Number of found documents: 385
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Relation of Pleurocapsa cuprea Hansgirg to the genus Hildenbrandia (Rhodophyta)
2011 - English
Pleurocapsa cuprea has been originally described as a relatively common freshwater cyanobacteial species with specific habitat preferences. Due to the striking resemblance of some diagnostic features to the red algal genus Hildenbrandia, morphological, molecular as well as pigment analyses have been done to either confirm or disprove the relationship of Pleurocapsa cuprea to the Cyanobacteria. Pleurocapsa cuprea has been originally described as a relatively common freshwater cyanobacteial species with specific habitat preferences. Due to the striking resemblance of some diagnostic features to the red algal genus Hildenbrandia, morphological, molecular as well as pigment analyses have been done to either confirm or disprove the relationship of Pleurocapsa cuprea to the Cyanobacteria. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Relation of Pleurocapsa cuprea Hansgirg to the genus Hildenbrandia (Rhodophyta)

Pleurocapsa cuprea has been originally described as a relatively common freshwater cyanobacteial species with specific habitat preferences. Due to the striking resemblance of some diagnostic features ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2011

Larval and adult seed consumption affected by the degree of food specialization in Amara (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
2011 - English
This is the first study in which seed consumption is assessed for all larval instars and adults of ground beetles. Three species of the genus Amara were examined. Larvae of all three instars and adults were fed seeds of three plant species Stellaria media, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Taraxacum officinale in a laboratory no-choice experiment. In general, larvae showed greater food specialization and the daily specific seed consumption was comparable or even higher in larval than in adult stage. Results suggest that also carabid larvae may be very important consumers of weed seed in the field. Tato studie vůbec poprvé kvantifikuje spotřebu semen střevlíkovitými brouky, jak pro všechny larvální instary, tak jejich dospělce. Tři druhy střevlíků z rodu Amara byly vybrány jako modelové druhy a konzumace semen tří druhů rostlin Stellaria media, Capsella bursa-pastoris and Taraxacum officinale byla testována v laboratorních experimentech. Larvy vykazovaly obecně větší specializovanost a porovnatelnou nebo dokonce vyšší denní spotřebu semen než imaga. Výsledky tak zdůrazňují velký výzman nejen imag, ale také jejich larev, jako potenciálních predátorů semen v přírodě. Keywords: Dieta; potravní ekologie; střevlíkovití brouci; larvy; predace semen; semena plevelů. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Larval and adult seed consumption affected by the degree of food specialization in Amara (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

This is the first study in which seed consumption is assessed for all larval instars and adults of ground beetles. Three species of the genus Amara were examined. Larvae of all three instars and ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2011

Educative functions of a public radio broadcasting
2011 - Czech
In order to achieve an adequate analysis of educative aspects as offered by public broadcasters generally and The Czech Radio in particular, I have been focusing my attention primarily on the kind of programmes, series or channels whose content clearly concentrates on such functions. The findings about The Czech Radio education profile of today have been confronted with two out of a large number of its public service counterparts worldwide: quite intentionally, I have chosen examples which are not only mutually different but - from many points of view - contradictory. While the BBC represents a stabilized mass media institution, a respected public broadcaster whose rich tradition has nowadays been striving to survive economic pressures of our time, the Johannesburg Safm Radio 104 - 104 has been entrusted with tackling a completely different task of educational character: to build - in its content-minded broadcasting - a bridge over a bursting social landscape in a country on its painful way from a totalitarian regime of yesterday to the democracy of tomorrow. Both comparisons seem to be useful in the process of evalution of The Czech Radio's own efforts aiming at not only informing and entertaining, but educating its listeners in an adequate quality of content and, last but not least, in a reasonably attractive form accepted by a sufficiently large quantity of young audiences. Therefore the following chapters examine if this public radio in its current shape really does fullfill its educative tasks; which of its media products has it been using for this purpose; how does it compete with television and, maybe more importantly, embraces the world of new technologies, namely internet with its seductive offer of interactivity and social networks. Needless to say, there is another important - if not the most decisive - item of my investigation: to offer a small contribution to the process of teaching and learning a media literacy, avoiding traps of the media manipulation and making an adequate use of educative functions present in the public radio broadcasting. Předkládaná rigorózní práce analyzuje výchovné a vzdělávací aspekty vysílání veřejnoprávního Českého rozhlasu se zaměřením na oblast vyhrazenou primárně vzdělávacím pořadům, cyklům, seriálům případně celým programovým okruhům s tematikou literární a jazykovou. Zjištěné závěry jsou konfrontovány se situaci ve stabilizovaném mediu veřejné služby (BBC) a v mediu, jez se nachází přibližně ve stejném stupni rozvoje jako veřejnoprávní sektor v České republice (jihoafrická stanice Radio Safm 104-107). Cílem je zjistit, jak rozhlas veřejné služby v současném společenském kontextu definuje své výchovné a vzdělávací funkce, do jakých typů mediálních produktů (primárně definovaných literární či jazykovou tematikou) se promítají a s jakým ohlasem. Součástí analýzy je rozbor vybraných mluvních aktů zjišťující, zda obsahem i formou reflektuji základní pravidla úspěšné komunikace zejména ve vztahu k mladé generaci. Tyto poznatky slouží jako východisko pro praktickou aplikaci v oblasti mediální výchovy (manipulativní aspekty vlivu medii). Práce má přispět k poznání i praktickému využití výchovných a vzdělávacích funkci veřejnoprávních médii jako nedílné součásti mediální gramotnosti. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Educative functions of a public radio broadcasting

In order to achieve an adequate analysis of educative aspects as offered by public broadcasters generally and The Czech Radio in particular, I have been focusing my attention primarily on the kind of ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2011

The little known pseudofilamentous cyanobacterium \kur{Wolskyella} ( Synechococcales)
2009 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The little known pseudofilamentous cyanobacterium \kur{Wolskyella} ( Synechococcales)

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009

Detection of \kur{Encephalitozoon cuniculi} in a new host-cockateel \kur{(Nymphicus hallandicus)} using molecular methods
2009 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Detection of \kur{Encephalitozoon cuniculi} in a new host-cockateel \kur{(Nymphicus hallandicus)} using molecular methods

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009

The use of pelagic habitat by cyprinids in a deep riverine impoundment: Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic
JAROLÍM, Oldřich
2009 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The use of pelagic habitat by cyprinids in a deep riverine impoundment: Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic

JAROLÍM, Oldřich
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009

Diversity and ecology of ciliates (Alveolata: Ciliophora) living in the bark and decaying wood mass in Slovakia
2009 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Diversity and ecology of ciliates (Alveolata: Ciliophora) living in the bark and decaying wood mass in Slovakia

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2009

The Social Services Law from the position of the municipal office worker of the municipality with extended competence
LUKEŠOVÁ, Miloslava
2010 - Czech
Keywords: obecní úřad obce s rozšířenou působností; poskytovatel péče; příspěvek na péči Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Social Services Law from the position of the municipal office worker of the municipality with extended competence

LUKEŠOVÁ, Miloslava
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2010

Josef Štefan Kubín. Skutky soukromé, skutky veřejné
RUBEŠ, Zdeněk
2008 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Josef Štefan Kubín. Skutky soukromé, skutky veřejné

RUBEŠ, Zdeněk
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2008

Hana Kvapilová (1860-1907). An extraordinary character of Bohemian cultural scene at the turn of 19th and 20th Centuries
2006 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Hana Kvapilová (1860-1907). An extraordinary character of Bohemian cultural scene at the turn of 19th and 20th Centuries

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2006

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