Number of found documents: 73743
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Meenal Agnihotri: Zpěvaččina zkušenost s transmisí hindustánské klasické hudby v transnacionálním kontextu
Gucká, Martina; Seidlová, Veronika; Poděbradský, Oldřich
2024 - English
Keywords: Ethnomusicology; Ethnography; Digital; Indian; Classical; Music; Ethnomusicology; Ethnography; Digital; Indian; Classical; Music Available in a digital repository NRGL
Meenal Agnihotri: Zpěvaččina zkušenost s transmisí hindustánské klasické hudby v transnacionálním kontextu

Gucká, Martina; Seidlová, Veronika; Poděbradský, Oldřich
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

Water tourists in Čelákovice in the so-called normalization period in an oral history perspective
Fridrichová, Martina; Wohlmuth Markupová, Jana; Franc, Martin
2024 - Czech
Available in a digital repository NRGL
Water tourists in Čelákovice in the so-called normalization period in an oral history perspective

Fridrichová, Martina; Wohlmuth Markupová, Jana; Franc, Martin
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

The opening of the borders in the 1989 and the first trips abroad in the memorial reflection of the inhabitants of Zlín.
Jasenská, Nikol; Krátká, Lenka; Štemberk, Jan
2024 - Czech
Keywords: orální historie; cestování; socialismus; hranice; oral history; travelling; socialism; borders Available in a digital repository NRGL
The opening of the borders in the 1989 and the first trips abroad in the memorial reflection of the inhabitants of Zlín.

Jasenská, Nikol; Krátká, Lenka; Štemberk, Jan
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

The history of the Sokol Poruba sports club and its players. Against the back drop of the history of international handball in the Czech Republic
Piatková, Lucie; Soukupová, Blanka; Šalanda, Bohuslav
2024 - Czech
Keywords: Ostrava; historie házené; TJ Sokol Poruba; rozhovor; vzpomínky; Ostrava; history of hanfball; TJ Sokol Poruba; interview; memories Available in a digital repository NRGL
The history of the Sokol Poruba sports club and its players. Against the back drop of the history of international handball in the Czech Republic

Piatková, Lucie; Soukupová, Blanka; Šalanda, Bohuslav
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

The Foreigner in Bureaucratic Frameworks of the National State: an Example of Local Workplace
Dušková, Barbora; Bittnerová, Dana; Terry, Zuzana
2024 - Czech
Keywords: národní stát; migrace; migrant; cizinec; byrokracie; fronta; ekonomika času; nation state; migration; migrant; foreigner; bureaucracy; queue; time economy Available in a digital repository NRGL
The Foreigner in Bureaucratic Frameworks of the National State: an Example of Local Workplace

Dušková, Barbora; Bittnerová, Dana; Terry, Zuzana
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

"For a beer after work and then going by train home". Etnography of a station pub.
Konopíková, Jana; Novotná, Hedvika; Bittnerová, Dana
2024 - Czech
Keywords: nádražka; nádražní restaurace; uzel; sociální instituce; hospoda; železniční nádraží; cesta; cestující,štamgast; station pub; station restaurant; node; social institution; pub; railway station; path; passenger,local Available in a digital repository NRGL
"For a beer after work and then going by train home". Etnography of a station pub.

Konopíková, Jana; Novotná, Hedvika; Bittnerová, Dana
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

Comparison of Vampire Characters in 19th Century English Literature
Adamírová, Anna; Zika, Richard; Petříčková, Taťána
2024 - Czech
Keywords: upír; literatura; Polidori; le Fanu; Stoker; vampire; literature; Polidori; le Fanu; Stoker Available in a digital repository NRGL
Comparison of Vampire Characters in 19th Century English Literature

Adamírová, Anna; Zika, Richard; Petříčková, Taťána
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

Novel Molecular Materials for Optics - Synthesis and Characterization of 5-aminotetrazole Salts
Pospíšil, Stanislav; Zábranský, Martin; Tyrpekl, Václav
2024 - Czech
Název práce: Nové molekulární materiály pro optické aplikace - syntéza a stu- dium solí 5-aminotetrazolu Autor: Stanislav Pospíöil Katedra: Katedra anorganické chemie Vedoucí bakalá ské práce: Mgr. Martin Zábransk˝, Ph.D., Katedra anorga- nické chemie Konzultanti: Prof. RNDr. Ivan N mec, Ph.D., RNDr. Irena Matulková, Ph.D. Abstrakt: Nelineární optika je v sou asnosti d leûit˝m oborem pro rozvoj oblastí jako je nap íklad laserová fyzika nebo telekomunikace, jejíû pochopení je zásad- ní pro v˝voj nov˝ch technologií. K jejímu rozvoji m ûe napomoci i zkoumání vybran˝ch krystalick˝ch materiál , jako jsou nap íklad soli obsahující kationty a anionty odvozené od polarizovateln˝ch organick˝ch molekul, které mohou vykazo- vat zásadní vlastnosti pro nelineární optiku. Tato bakalá ská práce je na p ípravu krystalick˝ch forem t chto slou enin zam ena. Jedná se o soli 5-aminotetrazolu s jednoduch˝mi, na dusík bohat˝mi bázemi. Biguanidium 5-aminotetrazolát, gua- nidinium 5-aminotetrazolát a aminoguanidinium 5-aminotetrazolát byly p ipra- veny a dále charakterizovány. Na tyto slou eniny, jiû d íve popsané v literatu e, byly aplikovány metody vibra ní spektroskopie dopln né o nukleární magnetic- kou rezonanci a práökovou difrakci. Pro dv posledn jmenované soli, byla nov vy eöena jejich struktura z dat difrakce rtg. zá ení... Title: Novel Molecular Materials for Optics - Synthesis and Characterization of 5-aminotetrazole Salts Author: Stanislav Pospíöil Department: Department of Inorganic Chemistry Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Zábransk˝, Ph.D., Department of Inorganic Chemistry Advisors: Prof. RNDr. Ivan N mec, Ph.D., RNDr. Irena Matulková, Ph.D., De- partment of Inorganic Chemistry Abstract: Nonlinear optics is currently an important field for the development of areas such as laser physics or telecommunications, and its understanding is essen- tial for development of new technologies. Its development can also be aided by the investigation of various crystalline materials, such as salts containing cations and anions derived from polarizable organic molecules, exhibiting essential properties for nonlinear optics. This bachelor thesis is focused on preparation of crystalline forms of these compounds. These are salts of simple, nitrogen-rich bases with 5- aminotetrazole. Bigunidium 5-aminotetrazolate, guanidinium 5-aminotetrazolate and aminoguanidium 5-aminotetrazolate were prepared and further characteri- zed. The structures of the latter salts were solved from X-ray di raction data. The methods of spectral vibrational analysis supplemented with nuclear magne- tic resonance and powder di raction were applied to these prepared compounds.... Keywords: nelineární optika; krystalová struktura; vibrační spektroskopie; nonlinear optics; crystal structure; vibrational spectroscopy Available in a digital repository NRGL
Novel Molecular Materials for Optics - Synthesis and Characterization of 5-aminotetrazole Salts

Název práce: Nové molekulární materiály pro optické aplikace - syntéza a stu- dium solí 5-aminotetrazolu Autor: Stanislav Pospíöil Katedra: Katedra anorganické chemie Vedoucí bakalá ské práce: Mgr. ...

Pospíšil, Stanislav; Zábranský, Martin; Tyrpekl, Václav
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

Mortality in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien
Rajmont, Matěj; Zika, Richard; Holeček, Tomáš
2024 - Czech
Keywords: Tolkien; smrtelnost; nesmrtelnost; stvoření; křesťanství; krása; zlo; lidské bytí; láska; Tolkien; mortality; immortality; creation; Christianity; beauty; evil; human existence; love Available in a digital repository NRGL
Mortality in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien

Rajmont, Matěj; Zika, Richard; Holeček, Tomáš
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

Th Progressive-regressive analysis of J. P. Sartre
Pražák, Jiří; Chavalka, Jakub; Zika, Richard
2024 - Czech
Available in a digital repository NRGL
Th Progressive-regressive analysis of J. P. Sartre

Pražák, Jiří; Chavalka, Jakub; Zika, Richard
Univerzita Karlova, 2024

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