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Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Pleticha, Petr
2018 - anglický
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the mechanics through which it interacts with digitalization. The composite indicator of digitalization is split into separate components which enables analyzing digitalization’s interplay with entrepreneurship as a dynamic process. Based on the econometric analysis of Eurostat regional data covering the period 2008-2015, I find significant links between digitalization and entrepreneurship. Specifically, digitalization is associated with an increase in the rate at which firms are created and with a decrease in their survival rate after 3 years. The paper demonstrates that the interaction is dynamic in its nature as the effects of initial stages of digitalization reverse or vanish in its later phases. A sectoral analysis shows the persistence of the results across industries.\nMoreover, there is evidence that professional, scientific and technical activities are especially sensitive towards digitalization, experiencing strong, yet short-term shock in the firms’ birth, death, and survival rates. Accounting for geographic variation reveals heterogeneity between regions but not large enough to affect the overall results. Klíčová slova: digitalization; entrepreneurship; technology dissemination Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions

Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the ...

Pleticha, Petr
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Optical and Pneumatic Measurements on TR-U-8 Cascade
Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David
2018 - anglický
The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique) and pneumatic measurements on a new variant of tip section, intended for long rotor blade. Klíčová slova: turbine cascade; supersonic flow; tip section Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Optical and Pneumatic Measurements on TR-U-8 Cascade

The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique) and pneumatic measurements on a new variant of tip section, intended for long rotor blade.

Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David
Ústav termomechaniky, 2018

Test procedure - neosted SOT test bench
Pleštil, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
2018 - anglický
This document describes the final design of the NEOSTED SOT Test Bench, i.e. its individual components, and serves as a groundwork for the acceptance test procedure.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance of the above item to the requirements specified in the applicable document [1] as part of the overall verification program. The test results shall be collected in a Test Report. Klíčová slova: collimator; optical tests; stage; alignment Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Test procedure - neosted SOT test bench

This document describes the final design of the NEOSTED SOT Test Bench, i.e. its individual components, and serves as a groundwork for the acceptance test procedure.\nThe test to be performed ...

Pleštil, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions
Pleticha, Petr
2018 - anglický
Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the mechanics through which it interacts with digitalization. The composite indicator of digitalization is split into separate components which enables analyzing digitalization’s interplay with entrepreneurship as a dynamic process. Based on the econometric analysis of Eurostat regional data covering the period 2008-2015, I find significant links between digitalization and entrepreneurship. Specifically, digitalization is associated with an increase in the rate at which firms are created and with a decrease in their survival rate after 3 years. The paper demonstrates that the interaction is dynamic in its nature as the effects of initial stages of digitalization reverse or vanish in its later phases. A sectoral analysis shows the persistence of the results across industries.\nMoreover, there is evidence that professional, scientific and technical activities are especially sensitive towards digitalization, experiencing strong, yet short-term shock in the firms’ birth, death, and survival rates. Accounting for geographic variation reveals heterogeneity between regions but not large enough to affect the overall results. Klíčová slova: digitalization; entrepreneurship; technology dissemination Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Entrepreneurship in the information age: an empirical analysis of the European regions

Decelerating productivity in recent years raised questions about technology diffusion in the economy. This study focuses on one particular diffusion channel, entrepreneurship, and inspects the ...

Pleticha, Petr
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2018 - anglický
DCTOOL-A5 presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. This report presents a new method for the decentralized event-triggered control design for large-scale uncertain systems. The results are formulated and proved in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Two design problems are solved: For interconnected systems without any quantization and for interconnected systems with local logarithmic quantizers. Results are illustrated by an example. Klíčová slova: decentralized event-triggered control; networked control systems; large scale complex systems Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

DCTOOL-A5 presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. This report presents a new method for the decentralized event-triggered control design for large-scale ...

Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Measurements on KR-D-1 Blade Cascade
Šimurda, David; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš; Hála, Jindřich
2018 - anglický
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on a transonic compressor blade cascade. Klíčová slova: transonic compressor blade; aerodynamic measurements; axial compressor Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Measurements on KR-D-1 Blade Cascade

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on a transonic compressor blade cascade.

Šimurda, David; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš; Hála, Jindřich
Ústav termomechaniky, 2018

Phenotypic Analyses of the HD Transgenic Minipig Model (A11609)
Ellederová, Zdeňka
2018 - anglický
The transgenic Huntington's disease minipigs (TgHD) express N‐terminal part of human mutated huntingtin (124Q) under the control of human huntingtin promoter. The founder animal, born in 2009, gave birth to four subsequent generations with an equal contribution of wild‐type (WT) and transgenic (TgHD) piglets in all litters. The model is being used for preclinical huntingtin lowering studies. Here we take different non-invasive and invasive approaches, some of which are unique for large animal models, to study the phenotype development comparing WT and TgHD siblings. We show gradual progression of the disease in these TgHD animals. Moreover, some biomarkers were identified. These markers could serve for monitoring of organism response to HD treatment to assess efficacy and safety in preclinical studies prior to human clinical trials. Klíčová slova: minipig Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Phenotypic Analyses of the HD Transgenic Minipig Model (A11609)

The transgenic Huntington's disease minipigs (TgHD) express N‐terminal part of human mutated huntingtin (124Q) under the control of human huntingtin promoter. The founder animal, born in 2009, gave ...

Ellederová, Zdeňka
Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky, 2018

Academics 2018: Proposals for Measures to Support Equality in Research and Higher Education
Linková, Marcela; Cidlinská, Kateřina; Fárová, Nina; Maříková, Hana; Tenglerová, Hana; Vohlídalová, Marta
2018 - anglický
This document is an outcome of the research project Analysis of Barriers to and Support Strategy for Gender Equality in Science and Research implemented in 2017 and 2018 by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences as part of the Operational Programme Employment (Reg. No. CZ.03.1.51/0.0/0.0/15_02 8/0003571). \nThe objective of the project was to develop recommendations for action to advance gender equality in research and development for the state administration and other key national players in research policy-making (the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Research, Development and Innovation Council, the Czech Science Foundation, the Technology Agency of the CR). Additional measures have been developed for higher education and research institutions and their umbrella organisations (Czech Rectors' Conference, the Czech Academy of Sciences). Moreover, the document aims to serve government bodies responsible for gender equality agendas (the Gender Equality Department of the Government of the CR). The measures have been proposed on the assumption that for their successful implementation it is necessary to ensure synergy between the state administration and research and higher education institutions. Due emphasis is also placed on the role and responsibility of senior researchers.\nThe document is unique in that it builds on an in-depth analysis of the working conditions and barriers to career progression in research and development. It is the first study of the working conditions in research in the CR of such a comprehensive nature. The summary of the main findings is presented in the annexes to this document. This is a working document. Its aim is to encourage discussion about the measures proposed. We welcome your feedback, be it in the form of email or as part of face-to-face conversations. Authors also welcome further suggestions.\n Klíčová slova: Research careers; human resources; gender equality Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Academics 2018: Proposals for Measures to Support Equality in Research and Higher Education

This document is an outcome of the research project Analysis of Barriers to and Support Strategy for Gender Equality in Science and Research implemented in 2017 and 2018 by the Institute of Sociology ...

Linková, Marcela; Cidlinská, Kateřina; Fárová, Nina; Maříková, Hana; Tenglerová, Hana; Vohlídalová, Marta
Sociologický ústav, 2018

Transport and package manual - collimator
Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan
2018 - anglický
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of instructions and recommendations that allows careful transportation of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to provide detailed description of individual parts of the COL system. If necessary all the details and proper references can be found in [AD-2] Klíčová slova: collimator; handling; TOPTEC Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Transport and package manual - collimator

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of instructions and recommendations that allows careful transportation of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this ...

Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Study on polishing of CaF2 plane-parallel elements
Procháska, František; Thoř, Tomáš; Šípová, Gabriela
2018 - anglický
Determination of technological procedure for processing of plane-parallel and plano-convex CaF2 optical elements. That includes optical polishing as well as preparation of samples for polishing, i.e. cementing and grinding. Klíčová slova: CaF2 machining Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Study on polishing of CaF2 plane-parallel elements

Determination of technological procedure for processing of plane-parallel and plano-convex CaF2 optical elements. That includes optical polishing as well as preparation of samples for polishing, i.e. ...

Procháska, František; Thoř, Tomáš; Šípová, Gabriela
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

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