Number of found documents: 136
Published from to

Optical low-coherence reflectometry
Čtyroký, Jiří; Janta, Jiří; Skalský, Miroslav
1998 - Czech
Keywords: integrated optics; reflectrometry; measurement; optical waveguides Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Optical low-coherence reflectometry

Čtyroký, Jiří; Janta, Jiří; Skalský, Miroslav
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Radiocommunications in 21st Century
Ďurovič, Svetozár
1998 - Czech
Keywords: radiocommunication Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Radiocommunications in 21st Century

Ďurovič, Svetozár
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Time and frequency standardization
Buzek, Otokar
1998 - Czech
Keywords: time measurement; frequency measurement Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Time and frequency standardization

Buzek, Otokar
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Some memories of my youth and of the wartime 1939-1945
Trkal, Viktor
1998 - Czech
Keywords: history Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Some memories of my youth and of the wartime 1939-1945

Trkal, Viktor
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Definition of second and application
Buzek, Otokar
1998 - Czech
Keywords: time measurement; frequency measurement Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Definition of second and application

Buzek, Otokar
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Electric powers of general periodic waveforms and their expression using analytic signal
Čížek, Václav
1998 - Czech
Keywords: power measurement; Hilbert transforms; výkon; měření Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Electric powers of general periodic waveforms and their expression using analytic signal

Čížek, Václav
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Suppresion of transient effects in transparent WDM networks with multiple access
Karásek, Miroslav
1998 - Czech
Keywords: amplifiers; optical communication; fibre lasers Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Suppresion of transient effects in transparent WDM networks with multiple access

Karásek, Miroslav
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Twin-core optical fibre - design, preparation, characterization
Peterka, Pavel; Kaňka, Jiří; Honzátko, Pavel; Matějec, Vlastimil; Kašík, Ivan
1998 - Czech
Keywords: optical fibres; fibre lasers Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Twin-core optical fibre - design, preparation, characterization

Peterka, Pavel; Kaňka, Jiří; Honzátko, Pavel; Matějec, Vlastimil; Kašík, Ivan
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1998

Měření profilu koncentrace/složení na polovodičových nanovrstvách kontaktní metodou. (Measurement of concentration/composition profiles on semiconductor nanostructures with contract mothod)
Walachová, Jarmila; Zelinka, Jiří; Vaniš, Jan; Hulicius, Eduard; Šimeček, Tomáš
1997 - Czech
Keywords: doping profiles; semiconductor heterojunctions Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Měření profilu koncentrace/složení na polovodičových nanovrstvách kontaktní metodou. (Measurement of concentration/composition profiles on semiconductor nanostructures with contract mothod)

Walachová, Jarmila; Zelinka, Jiří; Vaniš, Jan; Hulicius, Eduard; Šimeček, Tomáš
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1997

Optická síťová vrstva - ryze optické směrování signálů. (Optical network layer - purely optical routing of signals)
Kuchar, Anton
1997 - Czech
Keywords: telecommunication; optical communication Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Optická síťová vrstva - ryze optické směrování signálů. (Optical network layer - purely optical routing of signals)

Kuchar, Anton
Ústav fotoniky a elektroniky, 1997

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