Number of found documents: 492
Published from to

Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BDČZ). Poster on Seminář o digitálních zdrojích a službách ve společenských a humanitních vědách, Prague, 24. 9. 2015.
Hanelová, Věra; Horčáková, Václava; Rexová, Kristina
2015 - English
The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a large infrastructure dedicated to creating, \nprocessing and evaluation of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature related to the Czech \nStudies. It is a continuation of the project of field (historical) bibliography which has been running in \nthe Czech Lands since 1905. Nowadays, modern methods have been applied to our day-to-day activi-\nties. The bibliography remains an essential information source for historical sciences and their related \nfields (archeology, ethnology, law science, literary studies, conservation, historical geography and car-\ntography, historical onomastics and toponomastics, historical demography etc.). Keywords: Historical bibliography; Historiography; Large infrastructue Available in a digital repository NRGL
Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BDČZ). Poster on Seminář o digitálních zdrojích a službách ve společenských a humanitních vědách, Prague, 24. 9. 2015.

The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a large infrastructure dedicated to creating, \nprocessing and evaluation of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature related to the ...

Hanelová, Věra; Horčáková, Václava; Rexová, Kristina
Historický ústav, 2015

Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BHCL)
Horčáková, Václava
2015 - Czech
This article summarizes the history, goals and current status of the project Bibliography of the History of Czech Lands, which in 2010 was classified as a priority project within the social sciences and humanities in the Roadmap of the large infrastructures. Článek shrnue dějiny, cíle a současný stav projektu Bibliografie dějin Českých zemí, který byl v roce 2010 zařazen jako prioritní projekt v rámci společenských a humanitních věd v Cestovní mapě ČR velkých infrastruktur. Keywords: Historical Bibliography; project; database Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BHCL)

This article summarizes the history, goals and current status of the project Bibliography of the History of Czech Lands, which in 2010 was classified as a priority project within the social sciences ...

Horčáková, Václava
Historický ústav, 2015

The Marmaggi affair as a crystallization point of conflict between Rome and the Czechoslovak government in church-political contexts
Šebek, Jaroslav
2015 - Czech
This study analyses the role of tradition of Jan Hus and the Hussite movement in interwar Czechoslovakia and especially the conflict Czechoslovak government with Holy See, which related to Hus celebrations in 1925. Studie analyzuje roli tradice Jana Husa a husitského hnutí v meziválečném Československu a především konflikt mezi československou vládou a Svatým stolcem, který se týkal Husových oslav v roce 1925. Keywords: Jan Hus; papacy; Czechoslovak-Vatican relations Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Marmaggi affair as a crystallization point of conflict between Rome and the Czechoslovak government in church-political contexts

This study analyses the role of tradition of Jan Hus and the Hussite movement in interwar Czechoslovakia and especially the conflict Czechoslovak government with Holy See, which related to Hus ...

Šebek, Jaroslav
Historický ústav, 2015

Methodology of processing the card indices of past scholars, with special regard to the work of the historian August Sedláček
Doležalová, Eva; Šimůnek, Robert; Čiperová, O.; Psohlavec, T.
2015 - Czech
The methodology was created for the processing of card indices of past scholars, especially those containing topographical and prosopographical (genealogical) entries. The content of the card indices shall be processed in the way enabling the entries to be sorted according to various criteria and linked to other electronic sources. The digitised (scanned) images of the original cards are also stored. Byla vytvořena metodika pro zpracování kartoték badatelů minulosti, které obsahují zejména topografické a prosopografické (genealogické) údaje. Obsah kartoték je zpracováván tak, aby bylo možné informace třídit podle různých kritérií a dále je napojovat na další elektronické informační zdroje. Zároveň je uchováván digitalizovaný obraz původního kartotéčního lístku. Keywords: digitisation; card indices; history; topography; genealogy; prosopography; August Sedláček Available in a digital repository NRGL
Methodology of processing the card indices of past scholars, with special regard to the work of the historian August Sedláček

The methodology was created for the processing of card indices of past scholars, especially those containing topographical and prosopographical (genealogical) entries. The content of the card indices ...

Doležalová, Eva; Šimůnek, Robert; Čiperová, O.; Psohlavec, T.
Historický ústav, 2015

Voda jako součást poutní tradice - malý příspěvek k problematice "posvátné vody" na jižní Moravě
Černušák, Tomáš
2015 - Czech
Keywords: water; pilgrimage; Moravia Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Voda jako součást poutní tradice - malý příspěvek k problematice "posvátné vody" na jižní Moravě

Černušák, Tomáš
Historický ústav, 2015

Possibilities of Electronic Processing of Early Modern Age Sources on Religious Orders and Their Interdisciplinary Use
Bobková, Kateřina; Kuchařová, Hedvika
2015 - Czech
The paper deals with possibilities of evidence of early modern age sources from the religious orders milieu and processing informations from them in a database environment. Příspěvek se zabývá možnostmi evidence raněnovověkých pramenů řádové proveniece a zpracování informací z nich v databázovém prostředí. Keywords: digital humananities; description of manuscripts; monastic orders; early modern age; databases Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Possibilities of Electronic Processing of Early Modern Age Sources on Religious Orders and Their Interdisciplinary Use

The paper deals with possibilities of evidence of early modern age sources from the religious orders milieu and processing informations from them in a database environment.

Bobková, Kateřina; Kuchařová, Hedvika
Historický ústav, 2015

Czechoslovak Foreign Policy in 1942. Volume 2 (1. 8. – 31. 12. 1942)
Němeček, Jan; Kuklík, J.; Jedličková, Blanka; Němečková, D.
2015 - Czech
Second volume of third tome from the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains documents from August to December 1942. Druhý svazek třetího dílu z projektu Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky přináší dokumenty od srpna do prosince 1942. Keywords: documents; foreign policy; resistance abroad Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czechoslovak Foreign Policy in 1942. Volume 2 (1. 8. – 31. 12. 1942)

Second volume of third tome from the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains documents from August to December 1942.

Němeček, Jan; Kuklík, J.; Jedličková, Blanka; Němečková, D.
Historický ústav, 2015

Czechoslovak Foreign Policy by the End of the War 1945 (1. 1. – 16. 5. 1945)
Němeček, Jan; Kuklík, J.; Jedličková, Blanka; Němečková, D.
2015 - Czech
Last tome “war series” of the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains 209 documents from January to May 1945. The documents concentrate mainly liberation of Czechoslovakia by Allies, return of Czechoslovak Government home, German massacres in occupied Czechoslovakia, also the establishment of Czechoslovak State Administration on liberated territory, English abstracts and another question. Documents are published including introduction, list of published documents and also nominal register. Poslední díl „válečné řady“ projektu Dokumenty československé zahraniční politiky přináší 209 dokumentů od ledna do května 1945, které dokumentují zejména osvobození Československa spojenci, návrat československé vlády do vlasti, německé masakry v okupovaném Československu, formování československého státního zřízení na osvobozeném území a další otázky. Dokumenty jsou publikovány včetně úvodu, seznamu publikovaných dokumentů, anglických regest a také jmenného rejstříku. Keywords: documents; foreign policy; resistance abroad Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czechoslovak Foreign Policy by the End of the War 1945 (1. 1. – 16. 5. 1945)

Last tome “war series” of the project on Documents on Czechoslovak Foreign Policy contains 209 documents from January to May 1945. The documents concentrate mainly liberation of Czechoslovakia by ...

Němeček, Jan; Kuklík, J.; Jedličková, Blanka; Němečková, D.
Historický ústav, 2015

Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BDČZ). Poster for a seminar on digital resources and services in the social sciences and humanities, Prague, 24. 9. 2015.
Hanelová, Věra; Horčáková, Václava; Rexová, Kristina
2015 - Czech
The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a large infrastructure dedicated to creating, \nprocessing and evaluation of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature related to the Czech \nStudies. It is a continuation of the project of field (historical) bibliography which has been running in \nthe Czech Lands since 1905. Nowadays, modern methods have been applied to our day-to-day activi-\nties. The bibliography remains an essential information source for historical sciences and their related \nfields (archeology, ethnology, law science, literary studies, conservation, historical geography and car-\ntography, historical onomastics and toponomastics, historical demography etc.). BDCZ – Bibliografie dějin Českých zemí je velká infrastruktura zaměřená na vytváření,\nzpracování a vyhodnocování komplexní bibliografické databáze bohemikální literatury.\nJe pokračováním projektu oborové (historické) bibliografie nepřetržitě trvajícího\nv Českých zemích již od roku 1905. Moderními metodami navazuje na tyto činnosti\na patří k základním informačním zdrojům pro historické vědy a příbuzné obory (archeologie,\netnologie, právní věda, literární věda, památková péče, historická geografie\na kartografie, historická onomastika a toponomastika, historická demografie e atd.). Keywords: Historical bibliography; Historiography; Large infrastructue Available in a digital repository NRGL
Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands (BDČZ). Poster for a seminar on digital resources and services in the social sciences and humanities, Prague, 24. 9. 2015.

The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a large infrastructure dedicated to creating, \nprocessing and evaluation of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature related to the ...

Hanelová, Věra; Horčáková, Václava; Rexová, Kristina
Historický ústav, 2015

Information system for easy access of the First Military Survey
Pacina, J.; Chodějovská, Eva; Popelka, J.
2014 - English
The First Military Survey is a unique collection of maps and descriptive information covering the whole former Austrian monarchy dating back to 1760s-1780s. The First Military Survey contains of both cartographic and textual material. The description of landscape according to the individual sections of the 1:28 800 map was carried out simultaneously with the map. The texts in every section are strictly structured into description of municipalities, “Extract” where the entire region is summarized by subjects and index of places. The aim of this project is to turn this comprehensive cartographic work into a digital library offering the user all the information contained in the original work in a comfort internet environment. The old maps are carefully georeferenced into a seamless map and the descriptive information is processed into a database. The resulting information system will be available in Czech and German as all the texts are being carefully translated. Keywords: First Military Survey; Bohemia, XVIII century; cartography; scientific edition; information system Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Information system for easy access of the First Military Survey

The First Military Survey is a unique collection of maps and descriptive information covering the whole former Austrian monarchy dating back to 1760s-1780s. The First Military Survey contains of both ...

Pacina, J.; Chodějovská, Eva; Popelka, J.
Historický ústav, 2014

About project

NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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