Počet nalezených dokumentů: 1574
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Approximate Bayesian state estimation and output prediction using state-space model with uniform noise
Lainová, Eva; Kuklišová Pavelková, Lenka; Jirsa, Ladislav
2019 - anglický
This paper contributes to the problem of approximate Bayesian state estimation and output prediction using state space model with uniformly distributed noise. Algorithms for Bayesian filtering and output prediction for states uniformly distributed on an orthotopic support and Bayesian filtering and output prediction for states uniformly distributed on a parallelotopic support are presented and compared. Klíčová slova: Bayesian filtering; state estimation; output prediction; uniform noise; parallelotopic support; orthotopic support Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Approximate Bayesian state estimation and output prediction using state-space model with uniform noise

This paper contributes to the problem of approximate Bayesian state estimation and output prediction using state space model with uniformly distributed noise. Algorithms for Bayesian filtering and ...

Lainová, Eva; Kuklišová Pavelková, Lenka; Jirsa, Ladislav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

Bayesian Networks for the Analysis of Subjective Well-Being
Švorc, Jan; Vomlel, Jiří
2019 - anglický
We use Bayesian Networks to model the influence of diverse socio-economic factors on subjective well-being and their interrelations. The classical statistical analysis aims at finding significant explanatory variables, while Bayesian Networks can also help sociologists to explain and visualize the problem in its complexity. Using Bayesian Networks the sociologists may get a deeper insight into the interplay of all measured factors and their influence on the variable of a special interest. In the paper we present several Bayesian Network models -- each being optimal from a different perspective. We show how important it is to pay a special attention to a local structure of conditional probability tables. Finally, we present results of an experimental evaluation of the suggested approaches based on real data from a large international survey. We believe that the suggested approach is well applicable to other sociological problems and that Bayesian Networks represent a new valuable tool for sociological research. Klíčová slova: Bayesian networks; Subjective well-being Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Bayesian Networks for the Analysis of Subjective Well-Being

We use Bayesian Networks to model the influence of diverse socio-economic factors on subjective well-being and their interrelations. The classical statistical analysis aims at finding significant ...

Švorc, Jan; Vomlel, Jiří
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

On Experimental Part of Behavior under Ambiguity
Kratochvíl, Václav; Jiroušek, Radim
2019 - anglický
People are risk-takers, risk-averse, or neutral. In the literature, one can find experiments illustrating the ambiguity aversion of human decision-makers. Recently, a personal coefficient of ambiguity aversion has been introduced. We have decided to measure the coefficient and its stability during the time. In this paper, we describe performed experiments and their structure to launch a discussion of possible design weaknesses or to suggest other methods of measuring it. Klíčová slova: decision making; uncertainty; personal coefficient Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
On Experimental Part of Behavior under Ambiguity

People are risk-takers, risk-averse, or neutral. In the literature, one can find experiments illustrating the ambiguity aversion of human decision-makers. Recently, a personal coefficient of ...

Kratochvíl, Václav; Jiroušek, Radim
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

Zajíček, Milan
2019 - český
Mikrokontroler ESP32 je možné zakoupit jako vývojovou desku ve spojení s 2Mpixel kamerou OV2640. Tento modul je souhrnně označován ESP32-cam. Tutoriál ukazuje možnost použití uvedeného modulu pro snímání obrazu ve formě statických snímků i videa a možnosti komunikace s okolím, či ukládání dat na SD kartu. Pro komunikaci s PC je použit USB-Serial převodník CP2102. Microcontroller ESP32 can be obtained as a development board with 2Mpixel camera OV2640 together. The trademark of such module is ESP32-cam. Tutorial shows the abbility of the module to take the static pictures and video stream, communications skills and saving the data to the SD card. The USB-serial convertor CP2102 is used as an interface for the communication with PC. Klíčová slova: IoT; ESP32; mikrokontroler; video Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.

Mikrokontroler ESP32 je možné zakoupit jako vývojovou desku ve spojení s 2Mpixel kamerou OV2640. Tento modul je souhrnně označován ESP32-cam. Tutoriál ukazuje možnost použití uvedeného modulu pro ...

Zajíček, Milan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

Variational Analysis and Its Applications
Červinka, Michal
2019 - anglický
Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, in cooperation with Institutes of Information Theory and Automation and of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University will organize the Spring School on Variational Analysis VII. The spring school will be held in Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the Krkonoše Mountains from May 19 to May 25, 2019. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together researchers with common interest in the field. There will be opportunities for informal discussions and short communications. Klíčová slova: Variational Analysis; Applied Mathematics; Calculus of Variations Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Variational Analysis and Its Applications

Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, in cooperation with Institutes of Information Theory and Automation and of Mathematics, Czech Academy of ...

Červinka, Michal
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

Application of the Cox regression model with time dependent parameters to unemployment data
Volf, Petr
2019 - anglický
The contribution deals with the application of statistical survival analysis with the intensity described by a generalized version of Cox regression model with time dependent parameters. A\nmethod of model components non-parametric estimation is recalled, the flexibility of result is assessed with a goodness-of-fit test based on martingale residuals. The application\nconcerns to the real data representing the job opportunities development and reduction, during a given period. The risk of leaving the company is changing in time and depends also on the age of employees and their time with company. Both these covariates are considered and their impact to the risk analyzed. Klíčová slova: mathematical statistics; survival analysis; unemployment data Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Application of the Cox regression model with time dependent parameters to unemployment data

The contribution deals with the application of statistical survival analysis with the intensity described by a generalized version of Cox regression model with time dependent parameters. A\nmethod of ...

Volf, Petr
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

A Robustified Metalearning Procedure for Regression Estimators
Kalina, Jan; Neoral, A.
2019 - anglický
Metalearning represents a useful methodology for selecting and recommending a suitable algorithm or method for a new dataset exploiting a database of training datasets. While metalearning is potentially beneficial for the analysis of economic data, we must be aware of its instability and sensitivity to outlying measurements (outliers) as well as measurement errors. The aim of this paper is to robustify the metalearning process. First, we prepare some useful theoretical tools exploiting the idea of implicit weighting, inspired by the least weighted squares estimator. These include a robust coefficient of determination, a robust version of mean square error, and a simple rule for outlier detection in linear regression. We perform a metalearning study for recommending the best linear regression estimator for a new dataset (not included in the training database). The prediction of the optimal estimator is learned over a set of 20 real datasets with economic motivation, while the least squares are compared with several (highly) robust estimators. We investigate the effect of variable selection on the metalearning results. If the training as well as validation data are considered after a proper robust variable selection, the metalearning performance is improved remarkably, especially if a robust prediction error is used. Klíčová slova: model choice; computational statistics; robustness; variable selection Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
A Robustified Metalearning Procedure for Regression Estimators

Metalearning represents a useful methodology for selecting and recommending a suitable algorithm or method for a new dataset exploiting a database of training datasets. While metalearning is ...

Kalina, Jan; Neoral, A.
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

Technická zpráva o snı́mánı́, aplikacı́ch a knihovnách pro zpracovánı́ multispektrálnı́ho obrazu
Schier, Jan
2019 - český
V práci je prezentována stručná rešerše metod pořı́zenı́ multispektrálnı́ho a hyperspektrálnı́ho obrazu, aplikacı́ hypespektrálnı́ho snı́mkovánı́ a základnı́ch metod jeho zpracovánı́. V závěru práce je podán přehled nalezených knihoven prozpracovánı́ hyperspektrálnı́ho obrazu v jazycı́ch Matlab a Python.\n This report presents brief overview of multispectral and hyperspectral image acquisition methods, of applications of hyperspectral imaging and of basic methods of hyperspectral image processing. In the final part, we present an overview of Matlab and Python software libraries for hyperspectral image processing. Klíčová slova: Hyperspectral imaging; Hyperspectral imaging applications; Software libraries for hyperspectral image processing Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Technická zpráva o snı́mánı́, aplikacı́ch a knihovnách pro zpracovánı́ multispektrálnı́ho obrazu

V práci je prezentována stručná rešerše metod pořı́zenı́ multispektrálnı́ho a hyperspektrálnı́ho obrazu, aplikacı́ hypespektrálnı́ho snı́mkovánı́ a základnı́ch metod jeho zpracovánı́. V ...

Schier, Jan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2019

Two Algorithms for Risk-averse Reformulation of Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Problems
Šmíd, Martin; Kozmík, Václav
2018 - anglický
Many real-life applications lead to risk-averse multi-stage stochastic problems, therefore effective solution of these problems is of great importance. Many tools can be used to their solution (GAMS, Coin-OR, APML or, for smaller problems, Excel), it is, however, mostly up to researcher to reformulate the problem into its deterministic equivalent. Moreover, such solutions are usually one-time, not easy to modify for different applications. We overcome these problems by providing a front-end software package, written in C++, which enables to enter problem definitions in a way close to their mathematical definition. Creating of a deterministic equivalent (and its solution) is up to the computer. In particular, our code is able to solve linear multi-stage with Multi-period Mean-CVaR or Nested Mean-CVaR criteria. In the present paper, we describe the algorithms, transforming these problems into their deterministic equivalents. Klíčová slova: Multi-stage stochastic programming; deterministic equivalent; multi-period CVaR; nested CVaR; optimization algorithm Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Two Algorithms for Risk-averse Reformulation of Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Problems

Many real-life applications lead to risk-averse multi-stage stochastic problems, therefore effective solution of these problems is of great importance. Many tools can be used to their solution (GAMS, ...

Šmíd, Martin; Kozmík, Václav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Problem of competing risks with covariates: Application to an unemployment study
Volf, Petr
2018 - anglický
The study deals with the methods of statistical analysis in the situation of competing risks in the presence of regression. First, the problem of identification of marginal and joint distributions of competing random variables is recalled. The main objective is then to demonstrate that the parameters and, in particular, the correlation of competing variables, may depend on covariates. The approach is applied to solution of a real example with unemployment data. The model uses the Gauss copula and Cox’s regression model. Klíčová slova: statistical analysis; competing risks; unemployment study Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Problem of competing risks with covariates: Application to an unemployment study

The study deals with the methods of statistical analysis in the situation of competing risks in the presence of regression. First, the problem of identification of marginal and joint distributions of ...

Volf, Petr
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

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