Počet nalezených dokumentů: 2368
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Annular impinging jets and an active control of hysteretic effects
Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
2022 - anglický
An annular air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using flow visualization and measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot and Prandtl probes and the hot-wire anemometer. To investigate flow control swirling effects, eight synthetic jets were generated from the annular nozzle center body.The experiments cover Reynolds numbers 4000–10000 (evaluated from the outer exit diameter of the annular nozzle). For Re<9000, the bistability and hysteresis were identified and two different flow field patterns (A and B) were found under the same boundary conditions. For A pattern, a small recirculation area (bubble) of separated flow is attached to the nozzle center body. For B pattern, a large recirculation area of separated flow bridges entire nozzle-to-wall distance. For higher Re > 9000, the bistability and hysteresis were not found.Flow control swirling effects causes suppression of the hysteresis. Moreover, weak flow control causes that the entire annular jet is forced into a precessing motion. Klíčová slova: annular jet; impinging jet; bistability; hysteresis Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Annular impinging jets and an active control of hysteretic effects

An annular air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using flow visualization and measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot and Prandtl probes and the ...

Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

Sequential sampling beyond decisions? A normative model of decision confidence
Rehák, Rastislav
2022 - anglický
We study informational dissociations between decisions and decision confidence. We explore the consequences of a dual-system model: the decision system and confidence system have distinct goals, but share access to a source of noisy and costly information about a decision-relevant variable. The decision system aims to maximize utility while the confidence system monitors the decision system and aims to provide good feedback about the correctness of the decision. In line with existing experimental evidence showing the importance of post-decisional information in confidence formation, we allow the confidence system to accumulate information after the decision. We aim to base the post-decisional stage (used in descriptive models of confidence) in the optimal learning theory. However, we find that it is not always optimal to engage in the second stage, even for a given individual in a given decision environment. In particular, there is scope for post-decisional information acquisition only for relatively fast decisions. Hence, a strict distinction between one-stage and two-stage theories of decision confidence may be misleading because both may manifest themselves under one underlying mechanism in a non-trivial manner. Klíčová slova: decision; confidence; sequential sampling Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Sequential sampling beyond decisions? A normative model of decision confidence

We study informational dissociations between decisions and decision confidence. We explore the consequences of a dual-system model: the decision system and confidence system have distinct goals, but ...

Rehák, Rastislav
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Conservation standards for archaeological sites
Drdácký, Miloš; Drdácký, Tomáš; Novotný, Jakub; Přechová, Barbora
2022 - anglický
The report provides a set of principles for the preventive protection, conservation and management of archaeological sites exposed to the threats of global hazards, especially natural disasters and long-term weather effects.\n\n Klíčová slova: conservation; archaeological sites; Danube limes monument; natural hazards; preventive measures Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Conservation standards for archaeological sites

The report provides a set of principles for the preventive protection, conservation and management of archaeological sites exposed to the threats of global hazards, especially natural disasters and ...

Drdácký, Miloš; Drdácký, Tomáš; Novotný, Jakub; Přechová, Barbora
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

An equivalence between rational inattention problems and complete-information conformity games
Ilinov, Pavel; Jann, Ole
2022 - anglický
We consider two types of models: (i) a rational inattention problem (as known from the literature) and (ii) a conformity game, in which fully informed players find it costly to deviate from average behavior. We show that these problems are equivalent to each other both from the perspective of the participant and the outside observer: Each individual faces identical trade-offs in both situations, and an observer would not be able to distinguish the two models from the choice data they generate. We also establish when individual behavior in the conformity game maximizes welfare. Klíčová slova: conformity; equivalence; rational inattention Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
An equivalence between rational inattention problems and complete-information conformity games

We consider two types of models: (i) a rational inattention problem (as known from the literature) and (ii) a conformity game, in which fully informed players find it costly to deviate from average ...

Ilinov, Pavel; Jann, Ole
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

RBTC and human capital: accounting for individual-level responses
Kashkarov, Daniil
2022 - anglický
I test the contribution of individual human capital responses to earnings inequality arising in the process of the routine-biased technological change (RBTC). I develop a lifecycle model of human capital and occupational choice, calibrate it to the NLSY79 data, using the price series for human capital in abstract and routine occupations estimated from the cross-sectional CPS data with the “flat spot” approach. I then use the model to quantify the effect of a change in human capital prices on earnings inequality. I find that an increase in the price for human capital in abstract occupations and a fall in its price in routine occupations associated with RBTC has a modest contribution to the evolution of variance of log-earnings — up to 10.8 per cent by the end of the working life cycle. However, the contribution of RBTC to an increase in the abstract wage premium over the lifetime of the NLSY79 cohorts is up to 28.6 per cent. The growth of the abstract wage premium is significantly dampened by the human capital responses of workers switching from routine occupations. Klíčová slova: RBTC; human capital; life-cycle modelling Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
RBTC and human capital: accounting for individual-level responses

I test the contribution of individual human capital responses to earnings inequality arising in the process of the routine-biased technological change (RBTC). I develop a lifecycle model of human ...

Kashkarov, Daniil
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 2nd phase – Decline
Waclawik, Petr; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Georgiou, Lucie
2022 - anglický
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS38 and CIS39) within the projected Decline in lithium exploratory area was carried out on the basis of optical (OPTV) and acoustic televiewer (HiRAT) records evaluation. HiRAT and OPTV probes are part of the Robertson Geologging logging equipment. The apparatus has an electric winch with a four core logging cable, which transmits the data recorded by the probes via a data logger to a computer. The spatial data obtained from interpretation of the geotechnical boreholes records were structurally analysed. The submitted research report comprehensively summarises the findings obtained from the structural mapping of geotechnical boreholes. On the basis measured data the rock mass quality evaluation of boreholes walls were additionally done. The complex data have been allowed very precise analysis of rock mass structural conditions, which are necessary for design of opening mine working. Klíčová slova: geotechnical boreholes; structural mapping; geotechnics Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 2nd phase – Decline

Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS38 and CIS39) within the projected Decline in lithium exploratory area was carried out on the ...

Waclawik, Petr; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Georgiou, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Spatio-Spectral EEG Patterns in the Source-Reconstructed Space and Relation to Resting-State Networks: An EEG-fMRI Study
Jiříček, Stanislav; Koudelka, V.; Mantini, D.; Mareček, R.; Hlinka, Jaroslav
2022 - anglický
In this work, we present and evaluate a novel EEG-fMRI integration approach combining a spatio-spectral decomposition method and a reliable source localization technique. On the large 72 subjects resting- state hdEEG-fMRI data set we tested the stability of the proposed method in terms of both extracted spatio-spectral patterns(SSPs) as well as their correspondence to the BOLD signal. We also compared the proposed method with the spatio-spectral decomposition in the electrode space as well as well-known occipital alpha correlate in terms of the explained variance of BOLD signal. We showed that the proposed method is stable in terms of extracted patterns and where they correlate with the BOLD signal. Furthermore, we show that the proposed method explains a very similar level of the BOLD signal with the other methods and that the BOLD signal in areas of typical BOLD functional networks is explained significantly more than by a chance. Nevertheless, we didn’t observe a significant relation between our source-space SSPs and the BOLD ICs when spatio-temporally comparing them. Finally, we report several the most stable source space EEG-fMRI patterns together with their interpretation and comparison to the electrode space patterns. Klíčová slova: EEG-fMRI Integration; EEG-informed fMRI; Spatio-spectral Decomposition; Electrical Source Imaging; Independent Component Analysis; Resting State Networks Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Spatio-Spectral EEG Patterns in the Source-Reconstructed Space and Relation to Resting-State Networks: An EEG-fMRI Study

In this work, we present and evaluate a novel EEG-fMRI integration approach combining a spatio-spectral decomposition method and a reliable source localization technique. On the large 72 subjects ...

Jiříček, Stanislav; Koudelka, V.; Mantini, D.; Mareček, R.; Hlinka, Jaroslav
Ústav informatiky, 2022

Naked exclusion with heterogeneous buyers
Chen, Y.; Zápal, Jan
2022 - anglický
We investigate the effects of buyer heterogeneity in a market in which an incumbent firm prevents entry when it signs enough exclusionary contracts with buyers. With heterogeneous buyers several well-known results in exclusionary contracting with homogenous buyers are overturned and novel ones emerge. First, inefficient equilibria exist in which exclusionary contracts are signed but entry still occurs, and the loss of consumer surplus falls on small buyers. Second, sequential contracting may be more pro-competitive than simultaneous contracting in the sense that entry occurs under sequential but not simultaneous contracting. When this happens, sequential Pareto dominates simultaneous contracting. Klíčová slova: contracting with externalities; exclusionary contracts; buyer heterogeneity Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Naked exclusion with heterogeneous buyers

We investigate the effects of buyer heterogeneity in a market in which an incumbent firm prevents entry when it signs enough exclusionary contracts with buyers. With heterogeneous buyers several ...

Chen, Y.; Zápal, Jan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Final Report of the Centre of Excellence for Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Advanced Materials in Engineering
Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan
2022 - anglický
This final report presents the CeNDYNMAT Center of Excellence, which was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2016 and ended in 2022. The report summarizes the most important scientific results of the center. It also gives an overview of the main outcomes and developments of the project, including budgeting, purchasing instrumentation, international cooperation and organization of conferences and summer courses. Klíčová slova: nonlinear dynamic behavior; advanced materials; metal plasticity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Final Report of the Centre of Excellence for Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Advanced Materials in Engineering

This final report presents the CeNDYNMAT Center of Excellence, which was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2016 and ended in 2022. The report ...

Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

Diffusion Kalman filtering under unknown process and measurement noise covariance matrices
Vlk, T.; Dedecius, Kamil
2022 - anglický
The state-of-the-art algorithms for Kalman filtering in agent networks with information diffusion impose the requirement of well-defined state-space models. In particular, they assume that both the process and measurement noise covariance matrices are known and properly set. This is a relatively strong assumption in the signal processing domain. By design, the Kalman filters are rather sensitive to its violation, which may potentially lead to their divergence. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed filtering algorithm with increased robustness under unknown process and measurement noise covariance matrices. It is formulated as a Bayesian variational message passing procedure for simultaneous analytically tractable inference of states and measurement noise covariance matrices. Klíčová slova: Collaborative estimation; State estimation; Variational Bayesian methods Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Diffusion Kalman filtering under unknown process and measurement noise covariance matrices

The state-of-the-art algorithms for Kalman filtering in agent networks with information diffusion impose the requirement of well-defined state-space models. In particular, they assume that both the ...

Vlk, T.; Dedecius, Kamil
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

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