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The nature and identity of apologetics in light of the calls of scripture and the Second Vatican Council
2023 - anglický
Apologetics in recent times has had for many a negative value, and the term 'apologetics' did not appear in the Second Vatican Council documents. However, by returning to the sources in Scripture and the Early Church, especially Peter's call (1Peter 3:15-16) for all faithful to be ready to respond when questioned or challenged about their faith, and to do so in a Christian manner, apologetics can be understood as far more original, ordinary, and organic than how it is often defined. It was originally an integral part of Christians speaking out about their faith, participating with the Logos. Through a Petrine lens, apologetical calls and content can be identified in 10 of the 16 Vatican II documents, including two clear paraphrases of Peter's call. This indicates a problem in how apologetics is identified and understood. Part 1 provides a working definition for Petrine apologetics in order to identify its development through Christian history. Part 2 present a brief and selective history of apologetics. Petrine apologetics is observed and explored in Scripture in Part 2a, including in Jesus' ministry and the first Church generations. In Part 2b it is shown how a second century apologetical turn, particularly through Justin Martyr, reinforced by Eusebius, and concretised by several later Early Church Fathers, narrowed apologetics into becoming elite, intellectual, and clerical - not for all the faithful but the few. The Mediaeval period (Part 2c) could have seen a return to more universal Petrine apologetics, especially through the Fourth Lateran Council, but weak dissemination of its teachings meant the opportunity was lost. After the Reformation, in Part 2d, Charles Borromeo's pastoral apologetics stands out, as well as a growing movement based upon credibility in the English-speaking sphere where apologetics was becoming part of organic engagement of Catholics in Protestant societies. Part 3 focuses on Vatican II. The entrenched Justinian approach in Catholic Europe eschewed engagement with others, leaving apologetics as overly catechetical. Balthasar identified and rejected the old paradigm and the main reform ideas, calling for a new approach: Love Alone Is Credible. Many conciliar apologetics themes are congruent with his reform call, and with Petrine apologetics. In addition to apologetical calls, Vatican II shows that apologetical preparation should be embedded in Christian education (Gravissimum Educationis 2) and how apologetically prepared faithful should engage with society (Apostolicam Actuositatem 1, 2, 11, 29, 31, etc.). But the Council's apologetics calls were not developed and apologetics was mostly replaced by fundamental theology, which has problematic features from Justinian apologetics and the reform ideas Balthasar rejected, and is not related to the apologetical calls of Peter or Vatican II. However, there has been an organic development of apologetics since the 1980s. In Part 4, the problematic current state of Catholic understanding in the ordinary faithful is evident in two recent surveys. It is necessary to respond to this. By reframing apologetics according to the original Petrine call and its Vatican II confirmation, a New Apologetics (NA) can be developed that emphasises Peter's elements of preparation, response, in a Christian manner, for all the faithful. The Petrine elements are unpacked in today's context and several distinctions are explored, including objective and subjective approaches, and the spectrum of evangelisation-apologetics-catechetics. Three 'voices' are shown to have particularly contributed so far to NA: William Levada, Robert Barron, and Peter Kreeft. All intellectual and two being clerics, they have the insight and ability to guide developments. Looking forwards, the two named conciliar texts are explored in how they can be unpacked for developing an embedded apologetics of preparation, response, in a Christian manner: original, organic, ordinary apologetics. Apologetics in recent times has had for many a negative value, and the term 'apologetics' did not appear in the Second Vatican Council documents. However, by returning to the sources in Scripture and the Early Church, especially Peter's call (1Peter 3:15-16) for all faithful to be ready to respond when questioned or challenged about their faith, and to do so in a Christian manner, apologetics can be understood as far more original, ordinary, and organic than how it is often defined. It was originally an integral part of Christians speaking out about their faith, participating with the Logos. Through a Petrine lens, apologetical calls and content can be identified in 10 of the 16 Vatican II documents, including two clear paraphrases of Peter's call. This indicates a problem in how apologetics is identified and understood. Part 1 provides a working definition for Petrine apologetics in order to identify its development through Christian history. Part 2 present a brief and selective history of apologetics. Petrine apologetics is observed and explored in Scripture in Part 2a, including in Jesus' ministry and the first Church generations. In Part 2b it is shown how a second century apologetical turn, particularly through Justin Martyr, reinforced by Eusebius, and concretised by several later Early Church Fathers, narrowed apologetics into becoming elite, intellectual, and clerical - not for all the faithful but the few. The Mediaeval period (Part 2c) could have seen a return to more universal Petrine apologetics, especially through the Fourth Lateran Council, but weak dissemination of its teachings meant the opportunity was lost. After the Reformation, in Part 2d, Charles Borromeo's pastoral apologetics stands out, as well as a growing movement based upon credibility in the English-speaking sphere where apologetics was becoming part of organic engagement of Catholics in Protestant societies. Part 3 focuses on Vatican II. The entrenched Justinian approach in Catholic Europe eschewed engagement with others, leaving apologetics as overly catechetical. Balthasar identified and rejected the old paradigm and the main reform ideas, calling for a new approach: Love Alone Is Credible. Many conciliar apologetics themes are congruent with his reform call, and with Petrine apologetics. In addition to apologetical calls, Vatican II shows that apologetical preparation should be embedded in Christian education (Gravissimum Educationis 2) and how apologetically prepared faithful should engage with society (Apostolicam Actuositatem 1, 2, 11, 29, 31, etc.). But the Council's apologetics calls were not developed and apologetics was mostly replaced by fundamental theology, which has problematic features from Justinian apologetics and the reform ideas Balthasar rejected, and is not related to the apologetical calls of Peter or Vatican II. However, there has been an organic development of apologetics since the 1980s. In Part 4, the problematic current state of Catholic understanding in the ordinary faithful is evident in two recent surveys. It is necessary to respond to this. By reframing apologetics according to the original Petrine call and its Vatican II confirmation, a New Apologetics (NA) can be developed that emphasises Peter's elements of preparation, response, in a Christian manner, for all the faithful. The Petrine elements are unpacked in today's context and several distinctions are explored, including objective and subjective approaches, and the spectrum of evangelisation-apologetics-catechetics. Three 'voices' are shown to have particularly contributed so far to NA: William Levada, Robert Barron, and Peter Kreeft. All intellectual and two being clerics, they have the insight and ability to guide developments. Looking forwards, the two named conciliar texts are explored in how they can be unpacked for developing an embedded apologetics of preparation, response, in a Christian manner: original, organic, ordinary apologetics. Klíčová slova: Apologetics; Apostolicam Actuositatem; Balthasar; Christian manner; Avery Dulles; Education; Engagement; Gravissimum Educationis; Justinian apologetics; Laity; New Apologetics; Ordinary apologetics; Organic apologetics; Original apologetics; Participation; Pastoral apologetics; Peter's call; Petrine apologetics; Practical apologetics; Preparation; Reframing; Response; Ressourcement; Second Vatican Council Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
The nature and identity of apologetics in light of the calls of scripture and the Second Vatican Council

Apologetics in recent times has had for many a negative value, and the term 'apologetics' did not appear in the Second Vatican Council documents. However, by returning to the sources in Scripture and ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Interakce spermií a jiker u sladkovodních ryb: vliv prostředí na fertilizační proces
2020 - anglický
K oplození u sladkovodních ryb dochází v prostředí, které může negativně ovlivnit gamety. Z tohoto důvodu by se samčí gamet ryb měly co nejdříve dostat ke svému protějšku, samičí gametě, protože sperma se během osmotického šoku poškodí během několika minut nebo méně. Za těchto podmínek by bylo velmi výhodné, kdyby existoval specifický mechanismus, který by spouštěl, podporoval a řídil vzájemné setkání obou gamet. Jikry mnoha druhů sladkovodních ryb s vnějším oplozením jsou uvolňovány do vnějšího prostředí obklopené pláštěm ovariální tekutiny (OT) se složením ideálním pro podporu a ochranu jiker a spermatu před škodlivým účinkem sladké vody. Stávající data podporují myšlenku, že vlastnosti OT a/nebo specifických sloučenin obsažených v ní nebo uvolněných jikrami by mohly významně ovlivnit chování samčích gamet a následně ovlivnit výsledek oplodnění z hlediska počtu oplodněných oocytů. Mechanismy, které by usnadňovaly a spouštěly setkání gamet, jsou také velmi žádoucí, pokud jde o přirozený výběr. Zjistili jsme, že přítomnost OT významně ovlivnila chování spermií pstruha duhového, zejména znaky pohyblivosti spermií: vyšší rychlost byla udržována po delší dobu a trajektorie spermatu byly lineární, ve srovnání s těmi pozorovanými ve vodě. V testu akumulace spermií s mikro kapilárami (test chemotaktické reakce) ovariální tekutina pstruha duhového vykazovala "přitažlivý" účinek na aktivované samčí gamety, který závisel na osmotických vlastnostech aktivačního média. Různé frakce o různé molekulové hmotnosti OT ovlivňovaly "přitažlivé" chování buněk různým způsobem. Nejvýznamnější účinek zachytávání byl odhalen u nízkomolekulární frakce a bylo zjištěno, že možné chemotaktické činidlo je termostabilní. Zachycené buňky vykazovaly specifické chování tzv. turn-and-run, jenž je doprovázené asymetrickým pohybem bičíku a výbušným zvýšením koncentrace iontů vápníku v ohýbané části bičíku. In vitro fertilizační test odhalil zvýšení výkonu spermií, zejména ve vzorcích od příbuzných jedinců, což vedlo ke zvýšení míry vývoje embryí. Přítomnost ovariální tekutiny o zředěné koncentraci (30% roztok ve vodě) měla inhibiční účinek na iniciaci motility u jesetera malého. Nižší koncentrace ovariální tekutiny zvýšila životnost spermií a neovlivnila jejich trajektorie. Test chemotaktické odpovědi neprokázal žádný účinek ovariální tekutiny na chování spermií, zatímco současně byl patrný přitažlivý účinek roztoku inkubovaného jikrami (např. kvůli některým látkám uvolňovaných z jiker během jejich kontaktu se sladkou vodou). Výsledky in vitro fertilizačního testu ukázaly, že přítomnost ovariální tekutiny brání jikrám ve ztrátě fertilizační schopnosti v důsledku kontaktu s vodou, a také podporuje spermie, aby mohly oplodnit jikry během delší doby. Přítomnost ovariální tekutiny u kapra obecného v aktivačním médiu způsobila snížení rychlosti spermií ve srovnání s médiem prostým OT a významně změnila vzorec pohybu z přímé motility pozorované ve vodě na krouživý pohyb v médiu s vysokým obsahem OT (50%). Vpichování OT (v testu akumulace spermií) znamenalo okamžitou a výraznou chemotaktickou reakci spermií. Okolní podmínky, které doprovázejí setkání gamet, zejména přítomnost OT, obsah iontů vápníku a osmolarita, významně ovlivňují výkonnost samčích gamet u pstruha duhového, jesetera malého a kapra obecného, pokud jde o změny rychlosti, linearitu trajektorie a schopnosti reagovat na externí signály, např. atraktanty. Díky této provedené studii můžeme usuzovat, že způsob, jakým ovariální tekutina ovlivňuje chování spermií u těchto druhů, může být spojen s jejich reprodukční (výtěrovou) strategií. Fertilization of fresh water fish occurs in an environment which may affect negatively the gametes, therefore the fish male gametes should reach their counterpart, the female gamete, as soon as possible because spermatozoa become damaged within minutes or less due to osmotic shock. Existence of specific mechanism triggering, supporting and guiding the encounter of gametes would be highly expedient in these conditions. The eggs of many externally fertilizing freshwater fish species are released into the external milieu surrounded by a coat of ovarian fluid (OF) with a composition ideal for supporting and protecting eggs and sperm against the deleterious effect of freshwater. The existing data support the idea that the properties of OF and/or the specific compounds contained in it or released by the eggs could significantly affect the behavior of male gametes and consequently influence the outcome of fertilization in terms of the number of fertilized oocytes. The mechanisms which facilitate and trigger gametes' encounter are also highly demanded in terms of natural selection. It was found that presence of OF affected significantly the behavior of rainbow trout spermatozoa, in particular, their motility traits: higher velocity was supported for longer time and trajectories were straightened, comparing to those observed in water. In the microcapillary spermatozoon accumulation test (test of chemotactic response) the rainbow trout OF showed a trapping effect on activated male gametes which depended on osmotic properties of the activating media. Different molecular weight fractions from OF affected the tactic behavior of the cells in a various way. The most significant trapping effect was rendered by low molecular fraction and the possible chemotactic agent was found to be thermostable. The trapped cells showed specific turn-and-run behavior accompanied by asymmetric bending of flagella and burst-like increase of calcium concentration in the bended area. The in vitro fertilization test revealed the enhancement of spermatozoa performance, especially in the samples from the related individuals, which led to the higher embryo development rate. Presence of particular concentration of ovarian fluid (30% solution in water) had inhibiting effect on sterlet spermatozoa motility initiation. Lower concentrations of the ovarian fluid improved the longevity of spermatozoa and did not affect their trajectories. Test of chemotactic response showed no effect of ovarian fluid on spermatozoa behavior, while at the same time the attracting effect of egg conditioned medium was evident (i.e. due to some substances released from the eggs during their contact with fresh water). The results of in vitro fertilization test showed that presence of ovarian fluid prevented the eggs from losing the fertilizing ability due to the contact with water, as well as promoted the spermatozoa to fertilize the eggs during longer period of time. Presence of common carp ovarian fluid in the activation medium caused the decrease of the velocity of spermatozoa comparing to the OF-free medium and significantly altered the motility pattern from straightforward motility observed in the water to the tumbling in the medium with high OF content (50%). Introduction of OF (in the sperm accumulation test) entailed immediate and prominent chemotactic-like reaction of spermatozoa. The environmental conditions which accompany the encounter of gametes, in particular presence of OF, calcium ion content and osmolarity, significantly affect the performance of male gametes in spermatozoa in rainbow trout, sterlet and common carp in terms of changes in velocity, path linearity and ability to response to the external signals, e.g. attractants. The conducted study allowed to conclude that way how the ovarian fluid affects the behavior of spermatozoa in these species may be associated with their reproduction (spawning) strategy. Klíčová slova: pohyblivost spermií; gamety; rozmnožovaní; ovariální tekutina; chemotaxe; navádění; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Acipenser ruthenus; Cyprinus carpio Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Interakce spermií a jiker u sladkovodních ryb: vliv prostředí na fertilizační proces

K oplození u sladkovodních ryb dochází v prostředí, které může negativně ovlivnit gamety. Z tohoto důvodu by se samčí gamet ryb měly co nejdříve dostat ke svému protějšku, samičí gametě, protože ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2020

Application of Electronic Continuum Correction to Molecular Simulations of Nano/Bio Interfaces
2020 - anglický
Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine our life without nanotechnologies. They are present in smartphones and many other gadgets we use every day, while advanced nanoparticle-based devises are currently indispensable in medicine, engineering, and science. In the case of biomedical applications, the knowledge how a specific nanomaterial behaves and changes its properties in complex physiological medium is essential to guarantee the accomplishment of all specific goals facing a scientist or engineer. Some of physical and chemical processes occurring when a nanodevice enters biological environment are yet very difficult to fully detail without accurate computer simulations, so special attention needs to be focused on theoretical studies of nano-bio interactions. In this thesis, molecular simulations were used to investigate the interactions between different nanomaterials (titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, and gold) and aqueous solutions, which contain ions, organic molecules, and amino acids. The importance of this scope and particularly selected for this study materials and compounds is given in Introduction. To model nano/bio interfaces, we adopted and integrated recent theoretical approaches, which together with basic principles of molecular simulations are described in Methods. Obtained results are divided in four parts and address several important issues that are vital in deciphering molecular mechanisms, through which nanoparticles identify and bind various biomolecules. The simulation data are thoroughly discussed, compared to experiments, and used to explain some of experimental observations. Additionally, outcomes of this thesis serve as a springboard for further theoretical studies aimed to advance our understanding of nano-bio interactions. Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine our life without nanotechnologies. They are present in smartphones and many other gadgets we use every day, while advanced nanoparticle-based devises are currently indispensable in medicine, engineering, and science. In the case of biomedical applications, the knowledge how a specific nanomaterial behaves and changes its properties in complex physiological medium is essential to guarantee the accomplishment of all specific goals facing a scientist or engineer. Some of physical and chemical processes occurring when a nanodevice enters biological environment are yet very difficult to fully detail without accurate computer simulations, so special attention needs to be focused on theoretical studies of nano-bio interactions. In this thesis, molecular simulations were used to investigate the interactions between different nanomaterials (titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, and gold) and aqueous solutions, which contain ions, organic molecules, and amino acids. The importance of this scope and particularly selected for this study materials and compounds is given in Introduction. To model nano/bio interfaces, we adopted and integrated recent theoretical approaches, which together with basic principles of molecular simulations are described in Methods. Obtained results are divided in four parts and address several important issues that are vital in deciphering molecular mechanisms, through which nanoparticles identify and bind various biomolecules. The simulation data are thoroughly discussed, compared to experiments, and used to explain some of experimental observations. Additionally, outcomes of this thesis serve as a springboard for further theoretical studies aimed to advance our understanding of nano-bio interactions. Klíčová slova: solid/liquid interface; nanoparticles; molecular simulations; scaled charges; titania; silica; gold; aqueous solutions; ions; amino acids; adsorption Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Application of Electronic Continuum Correction to Molecular Simulations of Nano/Bio Interfaces

Nowadays it is almost impossible to imagine our life without nanotechnologies. They are present in smartphones and many other gadgets we use every day, while advanced nanoparticle-based devises are ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2020

Prostorová analýza ekonomických ukazatelů podniku
2021 - anglický
Výběr dobrého umístění pro firmu je jedním z nejdůležitějších dlouhodobých rozhodnutí vlastníků firmy, protože toto rozhodnutí nelze změnit a zajišťuje její budoucí úspěšný rozvoj. Proto je umístění podnikových aktivit po mnoho let součástí ekonomiky. Tato práce se zabývá touto problematikou. Cílem disertační práce je rozpoznání prostorových vztahů sídel společností. Nejprve jsou pozorovány prostorové vztahy mezi jednotlivými společnostmi v rámci jednotlivých sektorů. Následně jsou zodpovězeny otázky, zda zdraví společnosti následuje stejný osud jako ostatní blízké společnosti nebo je zcela nezávislé na jiných společnostech a zda se společnosti daří lépe v klastru nebo ne. Dalším cílem je navrhnout nový ekonometrický model pro rozpoznávání prostorové interakce společností podle jejich zdraví v nehomogenním případě. V analýze byl použit soubor sídel malých a středních podniků umístěných ve třech krajích nacházejících se v České republice, tj. V Jihočeském, Plzeňském a kraji Vysočina. Soubor dat byl shromážděn v roce 2015 a obsahuje 10 201 společností a se svými úplnými adresami. Společnosti jsou rozdělené do 13 sektorů. Metodika je založena na teorii bodového procesu. Vzhledem k tomu, že společnosti vybírají svá místa podle mnoha faktorů, byly pro modelování nehomogenity použity principy lokálního škálování. Výsledky byly získány aplikací Ripleyovy K-funkce a její odvozené Besagovy L-funkce. Nakonec byla nově zavedena funkce Locally Scaled Mark weighted K-function, pro zjištění závislosti zdraví firmy na její poloze. Tato funkce nebyla nikdy předtím použita. Zdraví společnosti bylo určeno pomocí klasifikačního modelu manželů Neumeierových IN05. Analýzy této práce odhalily, že společnosti ve všech odvětvích mají tendenci k silnému shlukování. Podařilo se nám prokázat, že geografická koncentrace společností je silnější než populace, protože pomáhá zesílit výhody výroby a inovací, konkrétně snížit transakční náklady, zvýšit tok informací, zlepšit specializované potřeby a být silnější v konkurenčním prostředí. Jelikož nebylo možné prokázat, že populace plně vysvětlí shlukování firem, byla populace v analýzách nahrazena hustotou bodového procesu společností. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce však bylo odpovědět na otázku, zda je zdraví firmy ovlivněno zdravím jiných blízkých společností a zda jsou společnosti zdravější, když se nacházejí v klastrech nebo ne. V těchto analýzách se podařilo v rámci sektorů odhalit určité zákonitosti, které mohou vysvětlovat trend umístění sídla společnosti. Tyto pravidelnosti jsou podrobně popsány v práci. Analýzy této práce by mohly být použity jako klíč, který může pomoci s výběrem vhodné lokality pro založení nové společnosti. Avšak neexistuje žádná přímá odpověď na to, kde by se měla společnost nacházet. Je třeba vzít v úvahu, že lokalizační teorie mají omezené použití kvůli své obecnosti. Do zpřesnění modelu by bylo nutné přidat další proměnné, například dostupnost technologií a kapitálu, osobní preference, geografickou vzdálenost od konkurence, blízkost dodavatelů, průmyslový areál, suroviny, komunitu, nedokonalá konkurence, externality atd. To choose a good location for a company is one of the most important long-term decision of the company's owners because this decision cannot be changed and ensures the future successful development of a company. That's why the location of corporate activities has been a part of economics for many years. This work also deals with this issue. The purpose of the thesis is the recognition of spatial relationships of the headquarters of companies. Firstly, there are observed spatial relationships between individual companies within individual sectors. Secondly, there are answered the questions if the health of the company follows the same fate as other near companies or is absolutely independent and if the company is doing better in a cluster or not. In particular, whether the company should think of a location close to another successful company or vice versa, a company that is not successful and is threatened by bankruptcy. Lastly, a new econometric model for recognition of spatial interaction of companies according to their health in the inhomogeneous case is proposed. In the analysis, the set of headquarters of small and medium companies in three regions located in the Czech Republic, i.e. Jihočeský, Plzeňský and Vysočina regions were used. The data set was collected in 2015 and contains 10 201 companies and their full addresses divided into 13 sectors. The methodology is based on a point process theory. Since the companies choose their locations according to plenty of factors, thus the local scaling principals were used for modelling the inhomogeneity. The results were obtained by application of Ripley's K-function and its derived Besag's L function that is used for the determination of the distribution of the companies in our research. Lastly, the locally scaled mark-weighted K function was newly introduced to determine the dependence of the firm health and its location. This function has never been used before. As a mark of the company, i.e. the health of the company, the Neumeier classification model IN05 was taken into account. The analyses of this work revealed that companies in all industries tend to strong clustering. We managed to prove that the geographic concentration of companies is stronger than population because it helps to amplify production and innovation benefits, specifically to reduce transaction costs, increase information flow, improve specialized needs and be stronger in a competitive environment. As it was not possible to prove that the population would fully explain the clustering of firms, thus population was replaced with the density of the point process of companies in the analyses. However, the main aim of the thesis was to ask if the health of the firm is influenced by the health of other companies surrounded by and if the companies are healthier when they are located in clusters or not. The analyses succeeded in revealing certain regularities through sectors that may explain the trend of the location of company headquarters in individual sectors. The regularities are described in detail in the thesis. Analyses of this thesis could be used as a key that can help with choosing a suitable locality for starting a new company. However, there is no straightforward answer to where a company should be located. It must be noted that location theories are of limited application since the generality. There is predominantly assumed only a few variables that are not sufficient in the real world. It would be necessary to add more variables to the model, for example, availability of technologies and capital, personal preferences, a geographical distance of competition, the proximity of suppliers, industrial site, raw materials, community, imperfect competition, externalities, etc. to understand the distribution of headquarters of companies. Klíčová slova: Lokalizační teorie; shlukování; zdraví firem; lokální škálování; Locally Scaled Mark weighted K-function; Global envelope test Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Prostorová analýza ekonomických ukazatelů podniku

pro rozpoznávání prostorové interakce společností podle jejich zdraví v nehomogenním případě. V analýze byl použit soubor sídel malých a středních podniků umístěných ve třech krajích nacházejících ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Carbon allocation strategies in algae exposed to stressful conditions
LUKEŠ, Martin
2019 - anglický
The acclimation of two green algae of order Chlamydomonadales to sub- and supra-optimal temperatures, as well as effects of light, temperature, and salinity on peculiar alga Chromera velia have been examined. The mechanism of acclimation of different algae to stressful conditions were described in terms of physiology and put to context within the ecological frame. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Carbon allocation strategies in algae exposed to stressful conditions

The acclimation of two green algae of order Chlamydomonadales to sub- and supra-optimal temperatures, as well as effects of light, temperature, and salinity on peculiar alga Chromera velia have been ...

LUKEŠ, Martin
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019

Factors limiting the distribution of the mycoheterotrophic plants in fragmented landscape
2021 - anglický
This thesis investigates the influence of habitat, dispersal abilities and evolution on distribution of mycoheterotrophic plants represented by six orchid species. Several methods including seed trapping, in situ seed germination, fungal barcoding, gene flow study and stable isotopes analyses were used to examine this topic. The final synthesis of these approaches shows lower limitation by dispersal abilities and stronger limitation by habitat. This thesis investigates the influence of habitat, dispersal abilities and evolution on distribution of mycoheterotrophic plants represented by six orchid species. Several methods including seed trapping, in situ seed germination, fungal barcoding, gene flow study and stable isotopes analyses were used to examine this topic. The final synthesis of these approaches shows lower limitation by dispersal abilities and stronger limitation by habitat. Klíčová slova: germination; mixotrophy; orchid mycorrhiza; Orchidaceae; dispersal limitation; habitat limitation; habitat occupancy; fragmented landscape; gene flow; microsatellite DNA markers; seed dispersal; seed traps; next generation sequencing; fungal barcoding Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Factors limiting the distribution of the mycoheterotrophic plants in fragmented landscape

This thesis investigates the influence of habitat, dispersal abilities and evolution on distribution of mycoheterotrophic plants represented by six orchid species. Several methods including seed ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Osobnostní rysy chování hraboše polního: Jejich behaviorální plasticita a vliv na rozmnožování
2021 - anglický
This thesis is focused on development of individual behavioural tendencies (i.e. animal personality), behavioural plasticity and its influence on reproduction succes in common voles (Microtus arvalis). Because common vole is one of our most common rodent species with huge impact in agriculture, we investigated still not studied aspects of common vole's life. The definition of personality traits implies their relative temporal stability as well as, stability under different environmental conditions. In two studies, this personality traits stability/plasticity is approached as phenotypic plasticity using behavioural reaction norm. The first study presents the result of lifelong testing of voles using four open field tests with two-month intervals. The second study, on the other hand, provides insights into the development of personality traits during three days of placing a vole in a new monitoring box environment. The third study analyses one of the possible mechanisms for maintaining personality traits in the vole population. Whether greater similarity in the behavioural personality traits of parental pairs leads to a higher number of offspring. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Osobnostní rysy chování hraboše polního: Jejich behaviorální plasticita a vliv na rozmnožování

This thesis is focused on development of individual behavioural tendencies (i.e. animal personality), behavioural plasticity and its influence on reproduction succes in common voles (Microtus ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Borrelia - host interactions: zoom in on the big picture.
STRNAD, Martin
2021 - anglický
The thesis was written with the intention to bring together cutting-edge imaging methods and applications in order to illustrate how imaging can answer pathogenesis-related questions in Lyme disease at various resolution scale. Correlative light and electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy and solution nuclear magnetic resonance have been used to shed light on the underlying mechanisms associated with Lyme disease Borrelia infection. Specifically, the key molecular players and interactions responsible for the variance in the pathogenicity and disease outcome of Borrelia species have been studied. The rationale behind such studies was highlighted by review articles, which are part of the thesis. The thesis was written with the intention to bring together cutting-edge imaging methods and applications in order to illustrate how imaging can answer pathogenesis-related questions in Lyme disease at various resolution scale. Correlative light and electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy and solution nuclear magnetic resonance have been used to shed light on the underlying mechanisms associated with Lyme disease Borrelia infection. Specifically, the key molecular players and interactions responsible for the variance in the pathogenicity and disease outcome of Borrelia species have been studied. The rationale behind such studies was highlighted by review articles, which are part of the thesis. Klíčová slova: microscopy; borrelia; diversity; lyme disease; adhesins Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Borrelia - host interactions: zoom in on the big picture.

The thesis was written with the intention to bring together cutting-edge imaging methods and applications in order to illustrate how imaging can answer pathogenesis-related questions in Lyme disease ...

STRNAD, Martin
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Pozorování hejnového chování ryb v pelagickém habitatu umělé vodní nádrže prostřednictvím videokamery
HOLUBOVÁ, Michaela
2020 - anglický
Výzkum prezentovaný v této práce přispívá k rozšíření znalostí o rybích hejnech a jejich vzorcích chování v sladkovodní nádrži. Obyvatelé pelagické zóny jsou z tohoto pohledu velmi málo zkoumáni. Tendence k tvoření hejn se lišila mezi rybími druhy zejména kvůli odlišné zranitelnosti vůči predaci. Poměrně často byly pozorovány hejna složené z více druhů ryb, častejší pak byly druhy zranitelné které ale sdílejí potravní a prostorovou niku s jiným druhem, který je méně atraktivní pro predátory. Potřeby jednotlivců se mění v čase a spolu s nimi jejich prostorová distribuce a denzita v konkrétním habitatu. Byla pozorována "kritická denzita", která je spouštěčem pro tvorbu hejn. S rostoucí denzitou roste proporce ryb v hejnech a zároveň klesá proporce samostatných jedinců. Počet shluků s denzitou rostl se zpomalujícím trendem po dosažení určité denzity ryb. Tímto způsobem si rybí shluky udržují mezi sebou maximální vzdálenosti a při rostoucí denzitě ryb v habitatu a vytvářejí pak větší hejna. Použití vizuálních metod se zdá být příhodným prostředkem pro pozorování a také hodnocení rybích spolčenstev, navíc správně použitá metoda může dostát srovatelných výsledků s tradičně používanými metodami: hydroakustickým průzkumem a košilkovým nevodem. The research presented in this thesis contributes to broadening of the knowledge on free-living adult fish schools and behavioural patterns in a temperate freshwater reservoir. The behaviour of fish in the pelagic zone is rather poorly studied. Naturally, schooling tendency varied between species mostly due to increasing vulnerability to predation. Heterospecificity in schools was not a rare phenomenon, mainly for vulnerable species that shared the same space and food niche with a predatory less attractive species. The individual needs fluctuate as factors might be reconsidered in short time periods and most probably are reflected in behavioural responses. Individual responses are also reflected in the distribution of the fish in the reservoir and density in particular habitat. There is a "critical density" that triggers the formation of fish schools, followed by a slowing increase in density of fish clusters (observed units). This corresponds to increasing proportion of fish in a school and declining proportion of singletons. The trend of count of clusters tended to have an upper limit that should result in constant count of fish clusters after reaching a particular fish density. In other words, fish in the habitat maintain maximal distances even when the density increases. During high density periods the distances are kept by school formation. Overall the usage of the visual census as presented, proved to be a convenient tool for observation and assessment of freshwater fish. It has been demonstrated that the method can obtain comparable results to hydroacoustic survey amounts as well as purse seining. Klíčová slova: ryby; cejn; plotice; okoun; ouklej; kamera; UVC; hejnování; sladkovodní nádrž; antipredační chování; social behaviour Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
Pozorování hejnového chování ryb v pelagickém habitatu umělé vodní nádrže prostřednictvím videokamery

Výzkum prezentovaný v této práce přispívá k rozšíření znalostí o rybích hejnech a jejich vzorcích chování v sladkovodní nádrži. Obyvatelé pelagické zóny jsou z tohoto pohledu velmi málo zkoumáni. ...

HOLUBOVÁ, Michaela
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2020

\kur{Apodemus} vs. \kur{Eimeria}: Evolutionary factors of speciation and genomic diversification in host-parasite system
2021 - anglický
This thesis discusses and explains phylogenetic patterns observed in two different organisms: Eimeria, an unicellular parasite, and Apodemus, a rodent that often serves as a host for this parasitic species. The situation in rodents is intuitive, clearly reflecting their biogeographic history. Phylogenetic pattern in A. agrarius corresponds with its spread from the core locality of its distribution eastward. The lack of the genetic variability in European populations hints the recent origin of this population with the low number of founders. The phylogeny of A. flavicollis, a rodent inhabiting almost the whole Europe, reflects the situation during the last glacial maximum (i.e. speciation in several subpopulations that did not interbreed, but retained their independent nature). The situation in Eimeria is more complex. Parasites always fight in "arm races", trying to accommodate to their hosts as best they can, and to avoid their defense. This results in coevolutionary events such as cospeciation, host switches, duplications, and other events that form the genetic variability in parasites. The study of evolutionary relationships in Eimeria may be difficult due to lack or morphological and/or relevant molecular data. This thesis adds more information to this view. Several other studies were also included in this thesis to provide a broader picture of the complexity of host-parasite systems. This thesis discusses and explains phylogenetic patterns observed in two different organisms: Eimeria, an unicellular parasite, and Apodemus, a rodent that often serves as a host for this parasitic species. The situation in rodents is intuitive, clearly reflecting their biogeographic history. Phylogenetic pattern in A. agrarius corresponds with its spread from the core locality of its distribution eastward. The lack of the genetic variability in European populations hints the recent origin of this population with the low number of founders. The phylogeny of A. flavicollis, a rodent inhabiting almost the whole Europe, reflects the situation during the last glacial maximum (i.e. speciation in several subpopulations that did not interbreed, but retained their independent nature). The situation in Eimeria is more complex. Parasites always fight in "arm races", trying to accommodate to their hosts as best they can, and to avoid their defense. This results in coevolutionary events such as cospeciation, host switches, duplications, and other events that form the genetic variability in parasites. The study of evolutionary relationships in Eimeria may be difficult due to lack or morphological and/or relevant molecular data. This thesis adds more information to this view. Several other studies were also included in this thesis to provide a broader picture of the complexity of host-parasite systems. Klíčová slova: rodents; parasites; coevolution; host-parasite system; coccidia; evolution Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři JČU.
\kur{Apodemus} vs. \kur{Eimeria}: Evolutionary factors of speciation and genomic diversification in host-parasite system

This thesis discusses and explains phylogenetic patterns observed in two different organisms: Eimeria, an unicellular parasite, and Apodemus, a rodent that often serves as a host for this parasitic ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

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