Počet nalezených dokumentů: 1340
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NMR Metabolomics in Toxicology: Effect of NPs Inhalation on Blood Plasma and Exhaled Breath Condensate Profiles.
Michálková, Lenka
2021 - anglický
In our study, 1H NMR metabolomics was employed to analyse samples of exhaled breath condensate and blood plasma of control subjects and workers before and after the shift where various tasks related to the processing of nanocomposite materials were performed. The main aim of this work is to evaluate the molecular changes induced by NPs inhalation. Klíčová slova: NMR metabolomics; toxicology; breath condensate profiles Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
NMR Metabolomics in Toxicology: Effect of NPs Inhalation on Blood Plasma and Exhaled Breath Condensate Profiles.

In our study, 1H NMR metabolomics was employed to analyse samples of exhaled breath condensate and blood plasma of control subjects and workers before and after the shift where various tasks related ...

Michálková, Lenka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Electrochemical Investigation of Ureido-Sulfonamidic Receptors, Supramolecular Structures for Binding Phosphates.
Salvadori, Karolína
2021 - anglický
The aim of our research is the design and synthesis of anionic receptors with suitable binding sites for phosphates, as well as the determination of their binding ability and electrochemical behaviour. Klíčová slova: anionics pollutants; ureido-sulfonamidic receptors; electrochemical investigation Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Electrochemical Investigation of Ureido-Sulfonamidic Receptors, Supramolecular Structures for Binding Phosphates.

The aim of our research is the design and synthesis of anionic receptors with suitable binding sites for phosphates, as well as the determination of their binding ability and electrochemical ...

Salvadori, Karolína
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

New Perspectives for Sewage Sludge Treatment.
Hušek, Matěj
2021 - anglický
In this work, we review relevant thermochemical processes and current product treatment/utilization issues for continuing applied research according to European union strategic calls and industry demand. Klíčová slova: sewage sludge treatment; relevant thermochemical processes; European union strategic Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
New Perspectives for Sewage Sludge Treatment.

In this work, we review relevant thermochemical processes and current product treatment/utilization issues for continuing applied research according to European union strategic calls and industry ...

Hušek, Matěj
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Optimization of Acid Extraction and Recovery of Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash.
Korotenko, Ekaterina
2021 - anglický
The presentation will summarize the results of the experiments. The MFA of the main valuable metals after FLUWA optimization will also be shown. Klíčová slova: fly ash; municipal solid waste; metal Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Optimization of Acid Extraction and Recovery of Metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash.

The presentation will summarize the results of the experiments. The MFA of the main valuable metals after FLUWA optimization will also be shown.

Korotenko, Ekaterina
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Modular Synthesis of Dendritic Amphiphiles.
Edr, Antonín
2021 - anglický
The synthesis of such structures starts by an attachment of alkyl chain/s R and dendritic wedge/s to the starting molecules. These dendritic wedges are ended by three allyl groups so that various polar groups can be conjugated to the periphery of the wedge by so called thiol-ene click reaction. In addition to the resulting symmetrical structures, a synthesis of their unsymmetrical analogues bearing fluorescent tag on one of its arms (Figure 1) will be presented. Klíčová slova: modular synthesis; sythesis; drug carriers Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Modular Synthesis of Dendritic Amphiphiles.

The synthesis of such structures starts by an attachment of alkyl chain/s R and dendritic wedge/s to the starting molecules. These dendritic wedges are ended by three allyl groups so that various ...

Edr, Antonín
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Ambient Organic Aerosol Origin at Rural Background Site in the Czech Republic.
Lhotka, Radek
2021 - anglický
Atmospheric aerosol (AA) are ubiquitous particles in the atmosphere that influence Earth’s climatic system, environmental interactions,\nand human health. AA is emitted directly from primary sources or formed in the atmosphere via the oxidation of gas-phase precursors\nwith subsequent partitioning resulting in low-volatility products into the particle phase. Among AA, great interest is dedicated to organic\naerosol (OA) since it can represent from 20 to 90% of the total submicron mass. Klíčová slova: atmospheric aerosol; rural background site; measurement campaigns Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Ambient Organic Aerosol Origin at Rural Background Site in the Czech Republic.

Atmospheric aerosol (AA) are ubiquitous particles in the atmosphere that influence Earth’s climatic system, environmental interactions,\nand human health. AA is emitted directly from primary sources ...

Lhotka, Radek
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Material Flow Analysis of Textile Waste: A Case Study of the Czech Republic
Shtukaturova, Anastasia
2021 - anglický
The main aim of this study is to analyze the flows of these streams in the Czech Republic. To achieve this goal, we have cooperated with different institutions that are working with textiles and textile waste in order to create a material flow analysis (MFA) and collect any available data. Klíčová slova: municipal solid waste; material flow analysis; recycling systems Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Material Flow Analysis of Textile Waste: A Case Study of the Czech Republic

The main aim of this study is to analyze the flows of these streams in the Czech Republic. To achieve this goal, we have cooperated with different institutions that are working with textiles and ...

Shtukaturova, Anastasia
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Three Dimensional CFD Model of a Single Rising Bubble in Stagnant Liquids.
Crha, Jakub
2021 - anglický
Two-phase (gas-liquid) flows are fundamental to wide range of chemical industrial processes such as absorption or distillation. Gaseous\nphase is mostly represented by rising bubble swarms through the liquid bulk. Physicochemical properties of the liquid and gaseous phases\ntogether with the bubble diameter and shape largely affect the bubble rise velocity, which defines the residence time of the bubble in the liquidbulk.1. Bubble behaviour can be studied experimentally, theoretically or most recently - using CFD solvers. These solvers are designed\nto numerically solve Navier-Stokes equations. Klíčová slova: CFD model; bubble's interface; testing Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Three Dimensional CFD Model of a Single Rising Bubble in Stagnant Liquids.

Two-phase (gas-liquid) flows are fundamental to wide range of chemical industrial processes such as absorption or distillation. Gaseous\nphase is mostly represented by rising bubble swarms through the ...

Crha, Jakub
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Application of Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Brewing.
Štěrba, Jiří
2021 - anglický
We have applied such advantages in the brewery industry. Venturi jet system is chosen as the HC technique due to energy saving and\nrobust design. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to investigate several phenomena, such as the isomerization of bitter hop acids,\nthe reduction of gluten concentration or the cell walls breakdown. All these experiments will be performed on the already constructed experimental brewery system. Klíčová slova: Hydrodynamic cavitation; bubbles; brewery industry Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Application of Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Brewing.

We have applied such advantages in the brewery industry. Venturi jet system is chosen as the HC technique due to energy saving and\nrobust design. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to ...

Štěrba, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamines as Tailored Carbohydrate-based Probes for Human Galectins.
Kurfiřt, Martin
2021 - anglický
this work, I prepared a complete series of mono‑deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamine analogues 1-6. The synthesis of each analogue\nrequired approximately 15 synthetic steps, including deoxyfluorination of monosaccharide precursors, chemical glycosylation and\ndeprotection. Their binding affinities to the two most explored human galectin-1 and -3 were determined by ELISA and 19F NMR T2-filter\ntechniques, which enabled the identification of hydroxyl groups, crucial in the non-covalent recognition by galectins. This binding study\nalso permitted to compare both tested galectins in terms of their substrate specificity, revealing subtle differences, which could be utilized\nin the development of selective galectin inhibitors. Furthermore, the series is also a perfect tool to study the molecular origin of recognition\nevents via epitope-mapping 19F NMR techniques. Klíčová slova: NMR techniques; deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamines; human alectins Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamines as Tailored Carbohydrate-based Probes for Human Galectins.

this work, I prepared a complete series of mono‑deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamine analogues 1-6. The synthesis of each analogue\nrequired approximately 15 synthetic steps, including ...

Kurfiřt, Martin
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

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