Number of found documents: 1096
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Auf den Spuren der Barbaren - archäologisch, historisch, numismatisch (Archäologie der Barbaren 2015)
Karwowski, M.; Komoróczy, Balázs; Trebsche, P.
2019 - German
The publication is the latest in the series of proceedings based on materials from Central European protohistoric conferences Archaeology of Barbarians. For the most part, the studies published here are a revised text of the lectures given at the 2015 conference Archaeology of Barbarian at the MAMUZ Museum Mistelbach in Lower Austria. The main theme of the conference was the Celts and Germanic tribes in the Middle Danube Region in archaeological and numismatic sources (2nd century BC - 2nd century AD), but space was also given to other phenomena of protohistoric development. Intensive discussions included, among other things, absolute and relative chronology of transitional horizons, issues of monetization and testimony of numismatic groups, military, economic and diplomatic interactions along the north-south axis of the region and other sub-themes. For most of these questions, readers will find relevant studies in the present proceedings, which contains a total of 18 studies by authors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Germany. Die Publikation ist ein weiterer Teil der Serie von Sammelschriften, die auf der Grundlage der mitteleuropäischen frühgeschichtlichen Konferenzen Archäologie der Barbaren entstehen. Die hier veröffentlichten Studien stellen größtenteils eine umgearbeitete textliche Version der Vorträge, die bei der Konferenz Archäologie der Barbaren 2015 in Räumlichkeiten des MAMUZ Museums Mistelbach in Niederösterreich gehalten wurden. Das Hauptthema der Konferenz waren Kelten und Germanen im Mitteldonaugebiet in archäologischen und numismatischen Quellen (2. Jh. v. Chr. – 2. Jh. n. Chr.). Behandelt wurden jedoch auch weitere Phänomene der frühgeschichtlichen. Intensiv diskutiert wurden unter anderem die thematischen Bereiche der absoluten und relativen Chronologie der Übergangshorizonte, die Fragen der Monetarisierung und Aussage der numismatischen Fundverbände, die militärischen, wirtschaftlichen und diplomatischen Interaktionen entlang der nord-südlichen Achse der Region und weitere partielle Themen. Entsprechende Studien zu den meisten dieser Fragen finden die Leser auch in dem vorliegenden Sammelband, der insgesamt 18 Studien von Autoren aus der Tschechischen Republik, der Slowakei, Polen, Ungarn und Deutschland enthält. Keywords: proceedings; protohistory; Middle Danube Region; archaeology; numismatics; Ancient history Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Auf den Spuren der Barbaren - archäologisch, historisch, numismatisch (Archäologie der Barbaren 2015)

The publication is the latest in the series of proceedings based on materials from Central European protohistoric conferences Archaeology of Barbarians. For the most part, the studies published here ...

Karwowski, M.; Komoróczy, Balázs; Trebsche, P.
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2019

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2019
Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
2019 - English
Proceedings cover both research on various problems in fluid mechanics and descriptions of mathematical or experimental methods utilizable for solution of such problems.\n Keywords: experimental fluid mechanics; mathematical modelling; CFD; turbulence; stratified fluid; multiphase flow; vortex structures Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2019

Proceedings cover both research on various problems in fluid mechanics and descriptions of mathematical or experimental methods utilizable for solution of such problems.\n

Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

Bewaffnung und Reiterausrüstung des 8. bis 10. Jahrhunderts in Mitteleuropa. Waffenform und Waffenbeigaben bei den mährischen Slawen und in den Nachbarländern
Poláček, Lumír; Kouřil, Pavel
2019 - German
This volume is a collection of 25 conference papers dealing with the arms and equestrian equipment in the East and Central Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries. It brings a wide variety of issues, from typology and chronology through manufacturing technology and a practical application of artefacts to the general questions of medieval warfare. It presents finds both from the settlement and grave contexts. The predominant archaeological perspective is completed by historical and other studies, including a scientific experiment. Tagungsband mit 25 der Problematik der Bewaffnung und Reiterausrüstung des 8.-10. Jahrhunderts in Ostmitteleuropa gewidmeten Beiträgen. Er eröffnet ein breites Spektrum der Fragen, die von der Typologie und Chronologie über die Produktionstechnologie und praktische Anwendung von Artefakten bis hin zu allgemeinen Problematik des Militärwesens in frühmittelalterlicher Gesellschaft reichen. Neben der vorwiegenden archäologischen Sicht bietet er die Aussage von Historie und anderen Fachbereichen. Es fehlt nicht ein archäologisches Experiment. Keywords: Early Middle Ages; East and Central Europe; arms; equestrian equipment; grave goods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bewaffnung und Reiterausrüstung des 8. bis 10. Jahrhunderts in Mitteleuropa. Waffenform und Waffenbeigaben bei den mährischen Slawen und in den Nachbarländern

This volume is a collection of 25 conference papers dealing with the arms and equestrian equipment in the East and Central Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries. It brings a wide variety of ...

Poláček, Lumír; Kouřil, Pavel
Archeologický ústav, Brno, 2019

Teorie a praxe české etymologické lexikografie
Vykypěl, Bohumil; Boček, Vít
2019 - Czech
Sborník ke kulatému stolu Teorie a praxe české etymologické lexikografie (K nedožitým devadesátinám Evy Havlové a 30. výročí vydání prvního sešitu Etymologického slovníku jazyka staroslověnského). Příspěvky jsou věnovány různým aspektům české etymologické lexikografie, zasazeným zejména do obecného a komparativního kontextu. Keywords: etymology; Eva Havlová Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Teorie a praxe české etymologické lexikografie

Sborník ke kulatému stolu Teorie a praxe české etymologické lexikografie (K nedožitým devadesátinám Evy Havlové a 30. výročí vydání prvního sešitu Etymologického slovníku jazyka staroslověnského). ...

Vykypěl, Bohumil; Boček, Vít
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2019

37th Czech - Polish - Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics and 28th Conference OVA´19 - New Knowledge and Measurements in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Kaláb, Zdeněk; Lednická, Markéta
2019 - English
Main topics of event were: Environmental and mining geophysics, Natural, induced and technical seismicity, Deep geological repository,\nOther geophysical, geotechnical and related research. Participants represent both scientific institution and also commercial companies with \ngeophysical and geotechnical scopes. Keywords: engineering geophysics; geotechnical engineering; seismology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
37th Czech - Polish - Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics and 28th Conference OVA´19 - New Knowledge and Measurements in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering.

Main topics of event were: Environmental and mining geophysics, Natural, induced and technical seismicity, Deep geological repository,\nOther geophysical, geotechnical and related research. ...

Kaláb, Zdeněk; Lednická, Markéta
Ústav geoniky, 2019

Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers in Medicine 2019 - Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /83.
Etrych, Tomáš; Chytil, Petr
2019 - English
The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference “Polymers in Medicine 2019”. The participants presented 43 lectures and 35 posters. Main conference topics were: Polymers for nanomedicine, Stimuliresponsive polymers, Polymers for advanced drug delivery, Polymers for biomedical applications, Biomaterials for tissue engineering. Keywords: polymers; drug delivery; controlled release Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers in Medicine 2019 - Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /83.

The Book of abstracts and programme contains the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference “Polymers in Medicine 2019”. The participants presented 43 lectures and 35 posters. ...

Etrych, Tomáš; Chytil, Petr
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2019

Dynamics of machines and mechanical systems with interactions : proceedings DYMAMESI 2019
Kozieň, M.; Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk
2019 - English
The aim of the Colloquium is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, hydro-elasticity, bio-mechanics, systems with feedbacks and mechatronics. The papers are divided into the three sections and focused on the Dynamics of Machines, Interactions and Power Engineering. Keywords: vibrations; stability; power machinery Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dynamics of machines and mechanical systems with interactions : proceedings DYMAMESI 2019

The aim of the Colloquium is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as ...

Kozieň, M.; Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

Engineering Mechanics 2019
Zolotarev, Igor; Radolf, Vojtěch
2019 - English
The proceedings contains papers presented at the 25th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, which has been held in Svratka resort in Czech Republic under auspices of the Czech Society of Mechanics and being a part of IFTOMM (The International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) activities. As it corresponds with character of the conference, this proceedings consists of several topic oriented parts: Biomechanics, Fluid mechanics, Dynamics, Fracture mechanics, Kinematics, Mechatronics, Reliability of structures, Mechanics of solids, Technological processes, Thermodynamics. The volume represents a well-balanced overview of theoretical, numerical and experimental work on fundamental and applied studies. Keywords: dynamics; vibration; biomechanics; fluid mechanics; reliability Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Engineering Mechanics 2019

The proceedings contains papers presented at the 25th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, which has been held in Svratka resort in Czech Republic under auspices of the Czech Society of ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Radolf, Vojtěch
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

NDT in Progress 2019
Převorovský, Zdeněk
2019 - English
Already 10th International Workshop NDT in Progress 2019 was organized by the Czech Society for NDT (CNDT) along with the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences under auspices of ACADEMIA NDT International and European Federation for NDT. This unique biennial Workshops series started in 2001 with the primary aim to get together experienced NDT world experts with young people and students from various academic and industrial branches, allowing them to deeply discuss the latest state-of-the-art and progress in nondestructive testing and evaluation methodologies (NDT/NDE/SHM/CM) and new trends in both research and application areas. \nMain topics of the Workshop covered (not only):\n•Acoustic & ultrasonic methods; acoustic emission; guided waves; phased arrays.\n•Radiographic methods; infrared & terahertz waves testing.\n•Electromagnetic & magnetic methods; optical methods & defects imaging.\n•Signal & Image processing; nonlinear methods; inverse problems; time reversal.\n•Structural health and condition monitoring (SHM/CM).\n•Numerical simulations and modeling in NDT/NDE.\n•NDT for Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing.\n Keywords: non-destructive testing (NDT); structural health and condition monitoring; nonlinear methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
NDT in Progress 2019

Already 10th International Workshop NDT in Progress 2019 was organized by the Czech Society for NDT (CNDT) along with the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences under auspices ...

Převorovský, Zdeněk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

Topological structures in ferroic materials: Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop TOPO2019
Hlinka, Jiří; Pokorný, Jan; Bubnov, Alexej
2019 - English
This is the Book of Abstracts for the International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials (TOPO2019 conference) held in Pruhonice-Prague on June 16-20, 2019. The special objective of the conference is expressed in the conference title: Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials. The continuous worldwide interest to this conference series is proving that it has a respected position within the series of International conferences covering all interdisciplinary field of the research. The fifth TOPO meeting in Prague 2019 was aiming to bring together the forefront science experts as well as young scientists interested in topological aspects of magnetic, superconducting, ferroelectric as well as liquid crystal matter, and mutually benefit from the beauty of the existing unifying scientific perspective. At the TOPO2019 conference more than 90 participants from 20 countries all over the world presented about 50 lectures.\n Keywords: ferroic materials; topological structures Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Topological structures in ferroic materials: Book of Abstracts of the International Workshop TOPO2019

This is the Book of Abstracts for the International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials (TOPO2019 conference) held in Pruhonice-Prague on June 16-20, 2019. The special objective of ...

Hlinka, Jiří; Pokorný, Jan; Bubnov, Alexej
Fyzikální ústav, 2019

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