Ups and Downs of Central Europe. Chapters from Czech Symbolic Geograpgy
Kopeček, Michal
2005 - English
Článek analyzuje vývoj a politickou úlohu konceptu "střední Evropy" v českém politickém myšlení od konce 2. světové války. Odlišuje tři základní periody. Paper outlines the development and political role of Central European Discourse in the Czech political thought from the end of the WWII to the present. It distinguishes three periods in the development of Central European discourse.
Central Europe - Czech political discourse
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ups and Downs of Central Europe. Chapters from Czech Symbolic Geograpgy
Článek analyzuje vývoj a politickou úlohu konceptu "střední Evropy" v českém politickém myšlení od konce 2. světové války. Odlišuje tři základní periody.
Štrbáňová, Soňa; Stamhuis, I. H.; Mojsejová, Kateřina
2004 - English
Úvod do sborníku. Introduction to the collection of papers.
women in science; gender studies; history of science
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Úvod do sborníku.
Science in Contact with Art. Astronomical Symbolics of the Wallenstein Palace in Prague
Hadravová, Alena; Hadrava, Petr
2004 - English
Příspěvek se zabývá astronomickými motivy na freskách ve Valdštejnském paláci v Praze (po roce 1620). Shrnuje dosavadní poznatky již známých zobrazeních Galileiho teleskopicných objevů a astrologické symboliky. Nově byla určena vyobrazení souhvězdí Severní i Jižní oblohy. Práce zkoumá vývoj dějin vědy v historických kontextech. Contribution deals with astronomical motifs on fresces in Wallenstein Palace in Prague (1620s); the known Galileo's telescopis discoveries and astrological symbols are summarized. Representations of constellations including those on Southern sky are newly recognized. Historical context with the development of science is discussed.
history of astronomy - iconography - history of science
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Science in Contact with Art. Astronomical Symbolics of the Wallenstein Palace in Prague
Příspěvek se zabývá astronomickými motivy na freskách ve Valdštejnském paláci v Praze (po roce 1620). Shrnuje dosavadní poznatky již známých zobrazeních Galileiho teleskopicných objevů a astrologické ...
"Phenomenon Woman" at the Faculties of Forestry in the Czech Lands in the 20th century
Mikovcová, Alena
2004 - English
Female students enrolled at the Faculty of Forestry in Prague only in the 1930s. After WW2, more women in Czechoslovakia started to study forestry engineering. The number of female forestry engineers increased ten times during the period in question in Czechoslovakia. Female graduates had problems to find suitable job until the 1980s. Women forestry engineers earned less than comparably educated men. Distance studies were practically unavailable to women until 1980s. The number of doctoral theses defended by women was extraordinarily low. Only 9 women were awarded academic degree (PhD) at the faculties of forestry in the Czech Lands between 1952 and 1989. Studentky na lesnické fakultě v Praze ve 30. letech.
women; faculties of forestry; Czech Lands; ženy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
"Phenomenon Woman" at the Faculties of Forestry in the Czech Lands in the 20th century
Female students enrolled at the Faculty of Forestry in Prague only in the 1930s. After WW2, more women in Czechoslovakia started to study forestry engineering. The number of female forestry engineers ...
Women Scholars and Institutions. Proceedings of the International Conference (Prague, June 8-11, 2003)
2004 - English
The two volumes contain articles based on the contributions of the conference 'Women Scholars and Institutionsö, June 8-11, 2003 in Prague. In the meeing organized by the Commission Women in Science of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science/Division of History of Science (IUHPS/DHS) in cooperation with the Research Center for History of Sciences and Humanities and several other Czech and European institutions, around 60 scholars from 14 countries participated. Dva svazky sborníku obsahuje příspěvky z konference.
History of science; women in science; gender studies; feministická antropologie; dějiny vědy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Women Scholars and Institutions. Proceedings of the International Conference (Prague, June 8-11, 2003)
The two volumes contain articles based on the contributions of the conference 'Women Scholars and Institutionsö, June 8-11, 2003 in Prague. In the meeing organized by the Commission Women in Science ...
The Institutional Position of Czech Women in Bohemia 1860-1938
Štrbáňová, Soňa
2004 - English
Cesta českých žen za vyšším vzděláním v 19. stol. ; uplatnění žen na českých vysokých školách v první polovině 20. století. Road of Czech women to higher education in the 19th century ; women at the Czech universities in the first half of the 20th century.
history of science; women in science; gender studies
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Institutional Position of Czech Women in Bohemia 1860-1938
Cesta českých žen za vyšším vzděláním v 19. stol. ; uplatnění žen na českých vysokých školách v první polovině 20. století.
Women in the Field of Radioactivity: the Case of the Czech Physical Chemist and Radiobiologist Jarmila Petrová
Těšínská, Emilie
2004 - English
The paper analyzes the scientific carrier and accomplishments of Czech physical chemist and radiobiologist Jarmila PETROVA (1900-1972) against the institutional background of education and scientific research in the field of radiology in Czechoslovakia during the first half of the 20th century, and in comparison to the activities of her male colleagues, physicists and radiologists František BĚHOUNEK (1898-1973) and Vilém SANTHOLZER (1903-1970). Analýza vědecké práce české přírodovědkyně Jarmily Petrové.
Women Scholars; výzkum; ženy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Women in the Field of Radioactivity: the Case of the Czech Physical Chemist and Radiobiologist Jarmila Petrová
The paper analyzes the scientific carrier and accomplishments of Czech physical chemist and radiobiologist Jarmila PETROVA (1900-1972) against the institutional background of education and scientific ...
Marjory Stephenson and the Medical Research Council. New Managing Role for a Woman Scholar
Štrbáňová, Soňa
2003 - English
M. Stephenson, directed most of her life the Cambridge laboratory of the Medical Research Council. In spite of the fact that she was acknowledged founder of the new scientific branches chemical and general microbiology, being a woman she had to cope in the British institutions with the official acknowledgement of her role of a scientific team leader.
biochemistry; history of microbiology; gendes issues
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Marjory Stephenson and the Medical Research Council. New Managing Role for a Woman Scholar
M. Stephenson, directed most of her life the Cambridge laboratory of the Medical Research Council. In spite of the fact that she was acknowledged founder of the new scientific branches chemical and ...
Discrete analysis of a certain parametrized family of quadratic functions based on conjugacy of those
Fuchs, Eduard; Chvalina, J.; Chvalinová, L.
2003 - English
Charles Babbage laid the foundations for the theory of iteration. In his work, this theory is applied to a certain class of quadratic functions.
theory of iteration
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Discrete analysis of a certain parametrized family of quadratic functions based on conjugacy of those
Charles Babbage laid the foundations for the theory of iteration. In his work, this theory is applied to a certain class of quadratic functions.
Founding of Czechoslovakia. American-Czechoslovak Relations in the 1920's and 1930's
Polišenská, Milada
1999 - English
Czechoslovak-US relations, from 1918 on wards.
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Founding of Czechoslovakia. American-Czechoslovak Relations in the 1920's and 1930's
Czechoslovak-US relations, from 1918 on wards.
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