Počet nalezených dokumentů: 11
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Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work. Papers read at the international symposium held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his demise.
Vavřínek, Vladimír; Melichar, Petra; Čechová, Martina
2018 - anglický
The volume contains the presentations from the international conference Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work and the last unfinished work of the scholar, The Conflict between Sacerdotium and Imperium in the Middle Ages. East and West. Klíčová slova: Dvorník, Francis; life; work Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work. Papers read at the international symposium held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his demise.

The volume contains the presentations from the international conference Francis Dvorník - Scholar and His Work and the last unfinished work of the scholar, The Conflict between Sacerdotium and ...

Vavřínek, Vladimír; Melichar, Petra; Čechová, Martina
Slovanský ústav, 2018

Francis Dvorník - a World-Renowned Byzantinist
Vavřínek, Vladimír
2018 - anglický
Biographical medailon of the excellent and most famous Czech Byzantinist, professor of Charles University and later also of Harvard University msgre Francis Dvorník. Three major research topics he studied in the subsequent periods of his academic career are examined: his epoch-making monographs on the Christianization of the Slavs from Byzantium and, in particular, on the Cyrillo-Methodian mission written during his postgraduate studies in Paris and the following academic career in Prague, his revolutionary book on the Photian schism completed during his exile in England in the time of World War II, and his monumental work on the Early Christian and Byzantine political philosophy that he produced at Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies in Washington, DC. Besides his scientific work political activities of Professor Dvorník are described too, whether it was his co-operation with the Czechoslovak ministry of foreign affaires in the time between the wars or his support of various Czech cultural institutions in exile when he later lived in the US. Klíčová slova: Dvorník, František; Cyrillo-Methodiana; Dumbarton Oaks; the Photian Schism Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Francis Dvorník - a World-Renowned Byzantinist

Biographical medailon of the excellent and most famous Czech Byzantinist, professor of Charles University and later also of Harvard University msgre Francis Dvorník. Three major research topics he ...

Vavřínek, Vladimír
Slovanský ústav, 2018

Eternal be the Memory of our Lady: the Synodikon of Orthodoxy and the Piety of the Late Byzantine Empresses
Melichar, Petra
2017 - anglický
The study focuses on the fact that only nine out of fifteen late Byzantine empresses were confirmed by the Orthodox Church as Orthodox and their names were inscribed in the Synodikon of Orthodoxy (which among others contains a list of names of Byzantine rulers who died in Orthodoxy). The author inquires into the cases of empresses whose names were not included and suggests the reasons for their omission. The results of the study reveal the criteria of evaluation set by the representatives of the Orthodox Church for the official piety of empresses. Klíčová slova: empress; late Byzantium; Synodikon of Orthodoxy Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Eternal be the Memory of our Lady: the Synodikon of Orthodoxy and the Piety of the Late Byzantine Empresses

The study focuses on the fact that only nine out of fifteen late Byzantine empresses were confirmed by the Orthodox Church as Orthodox and their names were inscribed in the Synodikon of Orthodoxy ...

Melichar, Petra
Slovanský ústav, 2017

Interjections of Lamentation in Old Church Slavonic
Chromá, Martina
2015 - anglický
The paper deals with the interjections of lamentation in the Old Church Slavonic and their usage within the extant Old Church Slavonic monuments. Klíčová slova: Old Church Slavonic; Etymology; Interjections Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Interjections of Lamentation in Old Church Slavonic

The paper deals with the interjections of lamentation in the Old Church Slavonic and their usage within the extant Old Church Slavonic monuments.

Chromá, Martina
Slovanský ústav, 2015

Dobrowsky and the Slavonic Bible : a companion volume to the Proceedings of the International Conference Josef Dobrovský. Fundator Studiorum Slavicorum. Prague, 10th - 13th June, 2003
Thomson, Francis J.
2004 - anglický
Francis J. Thomson elaborated his paper on Dobrovský's studies dealing with the Slavonic translation of the Bible in a monograph that is publisched as a separate companion volume to the Proceedings of the Conference. It is an exhaustive survey of the development of the research in this field from very first attempts to analyse this issue till the present time in which the author has shown the lasting validity of the findings reached by Dobrovský two centuries ago. Francis J. Thomson rozpracoval svou přednášku věnovanou Dobrovského biblickým studiím se zřetelem na slovanský překlad bible v samostatnou monografii. Jde o vyčerpávající přehled vývoje bádání v této oblasti od prvních pokusů řešit tuto otázku až do současnosti, v němž jeho autor ukazuje trvající platnost některých zjištění, k nimž Dobrovský dospěl. Klíčová slova: Bible; Slavonic translation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Dobrowsky and the Slavonic Bible : a companion volume to the Proceedings of the International Conference Josef Dobrovský. Fundator Studiorum Slavicorum. Prague, 10th - 13th June, 2003

Francis J. Thomson elaborated his paper on Dobrovský's studies dealing with the Slavonic translation of the Bible in a monograph that is publisched as a separate companion volume to the Proceedings of ...

Thomson, Francis J.
Slovanský ústav, 2004

Roman Jakobson and the Czech Literatury Comparative Studies (Linguistic Poetics as Starting Point of the Conception of Structural History of Literatury)
Zelenka, Miloš
2002 - anglický
Klíčová slova: Jakobson Roman; Comparative Studies; philology; literární komparatistika Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Roman Jakobson and the Czech Literatury Comparative Studies (Linguistic Poetics as Starting Point of the Conception of Structural History of Literatury)

Zelenka, Miloš
Slovanský ústav, 2002

Contemporary Czech Slavonic Studies at the Crossroads
Pospíšil, Ivo
2000 - anglický
The author of the article describes the situation of the Czech Slavonic studies stressing the orientation on comparative and genre studies. He also mentions the impact of social sciences and the long tradition going back to the beginning of the 19th century which may become the basis of the "New Philology" analysed by contemporary American researchers. Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Contemporary Czech Slavonic Studies at the Crossroads

The author of the article describes the situation of the Czech Slavonic studies stressing the orientation on comparative and genre studies. He also mentions the impact of social sciences and the long ...

Pospíšil, Ivo
Slovanský ústav, 2000

Current State and Further Perspectives of Slavonic Studies in Central Europe. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Prague 11th - 12th November 1998
Vavřínek, Vladimír
2000 - anglický
Proceedings of the international workshop of Slavonic scholars from Central European countries organized in Prague on the initiative of the Slavonic Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Central European Iniversity in Budapest. The publicationcontains reports on the present state of Slavonic studies in the respective countries in thearea and proposal of various research projects desirable to be realiyed within the framework of international cooperation. Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Current State and Further Perspectives of Slavonic Studies in Central Europe. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Prague 11th - 12th November 1998

Proceedings of the international workshop of Slavonic scholars from Central European countries organized in Prague on the initiative of the Slavonic Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the ...

Vavřínek, Vladimír
Slovanský ústav, 2000

Ferdinand de Saussure and the Prague School
Leška, Oldřich
1993 - anglický
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Ferdinand de Saussure and the Prague School

Leška, Oldřich
Slovanský ústav, 1993

Byzantium and Its Neighbours from the mid-9th till the 12t h Centuries
Vavřínek, Vladimír
1993 - anglický
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Byzantium and Its Neighbours from the mid-9th till the 12t h Centuries

Vavřínek, Vladimír
Slovanský ústav, 1993

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