Počet nalezených dokumentů: 23
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4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book
Sedláček, Radislav
2022 - anglický
The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic focus of the 2022 Conference. The Conference provided again an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the researchers, CCP staff, users and experts from the commercial sector. Klíčová slova: phenogenomics; rare diseases; gene therapy; experimental models; delivery of therapies Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book

The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2022

4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book
Sedláček, Radislav
2022 - anglický
The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic focus of the 2022 Conference. The Conference provided again an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the researchers, CCP staff, users and experts from the commercial sector. Klíčová slova: phenogenomics; rare diseases; gene therapy; experimental models; delivery of therapies Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book

The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2022

3rd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2021: Abstract Book
Sedláček, Radislav
2021 - anglický
The Conference was divided into two blocks. The first day was devoted to the theme “Human diseases and models“. The second day was specifically dedicated to preclinical development, including covid-19, which focused on translation of the basic research into the application. The Conference provided an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the CCP users and experts. Klíčová slova: phenogenomics; human diseases; mouse models; preclinical development; covid-19 Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
3rd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2021: Abstract Book

The Conference was divided into two blocks. The first day was devoted to the theme “Human diseases and models“. The second day was specifically dedicated to preclinical development, including ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2021

2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020: Abstract Book
Sedláček, Radislav
2020 - anglický
The Conference was divided into two blocks. The first day was devoted to the theme “Human diseases and models“. The second day was specifically dedicated to preclinical development, including covid-19, which focused on translation of the basic research into the application. The Conference provided an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the CCP users and experts. Klíčová slova: phenogenomics,; human diseases; mouse models; preclinical development Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020: Abstract Book

The Conference was divided into two blocks. The first day was devoted to the theme “Human diseases and models“. The second day was specifically dedicated to preclinical development, including ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2020

2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020
Sedláček, Radislav
2020 - anglický
The conference was divided into two blocks. The block focused on the theme “From chemistry via preclinical pipeline to therapeutics“, which emphasized the translation of the basic research into the application. The second block was specifically devoted to presentation of CCP users and cooperation partners projects working in the field of immunology, hematology, genetic base of diseases, and neurobiology. Klíčová slova: Phenogenomics; therapeutics; immunity; genetic base of diseases Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020

The conference was divided into two blocks. The block focused on the theme “From chemistry via preclinical pipeline to therapeutics“, which emphasized the translation of the basic research into the ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2020

Mikroskopie 2008
Hozák, Pavel
2008 - český
Dvoudenní konference reagující na nejnovější trendy v světelné a elektronové mikroskopii a jejich dopad na mikroskopické badatele v českých zemích a na slovensku. Prezentovány jsou příspěvky jak z oblasti biomedicínské, tak z oblasti fyziky a materiálových věd. Konference se koná v lyžařském sportovním areálu v srdci českomoravské vysočiny a je zakončena opulentním rautem s ochutnávkou vín. Two-day conference responding to novel trends in light and electron microscopy and their impact on researchers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Contributions were presented in biomedical as well as physics and material science fields. The Conference was held in a sports area in the heart of the Czech-Moravian Heights and was closed by an opulent rout with wine degustation. Klíčová slova: light microscopy; electron microscopy Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Mikroskopie 2008

Dvoudenní konference reagující na nejnovější trendy v světelné a elektronové mikroskopii a jejich dopad na mikroskopické badatele v českých zemích a na slovensku. Prezentovány jsou příspěvky jak z ...

Hozák, Pavel
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2008

Imunita v oku jako modelu imunologicky privilegovaného místa
Zajícová, Alena; Pindjáková, Jana; Plšková, J.; Krulová, Magdalena; Filipec, M.; Holáň, Vladimír
2003 - český
Výsledky ukazují na významnou roli CD4+ T buněk, makrofágů a makrofágy produkovaného NO v procesu rejekce alo- i xenotransplantátů rohovek. The results show the significant role of CD4+ T cells, macrophages and NO produced by macophages during the rejection of the corneal allo- and xenografts. Klíčová slova: cornea, rejection, cytokines; oko; cytokiny Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Imunita v oku jako modelu imunologicky privilegovaného místa

Výsledky ukazují na významnou roli CD4+ T buněk, makrofágů a makrofágy produkovaného NO v procesu rejekce alo- i xenotransplantátů rohovek....

Zajícová, Alena; Pindjáková, Jana; Plšková, J.; Krulová, Magdalena; Filipec, M.; Holáň, Vladimír
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2003

Characterization of peptide proteinase inhibitors isolated from boar seminal plasma
Jelínková, Petra; Tichá, M.; Jonáková, Věra
2003 - anglický
Most of proteins of boar seminal plasma are present in this medium under physiological conditions in the form of aggregates and not of monomers. In the present communication we have shown that not only spermadhesins, but also proteinase inhibitors participate in the formation of associated complexes. Proteinase inhibitors were found after gel chromatographic separation mainly in the fraction with the lowest relative molecular mass. Two different types of serine proteinase inhibitors were isolated from boar seminal plasma ů (i) glycosylated inhibitor with Mr 12 kDa, (ii) non-glycosylated sperm-associated acrosin inhibitor with Mr 8 kDa, and a new type of low molecular weight protein that is probably composed of two subunits coupled by the -S-S- bridge. The proteinase inhibitor with Mr 8 kDa was proved to form a heterodimer with AQN 1 spermadhesin under physiological conditions, whereas inhibitor with Mr 12 kDa forms homodimers. Klíčová slova: proteinase inhibitors, aggregated forms, boar seminal plasma Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Characterization of peptide proteinase inhibitors isolated from boar seminal plasma

Most of proteins of boar seminal plasma are present in this medium under physiological conditions in the form of aggregates and not of monomers. In the present communication we have shown that not ...

Jelínková, Petra; Tichá, M.; Jonáková, Věra
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2003

Properties of serine proteinase inhibitors from boar seminal plasma
Jelínková, Petra; Maňásková, Pavla; Tichá, M.; Jonáková, Věra
2002 - anglický
Inhibitors of proteinases are important components of seminal plasma. Their biological function in seminal plasma is to protect protein components of seminal plasma and male and female reproductive tracts against proteolytic degradation. My work is concentrated on characterization of inihibitors found in seminal plasma. Klíčová slova: inhibitors; seminal plasma; boar serine proteinase inhibitors; inhibitory Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Properties of serine proteinase inhibitors from boar seminal plasma

Inhibitors of proteinases are important components of seminal plasma. Their biological function in seminal plasma is to protect protein components of seminal plasma and male and female reproductive ...

Jelínková, Petra; Maňásková, Pavla; Tichá, M.; Jonáková, Věra
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2002

Identifikace proteinů pólů mitotického vřeténka pomocí nových monoklonálních protilátek
Šmejkalová, Barbora; Dráberová, Eduarda; Dráber, Pavel
2002 - český
Klíčová slova: mitotic spindle; centrosome; monoclonal antibody Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Identifikace proteinů pólů mitotického vřeténka pomocí nových monoklonálních protilátek

Šmejkalová, Barbora; Dráberová, Eduarda; Dráber, Pavel
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2002

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