Lewis X, developmentally regulated carbohydrate is abundantly expressed in embryonic and adult neural stem cells and regulates their self-renewal and/or differentiation
Dvořák, Petr; Hampl, Aleš
2003 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
neural stem cell
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Lewis X, developmentally regulated carbohydrate is abundantly expressed in embryonic and adult neural stem cells and regulates their self-renewal and/or differentiation
Stem cells and therapy of brain and spinal cord injury
Syková, Eva; Jendelová, Pavla; Růžičková, Kateřina; Machová-Urdzíková, Lucia; Lesný, Petr; Hampl, Aleš; Dvořák, Petr
2003 - anglický
Our studies demonstrate the potential of SC as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of injury and degenerative diseases, explain the effects of certain drugs on neurogenesis and regeneration and show that there may be various ways in which SC may interact with the host CNS tissue.
Klíčová slova:
stem cells
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Stem cells and therapy of brain and spinal cord injury
Our studies demonstrate the potential of SC as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of injury and degenerative diseases, explain the effects of certain drugs on neurogenesis and regeneration and show ...
Diffusion properties of the brain in health and disease
Syková, Eva
2003 - anglický
Diffusion parameters affect neurone-glia communication, ionic homeostasis, the movement and accumulation of neuroactive substances and, therefore, play an important role in synaptic as well as volume transmission.
Klíčová slova:
Diffusion properties; brain
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Diffusion properties of the brain in health and disease
Diffusion parameters affect neurone-glia communication, ionic homeostasis, the movement and accumulation of neuroactive substances and, therefore, play an important role in synaptic as well as volume ...
Implantation of bone marrow stromal cells labeled with superparamagnetic nanoparticles into injured brain and imaging their fate by magnetic resonance
Jendelová, Pavla; Herynek, V.; Růžičková, Kateřina; Hájek, M.; Syková, Eva
2003 - anglický
Our study demonstrates that MSCs only migrate into an injured brain region. The commercially available contrast agent Endorem can be used as a cell marker for noninvasive MR tracking of implanted stem cells.
Klíčová slova:
bone marrow stromal cells; nanoparticles
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Implantation of bone marrow stromal cells labeled with superparamagnetic nanoparticles into injured brain and imaging their fate by magnetic resonance
Our study demonstrates that MSCs only migrate into an injured brain region. The commercially available contrast agent Endorem can be used as a cell marker for noninvasive MR tracking of implanted stem ...
Changes in intrinsic optical signals and extracellular space diffusion parameters. Do they have a common mechanism?
Chvátal, Alexandr; Vargová, Lýdia; Kubinová, Šárka; Syková, Eva
2003 - anglický
We can therefore conclude that light transmittance changes do not simply correlate with changes in ECS volume, but they are clearly associated with neuronal activity accompanied by various biochemical, biophysical and morphological changes.
Klíčová slova:
Intrinsic optical signals; extracellular space; common mechanism
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Changes in intrinsic optical signals and extracellular space diffusion parameters. Do they have a common mechanism?
We can therefore conclude that light transmittance changes do not simply correlate with changes in ECS volume, but they are clearly associated with neuronal activity accompanied by various ...
MR tracking of transplanted stem cells labeled by iron-oxide nanoparticles
Syková, Eva; Jendelová, Pavla
2003 - anglický
Our study demonstrates that grafted MSC and ESC migrate into an injured brain region. The commercially available contrast agent Endorem, based on iron-oxide nanoparticles, can be used a marker for long-term noninvasive MR tracking of implanted stem cells.
Klíčová slova:
Stem cells; nanoparticles
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
MR tracking of transplanted stem cells labeled by iron-oxide nanoparticles
Our study demonstrates that grafted MSC and ESC migrate into an injured brain region. The commercially available contrast agent Endorem, based on iron-oxide nanoparticles, can be used a marker for ...
Diffusion and MRS in a rat cortex after traumatic injury
Voříšek, Ivan; Herynek, V.; Burian, M.; Hájek, M.; Niclay, K.; Syková, Eva
2001 - anglický
An increase in diffusion barriers, manifestes by a decrease of both ADCTMA and ADCW, occurs throughout the entire cortex of the wounded hemisphere. These changes are related to astrogliosis and to an accumulation of extracellular matrix molecules without significant changes in ECS volume.
Klíčová slova:
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Diffusion and MRS in a rat cortex after traumatic injury
An increase in diffusion barriers, manifestes by a decrease of both ADCTMA and ADCW, occurs throughout the entire cortex of the wounded hemisphere. These changes are related to astrogliosis and to an ...
Learning, MRI and structural changes of the rat hippocampus 1 ro 12 months after irradiation with the leksell gamma knife
Náměstková, Kateřina; Liščák, R.; Herynek, V.; Burian, M.; Jirák, D.; Hájek, M.; Brožek, G.; Mareš, V.; Syková, Eva
2001 - anglický
The lower the dose of irradiation with the LKG, the more delayed are the structural and functional changes in hippocampus.
Klíčová slova:
leksell gamma knife
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Learning, MRI and structural changes of the rat hippocampus 1 ro 12 months after irradiation with the leksell gamma knife
The lower the dose of irradiation with the LKG, the more delayed are the structural and functional changes in hippocampus.
Alterated diffusion parameters in the brain with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus
Fiala, Jindřich; Antonova, Tatiana; Voříšek, Ivan; Syková, Eva
2001 - anglický
Compression of the ECS in the cerebral cortex following induction of hydrocephalus, slows down the diffusion of neuroactive substances in hydrocephalic tissue.
Klíčová slova:
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Alterated diffusion parameters in the brain with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus
Compression of the ECS in the cerebral cortex following induction of hydrocephalus, slows down the diffusion of neuroactive substances in hydrocephalic tissue.
Extracellular space size and geometry in the brain of APP23 mice representing a model of Alzheimer´s disease
Mazel, Tomáš; Antonova, Tatiana; Meyer-Luhmann, M.; Staufenbiel, M.; Jucker, M.; Syková, Eva
2001 - anglický
The decrease in ECS size observed during aging might contribute to increased extracellular amyloid concentration and deposition in APP23 mice.
Klíčová slova:
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Extracellular space size and geometry in the brain of APP23 mice representing a model of Alzheimer´s disease
The decrease in ECS size observed during aging might contribute to increased extracellular amyloid concentration and deposition in APP23 mice.
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