-1,4-β-xylanase, cellobiohydrolase, β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase in forest soil (with dominant Quercus sp.) exhibited high but ...

Baldrian, Petr; Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Valášková, Vendula; Cajthaml, Tomáš; Merhautová, Věra
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2007

Merhautová, Věra; Valášková, Vendula; Gryndlerová, Hana; Heeg, K.; Hofrichter, M.; Baldrian, Petr
2007 - Czech
Fifty-five strains of nonbasidiomycetous fungi were isolated from the L (litter) and H (humic) horizons of forest soil with dominant Quercus sp. Approx. 15% of isolates produce enzymes capable of phenols oxidation These enzymes can potentially be involved in the transformation of lignin and humic substances in soil Z horizontů L (opad) a O (humusového) lesní půdy s dominantním Quercus sp. bylo isolováno 55 kmenů mikromycet. Asi 15% isolátů produkuje enzymy oxidující fenolické látky, například guaiakol. Tyto enzymy by se potenciálně mohly podílet na přeměně ligninu a humusových látek v půdě Keywords: forest soil Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Fifty-five strains of nonbasidiomycetous fungi were isolated from the L (litter) and H (humic) horizons of forest soil with dominant Quercus sp. Approx. 15% of isolates produce enzymes capable of ...

Merhautová, Věra; Valášková, Vendula; Gryndlerová, Hana; Heeg, K.; Hofrichter, M.; Baldrian, Petr
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2007

Saprotrophic fungus Hypholoma fasciculare affects the structure and composition of fungal and bacterial communities in wood and soil
Valášková, Vendula; Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Gunnewiek, P. K.; de Boer, W.; Baldrian, Petr
2007 - Czech
Saprotrophic fungus Hypholoma fasciculare is able to affect the structure and composition of fungal and bacterial communities in wood and soil during its colonization Saprotrofní houba Hypholoma fasciculare je schopna ovlivnit strukturu a složení houbového a bakteriálního společenstva v průběhu růstu na dřevě i v půdě Keywords: basidiomycetes Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Saprotrophic fungus Hypholoma fasciculare affects the structure and composition of fungal and bacterial communities in wood and soil

Saprotrophic fungus Hypholoma fasciculare is able to affect the structure and composition of fungal and bacterial communities in wood and soil during its colonization

Valášková, Vendula; Šnajdr, Jaroslav; Gunnewiek, P. K.; de Boer, W.; Baldrian, Petr
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2007

The role of A2A adenosine receptor in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity
Kuldová, Markéta; Svoboda, Jan; Kovářů, H.; Kovářů, F.; Šplíchal, Igor; Fišerová, Anna
2006 - Czech
Adenosine receptor, NK cell, immunity systém, cytotoxicity, Salmonella typhimurium, colorectal carcinoma, murine model, newborn pigs model Výsledky této práce ukázaly regulační úlohu A2A receptoru na výkonnou funkci NK buněk, která je závislá na počátečním stavu imunitního systému a přítomnosti antigenního podnětu Keywords: adenosine receptor; nk cell; cytotoxicity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The role of A2A adenosine receptor in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity

Adenosine receptor, NK cell, immunity systém, cytotoxicity, Salmonella typhimurium, colorectal carcinoma, murine model, newborn pigs model

Kuldová, Markéta; Svoboda, Jan; Kovářů, H.; Kovářů, F.; Šplíchal, Igor; Fišerová, Anna
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Gliadin fragments induce phenotypic and functional maturation of human dendritic cells
Palová-Jelínková, Lenka; Rožková, D.; Pecharová, Barbara; Bártová, J.; Šedivá, A.; Tlaskalová, Helena; Spíšek, R.; Tučková, Ludmila
2006 - Czech
Gliadin treatment also resulted in increased NF- B/DNA binding activity of p50 and p65 subunits. Taken together, gliadin peptides can contribute to overcoming the stage of unresponsiveness of immature DC by inducing phenotypic and functional DC maturation, resulting in more efficient processing and presentation of gliadin peptides to specific T lymphocytes Gliadin přispívá k překonání stavu nezralých DC indukováním fenotypové a funkční maturace, která vede k efektivnější prezentaci gliadinových peptidů specifickým T-lymfocytům Keywords: monocytes; gliadin fragments; dendritic cells Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Gliadin fragments induce phenotypic and functional maturation of human dendritic cells

Gliadin treatment also resulted in increased NF- B/DNA binding activity of p50 and p65 subunits. Taken together, gliadin peptides can contribute to overcoming the stage of unresponsiveness of immature ...

Palová-Jelínková, Lenka; Rožková, D.; Pecharová, Barbara; Bártová, J.; Šedivá, A.; Tlaskalová, Helena; Spíšek, R.; Tučková, Ludmila
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

The response of peripheral blood monocytes from celiac patients to gliadin peptides
Cinová, Jana; Palová-Jelínková, Lenka; Smythies, L.; Černá, M.; Pecharová, Barbara; Dvořák, M.; Fruhauf, P.; Tlaskalová, Helena; Smith, P.; Tučková, Ludmila
2006 - Czech
We documented that gliadin digest stimulate PBMoC (isolated from celiac patients and healthydonors) to IL-8 and TNF alfa production through the NF-kappa B pathway. Monocytes expressed increased levels of dendritic cell markers U monocytů izolovaných z periferní krve celiakálních pacientů a zdravých dárců jsme zjistili rozdíly v produkci IL-8 a TNF alfa, aktivační dráha vede přes NF-kappa B systém Keywords: monocytes; gliadin fragments; dendritic markers Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The response of peripheral blood monocytes from celiac patients to gliadin peptides

We documented that gliadin digest stimulate PBMoC (isolated from celiac patients and healthydonors) to IL-8 and TNF alfa production through the NF-kappa B pathway. Monocytes expressed increased levels ...

Cinová, Jana; Palová-Jelínková, Lenka; Smythies, L.; Černá, M.; Pecharová, Barbara; Dvořák, M.; Fruhauf, P.; Tlaskalová, Helena; Smith, P.; Tučková, Ludmila
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Toll-like receptors -2, -4 and the CD14 molecule in intestinal biopsies of patients with nonspecific intestinal inflammation
Frolová, Lenka; Drastich, P.; Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Tlaskalová, Helena
2006 - Czech
Expression of TL-2 and TL-4 receptors and of their transmembranes coreceptor CD14 was detected immunohistochemically in biopsies of ileum, colon caecum and rectum of patients suffering from ulcerous colitis or Crohn´s disease. All these three were significantly enhanced in epithelial cells and macrophages of propria in inflammatory bowel disease as compared to the control samples Imunohistochemickou detekcí jsme zjistili signifikantní zvýšení exprese TLR-2 a TLR-4 na střevních epitelových buňkách pacientů s CD a UC oproti kontrolám. Exprese CD14 byla zvýšená na střevních makrofágách u obou onemocnění, při porovnání s kontrolami Keywords: toll-like receptors; crohn disease; ulcerative colitis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Toll-like receptors -2, -4 and the CD14 molecule in intestinal biopsies of patients with nonspecific intestinal inflammation

Expression of TL-2 and TL-4 receptors and of their transmembranes coreceptor CD14 was detected immunohistochemically in biopsies of ileum, colon caecum and rectum of patients suffering from ulcerous ...

Frolová, Lenka; Drastich, P.; Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Tlaskalová, Helena
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Morphological changes in developing cancer of colon in mice induced by combined administration of azoxymethane and sodium dextran sulfate
Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Kverka, Miloslav; Frolová, Lenka; Tlaskalová, Helena
2006 - Czech
Early stages of carcinoma were documented by light and scanning microscopy, and by immunohistochemical proof of beta-catenin. The study documented the importance of dextran sulfate-induced colitis in the development of mucosal dysplasia and carcinoma Tato studie potvrdila důležitou roli zánětu při vzniku kolorektálního karcinomu, který se převážně tvoří v jeho blízkosti, a přispěla k charakterizaci morfologických změn v karcinogenezi Keywords: colorectal carcinom; mouse model; azoxymethan Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Morphological changes in developing cancer of colon in mice induced by combined administration of azoxymethane and sodium dextran sulfate

Early stages of carcinoma were documented by light and scanning microscopy, and by immunohistochemical proof of beta-catenin. The study documented the importance of dextran sulfate-induced colitis in ...

Klimešová, Klára; Rossmann, Pavel; Kverka, Miloslav; Frolová, Lenka; Tlaskalová, Helena
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

Protective effect of E. coli strain Nissle 1917 and E. coli strain O83 on the development of inflammation in dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis in mice
Hudcovic, Tomáš; Štěpánková, Renata; Hrnčíř, Tomáš; Kozáková, Hana; Schwarzer, Martin; Tlaskalová, Helena
2006 - Czech
The study was focused on the evaluation of probiotic bacteria E. coli strain Nissle 1917 and E. coli strain O83 and their role in the development of intestinal inflammation in DSS model of ulcerative colitis and the route of the application. Intragastrically tubing SCID mice ( with severe combined immunodeficiency) had heavy chages (inflammation) of the colon – part descendens. Intrarectally application had a protective effect on the development of intestinal inflammation – part colon descendens. Proinflammatory cytokines TNF – alpha and IL – 6 were reduce markedly in fragment culture from colon - descendens Tato práce byla zaměřena na zhodnocení probiotických bakterií E. coli strain Nissle 1917 a E. coli strain O83 .Vývoj střevního zánětu byl studován v DSS modelu ulcerózní kolitidy. SCID myším byly aplikovány probiotické bakterie jak intragastricky, tak intrarektálně. Při intragastrické aplikaci se u experimentálních zvířat objevily těžké zánětlivé změny na sliznici tlustého střeva – část descendens a produkce prozánětlivých cytokinů TNF – alpha a IL – 6, které byly vyizolovány z fragmentových kultur tlustého střeva – části colon – descendens, byla výrazně zvýšena proti skupině u které byly bakterie aplikovány intrarektálně a kde se projevil protektivní vliv aplikovaných bakterií Keywords: ulcerative colitis; dextran sulfate sodium model Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Protective effect of E. coli strain Nissle 1917 and E. coli strain O83 on the development of inflammation in dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis in mice

The study was focused on the evaluation of probiotic bacteria E. coli strain Nissle 1917 and E. coli strain O83 and their role in the development of intestinal inflammation in DSS model of ...

Hudcovic, Tomáš; Štěpánková, Renata; Hrnčíř, Tomáš; Kozáková, Hana; Schwarzer, Martin; Tlaskalová, Helena
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2006

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