Variace geoidu detekované z družicové mise GRACE
Kostelecký, J.; Bezděk, Aleš; Klokočník, Jaroslav
2014 - český
Časově proměnné gravitační pole, získané z pozorování mise GRACE od roku 2002, je v tomto příspěvku založené na transformaci měsíčních gravitačních polích na výšku geoidu. Ukážeme gravitační změny působené globálním hydrologickým cyklem a hydrologií na pevninách. Time variability of the gravity field, provided by the GRACE mission since 2002, presented here is based on the transformation of monthly gravity field models to the geoid. We show the changes caused by the global water cycle and land hydrology.
Klíčová slova:
GRACE mission; geoid; gravimetry
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Variace geoidu detekované z družicové mise GRACE
Časově proměnné gravitační pole, získané z pozorování mise GRACE od roku 2002, je v tomto příspěvku založené na transformaci měsíčních gravitačních polích na výšku geoidu. Ukážeme gravitační změny ...
Revealing general relativity effects from accretion events near a supermassive black hole
Karas, Vladimír; Dovčiak, Michal; Eckart, A.; Kunneriath, Devaky; Zamaninasab, M.
2014 - anglický
The authors discuss the general relativity effects acting on the radiationmsignal from the inner accretion flow.
Klíčová slova:
black holes; galactic center; relativity
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Revealing general relativity effects from accretion events near a supermassive black hole
The authors discuss the general relativity effects acting on the radiationmsignal from the inner accretion flow.
Application of a sympletic integrator in a non-integrable relativistic system
Kopáček, Ondřej; Karas, Vladimír; Kovář, J.; Stuchlík, Z.
2014 - anglický
The authors present a detailed comparison of several integration schemes applied to the dynamic system consisting of a charged particle on the Kerr background endowed with the axisymmetric electromagnetic test field.
Klíčová slova:
black hole physics; test particle dynamics; magnetic fields
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Application of a sympletic integrator in a non-integrable relativistic system
The authors present a detailed comparison of several integration schemes applied to the dynamic system consisting of a charged particle on the Kerr background endowed with the axisymmetric ...
Compton scattering in strong gravity
Bursa, Michal; Adámek, K.
2014 - anglický
The authors present new numerical code for radiation transport in strong gravity regime that includes arbitrary emission and absorption mechanisms and also electron scattering.
Klíčová slova:
radiation transport; relativity; Compton scattering
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Compton scattering in strong gravity
The authors present new numerical code for radiation transport in strong gravity regime that includes arbitrary emission and absorption mechanisms and also electron scattering.
L-DEPP Definition Study for Lunar Lander - Lunar Plasma Monitor Proof-of-Concep: Final report
Laifr, Jaroslav; Trávníček, Pavel M.; Pavelka, Roman; Herčík, David; Štverák, Štěpán
2013 - anglický
A functional breadboard model of the LPM instrument, originally proposed for the L-DEPP experiment on board the Lunar Lander mission, has been designed, manufactured, and tested in order to verify the floating ground concept implemented for the Langmuir probe measuring technique. The functionality of the proposed design has been confirmed throughout an extensive set of testing procedures.
Klíčová slova:
lunar exploration; space instrumentation; Langmuir probes
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
L-DEPP Definition Study for Lunar Lander - Lunar Plasma Monitor Proof-of-Concep: Final report
A functional breadboard model of the LPM instrument, originally proposed for the L-DEPP experiment on board the Lunar Lander mission, has been designed, manufactured, and tested in order to verify the ...
Upcoming Features of SPLAT-VO in Astroinformatics
Šaloun, P.; Andrešič, D.; Škoda, Petr; Zelinka, I.
2013 - anglický
During last decade was developed fully automatized (robotic) class of telescopes, that produce huge amount of data per each night. Amount of recorded data is usually in the scale of petabytes. To process properly all data and select an important events it is needed to use sophisticated software methods and algorithms. It caused an appearance of a new field of science - astroinformatics. In this paper we introduce a small part of our contribution to the astroinformatics field - a specialized software SPLAT-VO. It is used for processing and visualization of astrophysical data generated by nonlinear, complex or even chaotic processes in the space. Overview of new features so far prepared for new version of SPLAT-VO. The overview is focused on enhancements of user experience, work with SAMP protocol and other interoperability that improves work with global list of spectra, plot window and analysis menu.
Klíčová slova:
SPLAT-VO; spectrum analysis; SAMP
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Upcoming Features of SPLAT-VO in Astroinformatics
During last decade was developed fully automatized (robotic) class of telescopes, that produce huge amount of data per each night. Amount of recorded data is usually in the scale of petabytes. To ...
Classification on Be stars using feature extraction based on discrete wavelet transform
Bromová, P.; Bařina, D.; Škoda, Petr; Vážný, Jaroslav; Zendulka, J.
2013 - anglický
We describe the initial experiments in the field of automated classification of spectal line profiles of emission line stars.
Klíčová slova:
Be star; stellar spectrum; feature extraction
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Classification on Be stars using feature extraction based on discrete wavelet transform
We describe the initial experiments in the field of automated classification of spectal line profiles of emission line stars.
Wavelet Based Feature Extraction for Clustering of Be Stars
Bromová, P.; Škoda, Petr; Zendulka, J.
2013 - anglický
The goal of our work is to create a feature extraction method for classification of Be stars. Be stars are characterized by prominent emission lines in their spectrum. We focus on the automated classification of Be stars based on typical shapes of their emission lines. We aim to design a reduced, specific set of features characterizing and discriminating the shapes of Be lines. In this paper, we present a feature extraction method based on the wavelet transform and its power spectrum. Both the discrete and continuous wavelet transform are used. Different feature vectors are created and compared on clustering of Be stars spectra from the archive of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The clustering is performed using the kmeans algorithm. The results of our method are promising and encouraging to more detailed analysis.
Klíčová slova:
feature extraction; stellar spectra; wavelet transform
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Wavelet Based Feature Extraction for Clustering of Be Stars
The goal of our work is to create a feature extraction method for classification of Be stars. Be stars are characterized by prominent emission lines in their spectrum. We focus on the automated ...
DSLP Operations on Board Proba 2 - Raw Data Processing and Archiving: FINAL REPORT
Štverák, Štěpán; Trávníček, Pavel M.; Herčík, David; Pavelka, Roman
2013 - anglický
A complete DSLP data archive has been developed including full automated data processing chain from raw data up to higher level products. The archive, based on PDS and CDF standards, is available online including full documentation on the DSLP instrument and its operations on board Proba 2 satellite.
Klíčová slova:
Langmuir probes; ionospheric plasma; data processing
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
DSLP Operations on Board Proba 2 - Raw Data Processing and Archiving: FINAL REPORT
A complete DSLP data archive has been developed including full automated data processing chain from raw data up to higher level products. The archive, based on PDS and CDF standards, is available ...
On transfer of mass and angular momentum from accretion disk onto black hole
Hamerský, Jaroslav; Karas, Vladimír
2012 - anglický
We study the properties of accretion tori orbiting Kerr black hole. Our approach to this problem comes from the solving of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations, which follow from conservation of the energy-momentum tensor, the particle number and from Maxwell's equations. We solve these equations by numerical methods. We are interested in tori with constant density of angular momentum and those with radially increasing angular momentum density. We study accretion rates in these tori when the mass of black hole is increased suddenly and so the equilibrium in the torus is perturbed. We also study the influence of the presence of toroidal magnetic field on accretion rates.
Klíčová slova:
accretion disk; relativity; MHD
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On transfer of mass and angular momentum from accretion disk onto black hole
We study the properties of accretion tori orbiting Kerr black hole. Our approach to this problem comes from the solving of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations, which follow from ...
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