What is the appropriate rate of disinflation to be targeted in the Czech economy?
Mahadeva, Lavan; Šmídková, Kateřina
2001 - anglický
Tato práce se zabývá inflací České republiky ve srovnání se zeměmi a hodnotami Evropské unie. Pojednává o změně cílů po roce 1997 a o možnostech řešení desinflace. This work deals with the inflation of the Czech Republic in comparison with countries and values of the European Union. It discusses the changing targets after 1997 and possible solutions disinflation.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; methodology; monetary policy; inflace; Evropská unie; ekonomika
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What is the appropriate rate of disinflation to be targeted in the Czech economy?
Tato práce se zabývá inflací České republiky ve srovnání se zeměmi a hodnotami Evropské unie. Pojednává o změně cílů po roce 1997 a o možnostech řešení desinflace....
Methodological problems of quantitative credit risk modeling in the Czech economy
Derviz, Alexis; Kadlčáková, Narcisa
2001 - anglický
This paper reviews the guidelines of The New Basle Capital Accord (NBCA) and four internal models of credit risk assessment. It treats them from the point of view of their underlying concepts, the institutional pre-conditions of their implementation and data requirements. We specially focus on the possibilities, difficulties and consequences of their application to the banking sector in the Czech Republic.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; credits; credit risk; úvěry; obchodní rizika; finanční analýza
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Methodological problems of quantitative credit risk modeling in the Czech economy
This paper reviews the guidelines of The New Basle Capital Accord (NBCA) and four internal models of credit risk assessment. It treats them from the point of view of their underlying concepts, the ...
External factors in Czech disinflation (dynamic analysis)
Izák, Vratislav
2001 - anglický
In this paper,one aspect of inflation targeting has been scrutinised the impact of both internal and external factors on the inflation rate. The starting point for this study is the extended Phillips curve (PC) models.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; inflation; price; inflace; cena; měnový kurz
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External factors in Czech disinflation (dynamic analysis)
In this paper,one aspect of inflation targeting has been scrutinised the impact of both internal and external factors on the inflation rate. The starting point for this study is the extended ...
Interpretation of czech FX options
Cincibuch, Martin; Bouc, Pavel
2001 - anglický
This report describes the Czech koruna option market and explores the behaviour of option prices during three eventful periods of the history of the Czech koruna. It points out their forward-looking nature and also shows how implied risk neutral distribution might be used for monitoring and interpretation of market sentiment.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; měnový kurz; měna; peněžní trh
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Interpretation of czech FX options
This report describes the Czech koruna option market and explores the behaviour of option prices during three eventful periods of the history of the Czech koruna. It points out their forward-looking ...
Currency substitution in the Czech republic 1993-2001
Komárek, Luboš; Melecký, Martin
2001 - anglický
Currency substitution appears to be an important issue affecting the design of monetary policy, especially in transition economies. Therefore, this paper strives to analyse the particular relevance of the currency substitution phenomenon in the Czech Republic’s case. It discuss the role of currency substitution in small open economies in transition with some illustrations relating to the Czech Republic.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; currency; exchange rate; měna; měnový kurz; finanční analýza
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Currency substitution in the Czech republic 1993-2001
Currency substitution appears to be an important issue affecting the design of monetary policy, especially in transition economies. Therefore, this paper strives to analyse the particular relevance of ...
Transparency and credibility of menetary policy in transition countries
Matoušek, Roman
2001 - anglický
This study is about what asset price can tell us about the evolving credibility of the monetary policy of the Czech National Bank (CNB). From the beginning of the 1990s, several market economies adopted direct inflation targeting. The focus of analysis is to examine the effect of changes in the two-week repo rate (the official interest rate) on short and longmaturity market interest rates.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; monetary policy; economy; monetární politika; centrální banka cedulová; úroková míra
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Transparency and credibility of menetary policy in transition countries
This study is about what asset price can tell us about the evolving credibility of the monetary policy of the Czech National Bank (CNB). From the beginning of the 1990s, several market economies ...
Monetary Transmission and Asset - Liability management by financial institutions in transitional economies - implications for czech monetary policy
Derviz, Alexis
2000 - anglický
The paper deals with the transmission of monetary policy within the financial sector. The objective is to link an optimizing stochastic model of portfolio decisions by a representative financial institution with a number of features that this optimizing behavior implies for monetary transmission and credit conditions in a transitional economy. The main example is the intermediation performance of Czech financial sector in the years 1993 to 1999.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; monetární politika; aktiva; finanční instituce; makroekonomie
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Monetary Transmission and Asset - Liability management by financial institutions in transitional economies - implications for czech monetary policy
The paper deals with the transmission of monetary policy within the financial sector. The objective is to link an optimizing stochastic model of portfolio decisions by a representative financial ...
Generalized asset return parity and the exchange rate in a financially open economy
Derviz, Alexis
1999 - anglický
Tento dokument se zabývá paritními podmínkami mezi aktivy denominovaných v různých měnách, obchodovaných v dobře integrovaném segmentu mezinárodního kapitálového trhu a odvozuje důsledky pro očekávání směnných kurzů. Hlavním cílem je zhodnotit nezakrytá aktiva vrácením parity kurzu české koruny. This paper examines the parity conditions between assets denominated in different currencies, traded in a well-integrated segment of the international capital market, and derives the consequences for exchange rate expectations. The main objective is to assess the uncovered asset return parity for the Czech koruna exchange rate.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; uncovered parity; asset prices; portfolio optimization; parita kupní síly; cena; aktiva; portfolio
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Generalized asset return parity and the exchange rate in a financially open economy
Tento dokument se zabývá paritními podmínkami mezi aktivy denominovaných v různých měnách, obchodovaných v dobře integrovaném segmentu mezinárodního kapitálového trhu a odvozuje důsledky pro očekávání ...
Koruna Exchange Rate Turbulence in May 1997
Šmídková, Kateřina; Běhounek, Jiří; Hlédik, Tibor; Jílek, Josef; Koštel, Miroslav; Matalíková, Ivana; Rottová, Dana; Staňková, Jana
1998 - anglický
Zpráva analyzuje změnu kurzu koruny, který výrazně poklesl v květnu 1997. Dále pojednává o následcích této změny a o stavu a postavení české ekonomiky ve světě. The report analyzes the change in exchange rate, which dropped significantly in may 1997. It also deals with the consequences of this change and the status and the position of the Czech economy in the world.
Klíčová slova:
Czech national bank; exchange rate of crown; měnový kurz; devalvace měny
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Koruna Exchange Rate Turbulence in May 1997
Zpráva analyzuje změnu kurzu koruny, který výrazně poklesl v květnu 1997. Dále pojednává o následcích této změny a o stavu a postavení české ekonomiky ve světě....
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