Počet nalezených dokumentů: 144
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Fish stock assessment of the Petrusplaat Reservoir in 2015, Fish stock assessment of the Honderd en Dertig Reservoir in 2015.
Jůza, Tomáš; Soukalová, Kateřina; Kočvara, Luboš; Prachař, Zdeněk
2016 - anglický
The report (1) summarizes the results of the complex ichthyological survey of the Petrusplaat Reservoir in 2015. Species composition, abundances, biomasses and age composition of fish were investigated based on gillnets, seine nets, trap nets and trawl catches. Obtained results were also compared with data from previous surveys. The report (2) summarizes the results of the complex ichthyological survey of the Honderd en Dertig Reservoir in 2015. Species composition, abundances, biomasses and age composition of fish were investigated based on gillnets, seine nets, trap nets and trawl catches. Obtained results were also compared with data from previous surveys. Klíčová slova: Biesbosch Reservoirs; round goby; perch; gillnetting; seining; trawling Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Fish stock assessment of the Petrusplaat Reservoir in 2015, Fish stock assessment of the Honderd en Dertig Reservoir in 2015.

The report (1) summarizes the results of the complex ichthyological survey of the Petrusplaat Reservoir in 2015. Species composition, abundances, biomasses and age composition of fish were ...

Jůza, Tomáš; Soukalová, Kateřina; Kočvara, Luboš; Prachař, Zdeněk
Biologické centrum, 2016

Pilot scale production of a dietary supplement.
Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
2016 - anglický
Pilot scale cultivations of biotransformation enzymes producer, the biotransformation of the dietary supplement and its DSP. Klíčová slova: dietary supplements; fungal fermentation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Pilot scale production of a dietary supplement.

Pilot scale cultivations of biotransformation enzymes producer, the biotransformation of the dietary supplement and its DSP.

Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2016

Development of the anaerobic submerged cultivation.
Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
2016 - anglický
Development of the anaerobic cultivation of bacteria with a specific lipopolysaccharide content in the cell structures. Klíčová slova: anaerobic cultivation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Development of the anaerobic submerged cultivation.

Development of the anaerobic cultivation of bacteria with a specific lipopolysaccharide content in the cell structures.

Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2016

New inorganic matrices for pultrusion technology II
Černý, Zbyněk
2016 - anglický
Development of inorganic matrix enabling rapid continuous preparation of thermally and chemically stable and fire resistant materials with controlled properties for nuclear industry. Klíčová slova: inorganic matrices Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
New inorganic matrices for pultrusion technology II

Development of inorganic matrix enabling rapid continuous preparation of thermally and chemically stable and fire resistant materials with controlled properties for nuclear industry.

Černý, Zbyněk
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2016

39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.
Kaluža, Luděk; Gulková, Daniela; Soukup, Karel
2016 - anglický
The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt dispersion in the Pt/C were compared with preliminary outcomes from volumetric determination of hydrogen adsorption. Klíčová slova: Pt/c electrocatalysts; industrial exploitation; hydrogen absorption Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.

The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt ...

Kaluža, Luděk; Gulková, Daniela; Soukup, Karel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Evaluation of efficacy and bio-distribution of AAV5-miHTT in HD minipig brain
Bohuslavová, Božena; Juhás, Štefan; Juhásová, Jana; Ellederová, Zdeňka; Motlík, Jan
2016 - anglický
Healthy minipigs (n=29) were pre-screened for serum AAV5 neutralizing antibodies (NABs) in serum by uniQure. Conclusions: Intrastriatal/intrathalamic bilateral application of AAV5-CAG-miHtt(3e13/1e13gctotal) or PBS/Sucrose (54μl/216μl) similarly to AA5-CAG-GFP didn´t cause any neurological deficit in transgenic as well as wild type animals. The body weight increased in all animals 84 days after AAV5-CAG-miHtt/PBS-Sucroseintrastriatal/intrathalamic delivery with two exceptions TGanimal L616 (AAV5-CAG-miHtt1e 13g ctotal) and WTanimal L485 (AAV5-CAG-miHtt3e13gc total). The TG boar N176 from group VII (PBS/Sucrose) died during narcosis 56 days after IP/IT application), shortly after CSF and blood collection.The boar breathed heavily and intermittently, then the heart stopped beat and resuscitation failed. We immediately flushed them by 20 L of PBS with heparin and collect all tissues. All animals had normal food consumption. Inflammatory proces in AAV5-CAG-miHtt (1e13 gc total) seems to be similar to PBS/Sucrose injected animals accompanied with no detectable histological pathologies. Klíčová slova: minipig; Huntington´s disease Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Evaluation of efficacy and bio-distribution of AAV5-miHTT in HD minipig brain

Healthy minipigs (n=29) were pre-screened for serum AAV5 neutralizing antibodies (NABs) in serum by uniQure. Conclusions: Intrastriatal/intrathalamic bilateral application of ...

Bohuslavová, Božena; Juhás, Štefan; Juhásová, Jana; Ellederová, Zdeňka; Motlík, Jan
Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky, 2016

Development of pilot production technology of phosphorylases.
Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
2016 - anglický
Development and optimization of the production of phosporylases for pharmaceutical industry. Cultivation technology and down-stream processing. Klíčová slova: enzyme production Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Development of pilot production technology of phosphorylases.

Development and optimization of the production of phosporylases for pharmaceutical industry. Cultivation technology and down-stream processing.

Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2016

Cultivation and DSP of the Pseudomonas bacteria to produce low molecular natural compounds.
Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
2016 - anglický
The set-up of the pilot cultivation of Pseudomonas spp. bacteria to produce specific low molecular natural compounds for pharmaceutical purposes. Klíčová slova: natural substances production Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Cultivation and DSP of the Pseudomonas bacteria to produce low molecular natural compounds.

The set-up of the pilot cultivation of Pseudomonas spp. bacteria to produce specific low molecular natural compounds for pharmaceutical purposes.

Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2016

Optimization of media for cultivation of the bacterium E. coli with specific proteins in the cell wall.
Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
2016 - anglický
Optimization of media for preparation of bacterial culture for isolation of specific proteins. Klíčová slova: microbial production Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Optimization of media for cultivation of the bacterium E. coli with specific proteins in the cell wall.

Optimization of media for preparation of bacterial culture for isolation of specific proteins.

Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek; Vavruška, Tomáš
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2016

Sharing of Czech Experience: Piloting SEEA-EEA in the Kyrgyz Republic
Vačkář, David; Harmáčková, Veronika Zuzana; Sylla, Marta; Grammatikopoulou, Ioanna; Whitham, Charlote; Emmer, Adam; Pártl, Adam
2016 - anglický
The report summarises the activities conducted within the project “Sharing of Czech Experience: Piloting SEEA-EEA in the Kyrgyz Republic”. The project was led by the Department of Human Dimensions of Global Change, Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, with support from the Czech-UNDP Trust Fund (CTF). This 6-month project worked closely with several key stakeholders in the Kyrgyz Republic including primarily: The National Statistical Committee (NSC), The State Agency for Environment Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The aims of the project were to build capacity for experimental ecosystem accounting (SEEA EEA) in the form of three stakeholder consultation workshops and continuous project collaboration with Kyrgyz partners and experts, mapping and mobilizing available data sources for SEEA EEA, and compiling pilot experimental ecosystem accounts for the Kyzyl Unkur leshoz in collaboration with project partners in the Kyrgyz Republic. Klíčová slova: Ecosystem accounting; environmental statistics; ecosystem services; capacity building; stakeholder consultation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Sharing of Czech Experience: Piloting SEEA-EEA in the Kyrgyz Republic

The report summarises the activities conducted within the project “Sharing of Czech Experience: Piloting SEEA-EEA in the Kyrgyz Republic”. The project was led by the Department of Human Dimensions of ...

Vačkář, David; Harmáčková, Veronika Zuzana; Sylla, Marta; Grammatikopoulou, Ioanna; Whitham, Charlote; Emmer, Adam; Pártl, Adam
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

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