Number of found documents: 503
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Applications of Mathematics. Special Issue - SNA ´17
Rozložník, Miroslav; Sysala, Stanislav
2017 - English
This isssue of Applications of Mathematics is devoted to the Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA’17) held in New Aula of the VŠB—Technical University of Ostrava, January 30–February 3, 2017, and organized by the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in collaboration with IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. The history of Seminar on Numerical Analysis (SNA) goes back to 2003. In 2005–2015, SNA was organized annually by the Institute of Geonics and Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with Charles University in Prague, Czech Technical University, and VŠB—Technical University\nof Ostrava. Since 2016, Seminar on Numerical Analysis is organized alternatively on a biannual basis with the EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM). The scope of the seminar ranges from mathematical modeling and simulation of challenging engineering problems, to methods of numerical mathematics, numerical linear algebra, and high performance computing. An important part of SNA has\nbeen devoted to its Winter School with several longer lectures or tutorials focused on selected topics within the scope of the meeting. This year part of the Winter School was also the course Parallel Linear Algebra organized within the French PRACE Advanced Training Centre Maison de la Simulation. SNA’17 was attended by 77 participants, who presented six invited Winter School lectures, 24 short communications, and several posters. Keywords: aplied mathematics; numerical analysis; mathematical modeling Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Applications of Mathematics. Special Issue - SNA ´17

This isssue of Applications of Mathematics is devoted to the Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA’17) held in New Aula of the VŠB—Technical University of Ostrava, January 30–February 3, 2017, and ...

Rozložník, Miroslav; Sysala, Stanislav
Ústav geoniky, 2017

18th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles
Sobota, J.; Vlasák, Pavel; Matoušek, Václav
2017 - English
The Proceedings comprise text of 50 oral contributions dealing with two-phase and multiphase flows, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows, designing, optimization and operation of hydrotransport and pneumotransport systems, wear and corrosions, pumps and valves, sediment transport in rivers and water reservoirs, hydraulic storage of tailings, sedimentation and thickening, methods and techniques of measurement, instrumentation for laboratory, field and industrial systems. Keywords: two-phase flow; multiphase flow; sediment transport; sedimentation of solid particles Available at various institutes of the ASCR
18th International Conference on Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles

The Proceedings comprise text of 50 oral contributions dealing with two-phase and multiphase flows, Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows, designing, optimization and operation of hydrotransport and ...

Sobota, J.; Vlasák, Pavel; Matoušek, Václav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2017

Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers and Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics: Science for Applications. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /81.
Pfleger, Jiří; Cimrová, Věra
2017 - English
The book of abstracts contains the summary of 8 plenary and 24 invited lectures, accompanied by 38 oral contributions and 88 posters presented at the conference. The main areas covered were the design, synthesis, processing and characterization of novel functional organic materials and polymers, electrical, photoelectrical, optical and nonlinear optical phenomena, organic and hybrid electronic and photonic devices, and advanced materials and composites for biosensors, bioelectronics, and biophotonics. Particular session was dedicated to applications in flexible and wearable organic electronics and smart packaging. Due to big expectations in the application field of large area printed electronics, wearable devices, printed RFIDs, displays, solar cells and sensors there is a growing demand to prepare polymers with better defined morphology and chemical and structural stability. Hence, improvement in the molecular design and new synthetic and processing routes is strongly required. A special emphasis was given to attract the scientists from the application field of printed electronics to provide a necessary feedback for further development of new materials with desired properties. Keywords: organic electronics; photonics; conducting polymers; organic semiconductors; organic sensors Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts and Programme. Polymers and Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics: Science for Applications. Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /81.

The book of abstracts contains the summary of 8 plenary and 24 invited lectures, accompanied by 38 oral contributions and 88 posters presented at the conference. The main areas covered were the ...

Pfleger, Jiří; Cimrová, Věra
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2017

Etymological research into Czech. Proceedings of the Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, 12-14 September 2017, Brno
Janyšková, Ilona; Karlíková, Helena; Boček, Vít
2017 - English
The contributions included in this book were presented at the international scientific conference Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, with the subtitle Etymological Research into Czech. It was organized by the Department of Etymology of the Institute of the Czech Language of AS CR in Brno as a part of the project of the Czech Science Foundation Etymological Dictionary of the Old Church Slavonic Language: Summing up a Generational Project. Keywords: Church Slavic language; Slavic languages; etymology; Slavonic studies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Etymological research into Czech. Proceedings of the Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, 12-14 September 2017, Brno

The contributions included in this book were presented at the international scientific conference Etymological Symposium Brno 2017, with the subtitle Etymological Research into Czech. It was organized ...

Janyšková, Ilona; Karlíková, Helena; Boček, Vít
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2017

Book of abstract of XXIInd Symposium of immunology and biology of reproduction
Pěknicová, Jana; Elzeinová, Fatima; Kubátová, Alena
2016 - English
Book of abstracts. The Symposium was focused on immunology of reproduction and specific problems in reproduction (mainly in human infertility). Keywords: spermatology; biochemistry; cell interaction; monoclonal antibody; sterility/fertility; gene expression Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of abstract of XXIInd Symposium of immunology and biology of reproduction

Book of abstracts. The Symposium was focused on immunology of reproduction and specific problems in reproduction (mainly in human infertility).

Pěknicová, Jana; Elzeinová, Fatima; Kubátová, Alena
Biotechnologický ústav, 2016

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2016
Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
2016 - English
The aim of the conference is to publish and to discuss the latest results of research in fluid mechanics. Keywords: experimental fluid mechanics; mathematical modelling; atmospheric boundary layer; turbulence; multiphase flow; magnetohydrodynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2016

The aim of the conference is to publish and to discuss the latest results of research in fluid mechanics.

Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2016

Career in Polymers VIII, Book of Abstracts
Studenovská, Hana
2016 - English
The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the workshop Career in Polymers VIII. organized in Prague, July 15, 2016 by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v. v. i. under the auspices of Central and East European Polymer Network and UNESCO/IUPAC course in Polymer Science. Keywords: polymer science; career in polymers; Central and East European Polymer Network; UNESCO course in Polymer Science Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Career in Polymers VIII, Book of Abstracts

The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the workshop Career in Polymers VIII. organized in Prague, July 15, 2016 by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v. ...

Studenovská, Hana
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2016

DYMAMESI 2016 - proceedings
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk
2016 - English
Proceedings of the Colloquium DYNAMICS OF MACHINES AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH INTERACTIONS (DYMAMESI), that was held in the Institute of Thermomechanics in Prague, March 1 - 2, 2016 deal with problems structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, hydro-elasticity, biomechanics, systems with feedbacks and mechatronics. The published papers was divided into the two parts: Interactions - vibration of dynamic systems coupled with surroundings, mechanical systems with feedbacks, mechatronic active elements, measurement methods and identification in interaction problems, interactions in biomechanics, aero- and hydro-elasticity in rotational engines (bearings, blades, sealings, spaces), analytical and numerical methods in solutions of interactions and Dynamics of Machines - dynamics and vibrations of mechanical systems and solids, non-linear systems - stability, bifurcations, chaos, damping technologies - materials, active elements, methods, identification, vibrodiagnostics, fatigue, computational mechanics and experiments. Keywords: vibration; aeroelasticity; interactions; vibrodiagnostics; biomechanics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
DYMAMESI 2016 - proceedings

Proceedings of the Colloquium DYNAMICS OF MACHINES AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH INTERACTIONS (DYMAMESI), that was held in the Institute of Thermomechanics in Prague, March 1 - 2, 2016 deal with ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2016

XIVth Youth symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics
Major, Z.; Kytýř, Daniel
2016 - English
The Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics traditionally brings together young researchers and engineers, students and PhD students, who are actively involved in the experimental solids mechanics, theoretically and practically, in order to exchange their experience, to report on the present state-of-art as well as on running research projects, to discuss due questions and problems and to promote the cooperation among individuals as well as among institutions. The XIVth symposium continues both, the long tradition of this conference series and introduces novel elements. The combination of the experimental mechanics with modern numerical methods was focused. This year, participants from 12 countries attended the symposium. Based on their presentations, 19 papers were selected for the publication in this issue of Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Keywords: experimental solids mechanics; numerical methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
XIVth Youth symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics

The Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics traditionally brings together young researchers and engineers, students and PhD students, who are actively involved in the experimental solids ...

Major, Z.; Kytýř, Daniel
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2016

12th International Conference Solid State Chemistry 2016 : Book of Abstracts
Lančok, Adriana
2016 - English
This book contains the programme and the abstracts of the conference. The conference programme covers presentations from scientists and users of scientific information working in similar areas, to estabilish platforms for collaborative reseach project initiatives. Keywords: solid state chemistry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
12th International Conference Solid State Chemistry 2016 : Book of Abstracts

This book contains the programme and the abstracts of the conference. The conference programme covers presentations from scientists and users of scientific information working in similar areas, to ...

Lančok, Adriana
Ústav anorganické chemie, 2016

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