Number of found documents: 413
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Healers and Their Perception of Human Body
Motyčková, Dana
2010 - Czech
The contribution focuses on the healers and their perception of human body. Some healers say that can „see“ or feel both the mass of human body and its energy or they say they are clairvoyant and prescient. This perception is quite different from the one generally acknowledged. Příspěvek se zaměřuje na léčitele a jejich vnímání těla. Část léčitelů říká, že „vidí“ nebo cítí jak tělo člověka hmotné, tak také energetické, jsou jasnozřiví, jasnovidní. Je to zcela odlišný pohled oproti školskému a obecně uznávanému názoru. Keywords: healers; human body Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Healers and Their Perception of Human Body

The contribution focuses on the healers and their perception of human body. Some healers say that can „see“ or feel both the mass of human body and its energy or they say they are clairvoyant and ...

Motyčková, Dana
Etnologický ústav, 2010

Oratorios performed in the Jesuite Colleges in the Bohemian Lands
Freemanová, Michaela
2010 - English
In the 18th century, the Jesuits performed in their residences in the Bohemian Lands oratorios. Many of them were anonymous, some were written by important period composers, mainly of Italian origin Keywords: Jesuits; oratorios; music history Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Oratorios performed in the Jesuite Colleges in the Bohemian Lands

In the 18th century, the Jesuits performed in their residences in the Bohemian Lands oratorios. Many of them were anonymous, some were written by important period composers, mainly of Italian origin

Freemanová, Michaela
Etnologický ústav, 2010

Prameny lidové hudby, písně a tance na Plzeňsku
Vejvoda, Zdeněk
2010 - Czech
Keywords: Pilsen region; folk music Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Prameny lidové hudby, písně a tance na Plzeňsku

Vejvoda, Zdeněk
Etnologický ústav, 2010

Karel Weis and his sponsors
Tyllner, Lubomír
2010 - Czech
Many collections of Czech folk songs came into existence thanks to a sponsorship. Among them belongs also a fifteen-volume monument Southern Bohemia and Bohemian Forest in Songˇ(Český jih a Šumava v písni) from the 1st half of the 20th century by Czech composer Karel Weis. Velké množství sbírek českých lidových písní vzniklo na základě sponzoringu. Patří k nim i patnáctidílný sběratelský monument Český jih a Šumava v písni (1. polovina 20. století), jehož autorem je český hudební skladatel Karel Weis. Keywords: ethnomusicology; Czech folk song; folksong edition; Czech folk music; Karel Weis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Karel Weis and his sponsors

Many collections of Czech folk songs came into existence thanks to a sponsorship. Among them belongs also a fifteen-volume monument Southern Bohemia and Bohemian Forest in Songˇ(Český jih a Šumava v ...

Tyllner, Lubomír
Etnologický ústav, 2010

Prague architects with origins in moravian Wallachia (Valašsko) and their relationship to vernacular architecture
Sedlická, Kateřina; Motyčková, Dana
2010 - Czech
Architects Václav Hilský, Rudolf Jasenský, Richard F Podzemný, Antonín Tenzer and Oldřich Skalík – their relationship to Moravian Vallachia (Valašsko) and their involvement in the Surveying Project of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts (1941-46) in this region. Architekti Václav Hilský, Rudolf Jasenský, Richard F. Podzemný, Antonín Tenzer a Oldřich Skalík – jejich vztah l Valašsku a jejich účast na Zaměřovací akci České akademie věd a umění (1941-46) v tomto regionu. Keywords: documentation; vernacular architecture; architects Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Prague architects with origins in moravian Wallachia (Valašsko) and their relationship to vernacular architecture

Architects Václav Hilský, Rudolf Jasenský, Richard F Podzemný, Antonín Tenzer and Oldřich Skalík – their relationship to Moravian Vallachia (Valašsko) and their involvement in the Surveying Project of ...

Sedlická, Kateřina; Motyčková, Dana
Etnologický ústav, 2010

About the texts of Miloslav Kabeláč's Six Lullabies
Kordík, Pavel
2010 - Czech
The study deals with the specific ways of selection of the folk text for the series of compositions Six Lullabies by Miloslav Kabeláč Studie se zabývá specifickým výběrem lidových textů pro cyklus Šesti ukolébavek Miloslava Kabeláče, a to ze dvou hledisek - z hlediska rytmického i strukturního. Keywords: lullaby; folk text; analysis Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
About the texts of Miloslav Kabeláč's Six Lullabies

The study deals with the specific ways of selection of the folk text for the series of compositions Six Lullabies by Miloslav Kabeláč

Kordík, Pavel
Etnologický ústav, 2010

Dokumentace podstávkového domu v "Pražské sbírce německých lidových písní" uložené v Etnologickém ústavu Akademie věd čr, v. v. i
Motyčková, Dana; Sedlická, Kateřina
2010 - Czech
Keywords: documentation; Umgebindenhaus Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dokumentace podstávkového domu v "Pražské sbírce německých lidových písní" uložené v Etnologickém ústavu Akademie věd čr, v. v. i

Motyčková, Dana; Sedlická, Kateřina
Etnologický ústav, 2010

Folloving Karel Fojtík a research on workers ´ dwelling in Brno (dedicated to two jubilees of the important ethnographer)
Zobačová, Andrea
2009 - Czech
Karel Fojtík (1918-1999) contributed to the research about Brno with his ethnologic and sociologic studies about the working class. The study attempts to find connections between the original documents and Fojtík´s research. Karel Fojtík (1918-1999) přispěl k bádání o městě Brně svými etnosociologickými studiemi o bydlení dělnického obyvatelstva. Studie si klade za cíl vysledovat souvislosti mezi původní dokumentací a Fojtíkovými šstřeními. Keywords: ethnologic research; photographs; accommodation; workers Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Folloving Karel Fojtík a research on workers ´ dwelling in Brno (dedicated to two jubilees of the important ethnographer)

Karel Fojtík (1918-1999) contributed to the research about Brno with his ethnologic and sociologic studies about the working class. The study attempts to find connections between the original ...

Zobačová, Andrea
Etnologický ústav, 2009

"Die Bosniaken kommen" or Bosnian echos in the military music
Bajgarová, Jitka; Šebesta, J.
2009 - Czech
Active part of Czech military musicians in the music life in Sarajewo and other cities in Bosnia after 1878. Význam českých vojenských hudebníků pro hudební život v Sarajevu a dalších bosenských městech po roce 1878. Keywords: military music; Bosnia; Czech military musicians Available at various institutes of the ASCR
"Die Bosniaken kommen" or Bosnian echos in the military music

Active part of Czech military musicians in the music life in Sarajewo and other cities in Bosnia after 1878.

Bajgarová, Jitka; Šebesta, J.
Etnologický ústav, 2009

In/Conspicuous Changes of the innerCity during Post-Socialism: Sociological and Ethnological Research in Brno
Steinführer, A.; Pospíšilová, Jana; Grohmannová, Jana
2009 - Czech
The paper deals with under researched urban issues in thr Czech Republic. It is particularly devoted to the inner cities, the changes occurring there during the post-socialist transition but also to some continuous and persistent patterns. Through examining the demografic, ethnic and property structures of the inner city of Brno, we shed light on some of the processes which have been occuring here during post-socialism and which should be the focus of further research. Studie se zabývá dosud málo zkoumanými otázkami urbánního výzkumu v České republice: změnami a také kontinuitou a setrvalostí vnitřního města v průběhu postsocialistické transformace. Na příkladu demografických, etnických a vlastnických struktur ve vnitřním městě Brně je ukázáno, jaké procesy a změny se zde během postsocialistického období udály a na které otázky by se měl zaměřit další výzkum. Keywords: sociology; ethnology; cultural anthropology; city; inner city; Brno; Czech Republic; post-socialism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
In/Conspicuous Changes of the innerCity during Post-Socialism: Sociological and Ethnological Research in Brno

The paper deals with under researched urban issues in thr Czech Republic. It is particularly devoted to the inner cities, the changes occurring there during the post-socialist transition but also to ...

Steinführer, A.; Pospíšilová, Jana; Grohmannová, Jana
Etnologický ústav, 2009

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