Number of found documents: 451
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Pilotní měření akustické emise 2 horninových vzorků ze štoly Josef, M-Z SP-47, za zvyšující se teploty v rozsahu 20-250° : závěrečná zpráva
Petružálek, Matěj; Lokajíček, Tomáš
2014 - Czech
Zpráva není volně šiřitelná do 1. 7. 2015. Keywords: geophysics; tonalite; Mokrsko Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Pilotní měření akustické emise 2 horninových vzorků ze štoly Josef, M-Z SP-47, za zvyšující se teploty v rozsahu 20-250° : závěrečná zpráva

Zpráva není volně šiřitelná do 1. 7. 2015.

Petružálek, Matěj; Lokajíček, Tomáš
Geologický ústav, 2014

Měření paleomagnetických vlastností hornin libkovických vrstev : zpráva za rok 2013
Schnabl, Petr; Pruner, Petr; Čížková, Kristýna; Petráček, Jiří
2013 - Czech
Zpráva není volně šiřitelná do 1. listopadu roku 2020. Keywords: clays; palaeomagnetism; correlation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Měření paleomagnetických vlastností hornin libkovických vrstev : zpráva za rok 2013

Zpráva není volně šiřitelná do 1. listopadu roku 2020.

Schnabl, Petr; Pruner, Petr; Čížková, Kristýna; Petráček, Jiří
Geologický ústav, 2013

Genius loci ve vinicích
Cílek, Václav
2013 - Czech
Keywords: vine; landscape; climate change Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Genius loci ve vinicích

Cílek, Václav
Geologický ústav, 2013

Na Javorce Cave - a new discovery in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic): unique example of relationships between hydrothermal and common karstification.
Dragoun, J.; Žák, Karel; Vejlupek, J.; Filippi, Michal; Novotný, J.; Dobeš, J.
2013 - English
The Na Javorce Cave is located in the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic, about 25 km SW of Prague. The cave was formed in vertically dipping layers of Lower Devonian limestone; it is 1,723 m long and 129 m deep, of which 9 m is permanently flooded. The cave is polygenetic, with several clearly separable evolutionary stages. Cavities discovered to date were mostly formed along the tectonic structures of two main systems. One of these systems is represented by vertical faults of generally N-S strike, which are frequently accompanied by vein hydrothermal calcite with crystal cavities. The second fault system is represented by moderately inclined west-dipping faults. Smaller tube-like passages of phreatic morphology connect the larger cavities. The fluid inclusion data obtained for calcite developed along both fault systems in combination with C and O stable isotope studies indicate that the hydrothermal calcite was deposited from moderately NaCl-type basinal fluids (0.5 to 8.7 wt. % NaCl equ Keywords: caves; karstification; karst; Bohemian Karst Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Na Javorce Cave - a new discovery in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic): unique example of relationships between hydrothermal and common karstification.

The Na Javorce Cave is located in the Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic, about 25 km SW of Prague. The cave was formed in vertically dipping layers of Lower Devonian limestone; it is 1,723 m long and 129 ...

Dragoun, J.; Žák, Karel; Vejlupek, J.; Filippi, Michal; Novotný, J.; Dobeš, J.
Geologický ústav, 2013

New localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates in Slovakia
Orvošová, M.; Vlček, L.; Žák, Karel
2013 - English
Three new localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates (CCCcoarse) have been recently discovered in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. CCCcoarse are secondary mineral formations in the cave and belong to speleothems. They occur in the form of loose accumulations of calcite crystals and crystal aggregates freely deposited on the bottom of the cavities. Their genesis is interpreted as related to slow karst-water freezing in pools inside the caves, in relation to the existence of a permafrost zone during Quaternary glacials. The newly discovered CCCcoarse localities in Četníkova svadba Cave, Demänovská j. mieru Cave and Zlomísk Cave are characterized by description and photodocumentation of the present crystal forms, by preliminary C and O isotope data, and by their U-series ages. The ages of the cryogenic crystals are in the range between 47 and 12 ka BP, corresponding to the latter half of the Last Glacial. Any new locality of CCCcoarse formed during the Last Glacial represents an important source of information about paleoclimatic conditions of adjacent areas. The U-series ages of the new localities support the earlier conclusion that the formation of CCCcoarse is related to transitions from cold to warm climate periods within the Last Glacial. Keywords: caves; carbonates; cryogenic carbonates Available at various institutes of the ASCR
New localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates in Slovakia

Three new localities of coarsely crystalline cryogenic cave carbonates (CCCcoarse) have been recently discovered in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. CCCcoarse are secondary mineral formations in ...

Orvošová, M.; Vlček, L.; Žák, Karel
Geologický ústav, 2013

Estimation of Migration Parameters of Rocks with Fracture Permeability using Fluorescent Solutions : Research Report considering Work Progress and Results Achieved in 2013 Intermediate Report Covering the I. Phase : bibliography and preparatory works
Lachman, V.; Kovářová, R.; Novák, P.; Rohovec, Jan; Vašíček, R.; Frydrych, V.; Patzelt, Z.; Šigut, R.; Vachudová, L.; Durajová, M.; Koděrová, K.
2013 - Czech
The proposed project focusing on the use of fluorescent properties during tracer tests reflects the absecne of tracer substances not modifying the hydrochemical properties of the environment and not being radioactive. A positive result of the proposed research will enable more accurate evalutation of absorption properties of the rock environment in case of leakage of hazardous substances than it is for chemical tracers. Fluorescence salts offer the possibility of continuous monitoring of fluorescence changes without endangering the environment and without negative effects on hydrochemistry. Research will proceed according the fillowith scheme: bibliography-laboratory research-field tests-mathematical modeling. The project proposer has already acquired a patent and design rights in the frame of previous research project concerning the developed facility and technology enabling continuous monitoring and evaluation of fluorescence changes in liquids. The investigation of interaction between fluorescent salts and migratory pproperties of the rock environment will focus on rock with fracture permeability. Further selection of fluorescence salts accomplishing the objectives of the project will be based on the detailed bibliographic study. Particular fluorescent salts will be investigated in laboratory scale on selected rocs. Most promising fluorescence solutions will be consequently used for migration tests in specified rock environment with fracture permeability. The research polygon will be equipped with small-diameter boreholes interconnected by fracture network with two network section - with and without sorption properties. The results of both, laboratory and field tests, will be validated by mathematical models. Projekt se zaměřuje na využití fluorescence při stopovacích zkouškách. Vychází z obecně známých fluorescenčních stopovačů, které nejsou radioaktivní a neovlivňují hydrologické vlastnosti prostředí. Výsledky projektu umožní přesnější hodnocení absorpčních charakteristik horninového prostředí s ohledem na úniky rizikových látek. Fluoreskující roztoky solí se dají využít pro průběžné sledování změn v prostředí bez ohrožení prostředí a negativního ovlivnění hydrochemických charakteristik. Výzkum v rámci projektu probíhá v ose : rešerse - laboratorní práce - terenní testy - matematický model. Hlavní řešitel projektu má v dané oblasti již registrovaný patent a užitný vzor jako výsledky předchozích projektů zaměřených na tvorbu zařízení a postupů pro průběžné monitorování a vyhodnocení fluorescenčních změn v kapalné fázi. Výzkum závislosti fluorescenční odezvy na migračních parametrech hornin je zaměřen v rámci projektu na puklinovou propustnost hornin. Volba fluorescenčního stopovače bude založena na podrobné literární rešerši. Zvolený okruh fluorescenčních stopovačů vhodných pro realisaci terenních prací bude laboratorně testován. Nejvhodnější vybrané stopovače budou následně využity v migračních testech na vybraných horninách s puklinovou propustností. Výzkumný polygon bude sestávat z vrtů malého průměru, zasahujících do puklinové sítě prostředí tak, aby pokrývaly sorbující a nesorbující část sítě puklin. Výsledky laboratorních měření a terenních experimentů budou matematicky zpracovány a převedeny do podoby matematického modelu. Keywords: migration parameters; tracer test; tracer; field test; migration parametres validation; monitoring Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Estimation of Migration Parameters of Rocks with Fracture Permeability using Fluorescent Solutions : Research Report considering Work Progress and Results Achieved in 2013 Intermediate Report Covering the I. Phase : bibliography and preparatory works

The proposed project focusing on the use of fluorescent properties during tracer tests reflects the absecne of tracer substances not modifying the hydrochemical properties of the environment and not ...

Lachman, V.; Kovářová, R.; Novák, P.; Rohovec, Jan; Vašíček, R.; Frydrych, V.; Patzelt, Z.; Šigut, R.; Vachudová, L.; Durajová, M.; Koděrová, K.
Geologický ústav, 2013

Magnetická stavba sedimentů na vybraných archeologických lokalitách v Praze a okolí
Kadlec, Jaroslav; Čížková, Kristýna
2013 - Czech
Keywords: sediments; magnetostratigraphy; Quaternary Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Magnetická stavba sedimentů na vybraných archeologických lokalitách v Praze a okolí

Kadlec, Jaroslav; Čížková, Kristýna
Geologický ústav, 2013

Miocene-Pliocene age of cave Snežna Jama na Raduhi, Southern Alps, Slovenia
Mihevc, A.; Horáček, I.; Pruner, Petr; Zupan Hajna, N.; Čermák, Stanislav; Wagner, Jan; Bosák, Pavel
2013 - English
Snežna jama cave is 1,600 m long horizontal cave at about 1,500 m a.s.l. in Raduha Massif (Kamnik-Savinja Alps) rich in cave deposits (both allogenic sediments and massive flowstones). The cave size, shape and deposits show (1) formation of the cave in different conditions, and (2) its substantial age. A 4.8 m deep pit was excavated in allogenic sediments. Samples were taken both for palaeomagnetic analysis and palaeontological screening. Sediments consist of rhythmically arranged layers deposited in phreatic conditions. Fragments of rodent teeth and a well-preserved molar of genus Baranomys were identified. Fossil remains indicate mammalian zone MN 16 and MN 14. A high-resolution palaeomagnetic analysis revealed total of 3 principal normal polarized and 2 principal reverse polarized magnetozones. If we accept the palaeontologic calibration, the deposition took place within Gauss and Gilbert chrons, from about 2.6 to more than 5 Ma. Long sedimentation period is in concordance with the cave rocky relief that shows phreatic and epiphreatic morphology and predates the main uplift of the area for about 900 m. Keywords: caves; karst; Miocene; Pliocene Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Miocene-Pliocene age of cave Snežna Jama na Raduhi, Southern Alps, Slovenia

Snežna jama cave is 1,600 m long horizontal cave at about 1,500 m a.s.l. in Raduha Massif (Kamnik-Savinja Alps) rich in cave deposits (both allogenic sediments and massive flowstones). The cave size, ...

Mihevc, A.; Horáček, I.; Pruner, Petr; Zupan Hajna, N.; Čermák, Stanislav; Wagner, Jan; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2013

16th International Congress of Speleology : Czech Republic, Brno July 21–28,2013 : proceedings
Filippi, Michal; Bosák, Pavel
2013 - English
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology consist of 3 separate Volumes. The Congress was visited by 1007 participants from 53 countries across the world. Volume I starts with three plenary lectures representing three global cave and karst topics. Further it contains papers concerned with history of research, archeology, paleontology, topics focused on management and preservation of caves and karst areas and other social-related aspects and also it contains a small part devoted to extraterrestrial karst. Volume I is ended by a large portion of biology-oriented papers. Keywords: speleology; karstology; speleoarchaeology; biospeleology; ecosystem management; proceedings of conferences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
16th International Congress of Speleology : Czech Republic, Brno July 21–28,2013 : proceedings

Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology consist of 3 separate Volumes. The Congress was visited by 1007 participants from 53 countries across the world. Volume I starts with three ...

Filippi, Michal; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2013

16th International Congress of Speleology : Czech Republic, Brno July 21–28,2013 : proceedings
Filippi, Michal; Bosák, Pavel
2013 - English
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology consist of 3 separate Volumes. The Congress was visited by 1007 participants from 53 countries across the world. Volume II contains the traditionally heavily attended session “Exploration and Cave Techniques” and by the related session “Speleological Research and Activities in Artificial Underground”. These topics are supplemented with contributions from the field of “Karst and Cave Survey, Mapping and Data Processing”. The content of the second Volume is completed with sessions “Modelling in Karst and Cave Environments” and “Cave Climate and Paleoclimate Record”. Keywords: speleology; karstology; modeling and simulation; proceedings of conferences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
16th International Congress of Speleology : Czech Republic, Brno July 21–28,2013 : proceedings

Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology consist of 3 separate Volumes. The Congress was visited by 1007 participants from 53 countries across the world. Volume II contains the ...

Filippi, Michal; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2013

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