Models of AWS Material Functions
Wein, Ondřej; Pěnkavová, Věra
2014 - anglický
New classes of 4-parameter models of fluidity for the shear-thinning non-Newtonian liquids are introduced, including their local pseudosimilarity representation. The models cover both purely-viscous (PV) and visco-plastic (VP) flow behavior. New 4-parameter model of slipidity (Navier slip coefficient) is introduced, as well as its modification for retarded AWS (slipidity decreasing with rising shear stress) and wall dilatancy (negative slipidity). Their asymptotic behavior, as well as their asymptotic sub-models are identified and prepared for implementation in the software AWSWork.
Klíčová slova:
visco-plastic materials; purely viscous liquids; pseudosimilarity; material functions
Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Models of AWS Material Functions
New classes of 4-parameter models of fluidity for the shear-thinning non-Newtonian liquids are introduced, including their local pseudosimilarity representation. The models cover both purely-viscous ...
12M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Preparation of Pt on Carbon Black Supported Catalysts
Kaluža, Luděk; Zdražil, Miroslav; Gulková, Daniela; Vít, Zdeněk; Šolcová, Olga; Soukup, Karel; Maixnerová, Lucie
2014 - anglický
The aim of this work was to elucidate on advanced preparation of Pt/C catalysts from TimCal carbon black and H2PtCl6. The attention was directed to residual content of chloride in the prepared catalysts and scale-up to the amount about 1 gram of final product. The textrual properties of the supports and selected catalyst were studied by nitrogen physisorption. The analytical methods such as instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), liquid ion chromatography (LC), and titration with silver nitrates were applied for Cl analysis. Electron probe micro analysis (SEM-EDX), hydrogen chemisorption, temperature programed desorption of hydrogen (TPD) and a simplified determination of ignition temperature in air flow were used for Pt/C catalysts characterization.
Klíčová slova:
Pt/C catalysts; carbon black; analytical methods
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
12M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Preparation of Pt on Carbon Black Supported Catalysts
The aim of this work was to elucidate on advanced preparation of Pt/C catalysts from TimCal carbon black and H2PtCl6. The attention was directed to residual content of chloride in the prepared ...
Vývoj technologií pilotní přípravy laktamáz a dalších enzymů
Prell, Aleš; Kujan, Petr; Sobotka, Miroslav; Šafář, Hynek
2014 - anglický
Development and optimization of the production of some enzymes for pharmaceutical industry. Cultivation technology and down-stream processing.
Klíčová slova:
enzyme production; bacterial production; submerged aerobic cultivation; biotechnology
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Vývoj technologií pilotní přípravy laktamáz a dalších enzymů
Development and optimization of the production of some enzymes for pharmaceutical industry. Cultivation technology and down-stream processing.
Rheology of Colloidal Dispersions: Deflocculation of Kaolin Dispersions
Guerreiro, M.I.A.; Růžička, Marek; Pěnkavová, Věra
2013 - anglický
All inorganic additives in their optimal concentrations proved to be effective at reducing the initial viscosity to 1%. In the case of NaOH two different trends were observed: firstly this additive behaved as a deflocculant agent where, at its optimal range of concentrations, the viscosity of kaolin dispersion reduced to its minimal value, secondly when used at concentrations above its optimal range, sodium hydroxide behaved like a flocculant agent increasing strongly the viscosity of kaolin dispersions. The possible cause was attributed to an excess of Na+ and OH- species in bulk media that promoted the reversible effect. Similar effect was also reported for NaCMC at high and medium molar weight, were the viscosity firstly decreased to a certain concentration of additive and then above that concentration started to increase. Thus low molar weight NaCMC was the most effective among the organic additives since it decreased the viscosity to 10% of initial viscosity. Qualitative evaluation showed that organic additives promoted more stable dispersions, in contrast to poor stability offered by the inorganic additives, with exception of NaOH that provided dispersions with good stability inside of its optimal range.
Klíčová slova:
kaolin dispersions; yield strss; viscoplastic fluids
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Rheology of Colloidal Dispersions: Deflocculation of Kaolin Dispersions
All inorganic additives in their optimal concentrations proved to be effective at reducing the initial viscosity to 1%. In the case of NaOH two different trends were observed: firstly this additive ...
6M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Preparation of Pt on Carbon Black Supported Catalysts
Kaluža, Luděk; Zdražil, Miroslav; Gulková, Daniela; Vít, Zdeněk; Šolcová, Olga; Soukup, Karel; Maixnerová, Lucie
2013 - anglický
The purpose of the present work is to elucidate on carbon black materials as a support for high loading of Pt in highly dispersed form. There are three main methodologies described in the .literature for deposition of Pt: i) impregnation of the support with solution of well soluble Pt precursors, ii) deposition of a colloidal form of Pt onto the support, and iii) deposition of Pt onto the supports from microemulsion of Pt precursor with the assistance of surfactant. The Pt containing species are deposited either by spontaneous adsorption or by evaporation of the solvent. The deposited platinum compound is transformed to metallic platinum with some chemical or physical (temperature) treatment. Remainders of the deposited compound other than platinum must be removed from the catalysts (for instance by washing, calcination, etc.).
Klíčová slova:
elucidate; carbon black materials; platinum
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
6M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Preparation of Pt on Carbon Black Supported Catalysts
The purpose of the present work is to elucidate on carbon black materials as a support for high loading of Pt in highly dispersed form. There are three main methodologies described in the .literature ...
Screening, identification and analysis of metabolites in the fungus Purpureocillium lilacinus
Šimek, Petr
2013 - anglický
The delivered samples of the strain Purpureocillium lilacinus PL11 were extracted for analysis of polar metabolites and the extracts were subjected to LC-MS analysis.
Klíčová slova:
Purpureocillium lilacinus
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Screening, identification and analysis of metabolites in the fungus Purpureocillium lilacinus
The delivered samples of the strain Purpureocillium lilacinus PL11 were extracted for analysis of polar metabolites and the extracts were subjected to LC-MS analysis.
WP5 Status Report Months 31 to 50
Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír
2013 - anglický
Within WP5 in this reporting period focused on the development of a new intensified reactor concept for sulph(on)ation reaction. Based on the previous hydrodynamic experiments and mathematical models we designed a new reactor – microSulphonator. We also constructed and manufactured several prototypes that were later tested with model fluids. Experimental data were used for the validation of the models defined previously. Results of this period served as a basis for the final microSulphonators to be tested in the PGB pilot plant during the demonstration phase of the F3 project.
Klíčová slova:
microreactor desing; gas-liquid reaction; pilot plant demonstration
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
WP5 Status Report Months 31 to 50
Within WP5 in this reporting period focused on the development of a new intensified reactor concept for sulph(on)ation reaction. Based on the previous hydrodynamic experiments and mathematical models ...
Edge Effects in Rotational Viscometry III. ZZ and KK Sensors, Total Slip Pseudosimilarity
Wein, Ondřej
2013 - anglický
This report presents a next step of our effort in developing a system of corrections on edge effects in rotational AWS viscometry. In the previous two reports [4, 5], the edge corrections are given for Newtonian and pseudoplastic liquids with no-slip (adherence) boundary conditions at solid walls (BC).
Klíčová slova:
edge effects; rotational viscometry; zz and kk sensors
Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Edge Effects in Rotational Viscometry III. ZZ and KK Sensors, Total Slip Pseudosimilarity
This report presents a next step of our effort in developing a system of corrections on edge effects in rotational AWS viscometry. In the previous two reports [4, 5], the edge corrections are given ...
F3 Factory Deliverable D8.5 on Demonstration Activities in Intensified Surfactant Making
Vanhoutte, D.; Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Haas-Santo, K.; Tarchini, R.
2013 - anglický
the continuos report abou of the project completed within the demonstration stage of the F3 Factory project.
Klíčová slova:
process intensification; microreactors
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
F3 Factory Deliverable D8.5 on Demonstration Activities in Intensified Surfactant Making
the continuos report abou of the project completed within the demonstration stage of the F3 Factory project.
Research Report T-788
Dušková, Miroslava; Dušek, Karel; Vlasák, P.
2013 - anglický
The project was focused on the formation of coating films from new precursors.
Klíčová slova:
polymer networks; organic coating
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Research Report T-788
The project was focused on the formation of coating films from new precursors.
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