Number of found documents: 777
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ALMA Development Plan Study: Solar Research with ALMA. Science cases
Brajša, R.; Bárta, Miroslav; Skokić, Ivica; Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.S.; Shimojo, M.; White, S. M.
2016 - English
A mid-term progress report of the research/development project “Solar Research with ALMA: Development study”. The project has been demanded by ESO to the Czech node of the European ALMA Regional Center. The main goal of the project is development of the specific Solar Observing Mode for ALMA observatory. The report on demand of ESO summarizes results of the WP1: Solar science cases. Possible solar science cases have been identified and optimal observation, calibration and imaging strategies for individual cases suggested. The report has been reviewed by international expert panel nominated by ESO.\n\n\n Keywords: ALMA; solar research; observing modes Fulltext is available at external website.
ALMA Development Plan Study: Solar Research with ALMA. Science cases

A mid-term progress report of the research/development project “Solar Research with ALMA: Development study”. The project has been demanded by ESO to the Czech node of the European ALMA Regional ...

Brajša, R.; Bárta, Miroslav; Skokić, Ivica; Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.S.; Shimojo, M.; White, S. M.
Astronomický ústav, 2016

Nondeterministic Computations for Which Space is More Powerful than Time
Wiedermann, Jiří
2016 - English
Keywords: nondeterministic computation; crossing sequences; complexity Available in a digital repository NRGL
Nondeterministic Computations for Which Space is More Powerful than Time

Wiedermann, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2016

A Block Version of the BNS Limited-Memory Variable Metric Method for Unconstrained Minimization
Vlček, Jan; Lukšan, Ladislav
2016 - English
Keywords: unconstrained minimization; block variable metric methods; limited-memory methods; the BFGS update; global convergence; numerical results Available in a digital repository NRGL
A Block Version of the BNS Limited-Memory Variable Metric Method for Unconstrained Minimization

Vlček, Jan; Lukšan, Ladislav
Ústav informatiky, 2016

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Diagonal Covariance Matrix
Turčičová, Marie; Mandel, Jan; Eben, Kryštof
2016 - English
Keywords: maximum likelihood estimation; parametric model; Fisher information; delta method Available in a digital repository NRGL
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Diagonal Covariance Matrix

Turčičová, Marie; Mandel, Jan; Eben, Kryštof
Ústav informatiky, 2016

Parametric study of usability of selected surveying equipment for monitoring of mine workings stability in undermined areas
Kajzar, Vlastimil; Kukutsch, Radovan; Koníček, Petr; Waclawik, Petr; Šňupárek, Richard
2016 - Czech
Although the deformation measurements are in mining practice routine activities, the development of information and surveying technology shows, that it is possible to approach this problematics in a new way. One of the options is the application of terrestrial 3D laser scanning technology, which can be successfully used both for purposes of monitoring - deformations of objects on undermined area and mine workings at all.\nSubmited parametric study presents the use of laser technology in the research activities of the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., within the ICT-PU project. This study deals with technical and theoretical aspects of laser scanning, which verification in situ has been a precondition for the subsequent successful application of this technology both on the surface and in the mining environment. The main scope of the study is dedicated to the deployment of selected technology in solving specific tasks. In the undermined areas were achieved knowledge used in solving the problems of monitoring the stability of slopes and rock faces of mining chasm. In the underground mine workings, this technology has been successfully deployed for the purposes of the spatial deformation monitoring of selected longwall corridor at mine Karvina and also for the long-term monitoring of coal pillars in Room and Pillar pilot project at ČSM coal mine.\nAt the end of a parametric study is special space devoted to the limiting factors of 3D laser scanning and also to the summary of best practices of scanning in such highly exposed conditions.\n Přestože měření deformací je v důlní praxi rutinní činností, s rozvojem informačních a měřických technologií se ukazuje, že lze k řešení této problematiky přistupovat zcela novým způsobem. Jednou z nabízených možností je aplikace technologie pozemního 3D laserového skenování, kterou lze s úspěchem využít jak k účelům sledování deformací objektů na poddolovaném území, tak i důlních děl jako takových.\nPředložená parametrická studie prezentuje využití laserové technologie při výzkumných aktivitách Ústavu geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. v rámci projektu ICT-PU. Studie se zabývá technickými a teoretickými aspekty laserového skenování, jejichž ověření in situ bylo nutnou podmínkou pro následnou úspěšnou aplikaci této technologie jak na povrchu, tak i v důlním prostředí. Hlavní prostor studie je věnován nasazení zvolené technologie při řešení konkrétních, montánních úkolů. Na poddolovaném území byly dosažené poznatky využity při řešení problematiky sledování stability svahů či skalních stěn důlní propadliny. V rámci důlních pracovišť hlubinných dolů pak byla tato technologie s úspěchem nasazena pro účely sledování časoprostorových deformací výdušné chodby vybraného porubu na Dole Karviná a následně při dlouhodobém monitoringu ponechaných uhelných pilířů v rámci pilotního projektu zavádění dobývací metody Room and Pillar na Dole ČSM.\nV závěru parametrické studie je zvláštní prostor věnován shrnutí limitujících faktorů 3D laserového skenováníi a rovněž souhrnu doporučených postupů skenování v takto exponovaném prostředí.\n Keywords: 3D laser scanning; underground mining; spatio-temporal analysis Available in a digital repository NRGL
Parametric study of usability of selected surveying equipment for monitoring of mine workings stability in undermined areas

Although the deformation measurements are in mining practice routine activities, the development of information and surveying technology shows, that it is possible to approach this problematics in a ...

Kajzar, Vlastimil; Kukutsch, Radovan; Koníček, Petr; Waclawik, Petr; Šňupárek, Richard
Ústav geoniky, 2016

Diffusion MCMC for Mixture Estimation
Reichl, Jan; Dedecius, Kamil
2016 - English
Distributed inference of parameters of mixture models by a network of cooperating nodes (sensors) with computational and communication capabilities still represents a challenging task. In the last decade, several methods were proposed to solve this issue, predominantly formulated within the expectation-maximization framework and with the assumption of mixture components normality. The present paper adopts the Bayesian approach to inference of general (non-normal) mixtures via the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation from the parameter posterior distribution. By collaborative tuning of node chains, the method allows reliable estimation even at nodes with significantly worse observational conditions, where the components may tend to merge due to high variances. The method runs in the diffusion networks, where the nodes communicate only with their adjacent neighbors within 1 hop distance. Keywords: Mixture; mixture estimation; MCMC Fulltext is available at external website.
Diffusion MCMC for Mixture Estimation

Distributed inference of parameters of mixture models by a network of cooperating nodes (sensors) with computational and communication capabilities still represents a challenging task. In the last ...

Reichl, Jan; Dedecius, Kamil
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2016

Adaptive Blind Separation of Instantaneous Linear Mixtures of Independent Sources
Šembera, Ondřej; Tichavský, Petr; Koldovský, Zbyněk
2016 - English
In many applications, there is a need to blindly separate independent sources from their linear instantaneous mixtures while the mixing matrix or source properties are slowly or abruptly changing in time. The easiest way to separate the data is to consider off-line estimation of the model parameters repeatedly in time shifting window. Another popular method is the stochastic natural gradient algorithm, which relies on non-Gaussianity of the separated signals and is adaptive by its nature. In this paper, we propose an adaptive version of two blind source separation algorithms which exploit non-stationarity of the original signals. The results indicate that the proposed algorithms slightly outperform the natural gradient in the trade-off between the algorithm’s ability to quickly adapt to changes in the mixing matrix and the variance of the estimate when the mixing is stationary. Keywords: blind separation; algorithms; block gaussian separation Fulltext is available at external website.
Adaptive Blind Separation of Instantaneous Linear Mixtures of Independent Sources

In many applications, there is a need to blindly separate independent sources from their linear instantaneous mixtures while the mixing matrix or source properties are slowly or abruptly changing in ...

Šembera, Ondřej; Tichavský, Petr; Koldovský, Zbyněk
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2016

Basic facts concerning extreme supermodular functions
Studený, Milan
2016 - English
Elementary facts and observations on the cone of supermodular set functions are recalled. The manuscript deals with such operations with set functions which preserve supermodularity\nand the emphasis is put on those such operations which even preserve extremality (of a supermodular function). These involve a few self-transformations of the cone of supermodular set functions. Moreover, projections to the (less-dimensional) linear space of set functions for a subset of the variable set are discussed. Finally, several extensions to the (more-dimensional) linear space of set functions for a superset of the variable set are shown to be both preserving supermodularity and extremality. Keywords: supermodular function; standardizations; extreme supermodular function Fulltext is available at external website.
Basic facts concerning extreme supermodular functions

Elementary facts and observations on the cone of supermodular set functions are recalled. The manuscript deals with such operations with set functions which preserve supermodularity\nand the emphasis ...

Studený, Milan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2016

Partial Report IV / 2016 - Rating of the deformation stress monitoring the state of the rock mass during mining coal seam 30 (634) within the trial operation of mining method corridor - a pillar in OPJ ČSM - NORTH
Waclawik, Petr; Ptáček, Jiří; Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Koníček, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Staš, Lubomír
2016 - Czech
Monitoring of the deformation stress state of the rock mass is a prerequisite for the verification of unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar and its further application in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian coal basin. This mining method is designed on the basis of experiences and practices that are verified in different natural conditions and depths below the surface and is therefore essential for the verification of conditions for the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin based on geotechnical monitoring. The present report is prepared on the basis of a contract no. 942/50/10, where the Institute of Geonics, v.v agrees to make periodic evaluation of monitoring data napěťodeformačního state of the rock mass. In accordance with the aforementioned agreement, the message is processed in the six-month period and continues in the interim report III / 2015 (Waclawik et al. 2015) passed buyers in April this year. Interim results of the geotechnical monitoring, such as the experience gained during the first conquest dobývky V show specifics of natural conditions in trial operation unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar. Monitoring napěťodeformačního stavu horninového masivu je nezbytným předpokladem pro ověření nové neschválené dobývací metody chodba-pilíř a jejího dalšího použití v podmínkách české části hornoslezské uhelné pánve. Tato dobývací metoda je projektována pouze na základě zkušeností a postupů, které jsou ověřeny v odlišných přírodních podmínkách a hloubkách pod povrchem a proto je nezbytná její verifikace pro podmínky české části hornoslezské pánve na základě geotechnického monitoringu. Předkládaná zpráva je zpracována na základě smlouvy o dílo č. 942/50/10, kde se Ústav Geoniky AV ČR, v.v zavazuje provádět pravidelné vyhodnocování dat monitoringu napěťodeformačního stavu horninového masivu. V souladu s výše uvedenou smlouvou, je zpráva zpracována v 6-ti měsíčním intervalu a navazuje tak na dílčí zprávu III/2015 (Waclawik et al. 2015) předanou odběrateli v dubnu tohoto roku. Průběžné výsledky geotechnického monitoringu, tak jak zkušenosti získané v době dobývání první dobývky V, ukazují na specifika přírodních podmínek v lokalitě zkušebního provozu nové neschválené dobývací metody chodba-pilíř. Keywords: monitoring; room and pillar; rock mass Available in a digital repository NRGL
Partial Report IV / 2016 - Rating of the deformation stress monitoring the state of the rock mass during mining coal seam 30 (634) within the trial operation of mining method corridor - a pillar in OPJ ČSM - NORTH

Monitoring of the deformation stress state of the rock mass is a prerequisite for the verification of unapproved new mining methods hall-pillar and its further application in the Czech part of the ...

Waclawik, Petr; Ptáček, Jiří; Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Koníček, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Staš, Lubomír
Ústav geoniky, 2016

Cut Languages in Rational Bases
Šíma, Jiří; Savický, Petr
2016 - English
We introduce a so-called cut language which contains the representations of numbers in a rational base that are less than a given threshold. The cut languages can be used to refine the analysis of neural net models between integer and rational weights. We prove a necessary and sufficient condition when a cut language is regular, which is based on the concept of a quasi-periodic power series. We show that any cut language with a rational threshold is context-sensitive while examples of non-context-free cut languages are presented. Keywords: cut language; rational base; quassi-periodic power series Available in a digital repository NRGL
Cut Languages in Rational Bases

We introduce a so-called cut language which contains the representations of numbers in a rational base that are less than a given threshold. The cut languages can be used to refine the analysis of ...

Šíma, Jiří; Savický, Petr
Ústav informatiky, 2016

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