Počet nalezených dokumentů: 10836
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Verification of the dynamic properties of a new model turbine wheel with free blades
Voronova, Evgeniya; Procházka, Pavel; Maturkanič, Dušan; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Hodboď, Robert
2024 - anglický
The paper describes a new experimental model of turbine wheel with free blades. Verification tests were carried out using a Doppler laser vibrometer, with a focus on the equipment parameters under various conditions. The measurements were performed in the Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry originated at the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. Klíčová slova: natural frequencies; vibration; blade; laser; turbine Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Verification of the dynamic properties of a new model turbine wheel with free blades

The paper describes a new experimental model of turbine wheel with free blades. Verification tests were carried out using a Doppler laser vibrometer, with a focus on the equipment parameters under ...

Voronova, Evgeniya; Procházka, Pavel; Maturkanič, Dušan; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Hodboď, Robert
Ústav termomechaniky, 2024

Švábenská, Eva; Roupcová, Pavla; Havlíček, Lubomír; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
2024 - anglický
Recent technological advancements require development of cost-effective and high-performance magnets \nwhich ideally do not contain rare earth metals or noble metals. The promising candidates are Fe-Ni-based \nalloys, in particular, the Fe50Ni50 L10 phase (tetrataenite), which has a great perspective for producing hard \nmagnetic materials. Our study explores a promising method for preparing nanoparticles of Fe-Ni alloy from an \niron-nickel oxalate precursor. The coprecipitation method was employed to prepare oxalate precursors, \nfollowed by controlled thermal decomposition in a reducing hydrogen atmosphere. The morphology and \nproperties of the resulting particles were analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with \nenergy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS), and \nmagnetic measurements.\nThe SEM analysis revealed that the particles have approximately cube-shaped unit cell morphology with a\nsize in a range of 1 - 2 μm. Upon annealing, the samples contain multiple phases with varying Fe-Ni content.\nMagnetic measurements confirmed the formation of magnetically suitable Fe-Ni phases in the samples after \nannealing. Mössbauer spectroscopy emerged as a highly effective method for characterizing individual phases \nof the Fe-Ni system. Klíčová slova: Magnetic materials; thermal decomposition; Mössbauer spectroscopy Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

Recent technological advancements require development of cost-effective and high-performance magnets \nwhich ideally do not contain rare earth metals or noble metals. The promising candidates are ...

Švábenská, Eva; Roupcová, Pavla; Havlíček, Lubomír; Schneeweiss, Oldřich
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2024

Kunčická, Lenka; Benč, Marek; Kačor, P.; Marek, M.
2024 - anglický
Copper is a very popular electro-conductive material, however, the mechanical properties of pure Cu are low. They can be typically improved by (micro)alloying, or via structure modifications introduced by optimized deformation and thermomechanical treatments. Designing a Cu-based composite, possibly strengthened by a dispersion of fine oxides, is another way how to favourably improve the strength properties of Cu. In this study, we performed mechanical alloying of a Cu powder with a powder of Al2O3 oxide, which is known to have strengthening effects on metallic materials. After mixing, we sealed the powder mixture into evacuated tubular Cu containers (i.e. cans). As for the consolidation procedure, we applied direct consolidation of the canned powders via the intensive plastic deformation method of rotary swaging, performed under warm conditions. Subsequently, we subjected the swaged conductors to measurements of electric conductivity and detailed structure observations. The results revealed that the applied swaging ratio was sufficient to fully consolidate the canned powders as the final conductor was unrecognizable from a cast alloy from the viewpoints of visual and structure assessment. In other words, the structure did not exhibit any voids or remnants of unconsolidated powder particles. The observed fine grains with homogeneous dispersion of Al2O3 oxide particles provided improvement of the mechanical properties, as proven by microhardness measurements. Moreover, the electric properties remained favourable. Klíčová slova: mechanical-properties; extrusion; Copper; oxide dispersion; electric conductivity; rotary swaging; microstructure Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

Copper is a very popular electro-conductive material, however, the mechanical properties of pure Cu are low. They can be typically improved by (micro)alloying, or via structure modifications ...

Kunčická, Lenka; Benč, Marek; Kačor, P.; Marek, M.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2024

Modification of cooling system for laboratory measurement of rotor blade vibration
Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Voronova, Evgeniya; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine
2024 - anglický
Last year, the replacement of the turbine wheel model was completed in the Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. Based on previous experience and the expected higher operating load planned for the new wheel, the cooling system was modified at the same time. The paper describes the main effort in this direction and the results that clarify the previous damage of the measuring device. Klíčová slova: blade; vibration; cooling system; measurement; laboratory Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Modification of cooling system for laboratory measurement of rotor blade vibration

Last year, the replacement of the turbine wheel model was completed in the Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. Based on previous experience and ...

Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Voronova, Evgeniya; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine
Ústav termomechaniky, 2024

Al Khazali, Mohammad Sami; Malíková, Lucie; Křivý, V.; Seitl, Stanislav
2024 - anglický
Exploring S460 steel, this research assesses weld toe microstructure and fatigue. It finds that welding affects \nhardness of welded area and fatigue life. These insights are crucial for structural engineering, optimizing welding \npractices for longevity. \nTests confirm increased weld toe hardness correlates with fatigue resistance. This informs design strategies, \nensuring bridge safety under cyclic loads. The study advances understanding of HSS behaviour, influencing future \nwelding techniques. Klíčová slova: High-strength steel; weld's toe; cruciform joints; S460; fatigue behaviour Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

Exploring S460 steel, this research assesses weld toe microstructure and fatigue. It finds that welding affects \nhardness of welded area and fatigue life. These insights are crucial for structural ...

Al Khazali, Mohammad Sami; Malíková, Lucie; Křivý, V.; Seitl, Stanislav
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2024

Correlative probe electron microscopy analysis of plasma-treated gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods
Rutherford, D.; Remeš, Zdeněk; Mičová, J.; Ukraintsev, E.; Rezek, B.
2024 - anglický
Correlative Probe Electron Microscopy (CPEM) was used to investigate the topographical and electronic emission properties of gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO:Ga) after low pressure hydrogen or oxygen plasma treatment. Simultaneous secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered electron (BSE) emission information from the same nanorods enabled true correlation with the topographical information obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM). All nanorods were analyzed in-situ on the same substrate using the same experimental parameters which allowed for accurate comparison. ZnO:Ga nanorods displayed the largest SE emission intensity as well as the greatest BSE emission intensity. Hydrogen plasma treatment reduced both SE and BSE emission intensity, whereas oxygen plasma treatment only reduced SE emission. These effects may help elucidate various optical as well as biological interactions of ZnO:Ga nanorods. Klíčová slova: correlative microscopy; SEM; AFM; ZnO nanorods; plasma treatment Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Correlative probe electron microscopy analysis of plasma-treated gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods

Correlative Probe Electron Microscopy (CPEM) was used to investigate the topographical and electronic emission properties of gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO:Ga) after low pressure hydrogen or ...

Rutherford, D.; Remeš, Zdeněk; Mičová, J.; Ukraintsev, E.; Rezek, B.
Fyzikální ústav, 2024

Epidemiologické modely s agenty
Neruda, Roman
2023 - český
Tento příspěvek je jemným úvodem do problematiky agentních modelů a jejich aplikací v epidemiologickém modelování. Představíme agentní modely jednak z hlediska informatiky, jednak jako nástroj modelování v jiných vědních disciplínách. V příkladové studii ukážeme model s agenty a sociální sítí jejich kontaktů, který slouží pro simulaci vývoje epidemie a vlivu protiepidemických opatření. Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Epidemiologické modely s agenty

Tento příspěvek je jemným úvodem do problematiky agentních modelů a jejich aplikací v epidemiologickém modelování. Představíme agentní modely jednak z hlediska informatiky, jednak jako nástroj ...

Neruda, Roman
Ústav informatiky, 2023

Plošné návrhové srážky v českých povodích
Müller, Miloslav; Kašpar, Marek; Hulec, Filip
2023 - český
Data o srážkové intenzitě na území Česka s horizontálním rozlišením 1 km2 a časovým krokem 10 minut, získaná adjustací radarových odhadů daty ze srážkoměrných stanic, posloužila k odvození návrhových plošných srážek v českých povodích I. až IV. řádu a v povodích útvarů povrchových vod. Při zdvojnásobení doby akumulace srážky vzroste návrhový úhrn v jednotlivých pixelech v průměru o cca 20 %. S rostoucí plochou povodí velikost návrhových úhrnů klesá, a to především v případě kratších dob akumulace. Data on rainfall intensity on the territory of the Czech Republic with a horizontal resolution of 1 km2 and a time step of 10 minutes, obtained by adjusting radar estimates with data from rain gauge stations, were used to derive design areal precipitation in the Czech river basins of 1st to 4th order and in the basins of surface water bodies. When the rainfall accumulation time is doubled, the design precipitation total in individual pixels increases by about 20% on average. The magnitude of the design totals decreases with increasing catchment area, especially for shorter accumulation periods. Klíčová slova: design precipitation; catchment; return period Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Plošné návrhové srážky v českých povodích

Data o srážkové intenzitě na území Česka s horizontálním rozlišením 1 km2 a časovým krokem 10 minut, získaná adjustací radarových odhadů daty ze srážkoměrných stanic, posloužila k odvození návrhových ...

Müller, Miloslav; Kašpar, Marek; Hulec, Filip
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2023

Ceramic protection of anti-corrosion layers of 3-glycidyloxypropyl-triethoxysilane on steel
Pokorný, P.; Prodanović, N.; Janata, Marek; Brožek, Vlastimil
2023 - anglický
There are various variations on the problem of steel reinforcement bond strength in concrete. Along with geometrical considerations, corrosion performance of steels with varying chemical compositions in interaction with variable chemical compositions of concrete are crucial. One approach is to cover steel surfaces with organosilane compounds, which increases the reinforcement resistance to corrosion in both acidic and alkaline conditions but, on the other hand, may weaken the reinforcement bond strength on concrete. The issue is resolved by intentionally forming a thin-walled, highly adhering corundum layer that is highly porous and impregnated with 3-glycidyloxypropyltriethoxysilane. This procedure also includes testing the adhesion properties between the ceramic and the metal and the cement prior to conducting a corrosion test in a chloride environment. Klíčová slova: steel; concrete; ceramics Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Ceramic protection of anti-corrosion layers of 3-glycidyloxypropyl-triethoxysilane on steel

There are various variations on the problem of steel reinforcement bond strength in concrete. Along with geometrical considerations, corrosion performance of steels with varying chemical compositions ...

Pokorný, P.; Prodanović, N.; Janata, Marek; Brožek, Vlastimil
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2023

Room temperature ethanol detection using carbon materials
Kočí, Michal
2023 - anglický
Allotropic forms of carbon, in particular graphene oxide (GO) or nanocrystalline diamond (NCD), attracted the attention of many research groups due to their unique electronic structures and extraordinary physical and chemical properties, preferable for many different applications, including sensor devices. This work focuses on responses of various sensing layers (NCD with hydrogen termination (H-NCD), graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO), thiol-functionalized graphene oxide (GO-SH) and their hybrid structures to ethanol vapor with concentrations up to 100 ppm in synthetic air at room temperature. The measured parameters of the tested sensors, especially stability, reproducibility and regeneration, are compared and critically evaluated. The high sensitivity of tested sensors achieved at room temperature makes them very promising for monitoring ethanol vapor as well as other volatile substances (e.g., isopropyl-alcohol or acetone). Klíčová slova: gas sensor; nanocrystalline diamond (NCD); graphene oxide (GO); reduced graphene oxide (rGO); thiol-functionalized graphene oxide (GO-SH) Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Room temperature ethanol detection using carbon materials

Allotropic forms of carbon, in particular graphene oxide (GO) or nanocrystalline diamond (NCD), attracted the attention of many research groups due to their unique electronic structures and ...

Kočí, Michal
Fyzikální ústav, 2023

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