Půdní makrofauna horských smrčin na Šumavě a její ovlivnění probírkovou těžbou
Tajovský, Karel; Pižl, Václav
2003 - český
Společenstva půdní makrofauny (žížalovití, mnohonožky a stonožky) byla studována ve třech zvláště chráněných horských smrkových porostech Šumavy v letech 2000-2003 metodou půdních vzorků, s cílem stanovit jejich kvalitativní a kvantitativní parametry. Studované smrkové lesy vykazovaly chudá (abundance 7,7 - 61,3 ind.m-2), avšak velmi specifická společenstva žížal tvořená 2 až 4 acidotolerantními epigeickými druhy. Obdobně společenstva mnohonožek vykazovala velmi nízké hustoty (1,6 - 44,8 ind.m-2 ) a nízké počty druhů. Hustoty populací stonožek dosahovaly 41,1 - 206,4 ind.m-2, přičemž jejich společenstva byla tvořena převážně zástupci zemivek z řádu Geophilomorpha. Porovnání ploch bez zásahu s plochami se selektivní těžbou smrkových stromů ukázalo negativní vliv lesního hospodaření na populace mnohonožek a stonožek. Hustoty populací obou skupin a rovněž druhové spektrum mnohonožek byly podstatně nižší na těžené ploše na lokalitě Trojmezná. Naopak vyšší populace žížal byly zjištěny na těžených plochách, pravděpodobně následkem změn v bylinném patře a opadu, ke kterým dochází v souvislosti s vykácením stromů. Assemblages of soil macrofauna (earthworms, millipedes and centipedes) were studied in three specially protected mountain spruce stands in the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic) in 2000-2003 using soil sampling to assess their quantitative and qualitative parameters. Spruce forests under study possessed poor (density 7,7-61,3 ind.m-2), but very specific earthworm assemblages built of 2-4 acidotolerant epigeic species. Similarly, assemblages of millipedes were low in both density (1,6-44,8 ind.m-2) and species numbers. Density of centipedes reached 41,1-206,4 ind.m-2, and their assemblages were composed mainly of the representatives of the order Geophilomorpha. Comparison of intact stands and those with selective cutting of spruce trees showed the negative impact of forestry management on populations of millipedes and centipedes. Density of both groups as well as species number of millipedes was markedly lower at selectively cut plot in the Trojmezná. On the contrary, denser earthworm populations were found at cut than at intact plots, most probably due to changes in herb vegetation and litter layer followed tree cutting.
Klíčová slova:
soil fauna; spruce forests; tree cutting
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Půdní makrofauna horských smrčin na Šumavě a její ovlivnění probírkovou těžbou
Společenstva půdní makrofauny (žížalovití, mnohonožky a stonožky) byla studována ve třech zvláště chráněných horských smrkových porostech Šumavy v letech 2000-2003 metodou půdních vzorků, s cílem ...
Vybrané aspekty interakcí žížal s fyzikálními parametry prostředí
Pižl, Václav
2003 - český
Klíčová slova:
earthworms-physical parameters of the environment
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Vybrané aspekty interakcí žížal s fyzikálními parametry prostředí
Vliv teploty na půdní živočichy: metody studia
Šustr, Vladimír
2003 - český
Klíčová slova:
temperature; soil organisms; teplota
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Vliv teploty na půdní živočichy: metody studia
Collembola Žofínského pralesa a jejich biodiverzita
Rusek, Josef
2002 - český
V letech 1997-1999 jsem studoval společenstva Collembola bukových a smrkových lesů v Národní přírodní rezervaci Žofínský prales. V materiálu 13297 jedinců bylo zjištěno 93 druhů Collembola. V bučinách bylo zjištěno 71, ve smrčinách 52 druhů. Vysoká diversita (H=2,6) byla zjištěna v některých mikrostanovištích jak v bučině, tak i ve smrčině, nejnižší (H=0,6) na sukcesně raných mikrostanovištích s porostem mechů. Nejvyšší počet druhů (31) byl zjištěn na dvou mikrostanovištích v bukovém smrkovém pralese, nejnižších porostech mechů na granodioritových balvanech v bukové javořině (5 druhů). Význačným zoogeografickým prvkem fauny Collembola jsou v Žofínském pralese alpské druhy, či druhy mající blízké příbuzné v Alpách. Collembolan, communities were studied in the Žofínský Prales National Nature Reserve in south Bohemia during 1997-1999. 93 species of Collembola were established in the material of 13297 individuals. 71 of them were recorded in the beech and 52 in the spruce forests. The highest diversity (H=2,6) was established in one of the beech and in two of the spruce forest microhabitats. The lowest diversity (H=0,6) was in moss on a boulder in the Fageto-Aceretum forest. Characteristic feature of the collembolan fauna of the Žofínský prales is a high number of alpine species or species having near relatives in the Alps.
Klíčová slova:
Collembola; biodiversity; microhabitats
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Collembola Žofínského pralesa a jejich biodiverzita
V letech 1997-1999 jsem studoval společenstva Collembola bukových a smrkových lesů v Národní přírodní rezervaci Žofínský prales. V materiálu 13297 jedinců bylo zjištěno 93 druhů Collembola. V bučinách ...
Fauna of soil nematodes and other soil micro-mesofauna in spruce clearings in the Šumava Mts., Czech Republic
Háněl, Ladislav
2002 - anglický
Soil micro- and mesofauna was studied in four spruce clearings in the Šumava Mts., covered by vegetation of Junco effusi-Calamagrostietum villosae. The total average abundance of nematodes varied from 1527 to 3864 x 10 3 ind.m-2 in individual localities (mean value 2833 x 10 3 ind.m-2). Root-fungal feeders were the most abundant nematodes mainly represented by Aglenchus agricola (about 50% of all nematodes) and by Filenchus spp. (5%, mostly F. misellus). The second most abundant trophic group were bacterivores (29%,mostly Acrobeloides nanus and Plectus spp.) followed by omnivores (6%, mostly Eudorylaimus spp.). The number of nematode species in individual localities varied from 51 to 57, the number of genera from 29 to 33. Generic heterogeneity of spruce clearing fauna was relatively low (mean H´gen = 1,92), as well as the value of maturity indices (SMI = 2,19, MI = 2,40, PPI = 2,01. (The mean abundance of enchytraeids in the set of localities studied was 55 x 10 3 ind.m-2, of rotifers 134 x 10 3 ind.m-2, of tardigrades 125 x 10 3 ind.m-2, and of copepods 5 x 10 3 ind.m-2.
Klíčová slova:
Nematoda; Enchytraeidae; spruce clearings
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Fauna of soil nematodes and other soil micro-mesofauna in spruce clearings in the Šumava Mts., Czech Republic
Soil micro- and mesofauna was studied in four spruce clearings in the Šumava Mts., covered by vegetation of Junco effusi-Calamagrostietum villosae. The total average abundance of nematodes varied from ...
Soil algae of spruce forests at Smrčina and Plechý (Šumava Mts.)
Lukešová, Alena
2002 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
communities; diversity; selective tree cutting
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Soil algae of spruce forests at Smrčina and Plechý (Šumava Mts.)
Žížalovití (Lumbricidae) Novohradských hor - současný stav poznání
Pižl, Václav
2002 - český
In this contribution, the first data are presented on the occurrence of earthworms at the territory of the Novohrady Mts. 605 individuals were obtained during occasional samplings at 11 sites, among which 19 earthworm species and subspecies were identified, i.e. almost 40
Klíčová slova:
earthworms; Novohrady Mts.; faunistics
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Žížalovití (Lumbricidae) Novohradských hor - současný stav poznání
In this contribution, the first data are presented on the occurrence of earthworms at the territory of the Novohrady Mts. 605 individuals were obtained during occasional samplings at 11 sites, among ...
Genus Melogona Cook, 1895 (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Chordeumatidae) in Slovakia
Mock, A.; Tajovský, Karel
2002 - anglický
The genus Melogona Cook, 1895 involves millipede species widely distributed in Europe both in natural and synanthropic habitats. Nevertheless the information about distribution of individual representatives of this genus are still fragmentary and incomplete. In comparison with surrounding Central European countries, there were no records about these millipedes in Slovakia to date. Due to intense faunistic and ecological research in several last years, there were obtained the first data about the distribution and ecology of three species of this genus on the territory of Slovakia and preliminary results were summarised. Melogona broelemanni and Melogona voigti were recorded in man influenced habitats, while Melogona transsilvanica was found in natural localities.
Klíčová slova:
millipedes; Melogona; Slovakia
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Genus Melogona Cook, 1895 (Diplopoda: Chordeumatida: Chordeumatidae) in Slovakia
The genus Melogona Cook, 1895 involves millipede species widely distributed in Europe both in natural and synanthropic habitats. Nevertheless the information about distribution of individual ...
Mycotic flora in vermicultures and intestines of Eisenia andrei
Nováková, Alena; Pižl, Václav
2002 - anglický
In spring and autumn 2000, microscopic fungi associated with fresh and processed substrates and with the intestines of Eisenia andrei were studied in three vermiculture plants differing in their productivity. 119 species and 6 forms of microscopic fungi were isolated. Of those, 97 taxa were recorded from vermiculture substrates and 76 taxa from worm intestines. In vermiculture substrates, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium expansum and P. roquefortii were dominant among taxa isolated by soil dilution plate method, and Rhizopus stolonifer was most frequently isolated by soil washing technique. A. fumigatus, Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides and P. expansum predominated in the intestines of earthworms. Processed vermiculture substrates regularly yielded higher numbers of cultivable micromycetes (CFU-counts) than fresh ones. The CFU-counts of earthworm intestines were close to those of processed substrates in two vermiculture plants studied. In the third plant, however, intestinal CFU-count was the same as that found in fresh vermiculture substrate.
Klíčová slova:
microscopic fungi; Eisenia andrei; vermicultures
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Mycotic flora in vermicultures and intestines of Eisenia andrei
In spring and autumn 2000, microscopic fungi associated with fresh and processed substrates and with the intestines of Eisenia andrei were studied in three vermiculture plants differing in their ...
Potential sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids for saprophagous soil invertebrates
Elhottová, Dana; Frouz, Jan; Krištůfek, Václav; Lukešová, Alena; Nováková, Alena; Tříska, Jan
2002 - anglický
Main sources of important nutritionally compounds - polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) essential in soils animal diet were compared. The highest concentration of PUFA was found in cyanobacteria (namely Antarctic strain Pseudophormidium sp.), followed by fresh litter, algae, fungi and decomposed litter. The PUFA occurrence in bacteria including actinomycetes was rare. Leaf litter is the most important source of PUFA for soil invertebrates in regards to both PUFA concentration and occurrence in soil. The stage of litter decomposition significantly affected the content of all 13 detected PUFA. The total PUFA content decreased significantly during litter decomposition. Enrichment in certain PUFA was observed in the latest stages of litter decomposition, indicating that the soil microflora improves the nutritional value of the decaying ĺitter.
Klíčová slova:
polyunsaturated fatty acids; soil microorganisms; animal diet
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Potential sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids for saprophagous soil invertebrates
Main sources of important nutritionally compounds - polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) essential in soils animal diet were compared. The highest concentration of PUFA was found in cyanobacteria ...
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