Number of found documents: 822
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Verification of the possibility of utilization of rockbolt technology in the Nováky colliery conditions
Koníček, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Šňupárek, Richard; Hrabovský, J.
2010 - Czech
Deformation of longwall gates are significant mining complication in conditions of mining of thickness brown coal seams. Difficult mining conditions are coped with standard way – reduced steel arch support spacing, wood polygon supports and timber poles etc. Presented contribution introduces the first step to application bolt technology for strengthening of current longwall gate support. In roadway No. 111 114-05 was installed dozen set of glass fibre reinforce plastic grouted rockbolts K60-25 by polyester resin Lokset in conditions of Nováky Colliery. Afterwards it was carried out pull tests of rockbolts, their assessment and it was defined recommendation for rockbolts using in conditions of Nováky Colliery Stabilita porubních chodeb v podmínkách hornonitrianských uhelných dolů je stále v centru pozornosti odborné hornické veřejnosti. Dosavadní poznatky a zkušenosti potvrdily, že ani podpěrné výztuže s vysokou únosností nezabrání v podmínkách tercierního souvrství výrazným deformacím, které souvisejí s mechanismem přetváření hornin v okolí chodby. Je proto nutné hledat další možné postupy zesilování podpěrné ocelové výztuže chodeb. Jednou z možností je využití kotevní výztuže, která by byla schopna zpevnit horniny v okolí důlního díla, případně přenést část zatížení podpěrné výztuže dále do masivu. Keywords: Rock bolts; rock bolt testing; rock mass reinforcing Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Verification of the possibility of utilization of rockbolt technology in the Nováky colliery conditions

Deformation of longwall gates are significant mining complication in conditions of mining of thickness brown coal seams. Difficult mining conditions are coped with standard way – reduced steel arch ...

Koníček, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Šňupárek, Richard; Hrabovský, J.
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Probabilistic designing of bolted support
Janas, P.; Krejsa, M.; Šňupárek, Richard; Krejsa, V.
2010 - English
The paper briefly reviews one of the proposed methods of probabilistic reliability assessment of anchoring reinforcement usable in mine excavations and undergroundworkings. Application of this koncept – software „Kotvení“ (Anchoring) was especiallydeveloped for this purpose usingDirect Determined Fully Probabilistic Method (DDFPMB). Keywords: bolting; probabilistic design; anchoring reinforcement Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Probabilistic designing of bolted support

The paper briefly reviews one of the proposed methods of probabilistic reliability assessment of anchoring reinforcement usable in mine excavations and undergroundworkings. Application of this koncept ...

Janas, P.; Krejsa, M.; Šňupárek, Richard; Krejsa, V.
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Stress - one of the most important mining influenced factors
Waclawik, P.; Ptáček, Jiří
2010 - Czech
Stress is one of the basic factors affecting rock massif behaviour by decisive way. Knowledge of stress fields facilitates projection and successful realization of workings (e.g. stability check of workings, behaviour of proposed supports, spatiotemporal situation of workings). Within the scope of sedimentary deposit of Karvina subbasin were used data from structure-tectonic analysis and from measures in situ by overcoring and hydrofrac methods for determination of natural stress state and its orientation. This report deals with contemporary recognition of stress fields in the eastern part of Karvina subbasin. There are also disscussed problems of long working line depending on orientation and size of horizontal stress in this report. Last but not least there is described new knowledge about geological-tectonic structure of Karvina subbasin. Napěťová pole výrazně ovlivňují chování horského masívu a působí tak významně na důlní díla v něm realizovaná. Důlní díla jsou ovlivňována jednak napětími přirozenými, která jsou dána zejména strukturní a geologickou stavbou horninového masívu, distribucí trhlin, puklin a dalších diskontinuit a napětími indukovanými hornickou činnosti. Zatímco indukovaná napětí můžeme ovlivňovat (např. vhodným časoprostorovým vedením důlních děl), primární napěťová pole jsou antropogenní činností neovlivnitelná. Vzhledem k výrazné anizotropii napěťových polí v horninovém prostředí sedimentárního ložiska hornoslezské pánve však můžeme, např. vhodnou orientací důlních děl, významně ovlivnit působení horizontální složky napětí na důlní dílo, potažmo na jeho výztuž. Keywords: stress; mining works; Karvina subbasin Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Stress - one of the most important mining influenced factors

Stress is one of the basic factors affecting rock massif behaviour by decisive way. Knowledge of stress fields facilitates projection and successful realization of workings (e.g. stability check of ...

Waclawik, P.; Ptáček, Jiří
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Environmental geomorphology and evaluation of geomorphologic localities – case study in the western part of the Podyjí National Park
Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, L.
2010 - Czech
Contribution deals with a selected problems of environmental geomorphology (definition, position within the framework of geomorphology) and geomorphologic inventory. Geomorphologic inventory and subsequent evaluation as geomorphologic localities (or larger territories) – so-called concept geomorphosites is one of possibilities of evaluation of geomorphologic resources. This concept was used for evaluating of selected geomorphologic localities in the western part of Podyjí National Park. Contribution deals with a selected problems of environmental geomorphology (definition, position within the framework of geomorphology) and geomorphologic inventory. Geomorphologic inventory and subsequent evaluation as geomorphologic localities (or larger territories) – so-called concept geomorphosites is one of possibilities of evaluation of geomorphologic resources. This concept was used for evaluating of selected geomorphologic localities in the western part of Podyjí National Park. Keywords: environmental geomorphology; geomorphosites; Podyjí National Park Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Environmental geomorphology and evaluation of geomorphologic localities – case study in the western part of the Podyjí National Park

Contribution deals with a selected problems of environmental geomorphology (definition, position within the framework of geomorphology) and geomorphologic inventory. Geomorphologic inventory and ...

Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, L.
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Postindustrial landscape – geographical look at the revival of traditional phenomenon of Czech lands
Kolejka, Jaromír; Kirchner, Karel
2010 - Czech
The paper deals with postindustrial landscapes in the general level and in concrete territory. The inventory, classification and typology of such landscape on the territory of the Czech Republic are among other research tasks. The detail research is focused on the selected representative areas of the postindustrial landscape. The postindustrial landscape of Rosicko-Oslavansko (the former iron and coal industry area 20 km west of Brno) was subdued to the goal specific land use mapping and the contributions of the pre-industrial and the industrial periods to the present land use were inventoried. The paper deals with postindustrial landscapes in the general level and in concrete territory. The inventory, classification and typology of such landscape on the territory of the Czech Republic are among other research tasks. The detail research is focused on the selected representative areas of the postindustrial landscape. The postindustrial landscape of Rosicko-Oslavansko (the former iron and coal industry area 20 km west of Brno) was subdued to the goal specific land use mapping and the contributions of the pre-industrial and the industrial periods to the present land use were inventoried. Keywords: postindustrial landscape; landscape classification and typology; Rosice-Oslavany Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Postindustrial landscape – geographical look at the revival of traditional phenomenon of Czech lands

The paper deals with postindustrial landscapes in the general level and in concrete territory. The inventory, classification and typology of such landscape on the territory of the Czech Republic are ...

Kolejka, Jaromír; Kirchner, Karel
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Study of the surface topography created by pulsating water jet
Klich, Jiří
2010 - Czech
The paper has followed to study of the surface topography created by the pulsating water jet. It presents a way to evaluate the surface topography created by the unconventional method. Based on data analysis and subsequent interpretation is described the surface generated pulsating water jet. Knowledge of this description is very important for dimensioning the optimum technological factors pulsating water jet in relation to the workpiece material and the required quality of the finished surface. Keywords: pulsating water jet; surface topography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Study of the surface topography created by pulsating water jet

The paper has followed to study of the surface topography created by the pulsating water jet. It presents a way to evaluate the surface topography created by the unconventional method. Based on ...

Klich, Jiří
Ústav geoniky, 2010

The effect of experimental conditions and particle size on DTA curves of clay minerals
Vítámvásová, E.; Plevová, Eva; Vaculíková, Lenka
2010 - Czech
DTA curves of clay minerals can be affected by measurement conditions and the particle size of studied minerals. The DTA curves of kaolinite Sedlec and montmorillonite Jelšový potok were measured and then the effect of heating rate, particle size and compaction influence on the character of the DTA curves was evaluated. Heating rate has the greatest influence on the character of DTA curves. DTA křivky jílových minerálů mohou být ovlivněny podmínkami měření a velikostí částic studovaného minerálu. Byly měřeny DTA křivky kaolinitu Sedlec a montmorillonitu Jelšový potok, a poté byl sledován vliv rychlosti ohřevu, velikosti částic a vliv upěchování na charakter DTA křivek. Charakter DTA křivek z posuzovaných vlivů nejvíce ovlivňuje zvolená rychlost ohřevu. Keywords: clay minerals; particle size; DTA Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The effect of experimental conditions and particle size on DTA curves of clay minerals

DTA curves of clay minerals can be affected by measurement conditions and the particle size of studied minerals. The DTA curves of kaolinite Sedlec and montmorillonite Jelšový potok were measured and ...

Vítámvásová, E.; Plevová, Eva; Vaculíková, Lenka
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Evaluation of effectiveness of destress coal blasting fro stress release
Koníček, Petr; Przeczek, A.
2010 - Czech
Destress blasting in the coal seam are important active rockbursts measures in conditions of Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Destress coal blasting involves regularly setting off carefully tailored blasts in the fractured coal immediately ahead of a mining face, so as to encourage slip on pre-existing fractures, in order not to allow the accumulation of high strain energy density in the rock mass. In some cases high stress in coal seams (or surrounded rocks) can be reduced. In cases that we demands high stress release we evaluates effect of stress release. Evaluation of stress release is carried out the same procedure without difference between destress blasting in rock and in the coal seam. Paper describes the first analysis of destress blasting in coal seams realised in period 2008 – 2010 (source of seismological databases, about 1200 data). The result of analysis shows of necessity of separate system of stress release evaluation by destress blasting in coal seams and rocks. Otřasné odlehčovací trhací práce (OOTP) v uhelných slojích jsou v čs. části hornoslezské uhelné pánve důležitým aktivním prostředkem protiotřesové prevence. Odpálením OOTP se v předpolí postupujícího důlního díla vytváří oblast porušení a maximální koncentrace přídatných napětí se posouvá do větší vzdálenosti od čelby vedeného důlního díla. V některých případech mohou tyto trhací práce snižovat lokální koncentrace napětí v masivu. V těchto případech je možné hodnotit velikost uvolnění těchto napětí pomocí obdobné metodiky jako je tomu u bezvýlomových trhacích prací v horninách (BTPVR). V současnosti je pro toto hodnocení používána stejná metodika jako pro BTPVR, bez zohlednění odlišnosti prostřední, ve kterém jsou bezvýlomové trhací práce realizovány. Keywords: longwall mining; destress coal balsting; preconditioning Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of effectiveness of destress coal blasting fro stress release

Destress blasting in the coal seam are important active rockbursts measures in conditions of Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Destress coal blasting involves regularly setting off ...

Koníček, Petr; Przeczek, A.
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Bending of Beam with Free Ends on Non-linear Subsoil
Sysala, Stanislav
2010 - English
A semi-coercive problem with a beam on a unilateral elastic subsoil of Winkler type is investigated in the contribution. Firstly, the existence, the uniqueness and the continuous dependence on data of the problem solution are discussed. Secondly, the problem is approximated by the finite element method, where the subsoil is replaced by insulated "springs" due to a numerical quadrature. The relations between the original problem and the family of approximated problems are introduced. Thirdly, suitable numerical methods of Newton type are introduced. The convergence analysis of the methods is investigated. The dependence of the methods on the discretization parameter and the load is also discussed. And finally, some of the theoretical results are illustrated on numerical examples. Keywords: beam on subsoil; non-linearity; semi-coercivity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bending of Beam with Free Ends on Non-linear Subsoil

A semi-coercive problem with a beam on a unilateral elastic subsoil of Winkler type is investigated in the contribution. Firstly, the existence, the uniqueness and the continuous dependence on data of ...

Sysala, Stanislav
Ústav geoniky, 2010

Possibilities of evaluation of geomorphologic localities
Kubalíková, L.; Kirchner, Karel
2010 - Czech
Evaluation of the geomorphologic localities represents a significant part of some research oriented on inventory of landforms (environmental geomorphology). The principal parameters to evaluate are scientific or ecologic characteristics, in a minor extent aesthetic features or economic potential of the localities. The contribution presents possibilities of evaluation of the geomorphologic localities and concentrates on concept of “geomorphosites” which is used in some countries of the west and south Europe. Evaluation of the geomorphologic localities represents a significant part of some research oriented on inventory of landforms (environmental geomorphology). The principal parameters to evaluate are scientific or ecologic characteristics, in a minor extent aesthetic features or economic potential of the localities. The contribution presents possibilities of evaluation of the geomorphologic localities and concentrates on concept of “geomorphosites” which is used in some countries of the west and south Europe. Keywords: geomorphosites; evaluation of geomorphologic localities; scientific value Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Possibilities of evaluation of geomorphologic localities

Evaluation of the geomorphologic localities represents a significant part of some research oriented on inventory of landforms (environmental geomorphology). The principal parameters to evaluate are ...

Kubalíková, L.; Kirchner, Karel
Ústav geoniky, 2010

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