Sciences in Czechoslovakia in the Period of political "Normalization", 1970-75. Proceedings of the Conference
Kostlán, Antonín; Devátá, Markéta
2002 - Czech
Proceedings contain contributions from the conference as part of the 5th part of the series Czech Science in the 20th Century. It concerns itself with the development of scientific fields and institutions in Czechoslovakia in the period after the forced termination of the liberalizational stream of thought of the second half of the 1960s. It represents approximately 40 texts in the following thematic wholes: Science and Politics, Universities, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Development of Scientific Fields, Slovak Viewpoints, Persons and Personalities, Documents. Sborník obsahuje příspěvky z konference v rámci 5. pokračování cyklu Česká věda ve 20. století. Věnuje se vývoji vědních oborů a institucí v Československu v období po násilném ukončení liberalizačního myšlenkového proudu 2. poloviny 20. století. Představuje přibližně 40 textů v následujících tematických celcích - Věda a politika, Vysoké školy, ČSAV, Vývoj vědních oborů, Slovenské pohledy, Osoby a osobnosti, Dokumenty.
history of sciences
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sciences in Czechoslovakia in the Period of political "Normalization", 1970-75. Proceedings of the Conference
Proceedings contain contributions from the conference as part of the 5th part of the series Czech Science in the 20th Century. It concerns itself with the development of scientific fields and ...
Ten years of contemporary history. Dealings of the Contemporary History Section at the Eight Gathering of Czech Historian
Kocian, Jiří; Tůma, Oldřich
2001 - Czech
Essay collection from the Contemporary history section at the eight gathering of Czech historians. Sborník referátů ze sekce Soudobé dějiny na VIII. sjezdu českých historiků.
contemporary history; Czech Republic
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ten years of contemporary history. Dealings of the Contemporary History Section at the Eight Gathering of Czech Historian
Essay collection from the Contemporary history section at the eight gathering of Czech historians.
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