Number of found documents: 945
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Setting interim deadlines to persuade
Senkov, Maxim
2022 - English
This paper studies the optimal design of self-reporting on the progress of a project by a rent-seeking agent reporting to a principal who is concerned with accomplishing the project before an exogenous deadline. The project has two stages: completing the first stage serves as a milestone and completing the second stage accomplishes the project. I show that if the project is sufficiently promising ex ante, then the agent commits to provide only the good news that the project is accomplished. If the project is not promising enough ex ante, the agent persuades the principal to start the funding by committing to provide not only good news but also the bad news that the milestone of the project has not been reached by an interim deadline. Keywords: dynamic Bayesian persuasion; informational incentives; interim deadline Fulltext is available at external website.
Setting interim deadlines to persuade

This paper studies the optimal design of self-reporting on the progress of a project by a rent-seeking agent reporting to a principal who is concerned with accomplishing the project before an ...

Senkov, Maxim
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

The publication performance of the Czech Science Foundation panel members (2019–2021)
Bajgar, Matěj
2022 - Czech
The aim of this research has been to find out to what extent the scientific results of the members of the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) evaluation panels confirm their erudition for evaluating GA ČR Standard Project proposals. Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, nakolik vědecké výsledky členů hodnotících panelů Grantové agentury České republiky (GA ČR) potvrzují jejich vědeckou erudovanost pro hodnocení návrhů Standardních projektů GA ČR. Keywords: Czech Science Foundation; evaluation panels; publication performance Fulltext is available at external website.
The publication performance of the Czech Science Foundation panel members (2019–2021)

The aim of this research has been to find out to what extent the scientific results of the members of the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) evaluation panels confirm their erudition for evaluating GA ...

Bajgar, Matěj
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Sequential sampling beyond decisions? A normative model of decision confidence
Rehák, Rastislav
2022 - English
We study informational dissociations between decisions and decision confidence. We explore the consequences of a dual-system model: the decision system and confidence system have distinct goals, but share access to a source of noisy and costly information about a decision-relevant variable. The decision system aims to maximize utility while the confidence system monitors the decision system and aims to provide good feedback about the correctness of the decision. In line with existing experimental evidence showing the importance of post-decisional information in confidence formation, we allow the confidence system to accumulate information after the decision. We aim to base the post-decisional stage (used in descriptive models of confidence) in the optimal learning theory. However, we find that it is not always optimal to engage in the second stage, even for a given individual in a given decision environment. In particular, there is scope for post-decisional information acquisition only for relatively fast decisions. Hence, a strict distinction between one-stage and two-stage theories of decision confidence may be misleading because both may manifest themselves under one underlying mechanism in a non-trivial manner. Keywords: decision; confidence; sequential sampling Fulltext is available at external website.
Sequential sampling beyond decisions? A normative model of decision confidence

We study informational dissociations between decisions and decision confidence. We explore the consequences of a dual-system model: the decision system and confidence system have distinct goals, but ...

Rehák, Rastislav
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

An equivalence between rational inattention problems and complete-information conformity games
Ilinov, Pavel; Jann, Ole
2022 - English
We consider two types of models: (i) a rational inattention problem (as known from the literature) and (ii) a conformity game, in which fully informed players find it costly to deviate from average behavior. We show that these problems are equivalent to each other both from the perspective of the participant and the outside observer: Each individual faces identical trade-offs in both situations, and an observer would not be able to distinguish the two models from the choice data they generate. We also establish when individual behavior in the conformity game maximizes welfare. Keywords: conformity; equivalence; rational inattention Fulltext is available at external website.
An equivalence between rational inattention problems and complete-information conformity games

We consider two types of models: (i) a rational inattention problem (as known from the literature) and (ii) a conformity game, in which fully informed players find it costly to deviate from average ...

Ilinov, Pavel; Jann, Ole
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

RBTC and human capital: accounting for individual-level responses
Kashkarov, Daniil
2022 - English
I test the contribution of individual human capital responses to earnings inequality arising in the process of the routine-biased technological change (RBTC). I develop a lifecycle model of human capital and occupational choice, calibrate it to the NLSY79 data, using the price series for human capital in abstract and routine occupations estimated from the cross-sectional CPS data with the “flat spot” approach. I then use the model to quantify the effect of a change in human capital prices on earnings inequality. I find that an increase in the price for human capital in abstract occupations and a fall in its price in routine occupations associated with RBTC has a modest contribution to the evolution of variance of log-earnings — up to 10.8 per cent by the end of the working life cycle. However, the contribution of RBTC to an increase in the abstract wage premium over the lifetime of the NLSY79 cohorts is up to 28.6 per cent. The growth of the abstract wage premium is significantly dampened by the human capital responses of workers switching from routine occupations. Keywords: RBTC; human capital; life-cycle modelling Fulltext is available at external website.
RBTC and human capital: accounting for individual-level responses

I test the contribution of individual human capital responses to earnings inequality arising in the process of the routine-biased technological change (RBTC). I develop a lifecycle model of human ...

Kashkarov, Daniil
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

State employees and civil servants: where they work and how much they are paid
Bartušek, D.; Bouchal, Petr; Janský, Petr
2022 - Czech
Almost one fifth of the Czech Republic's workforce (calculated in full time equivalents) is employed in the public sector. In 2020, almost half (464,000) of these almost one million employees were paid out of the state budget and can be considered state employees. More than half (265,000) of the country's state employees are employed in state-funded institutions, in particular schools. The remaining, smaller share of state employees (198,000) work in a wide variety of other public organizations, including the armed forces, the police force, government ministries and job centres. Only a small proportion of state employees can be considered to be civil servants. In 2020 there were about 78,000 of these, which is approximately 8% of all public sector workers and 17% of state employees. This number is rather low in both absolute and relative terms, and stands in contrast to the substantial attention frequently paid in public debate to how many civil servants the country has. V českém veřejném sektoru je zaměstnána (přepočteno na plné úvazky) téměř pětina pracovních sil země. Téměř polovina (464 tisíc) z tohoto téměř milionu zaměstnanců byla v roce 2020 placena ze státního rozpočtu a nazýváme je státními zaměstnanci. Nadpoloviční část státních zaměstnanců připadá na příspěvkové organizace (265 tisíc), kde dominují zaměstnanci regionálního školství. Menší část ostatních státních zaměstnanců (198 tisíc) spadá pod řadu různorodých organizací, od armády a policii až po ministerstva a úřady práce. Jen malou část státních zaměstnanců lze označit za státní úředníky. Těch v roce bylo zhruba 78 tisíc, což představuje 8 % zaměstnanců veřejného sektoru a 17 % státních zaměstnanců. S ohledem na to, jak velká je často věnována pozornost tématu počtu státních úředníků ve veřejných debatách, jsou jejich počty i podíly poměrně nízké. Keywords: state employees; civil servants; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
State employees and civil servants: where they work and how much they are paid

Almost one fifth of the Czech Republic's workforce (calculated in full time equivalents) is employed in the public sector. In 2020, almost half (464,000) of these almost one million employees were ...

Bartušek, D.; Bouchal, Petr; Janský, Petr
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

We’ve done the math: here’s what the abolition of super-gross wages, reductions in social security contributions and the introduction of tax holidays will really mean
Kalíšková, Klára; Šoltés, Michal
2022 - Czech
In the past year, the Czech Republic has seen plenty of changes in how employment income is taxed. Tax legislation adopted in December 2020 and July 2021 will reduce public revenues in 2022 by about 116 billion CZK. In other words, in 2022 employees will pay less than half the income tax that they would have paid without these tax changes. Average tax rates have been reduced for all income groups, although low-income employees will gain a disproportionately small slice of this savings pie. Employees in the lowest income quintile will save 500 CZK per month on average, whereas those in the highest income quintile will save an average of 4,000 CZK each month. The newly adopted tax legislation has substantially increased the share of employees who pay zero or negative income tax (i.e. receive what is known as the child tax bonus). There is thus little room for any further income tax reduction, especially for taxpayers who claim tax relief for their children or low-earning spouse. Poslední rok přinesl mnoho změn ve zdanění práce v České republice. Daňové zákony přijaté v prosinci 2020 a červenci 2021 sníží příjmy veřejných rozpočtů v roce 2022 přibližně o 116 mld. Kč. Zaměstnanci tak v tomto roce odvedou na dani z příjmu méně než polovinu toho, kolik by odvedli bez přijatých daňových změn. Odvodové zatížení zaměstnanců se snížilo u všech příjmových skupin, nízkopříjmový zaměstnanci však z koláče úspor získají disproporčně méně. Zaměstnanci v nízkopříjmové pětině ušetří v letošním roce v průměru 500 Kč měsíčně, zatímco ti ve vysokopříjmové pětině v průměru 4 000 Kč měsíčně. Přijaté daňové zákony výrazně zvýšily podíl zaměstnanců, kteří platí nulovou nebo zápornou daň z příjmu (tedy pobírají tzv. daňový bonus na děti). Prostor pro další snižování daně z příjmu je tak již omezený, obzvláště u poplatníků, kteří čerpají slevu na dani na dítě a na manželku/la s nízkým příjmem. Keywords: social security; tax legislation; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
We’ve done the math: here’s what the abolition of super-gross wages, reductions in social security contributions and the introduction of tax holidays will really mean

In the past year, the Czech Republic has seen plenty of changes in how employment income is taxed. Tax legislation adopted in December 2020 and July 2021 will reduce public revenues in 2022 by about ...

Kalíšková, Klára; Šoltés, Michal
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Teacher turnover in Europe
Federičová, Miroslava; Pertold, Filip
2022 - Czech
This short study summarises the findings of original empirical research on long-term trends in teachers exiting the profession in all European regions, including the Czech Republic. We find similar patterns in some respects across all countries, but there are significant regional differences. For the Czech Republic and countries in the entire Central European region, we find that, during the economic transformation from 1990-2000 more young male teachers left the teaching profession. This is likely due to more lucrative opportunities in alternative professions. The economic transformation significantly contributed to the feminization of the teaching profession. Tato krátká studie shrnuje zjištění původního empirického výzkumu dlouhodobých trendů v opouštění učitelské profese v evropských regionech včetně České republiky. Tento fenomén má v některých ohledech podobný charakter napříč zeměmi, ale také existují výrazné regionální rozdíly. Pro Českou republiku a celý středoevropský region zemí zjišťujeme, že během ekonomické transformace dochází k odlivu mladých učitelů-mužů z učitelské profese. To je pravděpodobně způsobeno lepšími možnostmi v alternativních profesích. Transformace tak značně přispěla k feminizaci učitelské profese. Keywords: teacher turnover; educational system; European countries Fulltext is available at external website.
Teacher turnover in Europe

This short study summarises the findings of original empirical research on long-term trends in teachers exiting the profession in all European regions, including the Czech Republic. We find similar ...

Federičová, Miroslava; Pertold, Filip
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Naked exclusion with heterogeneous buyers
Chen, Y.; Zápal, Jan
2022 - English
We investigate the effects of buyer heterogeneity in a market in which an incumbent firm prevents entry when it signs enough exclusionary contracts with buyers. With heterogeneous buyers several well-known results in exclusionary contracting with homogenous buyers are overturned and novel ones emerge. First, inefficient equilibria exist in which exclusionary contracts are signed but entry still occurs, and the loss of consumer surplus falls on small buyers. Second, sequential contracting may be more pro-competitive than simultaneous contracting in the sense that entry occurs under sequential but not simultaneous contracting. When this happens, sequential Pareto dominates simultaneous contracting. Keywords: contracting with externalities; exclusionary contracts; buyer heterogeneity Fulltext is available at external website.
Naked exclusion with heterogeneous buyers

We investigate the effects of buyer heterogeneity in a market in which an incumbent firm prevents entry when it signs enough exclusionary contracts with buyers. With heterogeneous buyers several ...

Chen, Y.; Zápal, Jan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Teacher salaries in 2021: peak reached so what next?
Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
2022 - Czech
In the long term, the level of teacher salaries co-determines the attractiveness of the teaching profession and ensures sufficient interest in choosing to embark on a career in teaching. The selectivity of the profession, both in the process of university preparation and during the career itself, stimulates the quality of teachers’ work. However, these are long-term processes, occurring through continuous entry into and exit out of the profession and through further training. Therefore, the effects of teacher salaries on interest in the profession, teacher quality and educational outcomes can only be traced over a period of years, or rather decades. The level of teacher salaries relative to other salaries in the economy is an important indicator. Until 2017/2018, teacher salaries in the Czech Republic (CR) were among the lowest in the EU and top ten most economically advanced countries in the world (OECD). In 2021, however, thanks to an unusually dynamic rate of increase for several years in a row, salaries of Czech teachers reached levels significantly closer to the average of OECD and EU countries, reaching 122% of the average salaries in the Czech economy. Thus, in just a few years, the government of Andrej Babiš achieved what no previous government had managed to do: it succeeded in making significant steps towards fulfilling its ambitious commitment, which few people had believed was possible given the lack of success the past. In the coming years, maintaining the achieved relative level of teacher salaries will require increasing them at the rate of nominal wage growth in the economy. However, relative teacher salaries are likely to fall slightly to 119% in the 2022 outlook. Based on promises made in the summer following the government’s negotiations with unions, salaries are likely to remain at the same level in 2023. Teacher salaries will certainly not reach the 130% level promised by the previous and current governments, let alone the salaries of the wider pedagogical workforce. Úroveň učitelských platů v dlouhodobém horizontu spoluurčuje atraktivitu učitelské profese a zajišťuje dostatečný zájem o profesi. Výběrovost profese, jak na straně vysokoškolské přípravy, tak během kariéry stimuluje kvalitu práce učitelů. Jde však o dlouhodobé procesy realizované průběžnými příchody a odchody do a z profese a dalším vzděláváním. Proto lze dopady učitelských platů na zájem o profesi, kvalitu práce učitelů a vzdělávací výsledky vysledovat až s odstupem let, spíše dekád. Relativní platy učitelů vůči ostatním platům v ekonomice je důležitým ukazatelem. Takto poměřované platy učitelů v České republice (ČR) patřily až do roku 2017/2018 k nejnižším v rámci celé EU, respektive několika desítek ekonomicky nejvyspělejších zemí světa (OECD). V roce 2021, díky nebývale dynamickému tempu zvyšování po několik let v řadě, se relativní platy českých učitelů výrazně přiblížily průměru zemí OECD i EU. V roce 2021 dosáhly úrovně 122 % průměrných mezd v ekonomice. Vládě A. Babiše se tak během několika let podařilo to, co se nepodařilo žádné vládě předchozí. Podařilo se jí výrazně přiblížit naplnění ambiciózního programového závazku, kterému po špatných zkušenostech z minula věřil málokdo. Udržení dosažené relativní úrovně učitelských platů v dalších letech bude vyžadovat jejich zvyšování tempem růstu nominálních mezd v ekonomice. Ve výhledu roku 2022 relativní platy učitelů však zřejmě mírně poklesnou na 119 %. Za slibů daných v létě při vyjednávání vlády s odbory se tam zřejmě udrží i v roce 2023. Minulou i současnou vládou přislibované úrovně 130 % učitelské platy rozhodně nedosáhnou, platy širší skupiny pedagogických pracovníků už vůbec ne. Keywords: teachers’ salaries; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Teacher salaries in 2021: peak reached so what next?

In the long term, the level of teacher salaries co-determines the attractiveness of the teaching profession and ensures sufficient interest in choosing to embark on a career in teaching. The ...

Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

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