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Fluorescence, photosynthesis, and stress: How are they coupled?
Soukupová, J.; Roháček, Karel
2005 - Czech
Tuitional text for participants in a practical course in biology of the project "Open science". Studijní text pro účastníky praktického kurzu z biologie projektu AV ČR "Otevřená věda".
biology; training course
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fluorescence, photosynthesis, and stress: How are they coupled?
Tuitional text for participants in a practical course in biology of the project "Open science".
Photophysical processes involved in a photosynthetic conversion of the excitation energy in the biochemically exploitable form
Roháček, Karel
2005 - Czech
Tuitional text for participants in a practical course in physics of the project "Open science". Studijní text pro účastníky praktického kurzu z fyziky projektu AV ČR "Otevřená věda".
physics; training course
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Photophysical processes involved in a photosynthetic conversion of the excitation energy in the biochemically exploitable form
Tuitional text for participants in a practical course in physics of the project "Open science".
Identification and characterisation of genes determining embryogenesis using T-DNA mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana
Dudová, M.; Kyjovská, Z.; Řepková, J.; Kocábek, Tomáš
2004 - Czech
plant genetic; T-DNA mutation; mutace; DNA
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Identification and characterisation of genes determining embryogenesis using T-DNA mutations of Arabidopsis thaliana
Monitoring of herbicide-tolerant oil seed rape :Brassica napus L. in the Czech Republic
Rakouský, Slavomír; Ondřej, M.
2004 - Czech
GMO; monitoring; Czech Republic; monitoring
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monitoring of herbicide-tolerant oil seed rape :Brassica napus L. in the Czech Republic
Summer Academic Courses, Schola Ludes : Projects of Academic and University Centre in Nové Hrady
Roháček, Karel; Štys, D.; Jelínek, O.
2003 - Czech
natural sciences; education; vzdělání; přírodní vědy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Summer Academic Courses, Schola Ludes : Projects of Academic and University Centre in Nové Hrady
An Outline of the Development of Plant Generative Structures (The Embryo Sac of Lilly)
Babůrek, I.; Rakouský, Slavomír; Beneš, K.
2002 - Czech
plant; generative structures
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
An Outline of the Development of Plant Generative Structures (The Embryo Sac of Lilly)
The assay of virus variability and construction of pol. III antisense genes for virus resistant potatoes
Matoušek, Jaroslav; Ptáček, J.; Dědič, P.; Kuchař, M.; Vrba, Lukáš; Škopek, Josef; Schubert, J.
2000 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The assay of virus variability and construction of pol. III antisense genes for virus resistant potatoes
Hodnocení konkurenceschopnosti rhizobií na základě identifikace kmenů
Šimon, T.; Kálalová, S.; Petrzik, Karel
2000 - Czech
Rhizobium; soil biology; půdní biologie
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hodnocení konkurenceschopnosti rhizobií na základě identifikace kmenů
Variability of potato virus Y (PVY) strain spectrum
Dědič, P.; Ptáček, J.; Matoušek, Jaroslav; Čeřovská, Noemi
2000 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Variability of potato virus Y (PVY) strain spectrum
The diagnosis of potato spindle tuber viroid by means of molecular genetic techniques
Ptáček, J.; Matoušek, Jaroslav; Dědič, P.
2000 - Czech
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The diagnosis of potato spindle tuber viroid by means of molecular genetic techniques
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