Počet nalezených dokumentů: 1574
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Automatizovaný softwarový systém pro logopedickou terapii
Paroubková, M.; Bílková, Zuzana; Novozámský, Adam; Dominec, A.; Zitová, Barbara
2018 - český
Představení automatizovaného softwarového systému pro logopedickou terapii dětí i dospělých (Assistl). Introduction of an automated software system for speech therapy of children and adults (Assistl). Klíčová slova: speech therapy; tongue; motor speech disorders Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Automatizovaný softwarový systém pro logopedickou terapii

Představení automatizovaného softwarového systému pro logopedickou terapii dětí i dospělých (Assistl)....

Paroubková, M.; Bílková, Zuzana; Novozámský, Adam; Dominec, A.; Zitová, Barbara
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Adaptace programového vybavení pro hodnocení radiologických důsledků mimořádných úniků radionuklidů ze skladů vyhořelého jaderného paliva
Pecha, Petr; Pechová, E.
2018 - český
Revize implicitní grupy radionuklidů a rozšíření o typické postulované mimořádné úniky ze skladů vyhořelého paliva. bylo provedeno rozšíření databáze radionuklidů systému HARP o další nejdůležitější dlouhodobé radionuklidy. V zásadě se jednalo o výběr štěpných a aktivačních produktů a dále o transurany ze skupiny aktinidů. Jsou konstatovány velké neurčitosti v odhadech zdrojových členů úniku pro případy vyhořelého paliva. Je provedeno vzájemné srovnání pro obálkové scénáře s výsledky evropského environmentálního kódu COSYMA pro rozšířenou grupu transuranů.. Analysis of implicit group of radionuclides and its extension included nuclides with long half-llive of decay. Selection from spent fuel inventories. Selection from fision products, transurans an actinide group. Estimation of possible uncertainties. Comparison analysis is done betřween HARP and European COSYMA codes. Klíčová slova: Spent fuel; discharges from repository; radiological impact Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Adaptace programového vybavení pro hodnocení radiologických důsledků mimořádných úniků radionuklidů ze skladů vyhořelého jaderného paliva

Revize implicitní grupy radionuklidů a rozšíření o typické postulované mimořádné úniky ze skladů vyhořelého paliva. bylo provedeno rozšíření databáze radionuklidů systému HARP o další nejdůležitější ...

Pecha, Petr; Pechová, E.
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Detekce slabých signálů v šumu
Tichavský, Petr
2018 - český
Stanovili jsme hranice pro detekovatelnost impulzního rušení v jinak stacionárním signálu a spočetli je prakticky pro měření akustické emise v experimentu s namáháním vzorku. In this report, a bound on amplitude of impuls signal detection in stationary background noise is computed.\nIt was evaluated for an experiment with acoustic emission from mechanically strained sample. Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Detekce slabých signálů v šumu

Stanovili jsme hranice pro detekovatelnost impulzního rušení v jinak stacionárním signálu a spočetli je prakticky pro měření akustické emise v experimentu s namáháním vzorku....

Tichavský, Petr
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Heuristics in blind source separation
Kautský, Václav; Štěch, Jakub
2018 - anglický
This paper deals with application of heuristic algorithms (DEBR, MCRS) in blind source separation (BSS). BSS methods focus on a separation of the (source) signal from a linear mixture. The idea of using heuristic algorithms is introduced on the independent component extraction (ICE) model. The motivation for considering heuristics is to obtain an initial guess needed by many ICE algorithms. Moreover, the comparison of this initialization, and other algorithms accuracy is performed.\n Klíčová slova: Blind Source Separation; DEBR; Independent Component Extraction Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Heuristics in blind source separation

This paper deals with application of heuristic algorithms (DEBR, MCRS) in blind source separation (BSS). BSS methods focus on a separation of the (source) signal from a linear mixture. The idea of ...

Kautský, Václav; Štěch, Jakub
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Validation of comprehensive energy management system based on cloud-sourced information
Nedoma, P.; Herda, Z.; Franc, Z.; Plíhal, Jiří
2018 - anglický
The main research activity was devoted to develop an application that would enable testing interface between OIKOS board (based on the AURIXTM) and the dissemination module represented by Skoda vehicle demonstrator through serial port RS232. The testing was based on sending the GPS coordinates to the OIKOS unit and receiving recommended speed profile for the given track. While dissemination unit has received GPS coordinates, AURIX chip has sent back messages with prediction of possible speed profile. Further tasks included verification other forms of transmission, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet.\n\n Klíčová slova: OIKOS board; dissemination module; GPS Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Validation of comprehensive energy management system based on cloud-sourced information

The main research activity was devoted to develop an application that would enable testing interface between OIKOS board (based on the AURIXTM) and the dissemination module represented by Skoda ...

Nedoma, P.; Herda, Z.; Franc, Z.; Plíhal, Jiří
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Experiment: Cooperative Decision Making via Reinforcement Learning
Berka, Milan
2018 - anglický
This report inspects cooperative decision making task using reinforcement learning. It serves for comparison with methodology based on fully probabilistic design of decision strategies. Klíčová slova: decision making; reinforcement learning; cooperation Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Experiment: Cooperative Decision Making via Reinforcement Learning

This report inspects cooperative decision making task using reinforcement learning. It serves for comparison with methodology based on fully probabilistic design of decision strategies.

Berka, Milan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Balancing Exploitation and Exploration via Fully Probabilistic Design of Decision Policies
Kárný, Miroslav; Hůla, František
2018 - anglický
Adaptive decision making learns an environment model serving a design of a decision policy. The policy-generated actions influence both the acquired reward and the future knowledge. The optimal policy properly balances exploitation with exploration. The inherent dimensionality\ncurse of decision making under incomplete knowledge prevents the realisation of the optimal design. Klíčová slova: Exploitation; Exploration; Bayesian estimation; Adaptive systems; Fully probabilistic design; Kullback-Leibler divergence; Decision policy; Markov decision process Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Balancing Exploitation and Exploration via Fully Probabilistic Design of Decision Policies

Adaptive decision making learns an environment model serving a design of a decision policy. The policy-generated actions influence both the acquired reward and the future knowledge. The optimal policy ...

Kárný, Miroslav; Hůla, František
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Dynamic Bayesian Networks for the Classification of Sleep Stages
Vomlel, Jiří; Kratochvíl, Václav
2018 - anglický
Human sleep is traditionally classified into five (or six) stages. The manual classification is time consuming since it requires knowledge of an extensive set of rules from manuals and experienced experts. Therefore automatic classification methods appear useful for this task. In this paper we extend the approach based on Hidden Markov Models by relating certain features not only to the current time slice but also to the previous one. Dynamic Bayesian Networks that results from this generalization are thus capable of modeling features related to state transitions. Experiments on real data revealed that in this way we are able to increase the prediction accuracy. Klíčová slova: Dynamic Bayesian Network; Sleep Analysis Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Dynamic Bayesian Networks for the Classification of Sleep Stages

Human sleep is traditionally classified into five (or six) stages. The manual classification is time consuming since it requires knowledge of an extensive set of rules from manuals and experienced ...

Vomlel, Jiří; Kratochvíl, Václav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2018 - anglický
DCTOOL-A4 report presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. The report provides a novel systematic approach to the analysis of asymptotic stability for output event-triggered uncertain centralized control systems. A class of nonlinear but nominally linear systems possessing unknown time-varying bounded uncertainties with known bounds is considered. Uncertainties are allowed in all system matrices. Original LMI-based suffi cient conditions are derived to guarantee asymptotic stability of closed-loop systems with both static output and observer-based feedback loop under even-triggered control. Both these output feedback strategies are extended to model-based uncertain control systems with\nquantized measurements. A logarithmic quantizer is considered. The Lyapunov-based approach and convex optimization serve as the main methods to derive the asymptotic LMI-based stability conditions. Bounds on the inter-event times to avoid the Zeno-effect are proved for all the cases considered. Finally, feasibility and effi ciency of the proposed strategies is demonstrated by providing numerical examples. Klíčová slova: event-triggered control; networked control systems; large scale complex systems Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

DCTOOL-A4 report presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. The report provides a novel systematic approach to the analysis of asymptotic stability for output ...

Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Comparison of Shenoy’s Expectation Operator with Probabilistic Transforms and Perez’ Barycenter
Jiroušek, R.; Kratochvíl, Václav
2018 - anglický
Shenoy’s paper published in this Proceedings of WUPES 2018 introduces an operator that gives instructions how to compute an expected value in the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Up to now, there was no direct way to get the expected value of a utility function in D-S theory. If eeded, one had to find a probability mass function corresponding to the considered belief function, and then - using this probability mass function - to compute the classical probabilistic expectation. In this paper, we take four different approaches to defining probabilistic representatives of a belief function and compare which one yields to the best approximations of Shenoy’s expected values of various utility functions. The achieved results support our conjecture that there does not exist a probabilistic representative of a belief function that would yield the same expectations as the Shenoy’s new operator. Klíčová slova: expected utility; Dempster-Shafer theory; Shenoy's operator Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Comparison of Shenoy’s Expectation Operator with Probabilistic Transforms and Perez’ Barycenter

Shenoy’s paper published in this Proceedings of WUPES 2018 introduces an operator that gives instructions how to compute an expected value in the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Up to now, there ...

Jiroušek, R.; Kratochvíl, Václav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

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