Number of found documents: 38141
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Expert validace versus validační proces pro ošetřovatelské intervence v klinické praxi
2024 -
Keywords: validační proces; ošetřovatelská intervence; expert; kritéria; klinická praxe Available in the ZČU Library.
Expert validace versus validační proces pro ošetřovatelské intervence v klinické praxi

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Michalcová, A.; Msallamová, Š.; Fink, D.; Friák, Martin
2024 - English
The historical organ pipes used to be manufactured from tin and tin-lead alloys. The tin-rich organ pipes usually contained copper as alloying elements, which make them similar to modern lead free soldering materials. The historical organ pipe materials can be used as model materials for natural ageing of soldering materials. Tin pest is a term for modification from white tin to grey tin, which leads to degradation of tin or tin-rich alloys. The influence of individual alloying elements has not been reliably described, yet. Not only on the concentration of the alloying element, but also the distribution may play the important role. In dependence on heat-treatment, the Cu can be in the Sn matrix present in these forms: i) as large intermetallic particles after casting (Cu6Sn5), ii) as solid solution after homogenization annealing and iii) as fine precipitates after ageing. The microstructure of the real historical organ-pipes material was studied and it was proven that contradictionary to the equilibrium phase diagram the Cu enriched was observed. Keywords: Metallurgy; tin; copper; tin pest; tem Available at various institutes of the ASCR

The historical organ pipes used to be manufactured from tin and tin-lead alloys. The tin-rich organ pipes usually contained copper as alloying elements, which make them similar to modern lead free ...

Michalcová, A.; Msallamová, Š.; Fink, D.; Friák, Martin
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2024

Improving Image Reconstruction using Incremental PCA-Embedded Convolutional Variational Auto-EncoderImproving Image Reconstruction using Incremental PCA-Embedded Convolutional Variational Auto-Encoder
2024 -
Keywords: zpracování obrazu; rekonstrukce obrazu; analýza hlavních komponent; konvoluční variační automatické kodéry Available in the ZČU Library.
Improving Image Reconstruction using Incremental PCA-Embedded Convolutional Variational Auto-EncoderImproving Image Reconstruction using Incremental PCA-Embedded Convolutional Variational Auto-Encoder

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

SEL-CIE: Self-Supervised Learning Framework for CIE-XYZ Reconstruction from Non-Linear sRGB Images
2024 -
Keywords: barevný prostor CIE-XYZ; sRGB; rekonstrukce obrazu; samokontrolované učení; nezpracovaný obraz; Macbeth ColorChecker Available in the ZČU Library.
SEL-CIE: Self-Supervised Learning Framework for CIE-XYZ Reconstruction from Non-Linear sRGB Images

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Attention-Aware DAE for Automated Solar Coronal Loop Segmentation
2024 -
Keywords: odšumovací autokodéry; blok pozornosti; segmentace solární koronální smyčky; vyplnění mezer smyčky Available in the ZČU Library.
Attention-Aware DAE for Automated Solar Coronal Loop Segmentation

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Development of Polymeric Enantioselective Membranes
Čížek, Jan
2024 - English
Enantiomers are molecules that share the same chemical formula but in space form mirror images of each other. Their reactions with other chiral molecules can be remarkably different, which is crucial mainly for pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. However, industrialscale synthetic production of enantiomerically pure compounds is not always available. Therefore, the need for pure enantiomeric compounds drives the development and research on various separation methods. However, most methods used on the industrial scale are limited to specific compounds (diastereomeric recrystallization) or generally difficult and/or expensive to scale up (chromatography-related methods). Separation of enantiomers using membranes is promising\nthanks to the easy scalability and continuous operation of membrane processes. Various ideas about how the enantioselective membranes should look like have been published in the last thirty years. The mechanism of enantiomeric separation on a membrane is, however, highly specific, and still requires extensive research. In this work, four types of enantioselective polymeric membranes are presented. Available in a digital repository NRGL
Development of Polymeric Enantioselective Membranes

Enantiomers are molecules that share the same chemical formula but in space form mirror images of each other. Their reactions with other chiral molecules can be remarkably different, which is crucial ...

Čížek, Jan
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Synthesis of Fluorinated Methyl β-Lactosides
Krčil, Aleš
2024 - English
In my contribution, I will describe the synthesis of a complete series of mono-deoxyfluorinated methyl β-lactosides (1–7). Their affinity towards hgals will be determined by analytical method ELISA. The synthesis relies on monosaccharide building blocks, which serves as key intermediates that are transformed into the target products through glycosylation followed by final deprotection steps. Keywords: flurinated carbohydrates; galectin; deoxyfluorination Available in a digital repository NRGL
Synthesis of Fluorinated Methyl β-Lactosides

In my contribution, I will describe the synthesis of a complete series of mono-deoxyfluorinated methyl β-lactosides (1–7). Their affinity towards hgals will be determined by analytical method ELISA. ...

Krčil, Aleš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Investigation of Mechanical Processing of Solar Photovoltaic Panels
Šperlich, Antonín
2024 - English
This work aims to describe the possibilities of mechanical treatment of solar photovoltaic panels. In the first part, the shredding and milling process for the transformation of the product (whole panel) into material that can be further processed, was investigated. Milled material was sieved and analyzed. It was observed that this shredding also works as a selective grinding because three main products were produced. The second part of this work was aimed at the physical concentration of silver in real samples of milled solar photovoltaic panels by Knelson separator. This device (type of centrifugal separator) showed the ability to significantly increase the amount of silver in the outcome stream. Keywords: solar photovoltaic panels; selective milling; Knelson Available in a digital repository NRGL
Investigation of Mechanical Processing of Solar Photovoltaic Panels

This work aims to describe the possibilities of mechanical treatment of solar photovoltaic panels. In the first part, the shredding and milling process for the transformation of the product (whole ...

Šperlich, Antonín
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Axial Dispersion and Mass Transfer in Bubble Column
Terentyak, Mark
2024 - English
The objective of the study is to experimentally investigate axial dispersion and mass transfer within a bubble column, examining their mutual interrelation\nand their correlation with operational parameters and AR1. Keywords: bubble column; axial dispersion; mass transfer Available in a digital repository NRGL
Axial Dispersion and Mass Transfer in Bubble Column

The objective of the study is to experimentally investigate axial dispersion and mass transfer within a bubble column, examining their mutual interrelation\nand their correlation with operational ...

Terentyak, Mark
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Exploring Bubble Dynamics with VOF Method Simulations: Insights from Two Fundamental Gas-Liquid Flow Case Studies
Harrandt, Václav
2024 - English
The present study focuses on the flow of Taylor bubbles, representing the interaction between the channel wall and the gas phase, and the collision of\na bubble with a vortex ring, serving as a model liquid-gas interaction. Understanding the former case can be essential to prevent the membrane\nfouling or the flow induced corrosion. The dynamics of the latter case is the predictive criterion for whether the initial mother bubble will break up into the daughter bubbles or not2 and this process can therefore be used as an idealized model of turbulent bubble flow. Keywords: bubble dynamics; multiphase interaction,; numerical simulation Available in a digital repository NRGL
Exploring Bubble Dynamics with VOF Method Simulations: Insights from Two Fundamental Gas-Liquid Flow Case Studies

The present study focuses on the flow of Taylor bubbles, representing the interaction between the channel wall and the gas phase, and the collision of\na bubble with a vortex ring, serving as a model ...

Harrandt, Václav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

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