Počet nalezených dokumentů: 319
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Network Representation of Latent Features Extracted from Text Documents
Skrbek, Miroslav; Kordík, Pavel; Háva, Ondřej
2015 - anglický
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Network Representation of Latent Features Extracted from Text Documents

Skrbek, Miroslav; Kordík, Pavel; Háva, Ondřej
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Distributed Mobile Graphics
Žára, Jiří; Danihelka, Jiří
2015 - anglický
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Distributed Mobile Graphics

Žára, Jiří; Danihelka, Jiří
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Data Structures and Algorithms for Interactive Ray Tracing
Havran, Vlastimil; Hapala, Michal
2015 - anglický
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Data Structures and Algorithms for Interactive Ray Tracing

Havran, Vlastimil; Hapala, Michal
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Modern Valuation Methods in the Energy
Starý, Oldřich; Pavlátka, Pavel
2015 - anglický
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Modern Valuation Methods in the Energy

Starý, Oldřich; Pavlátka, Pavel
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

A guided approach to sampling-based motion planning
Přeučil, Libor; Kulich, Miroslav; Vonásek, Vojtěch
2015 - anglický
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A guided approach to sampling-based motion planning

Přeučil, Libor; Kulich, Miroslav; Vonásek, Vojtěch
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Data fusion for localization using state estimation and machine learning
Roháč, Jan; Reinštein, Michal; Šimánek, Jakub
2015 - anglický
Using multiple sensory information is acknowledged as one of the major topics in the navigation of aerial and ground vehicles. This doctoral thesis considers localization as a state estimation problem, which is solved by data fusion techniques and supported by machine learning methods. It attempts to address the issue of developing a better localization system for a ground vehicle by seeking the best possible pose estimator (i.e., position, velocity and attitude) and improving its robustness to unexpected sensor measurements. The vehicle of interest is represented by a skid-steer tracked mobile robot; however, all the algorithms work with a sensory set, which can be with minor changes deployed on any vehicle, legged, wheeled, tracked, or aerial. First part of this thesis explores the development of different state estimation architectures, which exploit the extended Kalman filter for full 3D dead reckoning (i.e., incremental or relative pose estimation). The purpose of this part is to use inertial and odometry dead reckoning to its optimal extent, considering both the performance and computational complexity. Such combination of proprioceptive sensory modalities used on a ground vehicle is expected to provide the core localization— foundation for any other higher level localization or navigation systems. Second part of the dissertation investigates means of improving overall robustness and performance of the multi-modal state estimation. Different sensory modalities are prone to various types of errors, especially in an environment that changes dynamically. Therefore, the thesis shows the importance of identifying and rejecting unexpected or erroneous measurements. The multi-modal data fusion is based on inertial and odometry measurements aided by information from a camera and laser range finder. These two exteroceptive modalities are in particular prone to real-world disturbances, therefore, they are the subject of anomaly detection process. Various state-of-the-art machine learning methods (i.e., logistic regression, Support Vector Machines, Gaussian Mixture Models and Gaussian Processes) are applied in a Kalman filter framework to monitor the measurements and overcome the commonly used covariance monitoring and chi-squared gating test. Verification of all the techniques in this thesis is supported by extensive experimental datasets collected with a real mobile robot in both indoor and challenging outdoor environments. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Data fusion for localization using state estimation and machine learning

Using multiple sensory information is acknowledged as one of the major topics in the navigation of aerial and ground vehicles. This doctoral thesis considers localization as a state estimation ...

Roháč, Jan; Reinštein, Michal; Šimánek, Jakub
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Lucki, Michal; Zelený, Richard
2015 - anglický
Photonic crystal bers are optical waveguides based on a periodic air-glass structure o ering higher design exibility compared to that of standard single-mode bers. On one hand, such bers allow for extremely tight mode con nement related to increased nonlinearity and better chromatic dispersion controllability. On the other hand, photonic crystal bers enable light guiding in very large cores keeping the single-mode regime of operation and low loss. This doctoral thesis deals with scienti c problems related to control of light propagation within photonic crystal bers and it contributes mainly to the areas of optics, photonics, telecommunication and sensing. The objective is to describe main design principles, nd their limitations and consequently optimize ber geometries. Until now, these limitations have not been investigated thoroughly and therefore became the central point for the doctoral thesis. The goal is not to present ber structures with novel geometries, but to investigate new limits in designing photonic crystal bers. One of the presented designs is a photonic crystal ber with a dispersion parameter as close as possible to zero value. Further e ort is applied on a hexagonal ber structure that is optimized to operate as a dispersion compensator of standard single-mode bers. The author predicts that the negative dispersion parameter cannot be higher in this structure operating over a bandwidth larger than that considered in this thesis. Another important part of the thesis aims to control of con nement loss, which is used to design a narrowband ber lter as well as an e ectively single-mode photonic crystal ber with large e ective mode area and chalcogenide background. Fiber designs were carried out by varying key geometrical parameters such as holeto- hole spacing, airhole diameters in selected rings and number of rings around the ber core. The in uence of each structural parameter on modal properties is examined and described in detail. Understanding the mechanism governing chromatic dispersion as well as con nement loss is necessary not only for the ber design, but also to predict the potential manufacturing tolerances. Last but not least, supercontinuum generation is investigated in the designed chalcogenide ber using the split-step Fourier method. The modal properties are calculated by the full-vectorial nite di erence frequency domain method. The simulation models of presented bers are veri ed by convergence testing. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.

Photonic crystal bers are optical waveguides based on a periodic air-glass structure o ering higher design exibility compared to that of standard single-mode bers. On one hand, such bers allow ...

Lucki, Michal; Zelený, Richard
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Emergence in Urban Environments. Agend-based Simulation of Environment Reconfiguration
Achten, H. A.; Búš, Peter; Kieferle, J. B.; Vorel, Jakub
2015 - anglický
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Emergence in Urban Environments. Agend-based Simulation of Environment Reconfiguration

Achten, H. A.; Búš, Peter; Kieferle, J. B.; Vorel, Jakub
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Assessment of Sound by Means of an Auditory Model - Prediction og Roughness
Otčenášek, Zdeněk; Vencovský, Václav
2015 - anglický
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Assessment of Sound by Means of an Auditory Model - Prediction og Roughness

Otčenášek, Zdeněk; Vencovský, Václav
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

Modelling and control of walking robots
Čelikovský, Sergej; Anderle, Milan
2015 - anglický
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Modelling and control of walking robots

Čelikovský, Sergej; Anderle, Milan
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2015

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