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Current status of natural refrigerants for heat pumps in an electric bus
Aminian, Ali; Vinš, Václav
2022 - anglický
The technical report provides a survey on the current status of hydrocarbons, with special focus on propane (R290), used as natural refrigerants in air‐conditioning units and heat pumps. Due to the\nexpected phase‐down of halogenated refrigerants planned in the regulation of the European Parliament no. 2022/0099/COD, alternatives such as hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide or ammonia are\nmost probably to be used in EU in the near future. A review of recent developments of HVAC units for residential use and for electric vehicles operated with natural refrigerants is presented. Klíčová slova: heat pump; electric bus; refrigeration Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Current status of natural refrigerants for heat pumps in an electric bus

The technical report provides a survey on the current status of hydrocarbons, with special focus on propane (R290), used as natural refrigerants in air‐conditioning units and heat pumps. Due to ...

Aminian, Ali; Vinš, Václav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

UniSAFE Deliverable Report 3.2 Report on the European Policy Baseline
Fajmonová, Veronika; Huck, Averil; Andreska, Zuzana; Dvořáčková, Jana; Linková, Marcela; Struzińska, K.; Strid, S.; Hearn, J.; Husu, L.; Allori, A.; Wuiame, N.
2021 - anglický
The objective of this report is to establish a European baseline of policies in place to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at the legal, policy level and the level of research funding organisations (RFO), as a fixed point of reference for future comparisons, by assessing existing laws and policies at the national and RFO levels in 27 countries in the EU. This is accompanied by analyses of four Associated Countries (Iceland, Serbia, Turkey, UK) and two Third Countries (Canada, USA) that were selected for comparison and as examples of existing practices. The analysis focuses specifically on dedicated legal and policy frameworks focused specifically on universities and research organisations, in order to map the special efforts made by national and regional authorities and RFOs to combat GBV at these specific institutions beyond generic anti-discrimination legislation and labour law protections.\n Klíčová slova: gender-based violence; gender; research performing organisations; policy framework; legal framework; #metoo Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
UniSAFE Deliverable Report 3.2 Report on the European Policy Baseline

The objective of this report is to establish a European baseline of policies in place to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at the legal, policy level and the level of research funding organisations ...

Fajmonová, Veronika; Huck, Averil; Andreska, Zuzana; Dvořáčková, Jana; Linková, Marcela; Struzińska, K.; Strid, S.; Hearn, J.; Husu, L.; Allori, A.; Wuiame, N.
Sociologický ústav, 2021

City simulation software for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units
Svítek, M.; Přibyl, O.; Vorel, J.; Garlík, B.; Resler, Jaroslav; Kozhevnikov, S.; Krč, Pavel; Geletič, Jan; Daniel, Milan; Dostál, R.; Janča, T.; Myška, V.; Aralkina, O.; Pereira, A. M.
2021 - anglický
SVÍTEK, M., PŘIBYL, O., VOREL, J., GARLÍK, B., RESLER, J., KOZHEVNIKOV, S., KRČ, P., GELETIČ, J., DANIEL, M., DOSTÁL, R., JANČA, T., MYŠKA, V., ARALKINA, O., PEREIRA, A. M. City simulation software for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units. 1.1. Prague: CTU & ICS CAS, 2021. Technical Report. ABSTRACT: The Smart Resilience City concept is a new vision of a city as a digital platform and eco-system of smart services where agents of people, things, documents, robots, and other entities can directly negotiate with each other on resource demand principals providing the best possible solution. It creates the smart environment making possible self-organization in sustainable or, when needed, resilient way of individuals, groups and the whole system objectives. Klíčová slova: Smart city; City simulation; Energy resource-demand modelling; Environmental modelling; Synthetic population; Transport modelling Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
City simulation software for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units


Svítek, M.; Přibyl, O.; Vorel, J.; Garlík, B.; Resler, Jaroslav; Kozhevnikov, S.; Krč, Pavel; Geletič, Jan; Daniel, Milan; Dostál, R.; Janča, T.; Myška, V.; Aralkina, O.; Pereira, A. M.
Ústav informatiky, 2021

Score matching filters for Gaussian Markov random fields with a linear model of the precision matrix
Turčičová, Marie; Mandel, J.; Eben, Kryštof
2021 - anglický
We present an ensemble filter that provides a rigorous covariance regularization when the underlying random field is Gaussian Markov. We use a linear model for the precision matrix (inverse of covariance) and estimate its parameters together with the analysis mean by the Score Matching method. This procedure provides an explicit expression for parameter estimators. The resulting analysis step formula is the same as in the traditional ensemble Kalman filter. Klíčová slova: Score matching; ensemble filter; Gaussian Markov random field; covariance modelling Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Score matching filters for Gaussian Markov random fields with a linear model of the precision matrix

We present an ensemble filter that provides a rigorous covariance regularization when the underlying random field is Gaussian Markov. We use a linear model for the precision matrix (inverse of ...

Turčičová, Marie; Mandel, J.; Eben, Kryštof
Ústav informatiky, 2021

Assessment of Independent EEG Components Obtained by Different Methods for BCI Based on Motor Imagery
Húsek, Dušan; Frolov, A. A.; Kerechanin, J. V.; Bobrov, P.D.
2021 - anglický
Eight methods of decomposition of a multichannel EEG signal are compared in terms of their ability to identify the most physiologically significant components. The criterion for the meaningfulness of a method is its ability to reduce mutual information between components; to create components that can be attributed to the activity of dipoles located in the cerebral cortex; find components that are provided by other methods and for this case; and at the same time, these components should most contribute to the accuracy of the BCI based on imaginary movement. Independent component analysis methods AMICA, RUNICA and FASTICA outperform others in the first three criteria and are second only to the Common Spatial Patterns method in the fourth criterion. The components created by all methods for 386 experimental sessions of 27 subjects were combined into more than 100 clusters containing more than 10 elements. Additionally, the components of the 12 largest clusters were analyzed. They have proven to be of great importance in controlling BCI, their origins can be modeled using dipoles in the brain, and they have been detected by several degradation methods. Five of the 12 selected components have been identified and described in our previous articles. Even if the physiological and functional origins of the rest of identified components’ are to be the subject of further research, we have shown that their physiological nature is at least highly probable.\n Klíčová slova: brain–computer interface; motor imagery; blind source separation; independent component analysis; common spatial patterns; cluster analysis; EEG pattern extraction; EEG analysis; ICA; CSP; BCI; motor imagery Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Assessment of Independent EEG Components Obtained by Different Methods for BCI Based on Motor Imagery

Eight methods of decomposition of a multichannel EEG signal are compared in terms of their ability to identify the most physiologically significant components. The criterion for the meaningfulness of ...

Húsek, Dušan; Frolov, A. A.; Kerechanin, J. V.; Bobrov, P.D.
Ústav informatiky, 2021

Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 1st phase – Ore Zone
Waclawik, Petr; Vavro, Martin; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Staš, Lubomír; Souček, Kamil; Georgiou, Lucie
2021 - anglický
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS12, CIS14, CIS31 and CIS37) within the Ore Zone lithium exploratory area was carried out on the basis of optical (OPTV) and acoustic televiewer (HiRAT) records evaluation. HiRAT and OPTV probes are part of the Robertson Geologging logging equipment. The apparatus has an electric winch with a four-core logging cable, which transmits the data recorded by the probes via a data logger to a computer. The spatial data obtained from interpretation of the geotechnical boreholes records were structurally analysed. The submitted research report comprehensively summarises the findings obtained from the structural mapping of geotechnical boreholes. On the basis measured data the rock mass quality evaluation of boreholes walls were additionally done. The complex data have been allowed very precise analysis of rock mass structural conditions, which are necessary for construction geomechanical model. Klíčová slova: geotechnical boreholes; structural mapping; rock mass quality Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 1st phase – Ore Zone

Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS12, CIS14, CIS31 and CIS37) within the Ore Zone lithium exploratory area was carried out on the ...

Waclawik, Petr; Vavro, Martin; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Staš, Lubomír; Souček, Kamil; Georgiou, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2021

UniSAFE National researcher report - Canada
Huck, Averil
2021 - anglický
This report investigates the (non-)existence of laws and policies on gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of universities and research organisations in Canada. It has been published as part of the UniSAFE project together with 32 other national fieldwork reports. Although Canada is recognised as being at the forefront of equality policy, are universities and research organisations exceptions to the rule? To what level of comprehensiveness are these GBV laws and policies adopted and implemented? Analysing Canadian laws and policies is highly relevant for UniSAFE’s research as a comparison basis with European Union countries policies and laws on the subject. Desk-based research has been performed to map the laws and policies and have been analysed in the light of the 7P model, theoretical framework developed under the UniSAFE project. The 7P model is a model to address and combat violence, to assess the efficiency of modes of intervention, regulation and the institutional responses put into place to eradicate GBV, including sexual harassment, in universities and research organisations. At the core is the measure of the prevalence of GBV, with the aim to understand the roles of university and research organisations in prevention, protection, prosecution, provision of services, supported by partnerships and policies. The findings show that there is no federal legislation in Canada that deals directly with the issue of combating GBV in universities or research organisations. This is explained by the fact that legislation related to higher education is under the jurisdiction of provinces. Indeed, five provinces out of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada have passed legislations requiring post-secondary institutions to adopt and implement sexual violence policies between 2016 and 2021. In addition to these provincial laws, a National Strategy has been adopted. They have shown to be quite comprehensive, addressing from 4Ps to the maximum 7Ps.\n Klíčová slova: gender-based violence; gender; research performing organisations; policy framework; Canada; #metoo Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
UniSAFE National researcher report - Canada

This report investigates the (non-)existence of laws and policies on gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of universities and research organisations in Canada. It has been published as part of ...

Huck, Averil
Sociologický ústav, 2021

GPR survey of the reinforcement above the long horizontal window case study: Ice ring stadium restaurant Fuchs on Štvanice Island
Válek, Jan; Kozlovcev, Petr; Eisler, Marek; Dušek, Ondřej
2021 - anglický
The aim of the survey was to assess the use of Ground Penetration Radar for the reinforcement position detection on the Ice ring restaurant – an early concrete building on Štvanice Island in Prague from 1932. For this case study a potentially critical section of a façade above the app. 16 m long horizontal window was selected. GPR from IDS company equipped with 2 GHz high frequency antenna was used. Klíčová slova: Fuchs restaurant; GPR; reinforced concrete Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
GPR survey of the reinforcement above the long horizontal window case study: Ice ring stadium restaurant Fuchs on Štvanice Island

The aim of the survey was to assess the use of Ground Penetration Radar for the reinforcement position detection on the Ice ring restaurant – an early concrete building on Štvanice Island in Prague ...

Válek, Jan; Kozlovcev, Petr; Eisler, Marek; Dušek, Ondřej
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2021

Methodical procedures for preparation and observation of various types of biological samples using a CL detector
Vancová, Marie; Horodyský, P.; Kolouch, A.; Krzyžánek, Vladislav; Skoupý, Radim
2021 - anglický
Aplikační příklady využití funkčního vzorku katodoluminescenčního detektoru firmy Crytur pro jeho využití v biologickém výzkumu Klíčová slova: Cathodoluminescence; scanning electron microscopy; biological specimens; Katodoluminescence; skenovací elektronový mikroskop; biologické vzorky Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Methodical procedures for preparation and observation of various types of biological samples using a CL detector

Aplikační příklady využití funkčního vzorku katodoluminescenčního detektoru firmy Crytur pro jeho využití v biologickém výzkumu

Vancová, Marie; Horodyský, P.; Kolouch, A.; Krzyžánek, Vladislav; Skoupý, Radim
Biologické centrum, 2021

Measurements on KR-D-4 Cascade
Šimurda, David; Radnic, Tomáš
2021 - anglický
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on a subsonic compressor blade cascade. Klíčová slova: compressor blade cascade; experiment; subsonic flow; transonic flow; AVDR Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Measurements on KR-D-4 Cascade

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on a subsonic compressor blade cascade.

Šimurda, David; Radnic, Tomáš
Ústav termomechaniky, 2021

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