Number of found documents: 1149
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Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 2nd phase – Decline
Waclawik, Petr; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Georgiou, Lucie
2022 - English
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS38 and CIS39) within the projected Decline in lithium exploratory area was carried out on the basis of optical (OPTV) and acoustic televiewer (HiRAT) records evaluation. HiRAT and OPTV probes are part of the Robertson Geologging logging equipment. The apparatus has an electric winch with a four core logging cable, which transmits the data recorded by the probes via a data logger to a computer. The spatial data obtained from interpretation of the geotechnical boreholes records were structurally analysed. The submitted research report comprehensively summarises the findings obtained from the structural mapping of geotechnical boreholes. On the basis measured data the rock mass quality evaluation of boreholes walls were additionally done. The complex data have been allowed very precise analysis of rock mass structural conditions, which are necessary for design of opening mine working. Keywords: geotechnical boreholes; structural mapping; geotechnics Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 2nd phase – Decline

Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS38 and CIS39) within the projected Decline in lithium exploratory area was carried out on the ...

Waclawik, Petr; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Georgiou, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Convergence measurement of CSM Sever vent shaft and mining work No. 292291 on 3rd floor in connection with the mining of the face No. 292 200/2 using 3D terrestrial laser scanner technology
Kajzar, Vlastimil; Koníček, Petr
2022 - Czech
On the basis of a contract, the Institute of Geonics of the CAS realized repeated convergence measurement of selected part of the mining works in order to capture spatio-temporal and dynamic changes in connection with the mining of longwall face No. 292 200/2. The subject of the use of terrestrial laser scanning technology was to capture the current spatial situation of of the approximately 200 m long section of corridor No. 29229. Furthermore, the spatial state of vent pit on the 3rd floor of the CSM Sever mine and its adjacent surroundings was also a subject of interest. The project here continuously follows on from the previous long-term monitoring carried out as part of contractual research with OKD, a. s. in 2020-2021 - Convergence measurement of CSM Sever vent shaft and adjacent surroundings on 3rd floor using 3D terrestrial laser scanner technology.\n Na základě smlouvy o dílo realizoval Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. opakované zaměření konvergencí definovaných částí vybraných důlních děl za účelem zachycení časoprostorových a dynamických změn v souvislosti s dobývání porubu 292 200/2. Předmětem nasazení technologie pozemního laserového skenování bylo zachycení aktuální prostorové situace přibližně 200 m dlouhého úseku chodby 292291. Dále byla předmětem zájmu prostorová situace 3. patra výdušné jámy ČSM Sever a jejího přilehlého okolí. Projekt zde kontinuálně navazuje na předchozí dlouhodobý monitoring realizovaný v rámci smluvního výzkumu s OKD, a. s. v letech 2020-2021 - Měření konvergencí pomocí 3D pozemního laserového skenování výdušné jámy ČSM Sever a přilehlého okolí na 3. patře. Keywords: repeated convergence measurement; spatio-temporal and dynamic changes; vent pit; 3D terrestrial laser scaner Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Convergence measurement of CSM Sever vent shaft and mining work No. 292291 on 3rd floor in connection with the mining of the face No. 292 200/2 using 3D terrestrial laser scanner technology

On the basis of a contract, the Institute of Geonics of the CAS realized repeated convergence measurement of selected part of the mining works in order to capture spatio-temporal and dynamic changes ...

Kajzar, Vlastimil; Koníček, Petr
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - Interim report III
Kajzar, Vlastimil
2022 - Czech
Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation underground. At the same time, this eliminates the need to maintain the currently determined level of mine water in the already attenuated part of the Ostrava-Karviná district (OKR), i.e. in the Ostrava (ODP) and Petřvald (PDP) parts of the OKR, which are now ensured by the Jeremenko (ODP) and Žofie (PDP) water shafts. After the end of all activities in the OKR underground, the process of flooding of the abandoned mine could be started. The aim of this work is to determine the possible risks caused by geomechanical and rheological changes in the rock massif disturbed by mining activity and, above all, the associated possible risks of affecting the earth's surface.\n Útlum zbylých, dosud činných dolů OKD, a.s. bude znamenat zánik primárního důvodu čerpání důlních vod z dolů, kterým je zajištění bezpečnosti práce a provozu v podzemí. Zároveň se tím eliminuje potřeba udržování v současnosti stanovené hladiny důlních vod v již utlumené části ostravsko-karvinského revíru (OKR), tedy v ostravské (ODP) a petřvaldské (PDP) části OKR, kterou nyní zajišťují vodní jámy Jeremenko (ODP) a Žofie (PDP). Po ukončení veškerých aktivit v podzemí OKR by tak mohl být spuštěn proces zatápění opuštěných důlních prostor. Cílem této práce je stanovit možná rizika způsobená geomechanickými a reologickými změnami v horninovém masívu, porušeném hornickou činností a především s tím spojená možná rizika ovlivnění zemského povrchu. Keywords: risks of the terrain surface influencing; geomechanical changes; flooding of the mining environment Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - Interim report III

Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation ...

Kajzar, Vlastimil
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - Interim report II
Kajzar, Vlastimil
2022 - Czech
Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation underground. At the same time, this eliminates the need to maintain the currently determined level of mine water in the already attenuated part of the Ostrava-Karviná district (OKR), i.e. in the Ostrava (ODP) and Petřvald (PDP) parts of the OKR, which are now ensured by the Jeremenko (ODP) and Žofie (PDP) water shafts. After the end of all activities in the OKR underground, the process of flooding of the abandoned mine could be started. The aim of this work is to determine the possible risks caused by geomechanical and rheological changes in the rock massif disturbed by mining activity and, above all, the associated possible risks of affecting the earth's surface. Útlum zbylých, dosud činných dolů OKD, a.s. bude znamenat zánik primárního důvodu čerpání důlních vod z dolů, kterým je zajištění bezpečnosti práce a provozu v podzemí. Zároveň se tím eliminuje potřeba udržování v současnosti stanovené hladiny důlních vod v již utlumené části ostravsko-karvinského revíru (OKR), tedy v ostravské (ODP) a petřvaldské (PDP) části OKR, kterou nyní zajišťují vodní jámy Jeremenko (ODP) a Žofie (PDP). Po ukončení veškerých aktivit v podzemí OKR by tak mohl být spuštěn proces zatápění opuštěných důlních prostor. Cílem této práce je stanovit možná rizika způsobená geomechanickými a reologickými změnami v horninovém masívu, porušeném hornickou činností a především s tím spojená možná rizika ovlivnění zemského povrchu. Keywords: risks of the terrain surface influencing; geomechanical changes; flooding of the mining environment Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of the risks of the terrain surface influencing from the point of view of geomechanical changes of the rock massif due to the flooding of the mining environment of the Ostrava and Petřvald sub-basins of the OKR by mine water - Interim report II

Attenuation of the remaining, still active mines of OKD company will mean the end of the primary reason for pumping mine water from mines, which is to ensure the safety of work and operation ...

Kajzar, Vlastimil
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Methodological guide for sampling to determine the presence of asbestos fibres in rocks
Vavro, Leona; Vavro, Martin; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Daněk, T.; Drozdová, J.; Raclavský, K.; Kubina, Lukáš
2022 - Czech
The content of the presented methodical procedure is guidance on a uniform method of sampling rocks and natural crushed aggregate potentially containing asbestiform particles. The created sampling procedure represents the first methodical document that deals with the issue of naturally occurring asbestos in rocks and aggregates within the Czech Republic. Náplní předkládaného metodického postupu je návod jednotného způsobu odběru vzorků hornin a přírodního drceného kameniva potencionálně obsahujících azbestiformní částice. Vytvořený postup odběru vzorků představuje první metodický dokument, který se v rámci České republiky zabývá problematikou přirozeně se vyskytujících azbestů v horninách a v kamenivu. Keywords: naturally occuring asbestos; rocks; aggregate; sampling Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Methodological guide for sampling to determine the presence of asbestos fibres in rocks

The content of the presented methodical procedure is guidance on a uniform method of sampling rocks and natural crushed aggregate potentially containing asbestiform particles. The created sampling ...

Vavro, Leona; Vavro, Martin; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Daněk, T.; Drozdová, J.; Raclavský, K.; Kubina, Lukáš
Ústav geoniky, 2022

3D scanning of chambers BK1 and BK2 of the Flaschar mine - monitoring of deformation changes
Kukutsch, Radovan; Waclawik, Petr
2022 - Czech
The research report evaluates the results of 3D laser scanning of chambers BK1, BK2 of the “Flascharův důl” slate mine. The purpose of the scan was to repeatedly scan the critical places of this mine. Výzkumná zpráva hodnotí výsledky 3D laserového skenování komor BK1, BK2 břidlicového dolu Flascharův důl. Účelem skenování bylo opakované skenování kritických míst tohoto dolu. Keywords: 3D laser scanning; TLS; slate mine Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
3D scanning of chambers BK1 and BK2 of the Flaschar mine - monitoring of deformation changes

The research report evaluates the results of 3D laser scanning of chambers BK1, BK2 of the “Flascharův důl” slate mine. The purpose of the scan was to repeatedly scan the critical places of this ...

Kukutsch, Radovan; Waclawik, Petr
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Seismic loading of Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2022 and chamber K1 stability observing
Kaláb, Zdeněk; Rösnerová, Markéta; Kaláb, Tomáš
2022 - Czech
This research report describes results of seismological monitorning in the Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2022. Main results from monitoring of geotechnical parameters using distributed measurement system are briefly presented, namely stability of chamber K1 and movement of mine water level in long time period. Výzkumná zpráva popisuje výsledky seismologického monitoringu v Dole Jeroným v Čisté v roce 2022. Stručně jsou komentovány také hlavní výsledky monitorování geotechnických parametrů v podzemních prostorách pomocí distribuovaného měřicího systému, jmenovitě stabilita komory K1 a pohyb hladiny důlních vod v delším časovém období. Keywords: seismic loading; distributed measurement system; mining water; Jeroným Mine Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Seismic loading of Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2022 and chamber K1 stability observing

This research report describes results of seismological monitorning in the Jeroným Mine near Čistá in 2022. Main results from monitoring of geotechnical parameters using distributed measurement system ...

Kaláb, Zdeněk; Rösnerová, Markéta; Kaláb, Tomáš
Ústav geoniky, 2022

The application of elastic-plastic models in estimating damage zones caused by blasting of deep tunnels
Sysala, Stanislav
2022 - Czech
The paper deals with the continuous modelling of damage zones caused by excavation of tunnels and boreholes in connection with deep repository of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline rocks. For simplicity, elastic and elastic-plastic modelling approaches based on Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown failure criteria are presented and compared. For the implementation, proper codes were created in Matlab and Python with innovative elements. Příspěvek se věnuje kontinuálnímu modelování zón poškození způsobených ražbou tunelů a vrtů v souvislosti s problematikou hlubinného ukládání vyhořelého jaderného paliva v krystalických\nhorninách. Pro jednoduchost jsou uvažovány a porovnávány pružné a pružně-plastické přístupy k modelování na základě Mohr-Coulombova nebo Hoek-Brownova kritéria poškození. Pro implementaci byly vytvořeny vlastní kódy v Matlabu a Pythonu s inovativními prvky. Keywords: stability of deep tunnels; EDZ zones; elasticity; plasticity; finite element method Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
The application of elastic-plastic models in estimating damage zones caused by blasting of deep tunnels

The paper deals with the continuous modelling of damage zones caused by excavation of tunnels and boreholes in connection with deep repository of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline rocks. For ...

Sysala, Stanislav
Ústav geoniky, 2022

Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 1st phase – Ore Zone
Waclawik, Petr; Vavro, Martin; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Staš, Lubomír; Souček, Kamil; Georgiou, Lucie
2021 - English
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS12, CIS14, CIS31 and CIS37) within the Ore Zone lithium exploratory area was carried out on the basis of optical (OPTV) and acoustic televiewer (HiRAT) records evaluation. HiRAT and OPTV probes are part of the Robertson Geologging logging equipment. The apparatus has an electric winch with a four-core logging cable, which transmits the data recorded by the probes via a data logger to a computer. The spatial data obtained from interpretation of the geotechnical boreholes records were structurally analysed. The submitted research report comprehensively summarises the findings obtained from the structural mapping of geotechnical boreholes. On the basis measured data the rock mass quality evaluation of boreholes walls were additionally done. The complex data have been allowed very precise analysis of rock mass structural conditions, which are necessary for construction geomechanical model. Keywords: geotechnical boreholes; structural mapping; rock mass quality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural mapping of exploration geotechnical boreholes walls within 1st phase – Ore Zone

Structural-geological analysis, i.e. fracturing assessment of the walls of geotechnical boreholes (CIS12, CIS14, CIS31 and CIS37) within the Ore Zone lithium exploratory area was carried out on the ...

Waclawik, Petr; Vavro, Martin; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Staš, Lubomír; Souček, Kamil; Georgiou, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2021

Convergence measurement of the vent shaft on the 3rd floor during the mining of coalface No. 292 200/4
Koníček, Petr; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Kukutsch, Radovan; Staš, Lubomír
2021 - Czech
On the basis of a contract, the Institute of Geonics of the CAS realized repeated convergence measurement of selected part of the mining roads and appropriate part of vent shaft on the 3rd floor in the vicinity of the ČSM Sever vent shaft. The main reason was to capture spatio-temporal and dynamic changes in relation to the mining of the coalface No. 200 200/4. A section of the embankment of the 3rd floor of the vent shaft was selected for the convergence measurement. The work can be divided into 3 separate tasks - terrestrial laser scanning of the vent shaft from level of the 3rd floor, pilot laser scanning of the vent shaft from the skip elevator and evaluation of seismological activity registered during the mining of the coalface No. 292 200/4. Na základě uzavřené smlouvy o dílo realizoval Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. opakované zaměření konvergencí vybrané části překopu na 3. patře v okolí výdušné jámy ČSM Sever za účelem zachycení časoprostorových a dynamických změn v souvislosti s dobývání porubu 292 200/4. Pro měření konvergencí byl vybrán úsek náraží 3. patra výdušné jámy. Práce na díle je možné rozdělit 3 samostatné části - pozemní laserové skenování výdušné jámy z úrovně 3. patra, pilotní laserové skenování výdušné jámy z podvěsu skipové nádoby a hodnocení seizmologické aktivity registrované při dobývání porubu 292 200/4. Keywords: convergence measurement; spatio-temporal and dynamic changes; laser scanning; evaluation of seismological activity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Convergence measurement of the vent shaft on the 3rd floor during the mining of coalface No. 292 200/4

On the basis of a contract, the Institute of Geonics of the CAS realized repeated convergence measurement of selected part of the mining roads and appropriate part of vent shaft on the 3rd floor in ...

Koníček, Petr; Kajzar, Vlastimil; Kukutsch, Radovan; Staš, Lubomír
Ústav geoniky, 2021

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