Number of found documents: 492
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X. sjezd českých historiků. Ostrava 14.-16. 9. 2011. Svazek II
Hlavačka, Milan; Řepa, Milan
2013 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
X. sjezd českých historiků. Ostrava 14.-16. 9. 2011. Svazek II

Hlavačka, Milan; Řepa, Milan
Historický ústav, 2013

Continuity and Discontinuity in history of Central Europe
Pánek, Jaroslav
2013 - Czech
The article deals with the problems of continuity and discontinuity in history, especially in microhistory (noble families of Rožmberk and Liechtenstein) and macrohistory (Central Europe). Článek se zabývá problematikou kontinuity a diskontinuity v dějinách, zvláště ve smyslu mikrohistorickém (šlechtické rody Rožmberků a Lichtenštejnů) a makrohistorickém (střední Evropa). Keywords: Central Europe; Family of Liechtenstein; Continuity and discontinuity in history Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Continuity and Discontinuity in history of Central Europe

The article deals with the problems of continuity and discontinuity in history, especially in microhistory (noble families of Rožmberk and Liechtenstein) and macrohistory (Central Europe).

Pánek, Jaroslav
Historický ústav, 2013

The crucial year 1809 in Czech and (Sudeten)German historiography
Hlavačka, Milan
2013 - Czech
1809 was a year full of historic events which affected the fate of tens of millions of people, however these events have been differently categorised, interpreted and emphasised by Czech and Sudeten German historiography. Rok 1809 byl nabit zásadními historickými údálostmi, které jsou ale různě intepretovány a prožívány českou a sudetoněmeckou historiografií. Keywords: Czech Lands; Napoleonic Wars; historiography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The crucial year 1809 in Czech and (Sudeten)German historiography

1809 was a year full of historic events which affected the fate of tens of millions of people, however these events have been differently categorised, interpreted and emphasised by Czech and Sudeten ...

Hlavačka, Milan
Historický ústav, 2013

Entrepreneurs, business Elites, Entrepreneurship as socio-economic Phenomenon. Open Questions and actual Desiderata of Czech socio-economic Historiography
Hájek, Jan
2013 - Czech
The study reveals one of the key topics of socio-economic historiography - the history of businessmen and entrepreneurship. It presents relevant historiographical debates - with focus on the Czech historiogrpahy - and tries to sketch a typology of entrepreneurs. Studie se zabývá jedním z klíčových témat socioekonomické historiografie - dějinami podnikatelů a podnikání. Představuje relevantní historiografickou diskusi - především v české historiografii - a pokouší se nečrtnout typologii podnikatelů. Keywords: entrepreneurs; typology; historiography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Entrepreneurs, business Elites, Entrepreneurship as socio-economic Phenomenon. Open Questions and actual Desiderata of Czech socio-economic Historiography

The study reveals one of the key topics of socio-economic historiography - the history of businessmen and entrepreneurship. It presents relevant historiographical debates - with focus on the Czech ...

Hájek, Jan
Historický ústav, 2013

Supermachine of the 19th century and a new organisation of time, space and society
Hlavačka, Milan
2013 - Czech
Railways has become a phenomenon in its wake, which spurred the creation of a unite time for civil society and spatial transformation of their activities. Železnice se stala již při svém zrodu fenoménem, který urychlil vytváření jednotného času pro občanskou společnost a prostorovou proměnu jejich aktivit. Keywords: railway; time unification; 19th century Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Supermachine of the 19th century and a new organisation of time, space and society

Railways has become a phenomenon in its wake, which spurred the creation of a unite time for civil society and spatial transformation of their activities.

Hlavačka, Milan
Historický ústav, 2013

"A universally usable, exceptionally diligent, accurate and reliable officer": the forgotten historical geographer and archivist Josef Paldus and his involvement in the Czechoslovak-Austrian archive separation
Chodějovská, Eva
2013 - Czech
Many details were known about Josef Paldus´s (1863-1937) life, but none has offered a complete bibliography and a comprehensive curriculum vitae, which would include all the periods of his life and his rich activities. The aim of this paper is to fullfil the gap. Josef Paldus, a military man, who served in the Austrian State Archives in the Department of Cartography (Kriegsarchiv), participated in the Czechoslovak-Austrian archive separation and was one of the most important fellow worker of Zdeněk Wirth in the 1920s and 1930s. Moreover, he was a patriot of his native town Gablonz (Jablonec nad Nisou). Dosud bylo známo mnoho detailů o životě Josefa Palduse (1863-1937), ale nebyla k dispozici jeho kompletní bibliografie ani taková biografie, která by zahrnula všechna období jeho života a bohaté aktivity. Cílem této studie je zaplnit tyto mezery. Josef Paldus, voják, který sloužil v Rakouském státním archivu v oddělení kartografie (Kriegsarchiv), se podílel na československo-rakouské archivní rozluce a byl jedním z nejdůležitějších spolupracovníků Zdeňka Wirtha ve dvacátých a třicátých letech. Celoživotně se také podílel na vlastivědné a spolkové činnosti ve svém rodném městě Jablonci nad Nisou. Keywords: Josef Paldus (1863-1937); historical cartography; map collections Available at various institutes of the ASCR
"A universally usable, exceptionally diligent, accurate and reliable officer": the forgotten historical geographer and archivist Josef Paldus and his involvement in the Czechoslovak-Austrian archive separation

Many details were known about Josef Paldus´s (1863-1937) life, but none has offered a complete bibliography and a comprehensive curriculum vitae, which would include all the periods of his life and ...

Chodějovská, Eva
Historický ústav, 2013

The Research Project Ideas - Legislation - Institutions: Social Thoughts and Social Practise in the Czech Lands 1781 - 1939
Hlavačka, Milan
2013 - Czech
The article introduces the project, which shall recall origin and past performances of social policy in the form of an easy course in history of social policy and social work in Central Europe with an emphasis on the Habsburg monarchy. Článek představuje projekt, který má přiblížit genezi a dosavadní výkony sociální politiky ve formě přehledného kurzu dějin sociální politiky a sociální práce ve střední Evropě s důrazem na habsburskou monarchii. Keywords: project; social mining; social practise Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Research Project Ideas - Legislation - Institutions: Social Thoughts and Social Practise in the Czech Lands 1781 - 1939

The article introduces the project, which shall recall origin and past performances of social policy in the form of an easy course in history of social policy and social work in Central Europe with an ...

Hlavačka, Milan
Historický ústav, 2013

Activity of Society for economic and social history of the Czech Republic, its current form and perspectives
Hájek, Jan
2013 - Czech
In the study the author, a member of executive committee and former president of the Society, introduces some basic facts about the Society foreconomic and social history of the Czech republic that was established in 1990. Ve studii autor, člen výkonného výboru a bývalý president Společnosti, uvádí některá základní fakta o Společnosti pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny České republiky, která byla založena v r.1990. Keywords: social history; Society for economic and social history; Czech historiography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Activity of Society for economic and social history of the Czech Republic, its current form and perspectives

In the study the author, a member of executive committee and former president of the Society, introduces some basic facts about the Society foreconomic and social history of the Czech republic that ...

Hájek, Jan
Historický ústav, 2013

The proportion of businessmen and technical intelligentsia included in the Biographical Dictionary of the Bohemian Lands and in the Austrian Biographical Dictionary
Makariusová, Marie
2013 - Czech
The study discuss the proportion of biograms of businessmen, managers and technical intelligentsia in the Biographical Dictionary of the Bohemian Lands. The work is compared to the encyclopaedias similarly structured that have been available in Slovakia, Austria and Germany. Studie se zabývá zastoupením biogramů podnikatelů, manažerů a technické inteligence v Biografickém slovníku českých zemí. Srovnává jej s podobně strukturovanými slovníky na Slovensku, v Rakousku a Německu. Keywords: dictionaries; biographies; businessmen Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The proportion of businessmen and technical intelligentsia included in the Biographical Dictionary of the Bohemian Lands and in the Austrian Biographical Dictionary

The study discuss the proportion of biograms of businessmen, managers and technical intelligentsia in the Biographical Dictionary of the Bohemian Lands. The work is compared to the encyclopaedias ...

Makariusová, Marie
Historický ústav, 2013

International acclaim and impact of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich for the Czechoslovak foreign action
Němeček, Jan; Kuklík, J.
2013 - Czech
Events in the protectorate following the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, where martial law was declared and mass executions began, received widespread international acclaim. The destruction of Lidice generated a huge response in all Allied countries. The Czechoslovak victims contributed in no small degree to the restoration of the Czechoslovak State. Události v protektorátu následující po atentátu na Reinharda Heydricha, kde bylo vyhlášeno stanné právo a zahájeny masové popravy, získaly široký mezinárodní ohlas. Zničení Lidic vyvolalo obrovskou odezvu ve všech spojeneckých zemích. Československé oběti přispěly nemalou měrou k obnovení československého státu. Keywords: 20th century; Czechoslovakia; Protectorate; assassination Available at various institutes of the ASCR
International acclaim and impact of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich for the Czechoslovak foreign action

Events in the protectorate following the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, where martial law was declared and mass executions began, received widespread international acclaim. The destruction of ...

Němeček, Jan; Kuklík, J.
Historický ústav, 2013

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