14th International Bordetella Symposium
Šebo, Peter
2024 - English
We shall discuss the latest research achievements in the Bordatella/pertussis filed and how to tackle the challenge of current pertussis resurgence. We will assess what needs to be done to overcome the limitations of current acellular pertussis vaccines in order to curb the resurgence and transmission of whoopong cough.
bordetella; petrussis; vaccine
Available in digital repository of the ASCR
14th International Bordetella Symposium
We shall discuss the latest research achievements in the Bordatella/pertussis filed and how to tackle the challenge of current pertussis resurgence. We will assess what needs to be done to overcome ...
Structural analysis of polysaccharides from mushroom hericium Erinaceus mftccb 134
Bleha, R.; Čopíková, J.; Sushytskyi, Leonid; Vannucci, Luca; Sinica, A.; Jozífek, M.; Jablonský, I.; Klouček, P.
2023 - English
The aim of this research was the structural characterisation of polysaccharides isolated from fruiting bodies of the cultivating medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus MFTCCB 134. Cold and hot water extracts (CWE, HWE) were obtained and purified, and followed by alkali extraction from the reminder solids. The composition and structure of the fractions were analysed by FTIR spectroscopy, and neutral sugars/linkage analyses were determined by GC/FID and GC/MS, respectively. Galactose, fucose and glucose were found in purified CWE,\nwhile glucose predominated in purified HWE.
Hericium erinaceus; polysaccharides; mushrooms
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural analysis of polysaccharides from mushroom hericium Erinaceus mftccb 134
The aim of this research was the structural characterisation of polysaccharides isolated from fruiting bodies of the cultivating medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus MFTCCB 134. Cold and hot water ...
Overview of the effects of selected dietary supplements on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Šíma, Petr; Michalová, I.
2023 - Czech
The article is an overview of selected studies that dealt with the effects of long-term administration of certain dietary supplements,\nwhich are assumed to positively influence the prevention and treatment of the most serious non-communicable (chronic) diseases, which are currently mainly cardiovascular disease. Only in our country, heart diseases have been the cause of death for a long time\nalmost two-thirds of people. \nThe aim of this study was to show that despite the popularity and mass distribution of dietary supplements, their health benefits are questionable.\n Sdělení je přehledem vybraných studií, které se zabývaly účinky dlouhodobějšího podávání některých doplňků stravy,\no nichž se předpokládá, že pozitivně ovlivňují prevenci a léčbu nejzávažnějších nesdělných (chronických) onemocnění, což jsou\nv současné době především onemocnění kardiovaskulární. Jenom u nás jsou srdeční onemocnění už dlouhodobě příčinou smrti\ntéměř dvou třetin lidí.\nCílem tohoto sdělení bylo ukázat, že navzdory popularitě a masovému rozšíření doplňků stravy jsou jejich zdravotní přínosy\nsporné.
dietary supplements; cardiovascular diseases; antioxidants
Fulltext is available at external website.
Overview of the effects of selected dietary supplements on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
The article is an overview of selected studies that dealt with the effects of long-term administration of certain dietary supplements,\nwhich are assumed to positively influence the prevention and ...
Fungi in caves
Nováková, Alena
2021 - Czech
Data about the occurrence of microscopic fungi in several European caves (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia and Spain) obtained during 20 years studies are presented Práce zahrnuje údaje o zastoupení mikroskopických hub v různých evropských jeskyních (Česká republika, Slovensko, Rumunsko, Maďarsko, Slovinsko, Španělsko a Francie) získaný studiem v průběhu 20 let.
Microscopic fungi; cave environment
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fungi in caves
Data about the occurrence of microscopic fungi in several European caves (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia and Spain) obtained during 20 years studies are presented
The mechanisms and efficiency of uptake of selected micropollutants by crops irrigated with reclaimed wastewater
Šrédlová, Kamila; Semerád, Jaroslav; Šereš, M.; Mrvová, M.; Rozkošný, M.; Cajthaml, Tomáš
2021 - Czech
Water scarcity and the quality of fresh water are important global issues, which relate to all areas of human activity. One of the possible ways of reducing water consumption in agriculture is using treated (recycled) wastewater for irrigation. However, when applying recycled wastewater or biosolids to crops, it is necessary to monitor the content of micropollutants. The Summary research report describes the mechanisms of uptake of selected micropollutants (perfluorinated alkyl compounds and pharmaceuticals) by crops during automated irrigation with recycled wastewater. A detailed literature review complemented by experimental data describes micropollutant bioaccumulation in the fruits of several plants, which represent an exposure pathway for humans. Furthermore, the risk of human intake of micropollutants from crops potentially contaminated when grown using this technology is outlined Nedostatek sladké vody a její kvalita jsou celosvětově řešenými otázkami, které se promítají prakticky do všech oblastí lidské činnosti. Jednou z možností, jak snížit spotřebu vody v zemědělství, je opětovné využívání přečištěné (recyklované) odpadní vody k závlahám. Z hlediska kvality potravin je při použití recyklované odpadní vody nebo kalů z ČOV nezbytné průběžně sledovat koncentrace některých mikropolutantů. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva popisuje mechanismy příjmu vybraných mikropolutantů z řad perfluorovaných látek a léčiv zemědělskými rostlinami v průběhu automatické závlahy přečištěnou odpadní vodou. Obsáhlá literární rešerše doplněná experimentálními daty popisuje bioakumulace v plodech, jejichž konzumací může být mikropolutantům vystaven i člověk. Dále je nastíněno riziko příjmu mikropolutantů z potenciálně kontaminovaných plodů rostlin pěstovaných za použití této technologie.
irrigation; automated irrigation; wastewater; recycled wastewater; micropollutants; micropollutants bioaccumulation
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The mechanisms and efficiency of uptake of selected micropollutants by crops irrigated with reclaimed wastewater
Water scarcity and the quality of fresh water are important global issues, which relate to all areas of human activity. One of the possible ways of reducing water consumption in agriculture is using ...
Surface functionalization of the biological gold nanoparticles for micro-rna targeting
Pourali, Parastoo; Benada, Oldřich; Benson, Veronika
2021 - English
Among non-viral gene carriers with low toxicity and high transfection efficiency, the use of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is of particular interest due to their biocompatibility and special properties. This is the first time we attempted to functionalize the surface of the biological AuNPs in order to conjugate them with antimiR-135b through electrostatic interactions and knockdown the microRNA-135b gene expression inside the cells. A fungal strain, Fusarium oxysporum, was cultured in Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (SDB), centrifuged, and the mycelium-free supernatant was challenged with 1 mmol final concentration of HAuCl4.3H2O and incubated for 24 h at 37°C in a shake flask. AuNPs were characterized by visible spectrophotometry, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and a zetasizer. The washed and sterilized AuNPs were used for cytotoxicity and conjugation assays. First transferrin (Tf) and then polyethylenimine (PEI) were used to functionalize and change the surface charge of the AuNPs and then antimiR-135b was conjugated to the AuNPs trough electrostatic interactions. Their association was confirmed by visible spectrophotometry and electrophoresis. Confocal microscopy was used to investigate the internalization of the AuNPs-antimiR-135b complex. The results proved the formation of AuNPs with a maximum absorption peak at 528 nm, round and oval shapes (15-20 nm), and average zeta potential of -21.02 mV. The AuNPs-antimiR-135b showed delayed electrophoresis unlike antimiR-135b or AuNPs alone. Functionalized AuNPs did not cause any toxicity in cell culture and confocal microscopy showed successful transfection of AuNPs-antimiR-135b into the vast majority of 4T1 cells. We concluded that the biological AuNPs were non-toxic and they could carry antimiR-135b to enable gene silencing
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs); Biological method; Conjugation; AntimiR-135b
Fulltext is available at external website.
Surface functionalization of the biological gold nanoparticles for micro-rna targeting
Among non-viral gene carriers with low toxicity and high transfection efficiency, the use of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is of particular interest due to their biocompatibility and special properties. ...
Enzymatic detoxification of cyanide using cyanide hydratases
Sedova, Anastasia; Rucká, Lenka; Glozlová, Michaela; Novotný, Petr; Martínková, Ludmila; Bojarová, Pavla
2021 - English
Cyanide, a strong chelator of metals in vital enzymes and proteins, is very toxic for most living organisms. Wastewaters from the mining, metallurgical and chemical industries contain significant concentrations of free cyanide. Though it can be largely eliminated by physicochemical methods, these processes may in turn lead to the formation of other waste. In addition, no effective methods have been found to neutralize cyanide spills coming from industrial accidents. The use of enzymes to remove cyanide is an attractive alternative, which is environmentally friendly and applicable to high cyanide concentrations. Cyanide hydratases (CynHs) are of considerable interest for the decomposition of hazardous cyanide wastes. Here we investigate the biochemical properties of new CynHs from Stereum hirsutum and Exidia glandulosa, it is of fundamental importance to preserve the enzyme activity at alkaline pH as cyanide waste is stored under these conditions.
free cyanide; cyanide hydratase; cyanide spills; cyanide waste
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Enzymatic detoxification of cyanide using cyanide hydratases
Cyanide, a strong chelator of metals in vital enzymes and proteins, is very toxic for most living organisms. Wastewaters from the mining, metallurgical and chemical industries contain significant ...
Microbial analysis and identification of organisms in products from young cocco
Palyzová, Andrea; Marešová, Helena
2021 - Czech
The collaboration focused on the isolation and identification of bacterial strains in young coconut products, the comparison of their microbial profiles and the monitoring of stability over time. Yoguard and Keefir products contain highly functional probiotic bacteria and probiotic yeasts. The main microorganisms contained in yoghurts and keefires include Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconococcus, Saccharomyces.\nThe main microorganisms contained in yoghurts and keefires include Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconococcus, Saccharomyces.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Spolupráce byla zaměřena na izolaci a identifikaci bakteriálních kmenů v produktech z mladých kokosů, porovnání jejich mikrobiálních profilů a sledování stability v průběhu doby spotřeby. Výrobky z řady Yoguardů a Keefirů obsahují vysoce funkční probiotické bakterie a probiotické kvasinky. Mezi hlavní v jogurtech a keefirech obsažené mikroorganismy patří Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconococcus, Saccharomyces
microorganism; coco; fermantation; microbiome
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Microbial analysis and identification of organisms in products from young cocco
The collaboration focused on the isolation and identification of bacterial strains in young coconut products, the comparison of their microbial profiles and the monitoring of stability over time. ...
Determination of distribution of pharmacologically active compounds and their biological degradation during waste water treatment processes
Palyzová, Andrea; Kyslík, Pavel; Marešová, Helena
2020 - Czech
The project is focused on the development of technology for the degradation of persistent active pharmacologically substances (APIs) in wastewater. These substances are biologically active, due to their physicochemical properties often difficult to degrade, their consumption in human and veterinary medicine is difficult to control. By using it alone, even non-metabolized drugs enter the environment. End-user disposal of unused drugs is virtually uncontrollable and is becoming another important source of pollution. APIs are a common nodal point for the main sources of environmental contamination. Unfortunately, in the case of the API series, current WWTP systems are not even capable of capturing, let alone degradation, and are therefore distributed back to the environment via surface waters. The development of persistent APIs degradation technology at the WWTP level is the aim of the project. Its implementation will significantly reduce the level of surface water pollution and thus increase the sustainability of the use of water resources. Projekt je zaměřen na vývoj technologie degradace perzistujících farmakologicky aktivních látek (FAL) v odpadních vodách. Tyto látky jsou již z podstaty biologicky aktivní, vzhledem ke svým fyzikálně chemickým vlastnostem často obtížně degradovatelné, jejich spotřeba v humánní i veterinární medicíně je obtížně regulovatelná. Již samotným používáním se i nemetabolizovaná léčiva dostávají do životního prostředí. Nakládání koncových uživatelů s nespotřebovanými léčivy je prakticky nekontrolovatelné a stává se dalším důležitým zdrojem znečištění. Pro hlavní zdroje kontaminace prostředí FAL jsou společným uzlovým bodem odpadní vody. Bohužel v případě řady FAL nejsou současné systémy ČOV schopné ani záchytu natož degradace a jsou tedy prostřednictvím povrchových vod distribuovány zpět do prostředí. Vývoj technologie degradace perzistentních FAL na úrovni ČOV je cílem projektu. Její implementace významně sníží míru znečištění povrchových vod a zvýší tak udržitelnost využívání vodních zdrojů
microbial degradation; pharmacs; wastewater treatment plant; pilot study
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Determination of distribution of pharmacologically active compounds and their biological degradation during waste water treatment processes
The project is focused on the development of technology for the degradation of persistent active pharmacologically substances (APIs) in wastewater. These substances are biologically active, due to ...
Purification of water soluble bioactive polysaccharides from biomass of heterotrophic mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11.
Sushytskyi, L.; Lukáč, Pavol; Bleha, R.; Čopíková, J.; Vannucci, Luca; Sinica, A.; Kaštánek, P.
2019 - English
Water extract obtained from biomass of mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11 was deproteinized and then purified with AEC on DEAE Sepharose FF and SEC on Sepaphadex G-75 superfine columns. Two high MW (>1000 kDa and 98,3 kDa) polysaccharides (CPS1 and CPS3) were eluted with water and 0.5M NaCl on DEAE column, and heteropolysaccharide with MW of 15 kDa (CPS2) was also eluted with water on DEAE. The former fractions were identified as branched rhamnans, the latter one as branched xylogalactofuranan of unusual structure. CPS1 shown properties of unstable polimer: according to GPC analysis and by using light scattering and RI detectors it was found, that some fraction of polymers (260-800 kDa) have self-assembling properties in aqueous solution, and MW of this fraction decreased during some time while polimer with initially bigger MW (>1000 kDa) became bigger. CPS3 was eluted with 0.3-0.5 M of NaCl on DEAE Sepharose FF column and have MW of 98,3 kDa. Cell toxicity of the products were tested in vitro on cell cultures for different concentrations
Mutant alga; Chlorella vulgaris G11; chromatography; polymer; cell cultures
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Purification of water soluble bioactive polysaccharides from biomass of heterotrophic mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11.
Water extract obtained from biomass of mutant alga Chlorella vulgaris G11 was deproteinized and then purified with AEC on DEAE Sepharose FF and SEC on Sepaphadex G-75 superfine columns. Two high MW ...
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