Number of found documents: 460
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Models and tools for validation of biodiversity in the Dřevnice catchment
Cudlín, Ondřej; Pechanec, V.; Štěrbová, L.; Cudlín, Pavel
2016 - Czech
We use several GIS tools to assess and predict the changes in biodiversity in the Dřevnice catchment. First,\nwe created GIS layer, consisted of natural and near to nature habitats (system Natura 2000) and Corine\nLand Cover for more anthropically influenced habitats. The Land Change Modeller was used to predict the\ndevelopment of land cover on the basis of comparison of data in several historical periods. To determine\nthe areas with high threat to biodiversity we created firstly another GIS layer of habitats with low\nnaturalness. Afterwards we used the model GLOBIO 3, which works with five basic driving forces (habitat\nnaturalness, infrastructure presence, distance from communications, nitrogen pollution load and\nmodelled climatic change parameters). GLOBIO 3 uses for each layer the MSA indicator (mean species\nabundance per area), which reflects the worldwide threat to selected endangered species. With regard to\nthe conditions of the Czech Republic and non‐availability of the nationwide database of finding data on\nprotected plant and animals, we should change this indicator for MHV (mean habitat value per area). Last\nGIS layer enables us to select up to now unprotected areas with a high value of biodiversity and naturalness of habitats for environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry management by model Marxan. The model combines the existing categories of natural reserves, biodiversity values (expressed in CZK according to Biotope Valuation Method) and the penalty for any nature degradation due to inadequate protection, abundance and distribution of species of interest (in this case the valuable and\npreserved habitats). Simultaneously it aims for a spatial compactness of design. The output is a layeridentifying the refugia for preservation and spreading of wild plants and animals to the cultural landscape,\nespecially with regard to climate change. Pro stanovení změn biodiverzity v povodí Dřevnice jsme využili vybrané GIS nástroje. Nejprve jsme\nvytvořili mapu krajinného pokryvu. Biotopy přírodní a přírodě blízké byly převzaty z mapování biotopů\nNATURA 2000 a více antropicky ovlivněné biotopy z mapování Corine Land Cover. Vývoj změny využití\nkrajiny jsme zjišťovali pomocí modelu Land Change Modeler, který predikuje scénáře budoucího stavu na\nzákladě série dat krajinného pokryvu z několika historických období. Pro zjištění stávajícího stavu biotopů\njsme nejprve vytvořili vrstvu oblastí se současným vysokým ohrožením biodiverzity na základě nízké\npřirozenosti biotopů. Pak jsme využili model Globio 3, který pracuje s 5 základními hybnými silami\n(přirozenost biotopů, přítomnost infrastruktur, vzdálenost od sídel, depozice dusíku a změna klimatických\ncharakteristik v podmínkách klimatické změny). Model Globio 3 používá pro každou vrstvu s jednou\nhybnou silou indikátor MSA (průměrný počet druhů na plochu). S ohledem na podmínky ČR a veřejně\nnedostupnou celorepublikovou databázi Nálezových dat ochrany přírody, jsme byli nuceni pozměnit\nindikátor na MHV (průměrná hodnota biotopu na plochu), zohledňující míru ohroženosti podle\npřirozenosti biotopu podle metodiky BVM. Výstupem je GIS vrstva, znázorňující klasifikaci dopadu všech\npěti hybných sil na kvalitu biotopu a umožňující určit místa s vysokým stupněm ohrožení, která potřebují\nobecnou ochranu přírody s ohledem na klimatickou změnu. Na předchozí mapový podklad navazuje\nvrstva, která umožňuje vybrat prioritní plochy dosud nechráněných, přírodních a přírodě blízkých\nbiotopů pomocí modelu Marxan. Model kombinuje existující kategorie ochrany chráněných území,\nhodnotu biodiverzity (vyjádřenou v korunách metodou BVM) a penalizaci za případnou degradaci\ncenného biotopu vlivem nedostatečné ochrany, abundanci a distribuci zájmových druhů (v naší modifikaci\ncenných a zachovalých biotopů). Souběžně se snaží o prostorovou kompaktnost návrhu. Keywords: biodiverzita; Land change modeler; Globio 3; Marxan Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Models and tools for validation of biodiversity in the Dřevnice catchment

We use several GIS tools to assess and predict the changes in biodiversity in the Dřevnice catchment. First,\nwe created GIS layer, consisted of natural and near to nature habitats (system Natura ...

Cudlín, Ondřej; Pechanec, V.; Štěrbová, L.; Cudlín, Pavel
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Drought monitor for the Czech
Trnka, Miroslav; Hlavinka, Petr; Semerádová, Daniela; Balek, Jan; Možný, M.; Štěpánek, Petr; Zahradníček, Pavel; Hayes, M.; Eitzinger, Josef; Žalud, Zdeněk
2016 - English
Because drought and its impacts are among the worst hydrometeorological extremes (including also Central European conditions), the aim of this paper is to describe the core and use of the Integrated drought monitoring system for the Czech Republic. Land-use, information about soil, vegetation characteristics and meteorological data are used as inputs to validated water balance SoilClim model, which is applied for estimates of actual and reference evapotranspiration and water saturation of the soil profile in % or soil moisture content in mm. Moreover the prognosis of expected soil moisture (based on probabilistic analysis) is calculated for next 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Main results are weekly updated in form of drought occurrence maps, which are published in spatial resolution 500 m for whole territory of the Czech Republic and for all its 76 districts separately. Final maps with detail comments are available at drought topic dedicated web page (ANONYM 3 2014). Keywords: model; soil moisture; land use; evapotranspiration; drought assessment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Drought monitor for the Czech

Because drought and its impacts are among the worst hydrometeorological extremes (including also Central European conditions), the aim of this paper is to describe the core and use of the Integrated ...

Trnka, Miroslav; Hlavinka, Petr; Semerádová, Daniela; Balek, Jan; Možný, M.; Štěpánek, Petr; Zahradníček, Pavel; Hayes, M.; Eitzinger, Josef; Žalud, Zdeněk
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Drought periods in 2014
Zahradníček, Pavel; Trnka, Miroslav; Štěpánek, Petr; Semerádová, Daniela; Farda, Aleš
2016 - English
The first half of year 2014 was characterized by the occurrence of extreme weather. Episode without precipitation were alternated with thunderstorms, temperature were mostly above normal and was occurred first heat wave. The year began with a very mild winter, when amount of snow was only 27% of long term average and in agricultural region South Moravia only about 10%. The winter temperature was more than 2 degrees C higher than normal. March and April were characterized by low sum of precipitation mainly again in South Moravia, both months were about 70% of long term average. March and April temperature were significantly above normal (March about more than about 4 degrees C and April more than 2 degrees C). In contrast May was cold and rainy. In the middle of the month there were persistent rainfall, which caused an increase of river levels and flooding several areas. June was again very dry. These weather conditions led to the strong dry episodes during first half of the year. Keywords: data quality-control; model; drought; Czech Republic; year 2014; precipitation; temperature Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Drought periods in 2014

The first half of year 2014 was characterized by the occurrence of extreme weather. Episode without precipitation were alternated with thunderstorms, temperature were mostly above normal and was ...

Zahradníček, Pavel; Trnka, Miroslav; Štěpánek, Petr; Semerádová, Daniela; Farda, Aleš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Assessing the impact of drought stress on winter wheat canopy by hermes crop growth model
Wimmerová, Markéta; Pohanková, Eva; Kersebaum, K. C.; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk; Hlavinka, Petr
2016 - English
The main aim of this study was evaluate a drought stress effect on winter wheat development, growth (leaf area index), soil moisture and yields. Simultaneously, the ability of Hermes crop growth model to simulate drought stress response was tested. The field trial was established at Domanínek station (Bystřice nad Pernštejnem district, Czech Republic) in 2014. Mobile rain-out shelters for precipitation reduction were installed on the plots of winter wheat in May 2015. Results of this study showed that model is able to reproduce well a soil moisture content and to certain extent the drought stress for grain yields of winter wheat. Using the rain-out shelters (from 19 May to harvest on 6 August 2015), real winter wheat yields were reduced by 1.7 t/ha. The model was able to estimate the average yield with a deviation of 0.15 t/ha (6%) for no stressed variant. Model underestimated the yields for sheltered variant with a difference 0.67 t/ha (71%) on average against observed yields. Keywords: leaf area index; rain-out shelters; soil moisture; water balance; yields Fulltext is available at external website.
Assessing the impact of drought stress on winter wheat canopy by hermes crop growth model

The main aim of this study was evaluate a drought stress effect on winter wheat development, growth (leaf area index), soil moisture and yields. Simultaneously, the ability of Hermes crop growth model ...

Wimmerová, Markéta; Pohanková, Eva; Kersebaum, K. C.; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk; Hlavinka, Petr
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Crop yield estimation in the field level using vegetation indicies
Jurečka, František; Hlavinka, Petr; Lukas, Vojtěch; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
2016 - English
Remote sensing can be very useful tool for agriculture management. In this study, remote sensing methods were applied for yield estimation in the field level. There were compared remote sensing data together with yield data obtained from the field. The study area is located in Polkovice in Olomoucký region and a crop planted there in the year 2016 was spring barley as one of most important crops grown in the region. The study area in Polkovice is located at lower elevations with intensive crop production and is climatologically warmer and drier than other areas of the Czech Republic. Year 2016 was the first year when the harvest device has been used for yield analysis in this study area. The output of this method is the yield map displaying the amount of crop harvested in the particular place in the field. The yield data from the field were then compared with remote sensing data in the form of vegetation indices. Two of them were used for comparison – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and a two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2). These indices have been often used for yield estimation in different studies but mostly in larger scales. This study investigates use of NDVI and EVI2 at more detailed scale while using various remote sensing methods. Comparisons show that remote sensing data can provide accurate estimation and can be used for yield forecasting or supplement traditional ways of yield estimation. Results of the study show that yield-index correlations are stronger for satellite data than for the drone data. NDVI showed slightly stronger correlations than EVI2. Strongest correlations between vegetation indices and yields were found for NDVI from Sentinel 2. Keywords: Yield; drone; spring barley; NDVI; EV12 Fulltext is available at external website.
Crop yield estimation in the field level using vegetation indicies

Remote sensing can be very useful tool for agriculture management. In this study, remote sensing methods were applied for yield estimation in the field level. There were compared remote sensing data ...

Jurečka, František; Hlavinka, Petr; Lukas, Vojtěch; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Physiological equivalent temperature as an indicator of the UHI effect with the city of Prague as an example
Zahradníček, Pavel; Žák, M.; Skalák, Petr
2016 - English
Description of an Urban Heat Island (UHI) using the difference in air temperature is one of the world's most studied characteristics. If, however, one wants to express how the temperature is perceived by humans, one must consider the overall effect of air temperature, wind speed, air humidity and radiation flows, which is expressed using temperature bioclimatological indexes. One of them is the socalled physiological equivalent temperature (PET), which is used for quantification of the overall effect of meteorological parameters combined with human energetic balance and which is perceived by humans. The RayMan (MATZARAKIS et al. 2007, 2010) microscale models in the city of Prague were used to simulate biometeorological conditions describing the effect on humans using PET. Keywords: model; physiological equivalent temperature; uhi; RayMan; Prague Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Physiological equivalent temperature as an indicator of the UHI effect with the city of Prague as an example

Description of an Urban Heat Island (UHI) using the difference in air temperature is one of the world's most studied characteristics. If, however, one wants to express how the temperature is perceived ...

Zahradníček, Pavel; Žák, M.; Skalák, Petr
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Use of ESI index for drought monitoring and crop yield forecasting
Jurečka, František; Anderson, M.; Hlavinka, Petr; Hain, C.; Wayne, D.; Gao, F.; Johnson, D. M.; Otkin, J.; Žalud, Zdeněk; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - Czech
Remote sensing is already for many years used for various analysis providing limited factors for agriculture production. Drought monitoring, vegetation conditions in the fields and crop\n131 yield forecasting in context of climatic conditions of recent years seem to be crucial. Methods of remote sensing use various wavebands behaving differently under different surfaces and vegetation covers. Remote sensing use many indices for study of vegetation conditions and agriculture landscape and for forecasting yield. In this case, index ESI (Evaporative Stress Index) was used for drought monitoring and yield forecasting. Index ESI is used by ALEXI model (Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse model).\n Dálkový průzkum Země (DPZ) se již řadu let se používá k různým analýzám, které zjišťují limitující faktory pro zemědělskou produkci. V souvislosti s klimatickými podmínkami posledních let se do oblasti zájmu dostává zejména monitoring sucha, zjišťování stavu vegetace na zemědělských pozemcích a odhad výnosů polních plodin. Metody dálkového průzkumu využívají záření o různé vlnové délce, které při pozorování jednotlivých složek zemského povrchu a vegetace vykazuje různé chování. Dálkový průzkum využívá ke zjišťování stavu vegetace, zemědělské krajiny a odhadů výnosu celou řadu indexů. V této studii byl k monitoringu sucha a odhadu výnosů použit index ESI (Evaporative Stress Index) používaný modelem ALEXI (Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse). Keywords: remote sensing; drought; yield; ALEXI; crops Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Use of ESI index for drought monitoring and crop yield forecasting

Remote sensing is already for many years used for various analysis providing limited factors for agriculture production. Drought monitoring, vegetation conditions in the fields and crop\n131 yield ...

Jurečka, František; Anderson, M.; Hlavinka, Petr; Hain, C.; Wayne, D.; Gao, F.; Johnson, D. M.; Otkin, J.; Žalud, Zdeněk; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Prediction of changes in landscape and biodiversity development as important factors in maintaining the current state of forest ecosystems
Cudlín, Ondřej; Pechanec, V.; Purkyt, Jan; Štěrbová, Lenka; Holá, Š.; Cienciala, E.; Cudlín, Pavel
2016 - Czech
We used a combination of several analytical tools to analyse change and predict the land use, carbon storage and biodiversity assessment in the cultural landscape. First, the GIS layer, consisted of Habitat mapping (NCA CR 2014) for 138 natural and close to nature habitats and Corine LC for 54 more anthropically influenced habitats, was created. The Land Change Modeler (scenario type - business as usual, pixel resolution 500 m) was used to predict the development of land cover on the basis of data comparison in several historical periods (Corine LC from 1990, 2000, 2006, 2012). We also did prediction of carbon storage under climate change in model InVEST 3.0 – carbon. Changes in carbon storage were calculated from four carbon pools: above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, necromass and soil organic carbon. To assess and predict the changes in biodiversity in the \nforest-agriculture landscape we used the model GLOBIO 3, which works with five basic driving forces for biodiversity loss: land use, infrastructure, fragmentation of territory, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate change. Last used model Marxan enables us to select up to now unprotected areas with a high degree of biodiversity and naturalness of habitats for environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry management.\n Pro analýzu změny a predikci vývoje využití krajiny (land use), ukládání uhlíku a hodnocení stavu biodiverzity v kulturní krajině jsme využili kombinaci několika analytických nástrojů. Nejprve byla vytvořena mapa krajinného pokryvu. Biotopy přírodní a přírodě blízké byly převzaty z Vrstvy mapování biotopů 2014 © AOPK ČR a více antropicky ovlivněné biotopy z vrstvy CORINE Land Cover 2012. Analýzu změn využití krajiny s následnou predikcí vývoje jsme modelovali pomocí nástroje Land Change Modeler, který predikuje scénáře budoucího stavu na základě časové série dat krajinného pokryvu (nebo využití území) z několika historických období a ze současnosti. Se změnou vývoje využití krajiny souvisí i změna množství uloženého uhlíku v krajině. Pro stanovení stávajících zásob uhlíku a množství uhlíku zachyceného v průběhu času jsme použili celosvětově užívaný model InVEST 3.0 – carbon. Celková změna ukládaného uhlíku byla vypočtena ze čtyř složek zásoby uhlíku: nadzemní biomasy, podzemní biomasy, mrtvé organické hmoty a půdního uhlíku, odvozených z literatury a experimentálních šetření. Stavem a změnou krajinného pokryvu je významně ovlivněna i biodiverzita. Pro zjištění současného stavu biodiverzity biotopů jsme nejprve vytvořili vrstvu oblastí se současným vysokým ohrožením biodiverzity na základě nízké přirozenosti biotopů. Poté jsme využili model GLOBIO3, který pracuje s 5 základními hybnými silami (přirozeností biotopů, fragmentací krajiny, vlivem infrastruktury, depozicí atmosférického dusíku a změnou klimatických charakteristik v podmínkách klimatické změny). Pro hodnocení dopadu každé hybné síly (vyjádřené v GIS prostředí) používá model indikátor MSA (průměrný počet druhů na jednotku plochy). S ohledem na podmínky ČR a veřejně nedostupná kompletní data Nálezové databáze ochrany přírody, jsme byli nuceni pozměnit indikátor MSA na MHV (průměrná hodnota biotopu na jednotku plochy), zohledňující míru ohroženosti území podle přirozenosti v něm se vyskytujících biotopů na základě metodiky hodnocení a oceňování biotopů BVM (Seják a kol., 2003). Výstupem je GIS vrstva, představující klasifikaci dopadů všech hybných sil na kvalitu biotopu a umožňující určit místa s vysokým stupněm ohrožení, která potřebují speciální management, zvláště pak s ohledem na přicházející klimatickou změnu. V další fázi analýzy byla vytvořena datová vrstva, která umožňuje vybrat prioritní plochy pro ochranu dosud nechráněných, přírodních a přírodě blízkých biotopů pomocí modelu Marxan. Model kombinuje existující kategorie ochrany zvláště chráněných území, hodnotu biodiverzity (vyjádřenou v korunách metodou BVM), penalizaci za případnou degradaci cenného biotopu vlivem nedostatečné ochrany a nálezová data (abundanci a distribuci) zájmových druhů (v naší modifikaci cenných a zachovalých biotopů). Místa vybraná tímto způsobem představují refugia pro zachování a šíření rostlin a živočichů do okolní krajiny, obzvláště v souvislosti s klimatickou změnou. Uvedené nástroje a komplexní postupy hodnocení stavu a změny využití krajiny, zásob uhlíku a biodiverzity mohu přispět ke zlepšení stavu lesních ekosystémů v české kulturní krajině. Keywords: biodiversity conservation; forest ecosystems; landscape Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Prediction of changes in landscape and biodiversity development as important factors in maintaining the current state of forest ecosystems

We used a combination of several analytical tools to analyse change and predict the land use, carbon storage and biodiversity assessment in the cultural landscape. First, the GIS layer, consisted of ...

Cudlín, Ondřej; Pechanec, V.; Purkyt, Jan; Štěrbová, Lenka; Holá, Š.; Cienciala, E.; Cudlín, Pavel
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Effect of high temperature and water shortage stresses duration during anthesis on the selected winter wheat yield formation components
Hlaváčová, Marcela; Rapantová, Barbora; Surá, Kateřina; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - English
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of drought and high temperatures on Tobak winter wheat variety during one of the most sensitive developmental stage (anthesis) from the viewpoint of harvest index (HI) and spike productivity (SP). The 5 growth chambers (where the plants were exposed to these stress factors) were used for these purposes. The various protocols consisting in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) course, relative air humidity (RH) and daily temperature courses were run. The plants were divided into 2 groups within each growth chambers: (1) Drough-stressed (Dry) and (2) well-watered (Wet). Two lengths of stresses duration were tested: 3 and 7 days. The plants were exposed to ambient weather conditions up to the full maturity after stresses exposition within the growth chambers. Subsequently, the plants were harvested manually and HI and SP were evaluated. The statistical analyses showed that the effect of each stress factor separately was statistically significant both for HI and SP14, nevertheless, these two factors interaction was statistically significant only in the case of HI. Keywords: growth chamber; harvest index (HI); spike productivity; Tobak; winter wheat Fulltext is available at external website.
Effect of high temperature and water shortage stresses duration during anthesis on the selected winter wheat yield formation components

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of drought and high temperatures on Tobak winter wheat variety during one of the most sensitive developmental stage (anthesis) from the viewpoint of ...

Hlaváčová, Marcela; Rapantová, Barbora; Surá, Kateřina; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Zahradníček, Pavel; Rožnovský, J.; Štěpánek, Petr; Farda, Aleš; Brzezina, J.
2016 - English
Climate assessment should not be limited to just statistical analysis, but also look at relationships in data and its uses in other areas of everyday life. One such area is tourism and recreation, which is also to a great extent influenced by the weather. This paper focuses on the winter season and the related possibilities for tourism. One of the key factors is snow conditions of the particular place. This analysis takes into account the amount of new snow and maximum snow depth and changes in these parameters as a result of the current global climate change. Especially in the last 15 years, years with less snow are more frequent and this is especially seen at highest altitudes of the country. The study also analyzed outputs of climate models with regards to winter season, including calculations of the number of melting days. Keywords: new snow; total snow depth; climate change; climate models Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Climate assessment should not be limited to just statistical analysis, but also look at relationships in data and its uses in other areas of everyday life. One such area is tourism and recreation, ...

Zahradníček, Pavel; Rožnovský, J.; Štěpánek, Petr; Farda, Aleš; Brzezina, J.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

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