Number of found documents: 824
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The outflow of high-ability students from regular schools and its long-term impact on those left behind
Federičová, Miroslava
2021 - English
Early tracking school systems, which stream student by ability, are considered a trigger of widening inequality in education. However, more homogenous class composition resulting from ability tracking seem to improve efficiency of teaching and learning. Literature on peer effects shows contradictory findings about these two counteracting effects. This paper contributes to the discussion of the efficacy of ability tracking by examining the effects of the outflow of high-ability students after primary education on the long-term educational outcomes and behaviour of their peers who remain in regular classes. Exploiting a 2009 school reform in Slovakia which postponed tracking by one year, we show that the outflow of high-performing peers results in a weak negative long-run effect on non-tracked student’s math scores and late arrivals at school, and more persistent negative effects on out-of-school study time.\n Keywords: early-tracking school system; peer effects; gender effects Fulltext is available at external website.
The outflow of high-ability students from regular schools and its long-term impact on those left behind

Early tracking school systems, which stream student by ability, are considered a trigger of widening inequality in education. However, more homogenous class composition resulting from ability tracking ...

Federičová, Miroslava
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Asset prices and business cycles with liquidity shocks
Nezafat, M.; Slavík, Ctirad
2021 - English
We develop a production based asset pricing model with financially constrained firms to explain the observed high equity premium and low risk-free rate volatility. Investment opportunities are scarce and firms face productivity and liquidity shocks. A negative liquidity shock forces firms to liquidate a fraction of their assets. We calibrate the model to U.S. data and find that it generates an equity premium and a level and volatility of risk-free rate comparable to those observed in the data. The model also fits key aspects of the behavior of aggregate quantities, in particular, the volatility of aggregate consumption and investment. Keywords: general equilibrium; business cycles; production based asset pricing Fulltext is available at external website.
Asset prices and business cycles with liquidity shocks

We develop a production based asset pricing model with financially constrained firms to explain the observed high equity premium and low risk-free rate volatility. Investment opportunities are scarce ...

Nezafat, M.; Slavík, Ctirad
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Mom or preschool? How an extension to paid parental leave affects children’s future education and employment
Bičáková, Alena; Kalíšková, Klára; Zapletalová, Lucie
2021 - Czech
In this study we quantify the impacts of the duration of paid parental leave on the education and future labor market outcomes of affected children when they reach 21-22 years of age. We examine the Czech Republic’s 1995 reform of paid parental leave, which extended the duration of parental allowance receipt from 3 to 4 years. This extension was not, however, accompanied by any extension of the job protection period that remained at 3 years. It also prevented the receiving parent to engage more substantially in the labour market, leading to one more year of full-time home child care. Ve studii kvantifikujeme dopady doby pobírání rodičovského příspěvku na dosažené vzdělání a budoucí uplatnění na trhu práce dotčených dětí ve věku 21–22 let. Zkoumaná reforma rodičovského příspěvku z roku 1995 v Česku prodloužila možnou dobu čerpání příspěvku ze 3 na 4 roky. Prodloužení pobírání příspěvku však nedoprovázelo prodloužení doby garance původního pracovního místa matky, nedovolovalo její výraznější zapojení na trhu práce, a znamenalo tedy další rok celodenní péče o dítě. Keywords: parental leave; parental allowance duration; future labor market Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mom or preschool? How an extension to paid parental leave affects children’s future education and employment

In this study we quantify the impacts of the duration of paid parental leave on the education and future labor market outcomes of affected children when they reach 21-22 years of age. We examine the ...

Bičáková, Alena; Kalíšková, Klára; Zapletalová, Lucie
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Standard Grants and the publication performance of scientists: a counterfactual analysis of projects awarded in years 2005-2014
Bajgar, Matěj
2021 - Czech
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) is the largest source of project financing for scientists based in the Czech Republic. In recent years, GAČR has distributed grants worth over 4 billion CZK a year. About three quarters of the total funds are allocated to Standard grants. This study is the first to econometrically estimate the impact of GAČR Standard Grants on the publication performance of the researchers the grant supports. We compare the members of Standard Grant research teams (the treatment group) to a control group of researchers who did not participate in a Standard Grant in a given period, but who otherwise resemble the supported researchers. We match the groups based on their primary fields, past publications and grants, academic titles, gender, the type of research institution they are affiliated with, and many other characteristics. Most data comes from the Information System for Research, Development, and Innovation. Grantová agentura České republiky (GA ČR) představuje největší zdroj projektového financování pro vědce působící v České republice (ČR). V posledních letech GA ČR na grantech rozděluje více než 4 miliardy korun ročně. Zhruba tři čtvrtiny těchto zdrojů připadají na tzv. Standardní granty. Tato studie jako první ekonometricky odhaduje dopad Standardních grantů GA ČR na publikační výkonnost podpořených výzkumníků. Porovnáváme členy řešitelských týmů těchto grantů (podpořená skupina) s výzkumníky, kteří se v daném období do těchto grantů nezapojili, ale jinak se podpořeným vědcům podobají (kontrolní skupina). Obě skupiny párujeme na základě hlavního oboru, minulých publikací a grantů, akademické hodnosti, pohlaví, typu výzkumné organizace a řady dalších charakteristik. Využíváme zejména data z Informačního systému o výzkumu, vývoji a inovacích. Keywords: publication performance; Czech Science Foundation; research funding Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Standard Grants and the publication performance of scientists: a counterfactual analysis of projects awarded in years 2005-2014

The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) is the largest source of project financing for scientists based in the Czech Republic. In recent years, GAČR has distributed grants worth over 4 billion CZK a year. ...

Bajgar, Matěj
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Learning about ethnic discrimination from different information sources
Korlyakova, Darya
2021 - English
We experimentally study whether public beliefs about ethnic discrimination, an emotionally loaded issue, are shifted more by information from experts or from ordinary people. We also examine whether people are inclined to choose the most influential sources. For this purpose, we combine, in a novel design, the random provision of information from different sources with endogenous information acquisition from the same sources. We find that individuals update their beliefs most in response to information from experts, namely researchers studying ethnic minorities and human resource managers. Exogenous adjustments in beliefs do not induce changes in attitudes to ethnic minorities. Consistent with the strength of belief updating, more individuals choose information from experts over information from ordinary people. This result suggests that, in the aggregate, people behave rationally as they favor a source that is perceived to be relatively accurate. The findings have implications for information dissemination policies. Keywords: ethnic discrimination; beliefs; information sources Fulltext is available at external website.
Learning about ethnic discrimination from different information sources

We experimentally study whether public beliefs about ethnic discrimination, an emotionally loaded issue, are shifted more by information from experts or from ordinary people. We also examine whether ...

Korlyakova, Darya
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Who supported their employees during the first wave of the pandemic? An analysis of the financial support granted through the Antivirus B programme
Jurajda, Štěpán; Doleželová, P.; Zapletalová, Lucie
2021 - Czech
This study examines the structure of Czech firms’ use of the Antivirus B programme in the second quarter of 2020, i.e. during the first “spring wave” of the Covid-19 epidemic. We compare application of the programme benefits with the structure of the economy and with the structure of demand shocks, approximated by the drop in hours worked against those worked in the second quarter of 2019. The study provides an example of how this type of programme could be continuously monitored in the future. The study’s findings can be useful when making long term decisions about how to set up tools such as kurzarbeit in Czech legislation. Studie srovnává strukturu využití programu Antivirus B českými firmami v druhé čtvrtině roku 2020, tedy v průběhu první „jarní vlny“ epidemie covid-19. Srovnání je provedeno se strukturou ekonomiky a strukturou poptávkových šoků aproximovaných poklesem odpracovaných hodin oproti druhému kvartálu roku 2019. Studie dává příklad, jak tento typ programů do budoucna průběžně monitorovat. Zjištění studie lze použít při rozhodování o podobě dlouhodobého nastavení nástroje typu kurzarbeit v českém právním řádu. Keywords: kurzarbeit; Covid-19; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Who supported their employees during the first wave of the pandemic? An analysis of the financial support granted through the Antivirus B programme

This study examines the structure of Czech firms’ use of the Antivirus B programme in the second quarter of 2020, i.e. during the first “spring wave” of the Covid-19 epidemic. We compare application ...

Jurajda, Štěpán; Doleželová, P.; Zapletalová, Lucie
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Sequential vote buying
Chen, Y.; Zápal, Jan
2021 - English
To enact a policy, a leader needs votes from committee members with heterogeneous opposition intensities. She sequentially offers transfers in exchange for votes. The transfers are either promises paid only if the policy passes or paid up front. With transfer promises, a vote costs nearly zero. With up-front payments, a vote can cost significantly more than zero, but the leader is better off with up-front payments. The leader does not necessarily buy the votes of those least opposed. The opposition structure most challenging to the leader involves either a homogeneous committee or a committee with two homogenous groups. Our results provide an explanation for several empirical regularities: lobbying of strongly opposed legislators, the Tullock Paradox and expansion of the whip system in the U.S. House concurrent with ideological homogenization of parties. We also discuss several extensions including private histories and simultaneous offers. Keywords: vote buying; legislative bargaining; coalition building Fulltext is available at external website.
Sequential vote buying

To enact a policy, a leader needs votes from committee members with heterogeneous opposition intensities. She sequentially offers transfers in exchange for votes. The transfers are either promises ...

Chen, Y.; Zápal, Jan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Paternal circular migration and development of socio-emotional skills of children left behind
Adunts, Davit
2021 - English
This study investigates the short-run effect of paternal absence due to circular migration on the socio-emotional skills of their children left behind. To address the endogeneity of the migration decision, and building on previous studies, this study focuses on children whose fathers have all engaged in circular migration. Furthermore, using quasi-exogenous variation in the timing of return migration induced by bilateral migration laws between Ukraine and Poland, I circumvent the bias related to the return migration decision. The findings of this study suggest that current paternal absence due to circular migration negatively affects the socioemotional skills of children left behind. Overall, this result suggests that circular migration is not necessarily a „triple-win“ solution that benefits all involved parties. Keywords: circular migration; children left behind; perseverance skills Fulltext is available at external website.
Paternal circular migration and development of socio-emotional skills of children left behind

This study investigates the short-run effect of paternal absence due to circular migration on the socio-emotional skills of their children left behind. To address the endogeneity of the migration ...

Adunts, Davit
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

A note on Jain's digital piracy model: horizontal vs vertical product differentiation
Kúnin, Michael; Žigić, Krešimir
2021 - English
We study how private intellectual property rights protection affects equilibrium prices and profits in a duopoly competition between firms that offer a product variety of distinct qualities (vertical product differentiation) in a setup that is closely related to that put forward by Jain (2008), where firms offer the same qualities in equilibrium (horizontal product differentiation). Consumers may make a choice to buy a legal version, use an illegal copy (if they want to and can), or not use a product at all. Using an illegal version violates intellectual property rights protection and is thus punishable when disclosed. Thus, both private and public (copyright) intellectual property rights protection are available on scene. Keywords: vertical and horizontal product differentiation; software piracy; Bertrand competition Fulltext is available at external website.
A note on Jain's digital piracy model: horizontal vs vertical product differentiation

We study how private intellectual property rights protection affects equilibrium prices and profits in a duopoly competition between firms that offer a product variety of distinct qualities (vertical ...

Kúnin, Michael; Žigić, Krešimir
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Environmental regulations, air pollution, and infant mortality in India: a reexamination
Kyrychenko, Olexiy
2021 - English
This paper reexamines empirical evidence on the effectiveness of environmental regulations in India from a recent study by Greenstone and Hanna (GH, 2014). GH report that air pollution control policies in India were effective in improving air quality but had a modest and statistically insignificant effect on infant mortality. These somewhat counterintuitive findings are likely to stem from the limited availability of ground-based air pollution data used in GH and the absence of critical meteorological confounders. I leverage recent advances in satellite technology and GH’s methodology to test the sensitivity of their findings to revised air pollution outcomes, an extended number of observations, and meteorological controls. Despite striking differences between the two datasets, reexamination using satellite-based data confirms the conclusions drawn from GH’s data. The effects of the policies are, however, substantially weaker. The paper urges further research on the effectiveness of environmental regulations in developing countries and the use of satellite imagery in the examination of this important question. Keywords: air pollution; infant mortality; environmental regulation Fulltext is available at external website.
Environmental regulations, air pollution, and infant mortality in India: a reexamination

This paper reexamines empirical evidence on the effectiveness of environmental regulations in India from a recent study by Greenstone and Hanna (GH, 2014). GH report that air pollution control ...

Kyrychenko, Olexiy
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

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