Number of found documents: 1139
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Fluidized-bed Incineration of Dry Stabilized Sewage Sludge III.
Pohořelý, Michael; Moško, Jaroslav; Durda, Tomáš; Svoboda, Karel; Šyc, Michal; Hartman, Miloslav; Punčochář, Miroslav
2016 - Czech
In the report, it has been shown how to effectively burn dry stabilized sewage sludge in the fluidized-bed reactor with a stationary bubbling bed in oxy-fuel process. Keywords: fluidized bed; incineration; sewage sludge Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fluidized-bed Incineration of Dry Stabilized Sewage Sludge III.

In the report, it has been shown how to effectively burn dry stabilized sewage sludge in the fluidized-bed reactor with a stationary bubbling bed in oxy-fuel process.

Pohořelý, Michael; Moško, Jaroslav; Durda, Tomáš; Svoboda, Karel; Šyc, Michal; Hartman, Miloslav; Punčochář, Miroslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

A microreactor study for gas-phase catalytic oxidation, stage 4.1 and 4.2
Stavárek, Petr
2016 - Czech
Report deals with utilization and experimental verification of a microreactor apparatus applied to the gas-phase catalytic oxidation. Zpráva se zabývá ověřením funkčnosti mikroreaktorové aparatury pro katalytickou oxidaci v plynné fázi. Keywords: microreactor apparatus; catalytic oxidation; gas Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A microreactor study for gas-phase catalytic oxidation, stage 4.1 and 4.2

Report deals with utilization and experimental verification of a microreactor apparatus applied to the gas-phase catalytic oxidation.

Stavárek, Petr
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

D4.2 Preliminary rate expressions based on initial data.
Stavárek, Petr; Lali, Farzad; Ujčič, Massimo; Grande, C.; Andreassen, K.A.; Zander, H.-J.
2016 - Czech
Report focuses on preliminary kinetic rate expressions based on initial experimental data. Zpráva popisuje předběžné rychlostní rovnice chemických reakcí odvozených na základě úvodních experimentálních dat. Keywords: experimental data; kinetic rate; chemical equations Available at various institutes of the ASCR
D4.2 Preliminary rate expressions based on initial data.

Report focuses on preliminary kinetic rate expressions based on initial experimental data.

Stavárek, Petr; Lali, Farzad; Ujčič, Massimo; Grande, C.; Andreassen, K.A.; Zander, H.-J.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.
Kaluža, Luděk; Gulková, Daniela; Soukup, Karel
2016 - English
The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt dispersion in the Pt/C were compared with preliminary outcomes from volumetric determination of hydrogen adsorption. Keywords: Pt/c electrocatalysts; industrial exploitation; hydrogen absorption Available at various institutes of the ASCR
39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.

The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt ...

Kaluža, Luděk; Gulková, Daniela; Soukup, Karel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Modern Methods of Flue Gas Cleaning.
Svoboda, Karel; Hartman, Miloslav
2016 - Czech
Keywords: cleaning; flue gas; new method Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Modern Methods of Flue Gas Cleaning.

Svoboda, Karel; Hartman, Miloslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Combined Production of Electricity and Heat from Biomass by a Gasification Process in the ČR.
Pohořelý, Michael; Skoblia, S.
2016 - Czech
The paper is devoted to a brief description of the state of development of gasification in the Czech Republic. Příspěvek je věnován stručnému popisu stavu vývoje zplyňování v České republice.\n Keywords: heat; biogass; gasification process Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Combined Production of Electricity and Heat from Biomass by a Gasification Process in the ČR.

The paper is devoted to a brief description of the state of development of gasification in the Czech Republic.

Pohořelý, Michael; Skoblia, S.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Effect of Colloidal Silica on Rheological Properties of Common Pharmaceutical Excipients.
Kulaviak, Lukáš
2016 - Czech
Keywords: powder rheology; farmaceutical excipients; glidant Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of Colloidal Silica on Rheological Properties of Common Pharmaceutical Excipients.

Kulaviak, Lukáš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Influence of Surface Quality on Apparent Wall Slip in Aqueous Kaolin Suspensions Rheology.
Pěnkavová, Věra; Tihon, Jaroslav; Wein, Ondřej
2016 - Czech
Keywords: apparent wall slip; kaolin suspensions Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Influence of Surface Quality on Apparent Wall Slip in Aqueous Kaolin Suspensions Rheology.

Pěnkavová, Věra; Tihon, Jaroslav; Wein, Ondřej
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Sulphonation of Polystyrene Beads.
Strašák, Tomáš
2016 - Czech
This report describes sulphonation of polystyrene beads with narrow size distribution of particles typically with diameter 2-8 µm. These particles serve as starting material for preparation of stationary phase for ion exchange chromatography (IEC). An advantage of this procedure is replace of risk procedures which worked with chlorosulphonic acid or oleum as a sulfonating agent by procedure using concentrated sulphuric acid. Tato výzkumná zpráva popisuje sulfonaci polystyrenových (PS) kuliček s úzkou distribucí velikostí typicky o průměru 2-8 µm. Tyto částice jsou využívány jako stacionární fáze pro iontově výměnnou chromatografii (IEC). Výhodou předkládaného postupu je nahrazení rizikových postupů využívajících při této modifikaci olea nebo kyselinu chlorsírovou jako sulfonačního činidla postupem, který používá koncentrovanou kyselinou sírovou. Keywords: sulphonation of polystyrene beads; ion exchange chromatography; chlorosulphonic acid Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sulphonation of Polystyrene Beads.

This report describes sulphonation of polystyrene beads with narrow size distribution of particles typically with diameter 2-8 µm. These particles serve as starting material for preparation of ...

Strašák, Tomáš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Partition Coefficients Octanol-water of Selected (–)-Menthol-Substituted Chiral Ionic Liquids.
Andresová, Adéla; Feder-Kubis, J.; Florianová, M.; Basarabová, B.; Čubová, K.; Bendová, Magdalena
2016 - English
Octanol-water partition coefficients, log P, may be considered as one of the indicators for the tendency to bioaccumulation. For this reason, log P was measured as a function of the alkyl chain length on the cation for selected species of the 1–[(1R, 2S, 5R)-(–)-menthoxymethyl]-3-alkylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid series. The data were processed by means of mathematical gnostics to evaluate the relationship between the structure of the studied ionic liquids and log P. Keywords: ionic liquids; partition coefficients octanol-water; mathematical gnostics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Partition Coefficients Octanol-water of Selected (–)-Menthol-Substituted Chiral Ionic Liquids.

Octanol-water partition coefficients, log P, may be considered as one of the indicators for the tendency to bioaccumulation. For this reason, log P was measured as a function of the alkyl chain length ...

Andresová, Adéla; Feder-Kubis, J.; Florianová, M.; Basarabová, B.; Čubová, K.; Bendová, Magdalena
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

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