SMV-2023-03: Holder for field-emission cathodes
Knápek, Alexandr; Horáček, Miroslav; Klein, Pavel
2023 - Czech
The contract research (CR) deals with the development of a modular holder for the development and testing of field-emission cathodes under ultra-high vacuum conditions. The research combines knowledge from vacuum engineering, power electronics and surface physics to achieve a reliable device that allows working with field-emission cathodes under vacuum conditions in diode and triode configurations. The main deliverables for the customer are drawings that allow the apparatus to be replicated and one piece of working prototype that has been constructed within the CR to verify the function. Smluvní výzkum (SMV) se zabývá vývojem modulárního držáku pro vývoj a testování auto-emisních katod v podmínkách ultra-vysokého vakua. Výzkum kombinuje znalosti z vakuové techniky, silnoproudé elektrotechniky a povrchové fyziky k dosažení spolehlivého zařízení, které umožňuje pracovat s polně-emisními katodami ve vakuových podmínkách, a to v diodové a triodové konfiguraci. Hlavním výstupem pro objednavatele je výkresová dokumentace, která umožňuje aparaturu replikovat a dále jeden kus funkčního prototypu, který byl v rámci SMV zkonstruován k ověření funkcionality.
field-emission cathode holder; relief structure; modular holder
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
SMV-2023-03: Holder for field-emission cathodes
The contract research (CR) deals with the development of a modular holder for the development and testing of field-emission cathodes under ultra-high vacuum conditions. The research combines knowledge ...
Dynamics of Machines and Mechanical Systems with Interactions, DYMAMESI 2023
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Kozień, M. S.
2023 - English
The aim of the DYMAMESI is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, hydro-elasticity, biomechanics, systems with feedbacks and mechatronics. The colloquium DYMAMESI 2021 is cofunded by the Strategy AV21 initiative of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and in 2021 will be hosted by Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Section of Dynamics of Systems.
dynamics; vibrations of mechanical systems; vibrodiagnostics; energy transformations
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dynamics of Machines and Mechanical Systems with Interactions, DYMAMESI 2023
The aim of the DYMAMESI is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, ...
Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - final report
Kajzar, Vlastimil
2023 - Czech
Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation underground. At the same time, this eliminates the need to maintain the currently determined level of mine water in the already attenuated part of the Ostrava-Karviná district (OKR), i.e. in the Ostrava (ODP) and Petřvald (PDP) parts of the OKR, which are now ensured by the Jeremenko (ODP) and Žofie (PDP) water shafts. After the end of all activities in the OKR underground, the process of flooding of the abandoned mine could be started. The aim of this work is to determine the possible risks caused by geomechanical and rheological changes in the rock massif disturbed by mining activity and, above all, the associated possible risks of affecting the earth's surface. Útlum zbylých, dosud činných dolů OKD, a.s. bude znamenat zánik primárního důvodu čerpání důlních vod z dolů, kterým je zajištění bezpečnosti práce a provozu v podzemí. Zároveň se tím eliminuje potřeba udržování v současnosti stanovené hladiny důlních vod v již utlumené části ostravsko-karvinského revíru (OKR), tedy v ostravské (ODP) a petřvaldské (PDP) části OKR, kterou nyní zajišťují vodní jámy Jeremenko (ODP) a Žofie (PDP). Po ukončení veškerých aktivit v podzemí OKR by tak mohl být spuštěn proces zatápění opuštěných důlních prostor. Cílem této práce je stanovit možná rizika způsobená geomechanickými a reologickými změnami v horninovém masívu, porušeném hornickou činností a především s tím spojená možná rizika ovlivnění zemského povrchu.
risks of the terrain surface influencing; geomechanical changes; flooding of the mining environment
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - final report
Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation ...
Adaptation of methods for cyclo-stationary processes for noisy structural health data
Fischer, Cyril; Bayer, Jan; Náprstek, Jiří; Urushadze, Shota
2023 - English
In structural health analysis, various techniques, including indirect measurement via monitoring vehicles, often yield data with significant randomness and insufficient frequency separation. Conversely, the desired attributes under scrutiny are periodic in nature. Thus, methodologies designed to identify cyclo-stationary properties within noisy data can be adapted for such scenarios, assuming an adequate length of the recorded data.
data analysis; cyclo-stationary processes; structural health monitoring
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Adaptation of methods for cyclo-stationary processes for noisy structural health data
In structural health analysis, various techniques, including indirect measurement via monitoring vehicles, often yield data with significant randomness and insufficient frequency separation. ...
The assessment of mechanical properties of the fibleglass composite – 3B the fibreglass company, N-4760 BIRKELAND, Norway, SE 2020 1200TEX, CoA 7841810_000010 from 15.6.23, Epoxy – „Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu a.s.“, CHS-EPODUR 532- 0542,CoA CA12210056,57 from 11.4.23.
Šperl, Martin; Vála, Ondřej; Bejdl, Jan; Frankeová, Dita
2023 - Czech
Investigation of basic mechanical properties of the fibreglass composite cut from special high pressure vessel. Výzkum základních mechanických vlastností skelného laminátového kompozitu vyříznutého ze speciální vysokotlaké nádoby.
mechanical properties; fibreglass composite
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The assessment of mechanical properties of the fibleglass composite – 3B the fibreglass company, N-4760 BIRKELAND, Norway, SE 2020 1200TEX, CoA 7841810_000010 from 15.6.23, Epoxy – „Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu a.s.“, CHS-EPODUR 532- 0542,CoA CA12210056,57 from 11.4.23.
Investigation of basic mechanical properties of the fibreglass composite cut from special high pressure vessel.
Consistency of mathematical and experimental model of the autoparametric system
Fischer, Cyril; Náprstek, Jiří
2023 - English
This paper presents a long-overdue comparison of data obtained from experimental investigation of a spherical vibration absorber with the results of two mathematical models of the motion of a heavy sphere in a spherical surface. It shows that the danger posed by the potentially unstable self-parametric nature of the mathematical system is not too great in the case of realistic configurations, and that the values of the parameters describing the realistic structures remain within intervals corresponding to the stable behaviour of the absorber.
vibration absorber; rolling sphere; spherical surface; autoparametric system; structural health monitoring
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Consistency of mathematical and experimental model of the autoparametric system
This paper presents a long-overdue comparison of data obtained from experimental investigation of a spherical vibration absorber with the results of two mathematical models of the motion of a heavy ...
Palynologie vybraných vzorků z vrtu Dětřichov J2014 a vrtu Maletín 1
Svobodová, Marcela
2023 - Czech
Cenomanian; palynology; palaeoenvironment; Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Palynologie vybraných vzorků z vrtu Dětřichov J2014 a vrtu Maletín 1
Final report on the MIT project no. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0ú20_321/0023673
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Gabriel, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel P.
2023 - Czech
The MIT project entitled Development of a switchgear for severe conditions and reduction of risks of critical infrastructure threat was focused on research, development of optimized design and provision of configuration technology for repeated production of different variants of modular system switchgear for use in severe conditions and reduction of risks of seismic threat, to ensure the reliability of critical infrastructure. The output is to be a prototype seismically robust device with a dynamically lightweight design, high reliability of switchgear and electrical equipment assembly function, and a software application for interactive design and documentation. Projektu MPO s názvem Vývoj rozvaděče pro těžké podmínky a snížení rizik ohrožení kritické infrastruktury byl zaměřen na výzkum, vývoj optimalizované konstrukce a zajištění konfigurační technologie pro opakovanou produkci různých variant modulárního systémového rozváděče pro použití v těžkých podmínkách a snížení rizik seizmického ohrožení, pro zajištění spolehlivosti kritické infrastruktury. Výstupem má být prototyp seizmicky robustního zařízení s dynamicky odlehčené konstrukce, vysokou spolehlivostí funkce sestavy rozvaděče a elektrovýzbroje a SW aplikace pro interaktivní návrhy a dokumentaci.
vibration; natural frequencies; modes of vibration; seismic resistance; dynamic properties of structures
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Final report on the MIT project no. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0ú20_321/0023673
The MIT project entitled Development of a switchgear for severe conditions and reduction of risks of critical infrastructure threat was focused on research, development of optimized design and ...
SMV-2023-05: DI2023
Matějka, Milan; Krátký, Stanislav; Meluzín, Petr; Košelová, Zuzana; Chlumská, Jana; Horáček, Miroslav; Kolařík, Vladimír; Knápek, Alexandr
2023 - Czech
The research focuses on the investigation and development of precise calibration samples with relief structures. These samples are designed for calibrating parameters in scanning electron microscopes (SEM). Test patterns allow verification of the imaging quality through microscopic techniques such as overall magnification, field of view size, resolution, deformation in lateral axes, and other geometric distortions. Precision lithographic techniques and other methods derived from silicon processing technologies in the semiconductor industry are employed for sample preparation. The development has been directed towards optimizing the recording of etching masks before transferring the image onto a monocrystalline silicon substrate. Výzkum se soustředí na zkoumání a vývoj precizních kalibračních vzorků s reliéfními strukturami. Tyto vzorky jsou koncipovány pro kalibraci parametrů ve skenovacích elektronových mikroskopech (SEM). Testovací vzory umožňují ověření kvality zobrazovaní danou mikroskopickou technikou jako je celkové zvětšení, velikost zorného, rozlišení, deformace zobrazení v laterárních osách a další geometrická zkreslení. Pro přípravku jsou využívány precizní litografické techniky a další techniky vycházející z technologií zpracování křemíku z polovodičového průmyslu. Vývoj byl zaměřen na optimalizaci záznamu leptacích masek před přenosem obrazu do monokrystalické křemíkové podložky.
relief structure; e-beam lithography; silicon etching; microlithography
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
SMV-2023-05: DI2023
The research focuses on the investigation and development of precise calibration samples with relief structures. These samples are designed for calibrating parameters in scanning electron microscopes ...
SMV-2023-53: Morphology and diagnostics of diamond-like powders
Mika, Filip
2023 - Czech
Methodology of exact determination of elemental composition and critical dimensions of nano powders with the SEM. Vypracování metodiky přesného určení materiálů a morfologie brusných nano prášků s pomocí SEM.
morphology; non-charging electron microscopy; energy-filtered electron microscopy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
SMV-2023-53: Morphology and diagnostics of diamond-like powders
Methodology of exact determination of elemental composition and critical dimensions of nano powders with the SEM.
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