Laboratory model unit for gasification of carbonaceous materials at atmospheric pressure
Kříž, Vlastimil
2006 - Czech
A laboratory unit for sample gasification up to 40 g of weight with continuous selected gas components analysis is described. Popis konstrukce laboratorní jednotky pro zplyňování vzorků o hmotnosti do 40 g s kontinuální analýzou vybraných komponent syntézního plynu.
gasification; laboratory unit; synthesis gas
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Laboratory model unit for gasification of carbonaceous materials at atmospheric pressure
A laboratory unit for sample gasification up to 40 g of weight with continuous selected gas components analysis is described.
Geodynamic network of Academy of Sciences of CR GEONAS - Permanent observation of GPS signals
Mantlík, František; Schenk, Vladimír; Schenková, Zdeňka; Kottnauer, Pavel; Fučík, Zdeněk
2006 - Czech
Geodynamic networks GEONAS with 9 GPS permanent observatories was established by IRSM. Geodynamická síť GEONAS s 9 GPS permanentními observatořemi byla vybudována v ÚSMH.
GPS; permanent observation; network GEONAS
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Geodynamic network of Academy of Sciences of CR GEONAS - Permanent observation of GPS signals
Geodynamic networks GEONAS with 9 GPS permanent observatories was established by IRSM.
Slope instabilities caused by extreme spring snow thawing in March and April 2006
Baldík, V.; Krejčí, O.; Klimeš, Jan
2006 - Czech
Work presents inventory of landslides evolved in March and April 2006 mostly in the east part of the Czech Republic. Zpráva popisuje svahové deformace vzniklé v březnu a dubnu 2006 hlavně ve východní části ČR.
landslides; snow melting
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Slope instabilities caused by extreme spring snow thawing in March and April 2006
Work presents inventory of landslides evolved in March and April 2006 mostly in the east part of the Czech Republic.
Experimental verification of possibility of waste plastics gasification with brown coal
Straka, Pavel; Káš, Václav; Kříž, Vlastimil; Brožová, Zuzana
2006 - Czech
Process conditions research proved that waste plastic and municipal waste with plastics can be treated by co-gasification with brown coal. Výzkum procesních podmínek prokázal, že odpadní plasty i komunální odpad s podílem plastů lze zpracovat zplyněním s hnědým uhlím.
waste plastics; brown coal; co-gasification
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experimental verification of possibility of waste plastics gasification with brown coal
Process conditions research proved that waste plastic and municipal waste with plastics can be treated by co-gasification with brown coal.
Slope deformations and pseudocarst
Baroň, I.; Klimeš, Jan; Kašperáková, D.
2006 - Czech
The proceedings presents thematicaly organized presentations from the conference, which deal with landslides and pseudo-carst. Ve sborniku jsou tematicky usporadany prispevky z konference, které jsou zaměřeny na problematiku svahových deformací a pseudokrasu.
landslides; pseudocarst
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Slope deformations and pseudocarst
The proceedings presents thematicaly organized presentations from the conference, which deal with landslides and pseudo-carst.
Morphometrical techniques using the subenvelope lines on the example of central Šumava Mts
Hartvich, Filip
2006 - Czech
This article deals with construction of the subenvelope lines in the GIS and discusses the possibilities of the technique, using the digital data on central Šumava Mts in Southern Bohemia. Tento příspěvek se zabývá konstrukcí izobazitických linií v prostředí GIS a možnostmi, které tato technika nabízí. Analýzy byly orientovány na oblast střední Šumavy a Pošumaví.
subenvelope line; DEM; GIS
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Morphometrical techniques using the subenvelope lines on the example of central Šumava Mts
This article deals with construction of the subenvelope lines in the GIS and discusses the possibilities of the technique, using the digital data on central Šumava Mts in Southern Bohemia.
Natural radioactivity of granitoids of the Žulová pluton
René, Miloš
2006 - Czech
Concentrations of natural radioactive elements (U, Th, K) measured using a field gamma-spectrometry show reletively high variability of chemical composition of granites of the Žulová pluton. The high content of Th is connected with a monazite and allanite contents. Koncentrace přirozených radioaktivních prvků (U, Th, K) zjišťovaná s využitím terénní gamaspektrometrie vykazují vysokou variabilitu chemického složení granitů žulovského plutonu. Vysoký obsah Th je kontrolován obsahem monazitu a allanitu.
Bohemian Massif; uranium; thorium
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Natural radioactivity of granitoids of the Žulová pluton
Concentrations of natural radioactive elements (U, Th, K) measured using a field gamma-spectrometry show reletively high variability of chemical composition of granites of the Žulová pluton. The high ...
History of the geomorphological research in the Jeseník region and its topic survey
Štěpančíková, Petra
2006 - Czech
The contribution deals with history of geomorphological researches done in the Jeseníky region. Příspěvek podává přehled geomorfologických výzkumů na Jesenicku.
geomorphological research; East Sudeten
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
History of the geomorphological research in the Jeseník region and its topic survey
The contribution deals with history of geomorphological researches done in the Jeseníky region.
Neotectonic evolution of the drainage pattern of the NE part of the Rychlebské Mts. and adjacent area
Štěpančíková, Petra
2006 - Czech
The contribution deals with analysis of influence of neotectonics on river drainage of the NE part of the Rychlebské Mts. and adjacent area of the Žulovská Hilly Land. Analýza vlivu neotektoniky na říční síť sv. části Rychlebských hor a přilehlého území Žulovské pahorkatiny.
neotectonic evolution; drainage pattern; Bohemian massif
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Neotectonic evolution of the drainage pattern of the NE part of the Rychlebské Mts. and adjacent area
The contribution deals with analysis of influence of neotectonics on river drainage of the NE part of the Rychlebské Mts. and adjacent area of the Žulovská Hilly Land.
Research and development of the new materials and technology for treatment of radioactive and danger waste
Vokál, A.; Hanzlíček, Tomáš; Kiselová, M.; Laciok, A.; Landa, J.; Lukin, D.; Perná, Ivana; Polívka, P.; Sázavský, P.; Selucký, P.; Steinerová, Michaela; Straka, Pavel; Vojtěchová, H.
2006 - Czech
Development of geopolymer composites for storing of hazardous radioactive sledge and spent ion exchangers from Czech nuclear power stations. Vývoj geopolymerních materiálů pro bezpečné ukládání radioaktivních kalů a odpadových vyčerpaných ionexů z jaderných elektráren.
radioactive waste; ion exchangers; geopolymer
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Research and development of the new materials and technology for treatment of radioactive and danger waste
Development of geopolymer composites for storing of hazardous radioactive sledge and spent ion exchangers from Czech nuclear power stations.
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