Number of found documents: 658
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Dynamic and static tests of the cotton clothes of dummies used to crash car tests
Šperl, Martin; Gajdoš, Lubomír; Šorm, Filip; Vála, Ondřej
2020 - Czech
Research report on testing the influences different cotton clothes to material interference during car crash test. The tests were performed in some loading modes for the material composition (dummies skin, cotton, seat belt). Výzkumná zpráva pojednávající o zkouškách vlivu různých bavlněných oděvů na materiální interference během nárazového testu. Testy byly prováděny v několika režimech zatížení pro složení materiálu (figurínová kůže, bavlna, bezpečnostní pás). Keywords: dummies; friction coefficient; strength; Charpy hammer Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dynamic and static tests of the cotton clothes of dummies used to crash car tests

Research report on testing the influences different cotton clothes to material interference during car crash test. The tests were performed in some loading modes for the material composition (dummies ...

Šperl, Martin; Gajdoš, Lubomír; Šorm, Filip; Vála, Ondřej
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Chemical and mineralogical analyses of the stucco marble „scagliola“ sampled from a decoration part of the historic cabinet placed in the chateau Konopiště (CR).
Slížková, Zuzana; Mácová, Petra; Viani, Alberto; Frankeová, Dita; Jurkovská, Lucie; Kozlovcev, Petr
2020 - Czech
Chemical and mineralogical analyses results focused on the composition of the stucco marble „scagliola“. The material was sampled from a decoration part of the historic cabinet placed in the chateau Konopiště (CR). Výsledky chemických a mineralogických analýz zaměřených na složení vzorku štukového mramoru typu scagliola odebraného z výzdoby historického sekretáře umístěného na zámku Konopiště). Keywords: Konopiště Castle; Giovanni Leoni; stucco marble; scagliola; chemical analyses; microscopic analyses Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chemical and mineralogical analyses of the stucco marble „scagliola“ sampled from a decoration part of the historic cabinet placed in the chateau Konopiště (CR).

Chemical and mineralogical analyses results focused on the composition of the stucco marble „scagliola“. The material was sampled from a decoration part of the historic cabinet placed in the chateau ...

Slížková, Zuzana; Mácová, Petra; Viani, Alberto; Frankeová, Dita; Jurkovská, Lucie; Kozlovcev, Petr
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Chemical and microstructural characterization of building materials sampled from Český dům, Moscow, Russia
Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana
2020 - Czech
The study was focused on the identification of the material used for the production of facade elements. Using thermal analysis and electron microscopy, it was found that it is not a mortar with a lime or cement binder, but a ceramic element. Studie byla zaměřena na identifikaci materiálu použitého na výrobu fasádních prvků. Pomocí termické analýzy a elektronové mikroskopie bylo zjištěno, že se nejedná o maltu s vápenným nebo cementovým pojivem, ale o keramický prvek. Keywords: ceramic; SEM; TG/DTG Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chemical and microstructural characterization of building materials sampled from Český dům, Moscow, Russia

The study was focused on the identification of the material used for the production of facade elements. Using thermal analysis and electron microscopy, it was found that it is not a mortar with a lime ...

Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Chemical and microstructural characterization of building materials sampled from the house No. 86, Nám. 1. máje, Chomutov
Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana; Jurkovská, Lucie
2020 - Czech
As part of the construction and technical survey, a microscopic analysis of samples of historic and modern core plaster and stucco was performed using a scanning electron microscope and SEM ‐ EDS analysis. Characterization of the aggregate and binder components of mortars was performed, comparison of mortars from different construction stages. The results of the survey work were used as a basis for the design of the reconstruction of the building. V rámci stavebně-technického průzkumu byl proveden mikroskopický rozbor vzorků historické a moderní jádrové omítky a štuku s využitím skenovacího elektronového mikroskopu a SEM‐EDS analýzy. Byla provedena charakterizace plniva a složek pojiva malt, porovnání malt z různých stavebních etap. Výsledky průzkumných prací byly použity jako podklad pro návrh rekonstrukce objektu. Keywords: SEM; microscopic characterization; binders; mortars; stucco Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chemical and microstructural characterization of building materials sampled from the house No. 86, Nám. 1. máje, Chomutov

As part of the construction and technical survey, a microscopic analysis of samples of historic and modern core plaster and stucco was performed using a scanning electron microscope and SEM ‐ EDS ...

Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana; Jurkovská, Lucie
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Chemical and mineralogical analyses of the tile sampled from the fountain in Prague 6, Na Brusce Street
Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana; Jurkovská, Lucie; Koudelková, Veronika; Kozlovcev, Petr
2020 - Czech
The study was focused on the identification of the material used for the production of paving in the vicinity of the fountain in Prague 6, Na Brusce Street. Using thermal analysis and electron microscopy, it was found that it is natural limestone. The results of the report were used as a basis for the design of the reconstruction intervention of the object.\n\n \n\n Studie byla zaměřena na identifikaci materiálu použitého na výrobu dlažby v okolí fontány v Praze 6, ulice Na Brusce. Pomocí termické analýzy a elektronové mikroskopie bylo zjištěno, že se jedná o přírodní vápenec. Výsledky zprávy byly použity jako podklad pro návrh rekonstrukce objektu. Keywords: thermal analysis; SEM; material characteristics; limestone Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chemical and mineralogical analyses of the tile sampled from the fountain in Prague 6, Na Brusce Street

The study was focused on the identification of the material used for the production of paving in the vicinity of the fountain in Prague 6, Na Brusce Street. Using thermal analysis and electron ...

Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana; Jurkovská, Lucie; Koudelková, Veronika; Kozlovcev, Petr
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Report on the results of SEM-EDS and IEC analysis of plaster sampled from the interior of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague
Slížková, Zuzana; Ševčík, Radek; Frankeová, Dita
2020 - Czech
SEM-EDS and IEC analysis of the plaster from the interior of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague proved a plaster layer consisting of two layers of core plaster with a different structure, a finishing layer and a coating. The plaster is contaminated with nitrates and chlorides, the content of nitrates is very high. SEM-EDS a IEC analýza omítky z interiéru Betlémské kaple v Praze prokázala omítkové souvrství sestávající z dvou vrstev jádrové omítky s odlišnou strukturou, štukové vrstvy a povrchové úpravy (nátěru). Omítka je kontaminovaná dusičnany a chloridy, obsah dusičnanů je velmi vysoký. Keywords: plaster; salinity; SEM-EDS analysis; IEC analysis; chemical composition of historic plaster Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the results of SEM-EDS and IEC analysis of plaster sampled from the interior of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague

SEM-EDS and IEC analysis of the plaster from the interior of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague proved a plaster layer consisting of two layers of core plaster with a different structure, a finishing ...

Slížková, Zuzana; Ševčík, Radek; Frankeová, Dita
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Survey of the constructions hidden under the floor of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Jindřichův Hradec
Válek, Jan; Skružná, Olga; Kozlovcev, Petr
2020 - Czech
The aim of the non-destructive survey was to determine the presence of building constructures hidden under the contemporary floor. The measurement was performed in the chancel area where a tomb was assumed. Cílem nedestruktivního průzkumu bylo zjistit přítomnost stavebních konstrukcí skrytých pod soudobou podlahou. Měření bylo provedeno v prostoru kněžiště v místě předpokládané tumby. Keywords: ground penetrating radar (GPR); non-destructive survey; radargrams; cultural heritage Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Survey of the constructions hidden under the floor of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Jindřichův Hradec

The aim of the non-destructive survey was to determine the presence of building constructures hidden under the contemporary floor. The measurement was performed in the chancel area where a tomb was ...

Válek, Jan; Skružná, Olga; Kozlovcev, Petr
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Characterization of mortars and plasters of pre-Romanesque architecture of Great Moravia
Válek, Jan; Skružná, Olga; Kozlovcev, Petr; Frankeová, Dita; Viani, Alberto
2020 - Czech
The document contains archaeological samples from excavation in the building of the Palace in Mikulčice. The results include the characterization of used raw materials, their input ratio and a their description in order to specify their provenance. V dokumentu jsou zpracovány archeologické vzorky z revizních sond v budově Paláce v Mikulčicích. Výsledky obsahují charakterizaci použitých surovin, jejich vstupní poměr a popis za účelem upřesnění jejich provenience. Keywords: Great Moravia; archaeological excavation; lime mortars; plasters; cultural heritage Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Characterization of mortars and plasters of pre-Romanesque architecture of Great Moravia

The document contains archaeological samples from excavation in the building of the Palace in Mikulčice. The results include the characterization of used raw materials, their input ratio and a their ...

Válek, Jan; Skružná, Olga; Kozlovcev, Petr; Frankeová, Dita; Viani, Alberto
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Investigation of fundamental mechanical and fracture mechanical properties of high pressure gas pipeline - location L177 (L177/1 and L177/2)
Gajdoš, Lubomír; Šperl, Martin; Šorm, Filip; Bejdl, Jan
2020 - Czech
Assesment of mechanical and fracture mechanical properties including the analysis of critical crack dimensions for specific gas pressure and pipelines segments. These magnitudes will be used as a reference properties on the subsequent hydrogen effect investigation to the pipeline steel. Hodnocení mechanických a lomově mechanických vlastností vč. analýzy kritických rozměrů trhliny pro dané přepravní tlaky a trubní segmenty. Tyto hodnoty budou použity jako referenční pro následující výzkum vlivu vodíku na potrubní ocel. Keywords: fracture toughness; J integral; pipe; steel Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Investigation of fundamental mechanical and fracture mechanical properties of high pressure gas pipeline - location L177 (L177/1 and L177/2)

Assesment of mechanical and fracture mechanical properties including the analysis of critical crack dimensions for specific gas pressure and pipelines segments. These magnitudes will be used as a ...

Gajdoš, Lubomír; Šperl, Martin; Šorm, Filip; Bejdl, Jan
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

Analysis of the porosity of a plaster cast, based on tomography data. Pilot measurement for the feasibility verification of the method for analyses of cast sculptures
Kumpová, Ivana; Vopálenský, Michal
2020 - Czech
The aim of the tomographical research was the verification of the feasibility of the X-ray tomography for the qualitative description of the internal structure of the cast sculptures (damage, former restoration evidence etc.) and also for the characterization of the way and direction of the plaster pouring. There is a hypothesis that in the cast piece, the non-uniform distribution of pores as for the size (volume) along the vertical direction should be observable. The deeper in the piece, the higher amount of smaller pores and lower amount of bigger pores is expected. As well, lower porosity, i.e., ratio of the volume of the pores and the entire investigated volume, is expected deeper in the sample. The distribution of the pores could indicate, how the sculpture was made, in particular, where were the pouring holes and how many, what was the material flux like and how did it mixture. The method was verified on a specimen and the indicated hypotheses were only partly confirmed. Tomografický průzkum byl zaměřen na ověření metody založené na rentgenové tomografii pro kvalitativní popis vnitřní struktury litých soch (poškození, restaurátorské zásahy aj.), ale i pro zjištění způsobu a směru lití sádry/kamene. Existuje hypotéza, že v odlitku by mělo být pozorovatelné nerovnoměrné rozložení pórů co do velikosti (objemu) po jeho výšce. S hloubkou odlitku je očekávána zvyšující se četnost menších pórů a snižující se četnost větších pórů. Obdobně je se zvyšující se hloubkou očekávána nižší hodnota pórovitosti, tj. poměru objemu pórů k objemu vybrané oblasti. Znalost přesného rozložení pórů by tak mohla napovědět, jakým způsobem byla socha vylita, zejména v jaké poloze byla použitá forma při odlévání, kde byly licí otvory a v jakém počtu, jak proudila a mísila se litá hmota. Metoda byla ověřována na zkušebním vzorku a uvedené hypotézy se potvrdily jenom částečně. Keywords: X-ray computed tomography; cast sculptures; fine arts Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Analysis of the porosity of a plaster cast, based on tomography data. Pilot measurement for the feasibility verification of the method for analyses of cast sculptures

The aim of the tomographical research was the verification of the feasibility of the X-ray tomography for the qualitative description of the internal structure of the cast sculptures (damage, former ...

Kumpová, Ivana; Vopálenský, Michal
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2020

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