Number of found documents: 167
Published from to

Duplicity of epsilon Persei confirmed
Libich, Jan; Harmanec, Petr; Yang, S.; Hadrava, Petr; Koubský, Pavel; Škoda, Petr; Šlechta, Miroslav; Aerts, C.; de Cat, P.
2003 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Duplicity of epsilon Persei confirmed

Libich, Jan; Harmanec, Petr; Yang, S.; Hadrava, Petr; Koubský, Pavel; Škoda, Petr; Šlechta, Miroslav; Aerts, C.; de Cat, P.
Astronomický ústav, 2003

Cosmological ideas in the 16th century
Hadrava, Petr; Hadravová, Alena
2003 - English
V práci je studován vliv Giordana Bruna na rozšíření obzoru raně novověké kosmologie za hranice Sluneční soustavy, zejména Keplerovy úvahy o konečnosti vesmíru. The influence of Giordano Bruno on extending the scope of early modern cosmology behing the borders of Solar system is studies, expecially the Kepler's thoughts on the limits of the Universe. Keywords: Kepler-Olbers' paradox; history of astronomy; history of science Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Cosmological ideas in the 16th century

V práci je studován vliv Giordana Bruna na rozšíření obzoru raně novověké kosmologie za hranice Sluneční soustavy, zejména Keplerovy úvahy o konečnosti vesmíru.

Hadrava, Petr; Hadravová, Alena
Astronomický ústav, 2003

W Serpentins-like stars: the case of UX monocerotis
Ondřich, D.; Harmanec, Petr
2003 - English
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
W Serpentins-like stars: the case of UX monocerotis

Ondřich, D.; Harmanec, Petr
Astronomický ústav, 2003

Statistical analysis of the high-frequency solar radio bursts
Mészárosová, Hana
2002 - English
Keywords: statistical analysis; solar radio bursts Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Statistical analysis of the high-frequency solar radio bursts

Mészárosová, Hana
Astronomický ústav, 2002

Long-term activity of the X-ray source QR And / RX J0019.8+2156
Šimon, Vojtěch; Sobotka, P.; Marek, P.; Lehký, M.; Šmelcer, L.; Lomoz, Fr.
2002 - English
QR And has been monitored in the framework of the observational campaing which started in 1998. The authors resolved prominent variations of the orbital modulation which depend on the state of the long-term activity of the system. Keywords: X-ray sources; circumstellar matter; cataclysmic variables Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Long-term activity of the X-ray source QR And / RX J0019.8+2156

QR And has been monitored in the framework of the observational campaing which started in 1998. The authors resolved prominent variations of the orbital modulation which depend on the state of the ...

Šimon, Vojtěch; Sobotka, P.; Marek, P.; Lehký, M.; Šmelcer, L.; Lomoz, Fr.
Astronomický ústav, 2002

Long-term variability of dwarf novae and soft X-ray transients
Šimon, Vojtěch
2002 - English
The results of analysis of Tc by the method of the O-C residuals is presented for a set of DN of various types and some SXTs. Keywords: X-ray sources; circumstellar matter; cataclysmic variables Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Long-term variability of dwarf novae and soft X-ray transients

The results of analysis of Tc by the method of the O-C residuals is presented for a set of DN of various types and some SXTs.

Šimon, Vojtěch
Astronomický ústav, 2002

Some aspects of meteor head echos occurrence during Leonids 2000 and 2001
Nováková, Drahomíra; Pecina, Petr
2002 - English
Keywords: head echoes; Leonids Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Some aspects of meteor head echos occurrence during Leonids 2000 and 2001

Nováková, Drahomíra; Pecina, Petr
Astronomický ústav, 2002

Spectroscopic study of omicron And
Budovičová, Andrea
2001 - English
Keywords: Be stars; o And; Be hvězdy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Spectroscopic study of omicron And

Budovičová, Andrea
Astronomický ústav, 2001

Formation of eccentric disks around black holes
Hadrava, Petr; Řezáč, R.; Oestgaard, E.
2001 - English
The formation and evolution of eccentric disks around black holes due to explosion of a companion on an eccetric orbit is modeled by means of exact general-relativistic N-particle treatment. It is shown that in spite of the generally accepted view that the debris must be quickly smeared out to a circular accretion disk. Keywords: black holes; accretion disks; eccentric rings Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Formation of eccentric disks around black holes

The formation and evolution of eccentric disks around black holes due to explosion of a companion on an eccetric orbit is modeled by means of exact general-relativistic N-particle treatment. It is ...

Hadrava, Petr; Řezáč, R.; Oestgaard, E.
Astronomický ústav, 2001

Hot emission-line stars after 134 years of study. A personal view of current problems
Harmanec, Petr
2001 - English
A brief review of current problems in the research of hot emission-line stars is presented. Special attention is paid to problems of reliable determination of basic physical properties of underlying stars and to possible role of duplicity in the whole phenomenon. Keywords: hot emission-line stars; binaries; spectral and light changes Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hot emission-line stars after 134 years of study. A personal view of current problems

A brief review of current problems in the research of hot emission-line stars is presented. Special attention is paid to problems of reliable determination of basic physical properties of underlying ...

Harmanec, Petr
Astronomický ústav, 2001

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