Počet nalezených dokumentů: 1479
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"1984" and "The Sleeper" - An Analysis of a Dystopian Novel Film Adaptation and its Parody
2024 - anglický
Magisterská práce se zabývá filmovou adaptací Nineteen Eighty-Four, která byla natočena na základě slavného románu George Orwella, a filmem "The Sleeper" parodií slavného románu. Teoretická východiska jako teorie filmových adaptací, dystopie, životů George Orwella a Woodyho Allena, autora filmu "The Sleeper", jsou popsány v této práci s vlastní interpretací parodie Allenova filmu v díle George Orwella. Tato magisterská práce poté analyzuje film "The Sleeper," a nabízí interpretaci jeho parodie. Analýza adaptace Nineteen Eighty-Four je také vytvořena z různých pohledů. The master´s thesis is concerned with the movie adaptation of Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is based on the novel by George Orwell, and the film "The Sleeper", a parody of the famous novel. The theoretical topics of the theory of movie adaptations, dystopia, the life of George Orwell and Woody Allen, screenplay of "The Sleeper", are described with my own interpretations of elements of Allen´s parody in Orwell´s work. The master´s thesis then analyses The Sleeper parody and offers an interpretation of its features. Analysis of Nineteen Eighty-Four is also done from various perspectives. Klíčová slova: Parodie; Nineteen-Eighty Four; The Sleeper; Satira; Dystopie Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
"1984" and "The Sleeper" - An Analysis of a Dystopian Novel Film Adaptation and its Parody

Magisterská práce se zabývá filmovou adaptací Nineteen Eighty-Four, která byla natočena na základě slavného románu George Orwella, a filmem "The Sleeper" parodií slavného románu. Teoretická východiska ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Impact of water deficit stress on leaf quality, predator and herbivore communities in Ficuses
2024 - anglický
This thesis addresses the mechanism by which drought affects tropical plant-insect interactions via leaf traits, focusing on Ficus species. I discovered that both drought intensity and duration indirectly influenced the leaf palatability of Ficus through changes in leaf mechanical traits such as leaf water content and specific leaf area. Furthermore, my research revealed that drought increased leaf herbivory by altering leaf latex outflow, without affecting insect communities. Additionally, I observed that drought enhanced Ficus indirect defense through changes in herbivore-induced plant volatiles. My findings suggest that the impact of drought on Ficus-insect interactions may vary between greenhouse and tropical rainforest environments and may be species-specific. This work underscores the importance and urgency of researching tropical plant-insect interactions under climate change. Klíčová slova: drought; herbivores; leaf mechanical traits; leaf secondary metabolites; leaf volatile; predators; tropical ecosystem Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Impact of water deficit stress on leaf quality, predator and herbivore communities in Ficuses

This thesis addresses the mechanism by which drought affects tropical plant-insect interactions via leaf traits, focusing on Ficus species. I discovered that both drought intensity and duration ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Patrnosti v polinačních systémech podél geografických gradientů
2024 - anglický
The general aim of the thesis is to shed light on invertebrate herbivory and pollination in relation to the changing environment. Several experiments were conducted on meadow communities in the temperate region, and we combined manipulative and experimental approaches during data collection. The first chapter of the thesis investigated the change of invertebrate herbivory across one season affected by phylogeny and plant functional traits. The second chapter emphasized the impact of range-shifting plants, driven by increasing temperature as a proxy for global warming, on herbivory damage. Similarly, the third chapter focused on plant-pollinator turnover on range-shifting plants, driven by increasing temperature as a proxy for global warming. The last fourth chapter examined the effect of increasing temperature as a proxy for global warming on pollen viability of widespread forb. Klíčová slova: invertebrate herbivory; insect pollination; range-shifting plants; elevation Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Patrnosti v polinačních systémech podél geografických gradientů

The general aim of the thesis is to shed light on invertebrate herbivory and pollination in relation to the changing environment. Several experiments were conducted on meadow communities in the ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Enhancement of fish communities, improvement of sampling and stock assessment in lakes and reservoirs.
2024 - anglický
This Ph.D. thesis focuses on fish habitats, how we can improve their natural complexity, and how we can improve techniques to survey these habitats. With increasing human activities affecting freshwater ecosystems due to human population growth and industrial expansion, it is crucial to study environmental changes, their impacts, and ways to mitigate damage. As many biotic and abiotic factors can influence the health and diversity of the community, for our study, we focused on habitat definition and complexity, and the effect of fishery management. Paper (I) focuses on the transition between littoral (shallow areas) and pelagic (open water) habitats and their impact on fish communities. The littoral zone, typically the most intricate segment of a water body, serves as the primary habitat for a significant portion of the fish community and species diversity. However, its spatial extent is very limited. Littoral delimitation is important for obtaining a true picture of the fish community composition and for its sustainable management decisions. Paper (II) investigated the impact of protected areas on fish populations in the Lipno reservoir in the Czech Republic, specifically focusing on the abundance, biomass, standard length, and diversity indices. Protected areas have legislation that reduces or stops certain anthropological impacts to help recover the ecosystem. These areas are normally linked to spawning areas, feeding grounds, or rare species and are vital for the restoration and proliferation of specific environments. In our case, we revealed more and larger predatory fish in protected and low anthropological impact areas. Paper (III) tests the introduction of artificial habitats, which are man-made structures or environments created to provide additional habitats and support for various organisms. Despite efforts to restore habitats to their natural states, there are instances where complete restoration is challenging. In particular, water bodies are subjected to significant anthropogenic alterations, such as reservoirs. In such instances, the introduction of artificial habitats has emerged as a solution to rapidly enhance the complexity of these environments. In Lipno reservoir, artificial floating islands attracted young-of-the-year of common species. Klíčová slova: Fish management; Anthropogenic impact; Spatial distribution; Habitat use; Habitat restoration; Stock enhancement; Protected areas; Artificial Habitat Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Enhancement of fish communities, improvement of sampling and stock assessment in lakes and reservoirs.

This Ph.D. thesis focuses on fish habitats, how we can improve their natural complexity, and how we can improve techniques to survey these habitats. With increasing human activities affecting ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

The role of ecological gradients and host-parasitoid interaction in tropical insect communities
FINNIE, Sam Cameron
2024 - anglický
The thesis explores the various biotic and abiotic factors that drive change in insect communities with particular emphasis on host-parasitoid interactions. These factors range from ecological gradients to defensive traits and host specialisation. The aim of the first chapter was to determine how the assemblage of an ecologically and anthropocentrically significant group of insects changed in response to altitude. This study highlighted the elevational limit of fruit flies and discovered that a new and promising attractant lure used in agriculture was particularly useful at higher altitudes, potentially opening new avenues for pest management in mountainous regions. The aim of the second chapter was to ascertain the physiological and phylogenetic traits of galling insects that alter the diversity and host specificity of their parasitioids. This research not only uncovered a remarkably specialist community of gall parasitoids, and found significant physiological drivers of parasitoid assemblage, it also broached the possibility of a latitudinal gradient in gall parasitoid host specificity, that warrants further exploration due to its potential implications for biodiversity patterns. The final chapter, aimed to uncover patterns in the vertical stratification of a caterpillar-parasitoid community, and whether any potential patterns and interactions are driven by the defensive traits of the caterpillar hosts. This study provided further evidence that the defensive traits of caterpillars influence their vulnerability to parasitism, and discovered distinct patterns in the vertical stratification of caterpillar communities. Overall, this holistic research expands upon the existing literature on tropical insect ecology and advances our understanding on the complex interactions between insects and their environment. The thesis explores the various biotic and abiotic factors that drive change in insect communities with particular emphasis on host-parasitoid interactions. These factors range from ecological gradients to defensive traits and host specialisation. The aim of the first chapter was to determine how the assemblage of an ecologically and anthropocentrically significant group of insects changed in response to altitude. This study highlighted the elevational limit of fruit flies and discovered that a new and promising attractant lure used in agriculture was particularly useful at higher altitudes, potentially opening new avenues for pest management in mountainous regions. The aim of the second chapter was to ascertain the physiological and phylogenetic traits of galling insects that alter the diversity and host specificity of their parasitioids. This research not only uncovered a remarkably specialist community of gall parasitoids, and found significant physiological drivers of parasitoid assemblage, it also broached the possibility of a latitudinal gradient in gall parasitoid host specificity, that warrants further exploration due to its potential implications for biodiversity patterns. The final chapter, aimed to uncover patterns in the vertical stratification of a caterpillar-parasitoid community, and whether any potential patterns and interactions are driven by the defensive traits of the caterpillar hosts. This study provided further evidence that the defensive traits of caterpillars influence their vulnerability to parasitism, and discovered distinct patterns in the vertical stratification of caterpillar communities. Overall, this holistic research expands upon the existing literature on tropical insect ecology and advances our understanding on the complex interactions between insects and their environment. Klíčová slova: Vertical stratification; elevational gradient; defensive traits; caterpillars; galls; tephritidea; parasitism rates; parasitoid richness Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
The role of ecological gradients and host-parasitoid interaction in tropical insect communities

The thesis explores the various biotic and abiotic factors that drive change in insect communities with particular emphasis on host-parasitoid interactions. These factors range from ecological ...

FINNIE, Sam Cameron
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Reverse Janzen-Connell effects in New Guinean ant-plants
ZAHRA, Shafia
2024 - anglický
In this thesis, I investigate the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects in ant-plant communities in Papua New Guinea. Janzen-Connell effects help to explain species diversity maintenance by focusing on natural enemies' role in controlling plant distributions. It is postulated that spillover of enemies near adult plants reduces seedling survival, promoting coexistence and diversity. Conversely, reverse Janzen-Connell effects occur when mutualists enhance survival near conspecific adults, potentially creating larger recruitment zones leading in the extreme to species monodominance. I use a combination of observation and ant exclusion experiments, as well as spatial analysis to explore reverse Janzen-Connell effects. Ant-plant interactions, particularly myrmecophytic ones, show moderate species specificity, a key assumption of classic Janzen-Connell effects. Mutualistic ants enhance plant viability by eliminating herbivores and pathogens, reducing damage, and optimizing photosynthesis. I also explore the specificity of myrmecophytic systems compared to other ant-plant interactions across environments using a data collation approach. I speculate that reverse Janzen-Connell effects can be observed in ant-plant mutualisms, ectomycorrhizal fungi, and plants. I also found through a global meta-analysis that myrmecophytic networks are the most specialized, with specialisation being driven by network type rather than environmental factors. Thus, myrmecophytes are a suitable system to explore the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects. Spatial analysis showed the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects in plants in seedlings of Meliaceae family and less strongly in adults. In the ant exclusion experiments, conspecific saplings exhibited higher survival and growth, but this was not related to the treatment itself meaning the plants are potentially benefiting from root fungi from adult conspecifics. Saplings with ant patrolling had better survival, although caution is needed due to small sample size. Lastly, I found that ant inhabitation positively influenced growth in older ant-plants, but this was not linked to local ant-plant density, and leaf loss from herbivory was lower when saplings were near adult conspecifics, possibly due to protective volatiles. Taken together this suggests some weak evidence for reverse JanzenConnell effects in the lowland rainforest of Papua New Guinea. Klíčová slova: Ant-plants interaction; Papua New Guinea; Rypasora amplifolia; network specialization; Janzen-Connell effect; Reverse Janzen Connell effect; meta-analysis; Myrmecophytic. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Reverse Janzen-Connell effects in New Guinean ant-plants

In this thesis, I investigate the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects in ant-plant communities in Papua New Guinea. Janzen-Connell effects help to explain species diversity maintenance by ...

ZAHRA, Shafia
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Struktura a funkce rostlinné kutikuly ve vztahu k zásobení listu oxidem uhličitým
2024 - anglický
V této práci nebyla rostlinná kutikula považována pouze za ochrannou bariéru proti ztrátě vody, ale za dynamickou strukturu, která odráží podmínky prostředí a může nést informace o koncentraci CO2 a jejího gradientu v listu. Pomocí izotopového složení epikutikulárního vosku jsme určili koncentraci CO2 v chloroplastech a gradient CO2 napříč listem hypo- a amfistomatických rostlin, otestovali jsme tento nový model na listech s odlišnou anatomickou strukturou a popsali dynamiku obnovy epikutikulárních vosků mladých a dospělých listů. In this thesis, plant cuticle was not considered only as a protective barrier agains water loss, but as a dynamic structure that reflects environmental conditions and may carry a trace of CO2 concentration and its gradient within the leaf. We used the isotopic composition of epicuticular wax to reveal concentration of CO2 in chloroplasts and gradient of CO2 across the leaf of hypo- and amphistomatous plants, tested this new model in leaves with distinct anatomical structures and described the dynamics of epicuticular wax renewal in young and mature leaves. Klíčová slova: izotopy uhlíku; difúze CO2; vývoj kutikuly; epikutikulární vosky; výměna plynů; anatomie listů; listová kutikula; listový mezofyl; mezofylová vodivost; regenerace vosků Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Struktura a funkce rostlinné kutikuly ve vztahu k zásobení listu oxidem uhličitým

V této práci nebyla rostlinná kutikula považována pouze za ochrannou bariéru proti ztrátě vody, ale za dynamickou strukturu, která odráží podmínky prostředí a může nést informace o koncentraci CO2 a ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Influence of sperm density on outcomes of cryopreservation in carp
2024 - anglický
Tato diplomová práce je věnována problematice vlivu koncentrace spermií kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio) při zmrazování na výsledky kryokonzervace. Během experimentu bylo použito sedm koncentrací spermií a byly testovány dvě různé metody ředění spermatu (pomocí seminální plazmy a pomocí kryoprotekčního média) pro určení přímého vlivu koncentrace buněk ve vzorcích a pro současné testovaní eventuálního pozitivního účinku přítomnosti semenné plazmy během kryokonzervace na kryorezistenci spermií. Tato studie potvrdila předpoklad, že kvůli mezibuněčným interakcím tvoří koncentrovanější vzorky po rozmrazení menší procento živých buněk než vzorky zmražené při nižších koncentracích, přitom parametry pohyblivosti spermií mimo rychlosti pohybu nebyly významně ovlivněny odlišnou koncentrací. Nízké přežití buněk v případě použití koncentrovaného spermatu je kompenzováno původně velkým počtem spermií ve vzorku. a obsah spermií v těchto vzorcích je dostatečný pro úspěšné oplození, zejména při použití vysokého poměru spermií na jikru během procesu fertilizace. V tomto případě menší objem spermií ve srovnání s nízko koncentrovanými vzorky může být použit, což je výhodné z hlediska úspory prostoru potřebného ke skladování kryobiologických kontejnerů, chemikálií a práce. Z hlediska optimalizace procesu kryokonzervace by mohlo být doporučeno použití vysoce koncentrovaných vzorků spermatu. Součásti této práce bylo rovněž vypracování spektrofotometrické metody pro měření koncentrace ve vzorcích spermatu kapra obecného. Byla zjištěna silná korelace mezi absorbancí a koncentrací spermií vypočtenou pomocí Bürkerovy počítací komůrky a byla odvozena rovnice tohoto vztahu. Výsledkem je potvrzení možnosti využití této metody jako alternativy k široce používané metodě počítaní koncentrace spermií hemocytometrem, nicméně některá další vylepšení této metody nejsou vyloučena. The current work is devoted to the study of the influence of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sperm concentration during freezing on cryopreservation outcomes. During the experiments, seven concentrations of sperm were used. Two different approaches of sperm dilution (using seminal plasma or cryoprotective medium) were tested to directly determine the impact of cell concentration in solutions and simultaneously to test an additional positive effect of seminal plasma presence during cryopreservation on sperm cryoresistance. This study confirmed the assumption that, due to close cell-to-cell interactions, more concentrated samples after thawing account for a smaller percentage of living cells than low-concentrated samples, while different densities didn't significantly affect other motility parameters of sperm, except velocity. However, the low motility is compensated in the case of using concentrated sperm by the initially large number of spermatozoa in these samples, and the sperm content in such samples is sufficient for successful fertilization, especially when using a high sperm per egg ratio during the fertilization process. In this case, a lower volume of sperm is required in comparison to low-concentrated samples, which is beneficial in terms of saving cryostorage space, chemicals, and work. Therefore, from the considerations of optimization, the use of highly concentrated sperm samples can be offered. As a part of this work, an elaboration of the spectrophotometry method for the estimation of common carp sperm concentration was carried out. A strong correlation was obtained between absorbance and sperm concentration calculated using the Bürker counting chamber, and an equation of this relation was deduced. The results confirm the possibility of using this method as an alternative to the widely used method of counting sperm concentration with a haemocytometer, however, some further improvements of the method remain possible. Klíčová slova: Klíčová slova: kryokonzervace; kapr obecný (Cyprinus carpio); koncentrace spermatu; pohyblivost spermií; výsledky oplození Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Influence of sperm density on outcomes of cryopreservation in carp

Tato diplomová práce je věnována problematice vlivu koncentrace spermií kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio) při zmrazování na výsledky kryokonzervace. Během experimentu bylo použito sedm koncentrací ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

The role of electroactive organisms in biomineralization reactions involving transition metals, nitrogen and humic substances under suboxic/anoxic conditions
VALERO, Astolfo
2024 - anglický
Electroactive microorganisms sustain their respiratory metabolisms by retrieving or transferring electrons to extracellular conductive particles. Electroactive metabolisms based on iron respiration can trigger the precipitation of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides or changes in their crystallinity. Iron biomineralization has a sound effect on the geochemical cycles of elements because it also influence the solubility of other elements such as phosphorus and arsenic. Thus, siderophile elements are removed from solution within precipitated particles or they are released back after mineral stabilization. However, major insights are often deduced by studying lab isolates of model microorganisms and using simplified substrates. This does not reflect environments where the presence of redox stratification boosts the overlapping of nitrogen- and iron-based metabolisms and interspecies interactions regarding thermodynamics constraints of minimal energetic loss for microbial respiration. For example, reactive nitrogen species (i.e., nitrate and ammonia) serve as alternative electron sources as sinks during iron biomineralization in nature. This can be also furthered by the presence of re-oxidable moieties of humic substances, which are used as electron shuttlers to reach extracellular materials. Therefore, this doctoral research aimed to describe how the availability of redox-reactive humic substances and reactive nitrogen species, as alternative electron donors or acceptors, affect electroactive metabolisms and linked iron biomineralization in the anoxic water column of a redox-stratified lake with high metal load (Lake Medard, NW Czech Republic). This was addressed by assessing the geochemical and hydrobiological features of the uppermost layers of sediment and the redox-stratified ferruginous water column of Lake Medard, and then, (ii) using the resulting dataset as input conditions in bioelectrochemical experiments to model the lake's biomineralization reactions by inducing microbe-mineral interactions under controlled electric potentials. Electroactive microorganisms sustain their respiratory metabolisms by retrieving or transferring electrons to extracellular conductive particles. Electroactive metabolisms based on iron respiration can trigger the precipitation of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides or changes in their crystallinity. Iron biomineralization has a sound effect on the geochemical cycles of elements because it also influence the solubility of other elements such as phosphorus and arsenic. Thus, siderophile elements are removed from solution within precipitated particles or they are released back after mineral stabilization. However, major insights are often deduced by studying lab isolates of model microorganisms and using simplified substrates. This does not reflect environments where the presence of redox stratification boosts the overlapping of nitrogen- and iron-based metabolisms and interspecies interactions regarding thermodynamics constraints of minimal energetic loss for microbial respiration. For example, reactive nitrogen species (i.e., nitrate and ammonia) serve as alternative electron sources as sinks during iron biomineralization in nature. This can be also furthered by the presence of re-oxidable moieties of humic substances, which are used as electron shuttlers to reach extracellular materials. Therefore, this doctoral research aimed to describe how the availability of redox-reactive humic substances and reactive nitrogen species, as alternative electron donors or acceptors, affect electroactive metabolisms and linked iron biomineralization in the anoxic water column of a redox-stratified lake with high metal load (Lake Medard, NW Czech Republic). This was addressed by assessing the geochemical and hydrobiological features of the uppermost layers of sediment and the redox-stratified ferruginous water column of Lake Medard, and then, (ii) using the resulting dataset as input conditions in bioelectrochemical experiments to model the lake's biomineralization reactions by inducing microbe-mineral interactions under controlled electric potentials. Klíčová slova: extracellular electron transfer; biogeochemistry; ferruginous lakes; iron oxyhydroxides; electromicrobiology Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
The role of electroactive organisms in biomineralization reactions involving transition metals, nitrogen and humic substances under suboxic/anoxic conditions

Electroactive microorganisms sustain their respiratory metabolisms by retrieving or transferring electrons to extracellular conductive particles. Electroactive metabolisms based on iron respiration ...

VALERO, Astolfo
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

With a little help from my friends: "understanding the roles and importance of the millipede gut microbiome"
NWEZE, Julius Eyiuche
2024 - anglický
This research aimed to elucidate the role and importance of the millipede gut microbiome in cellulose digestion by using inhibitors to disrupt potential host-symbiosis and assessing their effects on millipede digestion and overall health. It involved the first comprehensive profiling of microbial communities within the hindgut and faeces of two distinct millipede species: Epibolus pulchripes, a tropical species found on the East African coast, and Glomeris connexa, a temperate species native to Central Europe. Although both species share a similar detritivorous lifestyle, they differ in size and gut redox conditions, with G. connexa being smaller (10-17 mm) than E. pulchripes (130-160 mm). The study also revealed the potential of the hindgut bacterial community in breaking down complex polysaccharides and recycling nutrients. It described the active bacterial community vital for certain processes and the extent of the millipedes' dependence on them. Additionally, the research provided a comprehensive investigation of viral communities in the hindguts of the two millipedes and their role in enhancing metabolism and modulating microbial composition. Furthermore, it introduced a new perspective that millipedes primarily ingest litter to gain access to microbial biomass (primarily fungal), which they and their gut microbiota consume. This research aimed to elucidate the role and importance of the millipede gut microbiome in cellulose digestion by using inhibitors to disrupt potential host-symbiosis and assessing their effects on millipede digestion and overall health. It involved the first comprehensive profiling of microbial communities within the hindgut and faeces of two distinct millipede species: Epibolus pulchripes, a tropical species found on the East African coast, and Glomeris connexa, a temperate species native to Central Europe. Although both species share a similar detritivorous lifestyle, they differ in size and gut redox conditions, with G. connexa being smaller (10-17 mm) than E. pulchripes (130-160 mm). The study also revealed the potential of the hindgut bacterial community in breaking down complex polysaccharides and recycling nutrients. It described the active bacterial community vital for certain processes and the extent of the millipedes' dependence on them. Additionally, the research provided a comprehensive investigation of viral communities in the hindguts of the two millipedes and their role in enhancing metabolism and modulating microbial composition. Furthermore, it introduced a new perspective that millipedes primarily ingest litter to gain access to microbial biomass (primarily fungal), which they and their gut microbiota consume. Klíčová slova: Millipedes; Epibolus pulchripes; Glomeris connexa; hindgut; microbes; virsues; plant litter; methane; metagenomics; metatranscriptomics; RNA-SIP; CARD-FISH; polysacchride degradation; nitrogen cycling; sulphur cycling; acetogenesis; urolytic bacteria; protists Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
With a little help from my friends: "understanding the roles and importance of the millipede gut microbiome"

This research aimed to elucidate the role and importance of the millipede gut microbiome in cellulose digestion by using inhibitors to disrupt potential host-symbiosis and assessing their effects on ...

NWEZE, Julius Eyiuche
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

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